Water Unite and Fight 2025

Water Unite and Fight 2025









How to Farm

GW consists of 7 rounds.

The first two are colloquially refered to as meat farming. For most players, this round consists of farming out Extreme or Extreme+ to get host mats for the raids of Finals. In the first round, Preliminaries, all honor is counted to both crew and individual honors. In the second, Interlude, honors only count towards individuals. Farming preliminaries is a lot more important for this reason where interlude can often be skipped unless ranking. NM90 is also available these days. They will typically be the go to route for farming Celestial weapons as they are the fastest node that drops them and the rates at all Nightmare fights are about the same.

The bulk of GW is the four rounds of Finals. In this stage, teams go head to head to see who can get more honors during the round period. These rounds introduce Nightmare raids which uses the meat farmed during the previous rounds. Day 1 introduces NM95 and NM100, Day 2 brings NM150 and Day 3 provides the final fights of NM200 and NM250. While the best players will aim for the highest level every day, the general rule for all players is to farm whatever stage nets you the most honors per hour. So for example, if your best NM200 takes more than 3.25 times longer than NM150, it would be better to run NM150. The other main meta concern of this round is meat usage. It is helpful to both set meat usage goals and limits for each round so that you can both meet your individual goals as well as retain meat for the later rounds with a much higher honors/meat ratio.

The final round is Final Rally, a rematch against the GW boss with your whole crew. The fight is generally not notable in terms of diffculty and can easily be FA’d or refresh spammed.

Notable Changes This Year

Like with the prior UnFs, the biggest change presently is for Leviathan grids. The new farmable weapons include Omega Water’s exalto weapon Leviathan Gaze Mare, a Stamina III weapon Leviathan Cranium Mare, and a medium HP, medium TA, and medium heal cap weapon Leviathan Blade Mare. All three are quite good with the Exalto obviously being the strongest. Crraniums are excellent mod slots thanks to their large stamina mod and their crit component can help top off crit grids. Blade is the least likely to be used as it goes all in on defense. This is most likely to be used either for weaker NM200 FAs or NM250 FA. However for NM250, the grids will likely stack many copies of Schrodinger which provide a ton of defensive utility already.

Varuna has seen no major grid changes. It has seen some slight adjustments due to the release of World weapons and Celestials as well as summon transcendance improving the amount of crit provided from each crit weapon. Taisai Spirit Bow recieved a skill cap awakening which will be good for any setup with Haaselia or Manadiver. This also means a second Knight of Ice will be pretty unnecessary.

When it comes to characters, there are two new releases I want to cover and two character adjustments.

Payila is completely stacked as a damage oriented unit. Her passive that grants her assassin on the second attack of a multistrike effect. Add onto this her passive GTA, 30% normal amp and 50% perpetuity ATK means she deals lots of damage for any Manadiver/Warlock setup that uses Falsehood opus mainhand. Additionally, she can provide teamwide double strike except for her self while she gains sub all and dodge all to easily pass an annoying trigger the boss may have. And then on top of this, she has passive stacks which raise on ally multistrikes. At max, this upgrades her skill 1 to let her perform a quad strike. With her passive, this also means up to 3 assassin boosts TAs in a turn from her. She will wind up being used everywhere from OTK to NM200.

Tefnut (Summer) is primarily an HL unit providing tons of strong and useful debuffs including delays and dispels as well as some useful offensive and defensive utility. Her skill 3 Istiraahah is her main feature that prevents normal attacks and increases her dodge rate by 40%. By not being able to normal attack, she activates her passive that grants her instant charge when not attacking a turn. This then ties into the other feature of her skill 1 buff grants the ally in the next position double strike and 30% bonus damage. And then last but not least she autocasts her skill 1 Tefeng Sayf at the end of turn for a free dispel, 10% party to team, and a damage amp debuff. She’s be great for NM200 and NM250.

Europa’s FLB has been a major glow up for her turning her into a very strong FA unit with lots of offensive output and defensive utility. This all includes include two turns GTA and 70% echo with additional 3 hit flurry at 10 glaciate, skill damage on TAs, a red skill which goes off cooldown frequently and provides heals and debuff removal to party, 50% fire damage taken lowered, buff removal prevention, 5k shield, and 50% TA to party. She’s be a great FA option from NM100 to NM250.

Macula Marius’s rebalance has turned her into quite a solid suptixable FA unit. Sure she won’t be stronger than the more premium option, but for a perm she is quite good dishing out a respectable amount of skill damage especially on CA turns as well as some useful debuffs like delays and gravity. Her maindown side is needing a while to full ramp up Glaciate on the enemy for max effectiveness. Pairing her with another Glaciate unit like the pre-mentioned Europa is a great way to get around it and to mutually benefit both units.

Both Leviathan Omega and Varuna recieved transcendances. The most important change is the increase of their main aura to 170%. This leads to a good boost to both elements, particularly Leviathan which had a lower boost than Varuna before. In both cases, the increased boost also affect the number or configuration of crit weapons required for various grids. They also both gain sub auras that add a bit more ATK and DEF or HP which can help push a bit more damage in setups.

The other main summon release was Triple Zero. This grants 10% damage amp to party when main summon making it a great option for any 0B setups. It’s also an excellent NM250 sub summon since those will quickly max the stacks that give the 10% amp. Additionally, Triple Zero is especially useful this UnF since its call pairs great with Warlock setups providing MC another round of teamwide double strike via Falsehood opus CA.



This first section will cover weapons that are equally useful for Omega and Optimus.


1 Wand of Charmtide★★★★★
1 Staff of Renunciation★★★★★
1 Staff of Repudiation★★★★★Only required for Varuna
1 Ultima Staff★★★★★
1 Ultima Gun or 1 Ultima Sword★★★★★
1 Altruism-Soul Staff★★★★★
1 Gateway-Star Sword★★★★★Celestial Gun is better once that releases.
1 Worldscathing Leon★★★★★
Worldvexing Angelos★★★★★
1 Reflection of The Moon★★★★★Doubly important to get Haase FLB.
1 Worldbreaking Tauros★★★★☆
1 Norden Labrys★★★☆☆
1 Xuanwu Shellfists★★★☆☆
1 Worldstorming Aetos★★★☆☆
1 Judgment of Torrential Tides★★★☆☆
1 Draconic Buster★★★☆☆
1 Rise of Justice★★☆☆☆
1 Xuanwu Mace Malus★☆☆☆☆Generally phased out but good if you lack the better cap up sources.
1 Rose Crystal Sword☆☆☆☆☆Don’t actually

The most basic thing you should have leveled is your opus as that will be your mainstay for all grids. Level 200 is the baseline due to gaining the incredibly important 3rd skill slot. 210 is a minor upgrade in general but is a great boost for Manadiver setups thanks to the added stackable ATK and DEF up. 230 is the most important transcendance level as it adds boostable damage amp to the opus. 250 is a minor upgrade to the skills but the upgrade to an unworldly CA will is great for Manadiver setups if you can afford it. But getting it to 230 is by far the most important.

When it comes to Ultima weapons, the most useful ones are Ultima Staff and Ultima Gun. The former pairs with the many strong staff characters in Water as well as Manadiver. The latter is for Relic Buster and Soldier bursts. Additionally, it works well for any strats using Gwynne. For RB, Ultima Sword can work if you can’t afford to make Gun, but for Soldier or Gwynne you will really want it.

Next up, for World weapons, you’ll want the typical main two of Worldscathing Leon and Worldvexing Angelos as both can match well with Water teams. Worldbreaking Tauros is also reccomended thanks to it matching Haaselia and her many skill damage instances.

Moving onto celestial weapons, Altruism-Soul Staff hits the most characters that Water can use, especially for FA. Gateway-Star Sword will be the choice for Relic Buster setups. The Gun Celestial will release this UnF and should be prioritized for RB and Soldier as it will be the best for both.

As for NWF weapons, Reflection of The Moon is beyond essential. This is in big part to it being neccesary for Haaselia who will dominate across UnF. Additionally, with her Full Moon buff, the weapon itself provides 50% unique ATK and 30% cap up on top of its existing mods and 5% cap.

Draconic Buster and its upgrade Judgment of Torrential Tides will both be great defensive investments for FA especially if you wish to tackle the higher NM fights or have weaker characters in general.

The Viking CCW Norden Labrys is also a strong investment for OTK. This is thanks to its 3rd skill casting Banahogg 2-hit superior Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~370,000 per hit).
Inflict DEF Lowered (25%, 180s).
If main or auxiliary weapon is a sabre: Boost to number of hits (2 times).
If main or auxiliary weapon is an axe: Also inflict status DEF Down (25%, 180s).
to activate at the end of a turn where 40 or more hits dealt. Banahogg is a very large skill damage nuke making it a lot easier to pull of an OTK.

Gold Moon

0-1 Hraesvelgr★★★★★
0-1 Shishio★★★☆☆

As for Gold Moon weapons for Water, the main one to consider is Hraesvelgr. The weapon is generally considered to be five grands in one weapon. This is thanks to it granting MC 30% normal amp and 4 hit flurry as well as providing the team 100k supp, and 10% cap up. The main drawback is that it has a 100% hit to multi attack rate which needs to be compensated for. It will be widespread for NM150, NM200, and NM250 duos for both Leviathan and Varuna. And this includes FA for the former two as well as their are many FA setups that can compensate the MA down.

As for bullets, the typical configuartion is 5 Belial (Anagenesis) or 5 Beezlebub (Chaos Legion) and 1 SUBHL (Genesis Nova) bullet. Overall, The belial bullets are stronger for UnF thanks to their higher attack mod. 5 Bubs bullets are typically for cases where you wouldn’t call Bubs. But with UnF setups you’ll always want to call bubs anyways so the higher ATK bullet wins out. If you have 5 Bubs bullets and don’t want to farm Belial ones, you’ll be mostly fine.

Shishio is basically a premium version of a Kaneshige that offers a strong upgrade for CA setups. This makes it pretty strong for NM250 setups and BIS for any Kengo CA setups. Kengo NM250 will probably still be slower than Hrae 200 solos and 250 duos so I would hestitate heavily to buy it for UnF until it is known for sure.


To start, let us cover the weapons needed for Leviathan grids.


4 Leviathan Gaze Mare★★★★★4 required for Extremity
2 Leviathan Cranium Mare★★★★★
3 ATK, 3-4 DEF Schrodinger★★★★☆For FA and NM250
2-3 Tyros Zither★★★★☆
3 Ancient Auberon★★★☆☆
2 Wamdus’s Cnidocyte★★★☆☆
1-2 Leviathan Blade Mare★★★☆☆
1 Bow of Sigurd★★★☆☆
1 ATK Lagrange Mk II★★☆☆☆
2 ATK Uraeus★★☆☆☆
4 ATK Schrodinger Mk II★★☆☆☆
2 ATK Esna★☆☆☆☆
2 Colomba☆☆☆☆☆Only if can’t do Revans.

Like most other elements at this point, the core of Omega grids are its M3 exalto weapon. In this case, that would be Leviathan Gaze Mare. Four of these will cover all your needs from OTK to burst to FA. 4 is also needed for Super Lucilius Keys for burst setups.

The other M3 weapons will also be useful. Particularly Leviathan Cranium Mare with its Stamina III mod is an excellent damage slot and will be used in many burst and OTK setups. Get two to be prepared. On the other hand, Leviathan Blade Mare is a great defensive weapon for FA thanks to its medium HP and healing cap up mods as well as having medium TA which is always a plus. 1 should generally be enough but you can uncap a second if you want to be fully prepared.

The older crit grids for water can still be farmed for if you need some extra options. Particulary, it would be good for EX+ and NM90 thanks to the supplmental damage from Wamdus’s Cnidocyte. 2 Cnidocytes and 3 Ancient Auberons will cover most cases. If you don’t have M3 access, go for a 4th aub as well.

CA setups will see plenty of use for NM250. For that, going for 3 ATK and 3-4 DEF Schrodingers if possible would ideal to be fully prepared. Ideally, the ATK copies should be MKII. Prioritze DEF Schrodingers first for FA. Additionally, you will want the boostable CA damage and cap weapon Tyros Zither for more CA output options. 2 will be more than enough. Go for 3 for OTK especially if you can’t do Revans yet.

A couple of EX+/NM90 specific investments to look for is having 4 ATK Schrodinger Mk IIs and an ATK Lagrange Mk II. A MK2 Schrodinger is an excellent unboosted mod slot that will be ideal for any Kaguya x Kaguya setup. Lagrange on the other hand is the go to mainhand for any tag team setups. One more to consider is Uraeus which increases both TA and skill cap. This works great with Gabriel or Manadiver.

Premium Upgrades

1-2 Gospel of Water and Sky★★★★★

For premium upgrade options, Gospel of Water and Sky is your highest priority thanks to the unconditional 50 supp which will completely free you from Crit grids even with a single copy. They are an excellent boost and its a highly reccomended to get one not just for the supp and cap up they provide but also for coming with Gabriel who will be a strong pick for burst, FA, and as a backline in general.


Varuna grids will likely see major changes before UnF with the probable release of its Exalto weapon. As a result, Water grids will change around a bunch to accomadate them. So keep that in mind when considering if you should transition. If you don’t think you’ll be able to get 2 Exalto weapons, make sure you develop your Leviathan options.

2-3 Exalto Weapons★★★★★
2 SKILL Taisai Spirit Bow★★★★★
2 Galilei’s Insight★★★★★
2 Calamitous Aquashades★★★★☆
2 Gospel of Water and Skys★★★★☆
2 Wamdus’s Cnidocyte★★★★☆
1-2 Knight of Ice★★★☆☆
1-2 ATK Murgleises or Blue Spheres★★★☆☆
2 ATK, 2 DEF Schrodinger★★☆☆☆For FA and NM250
1 Fimbul★★☆☆☆
3 Calamitous Aquashades★☆☆☆☆
1 Blue Lightning★☆☆☆☆

Based on the existing Exalto Grands, Water is most likely to have Big Crit amp with its weapon. This would pair extremely well with Water’s multiple Crit Grands. Having two Taisai Spirit Bows and 2 Galilei’s Insights ready should cover all cases if the Exalto itself doesn’t have crit. It will also be the go to for FA or manadiver setups even if Exalto.

The weapon that will be most affected by the existance of an Exalto are Calamitous Aquashades. For boosted burst setups, they will pretty much phased out. That said, they will likely retain use in any unboosted setups that may present themselves. Additionally, they are strong for both FA setups and NM250 CA mashing if that’s worth doing this time thanks to the HP and defense they provide.

When it comes to supplmental weapons, there are three main ways water has access to it. Like many other weapons, it has its 50k supp and 7% damage cap weapon Gospel of Water and Sky. Then there is the farmable 50 supp on crits Wamdus’s Cnidocyte. And last is the gold moon weapon Hraesvelgr which provides 100k supp and 10% cap when mainhand. With any soldier or relic buster setups using Hrae, the other two aren’t needed. For non Soldier/RB setups, it is a bit of a battle between the others. Cnidocyte has the advantage of having 20% crit per copy reducing the number of other crit weapons needed. Gospel’s main advantage is having the 7% cap up. Generally, Cnidocytes have the advantage for Crit setups which are presently the go to for any boostable setup.

Knight of Ice is water’s boostable skill cap and supplmental damage weapon. They will be great for skill based FA setups and pair excellently with Haaselia.

Last up, there are some notable damage mods. There are two ATK grands in Murgleis and Blue Sphere. Having 1-2 of either will be good to be prepared. Fimbuls and their premium upgrade Blue Lightning both offer HP to help boost Aquashades along with Stamina for a another type of mod in the grids that would use them.



See more information on the Water Character burst section.

Full Auto

See more information on the Water Character full auto section.

Stronger characters are listed higher.


See more information on the Water Character OTK section.


Characters with useful backline passives.

Judgement Sphere
Kitrino Nima
  • 20% boost to Omega and Optimus weapon skills.
450% (Massive) Water damage to a foe.
All Water allies gain Crescent Moon (Summon) (Multiplier: Normal, 4.5T).
End cooldown for Phases of the Moon.
5-hit, 100% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~108,000 per hit).
Inflict Bewitching Moonlight (Accuracy: 150%) on a foe.
(Bewitching Moonlight effect specs increase upon each cast [Max: 3 times])
Level 55:
Also inflict Delay (Accuracy: 120%).
Grant a Water ally Unchallenged (1 times), Veil, and Mirror Image (1 times).
Level 75:
Also grant Shield (3000).
Phases of the Moon
All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes.
Lunatic Vendetta
Lunar Raiment
Boost to Water allies’ DEF specs based on the moon phase.
The Moon Reversed
When Sub Ally:
+2% boost to Water allies’ ATK (Unique modifier) per turn passed (Max: 20% at 10 turns).
+4% boost to Water allies’ DEF per turn passed (Max: 40% at 10 turns).
  • Progression boost to ATK and DEF maxing at 20% ATK and 40% DEF aftrer 10 turns.
  • Great backline option for all content except 1T setups.
  • FLB increases boosts up to 30% and 50% def as well as adding supp damage that caps at 10k.
Use Areas: FA
Nobile Convinzione
450% (Massive) Water damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 20% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Unrighteousness 1 (10% ATK Down / 10% DEF Down).)
Giudizio di Astraea
500% (Massive) Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000 / 50% boost to C.A. damage and 20% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Unrighteousness 1 (10% ATK Down / 10% DEF Down).)End cooldown for Abraxas.
2-hit, 300% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~315,000 per hit (~630,000 total)) and remove 1 buff.
Apply a Water ally’s current HP and charge bar amount to all other allies.
Fully restore Water allies’ HP and remove all debuffs.
All Water allies gain Devotion to Justice (5T).
(Can only be used when all allies are below 25% HP.)
Harvest’s Shield
All allies gain DMG Mitigation (10,000, 1T).
All foes gain DMG Mitigation 3 (500,000, 3T).
(Can only be used after The Empress Upright activates.)
Aurum Sword
When an ally casts a buff-removing skill:300% Water damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~480,000).Inflict Unrighteousness 3 (10% ATK Down / 10% DEF Down, Accuracy: g, 3T).
Justice’s Condemnation
When an ally removes a foe’s buff:1000% Water damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,160,000).Gain Instant Charge and restore HP (Healing cap: 3000).
  • Staackable ATK and DEF down nuke on dispel skills is helpful but not required for dispel heavy teams.
  • FLB upgrade adds stackable debuff down.
Use Areas: NM95
Rumble Breaker
450% (Massive) Water damage to a foe. (30% boost to C.A. damage and 10% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Blinded (Blinded
Blinded 1) effect.)
End cooldown for Sunburn.
Sacrifice 80% of caster’s current HP.
All Water allies gain Sunburn (Multiplier: Normal, 5T) and Deluge Crest 1.
Tallyho! / Tallyho, Auguste!
6-hit, 100% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~130,000 per hit (~800,000 total)).
Inflict Blinded (Accuracy: 90%, 180s) and DEF Down (20%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s).
(Changes to Tallyho, Auguste! when Kolulu’s Deluge Crest is 3 or more.)
Tallyho, Auguste!:
12-hit, 100% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~130,000 per hit (~1,600,000 total)).
Inflict Blinded (Accuracy: 90%, 180s) and DEF Down (25%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s).
All allies gain Jammed (10%-20%, 3T).
Brilliant Shine
Gain Uplift (10%, 5T) and Unchallenged (2 times).
(When below 25% HP: Also gain Shield (3000) and Jammed (30%-90%, 5T).)
Ironclad Beach Bum
When Kolulu is below 25% HP:
Guaranteed triple attacks and 20% Bonus Water DMG effect.
Take a lethal hit without being knocked out (Consumes 3 Deluge Crest and leaves 1 HP).
Taste the Sea
Supplement Water allies’ damage based on their number of Deluge Crest.
(Takes effect even when Kolulu is a sub ally.)
  • 4k supplemental damage per crest (20l max) is great for squeezing out additional damage for warlock or manadiver setups.
Funeral Bullet
Massive Water damage to a foe.
Burying Bullet
Massive Water damage to a foe.
Gain Dodge Up (20%, 2.5T).
2-turn cut to Silva’s skill cooldowns.
Eagle Eye
Gain C.A. DMG Boosted (1T), Chain Burst DMG Boosted (1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (90%, 1T).
Self-inflict DEF Down (20%, 1T).
Level 55:
Buffs increased to Chain Burst DMG Boosted (30%, 1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (200%, 1T) .
Gain Critical Up (50%, 3T).
Level 75:
Buff increased to Critical Up (75%, 3T).
Dead Specimen
Gain C.A. Instant Standby.
Level 90:
Also gain Bonus C.A. DMG (20%, 1T).
A Shot in the Dark
Switch out with a sub ally. Ally gains Smoking Gun (3T).
Silent Power
20% boost to charge bar gain.
Stick to Your Guns
Charge attack won’t miss against foes with Dodge Up or Mirror Image.
3% boost to Water allies’ critical hit DMG cap.
  • Extra nuke on 4 chains making her a solid kengo or 4c otk option.
Daybreak Sword
450% (Massive) Water damage to a foe.
Replenish Enforcer’s Zeal by 2.
Gain Skill DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable) (20% (60% Max)).
Ready… Aim…:
Radiant Order
1250% (Unworldly) Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000) and remove 3 buffs.
(Consumes Ready… Aim….)
Suppressive Fire
4-hit, 80% Water damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~55,000 per hit (~220,000 total)).
Lecia (Water)#Suppressive Fire|Inflict 2 random debuffs on all foes.
(Consumes 1 Enforcer’s Zeal.)
Anti-Armor Barrage
300% Water damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~350,000).
Inflict DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Water Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(Consumes 1 Enforcer’s Zeal.)
Para Bellum
Replenish Enforcer’s Zeal by 4.
Gain Ready… Aim….
All allies gain Charge Bar (30%).
Fourth Fleet, Charge!
4 Enforcer’s Zeal at battle start (Max: 4).
10% boost to all allies’ skill hit rate.
Backup Fire
When Sub Ally: Water damage to a foe upon Water chain burst activation.
(Boost to damage specs based on number of chains.)
  • Nuke on chainburst. Weaker for 4 chain but works on all chains.
Use Areas: FA
Frozen Vision
450% (Massive) Water damage to a foe.
All allies gain Water ATK Up (25%, 3.5T).
After 5★:
Frozen Bloom
500% (Massive) Water damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 30% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Glaciate.)
All allies gain Water ATK Up (25%, 3.5T).
Silverfrost Barrier
All allies gain 70% Fire Res (1 turn
55 2 turns).
Level 90:
All allies also gain Deluge Crest 1.
Lily also gains Spring Breeze 3 (3 times).
Frozen Gale
150%-200% Water damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~420,000).
Raise foes’ Glaciate (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Level 75:
Damage increased to 250%-350%.
Level 100:
Damage increased to 400%.
Damage cap increased to ~500,000.
Also inflict ATK Down Stack (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 95%, 180s) and DEF Down Stack (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 95%, 180s).
(When exactly 2 races among main allies: Damage cap increased to ~600,000.
When 3 or more races among main allies: Activates twice.)
White Heal
Restore 20% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1500) and remove 1 debuff.
Shine Crystal
10% boost to DEF.

Boost to DEF now applies to all allies.
Fire damage reduction to Water allies based on their number of Deluge Crest.
(Fire DMG reduction takes effect even when Lily is a sub ally.)
Envoy of the Crystalia
Boost to Lily’s ATK (Unique modifier) based on number of main allies’ races (Called “Types” in-game).
  • 4% fire damage reduction per crest (20% max).


A list of summons that will see use this GW.

Universal Summons

Belial★★★★★50k free supplemental damage. Will almost always be slotted.
Beelzebub★★★★★Top tier main summon thanks to both its MC buffs and essential call for most burst setups.
Belial (Summer)★★★★☆Summer Belial is particularlly strong in Wind since it gives the party a debuff at battle start. This activates Katzelia’s backline passive to grant the team 30% perp ATK .
Yatima★★★★☆Sub aura let’s you call two summons in a turn. Especially important for Earth that relies a lot on summons for buffs.
Triple Zero★★★★☆Provides 10% damage amp as main summon. Call deals a lot of damage and provides instant charge to MC which great for Spartan setups or OTK.
Wedges of the Sky★★★★☆20% boost to Omega weapon skills.
Halluel and Malluel★★☆☆☆

Water Specific

Leviathan Omega★★★★★Core Aura Summon for Omega. 210 sub aura is great for Omega and Optimus.
Varuna★★★★★Core Aura Summon for Optimus. 210/230 sub aura is great for Omega and Optimus.
Gabriel★★★★★5-15% damage cap sub aura.
Charybdis★★★★☆1 turn echo summon. Works at 0* for most setups but 3* may be required for optimal setups.
Wamdus★★★★☆20-40% boost to Optimus weapon skills. Call also provides 50k teamwide supp.


Huanglong★★★★★30% bar to party on battle start when main or support summon.
Beelzebub (Summer)★★☆☆☆2m plain damage at end of turn.
Princess Long Ji★★☆☆☆Can be used at FLB for Manadiver OTK setups


Another thing to farm for are the various Manatura that might see use.

The main three are from left to right the Leviathan Mino, the Ouroboros Mino, and the Dark Rapture Simulacrum. There are the primary three for most uses with Manadiver. All three use the same mechanic of dealing skill damage on normal attacks when MC has at least 1 crest at the cost of 30% charge bar.

Leviathan is the most basic and easiest to obtain especially since it can be traded for. It deals a 6 hit skill damage instance. And it also inflicts a debuff called Submerged with is used by the support passive to give MC 10% bonus damage.

Ouroboros is a very strong upgrade thanks to its 6 hit nuke hitting harder and support passive that provides 30k teamwide supplemental damage with an additional 5k supp per crest. The main drawback is the way to obtain it is from the Alchemy Lab where it costs a hefty 30k points. This cost is pretty significant for anyone who hasn’t extensively bar farmed before.

Lastly, the Dark Rapture Simulacrum is a side grade to the Ouroboros one. It deals a single large skill damage instance that also inflicts amplified damage taken. And its support passive provides MC with 30% perp ATK, 25/25 DATA, 10% cap, and +10 hostlity to MC at the cost of 10% HP per turn. In many cases for burst setups, this can slightly edge out over Ouroboros, but for any FA setup that lasts a significant number of turns, the HP cost can often prove to much.

Unlike the others, the Agastia Simulacrum is a very specialized one focus on setups where the MC will charge attack. The support passive grants the MC 9% (90% max) CA damage, and 3% (30%) max CA cap per buff on MC. And when MC has 12 or more buffs, it deals a massive 10 hit skill damage nuke that can easily deal over 9m damage in OTK setups. Combine this from the skill damage it inflicts on attack for over 10m additional damage after CA. Outside OTK, it is unlikely to see use this UnF. But is way more likely to be useful in Water UnF.

Example Grids

Here are a few examples of weapon configurations for this year.



First let’s cover burst setups. Below is the standard Warlock / Manadiver burst. With Leviathan Gaze Mare and Leviathan Cranium Mare, the grid is much stronger thanks to having higher cap up and being able to drop Ancient Auberon. Auberons are pretty weak grid pieces that mostly stuck around due to being the best option for crit grids with Wamdus’s Cnidocyte. So being able to drop two is a big help especially for the strong mods from Gaze Mares and Cranium Mares.

Staff of Renunciation
Leviathan Cranium Mare
Leviathan Cranium Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Ancient Auberon
Ancient Auberon
Altruism-Soul Staff
Wamdus’s Cnidocyte
Wamdus’s Cnidocyte
Ultima Spear

Alternatively, if you run a staff oriented party, you can instead choose to run Worldvexing Angelos. In order to slot it, you will need to drop the supp weapons, but the amp, normal cap, and general increase in raw damage over crit more than make up for that. The rest of the grid is mostly focused on raw damage output. A single Gospel can be slotted in place of any of the Gaze if available.

Staff of Renunciation
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Cranium Mare
Worldvexing Angelos
Altruism-Soul Staff
Ultima Staff

Now for a more premium option. The gacha weapon Gospel of Water and Sky provides another source for supp that does not rely on crit. As a result, you can drop the weak grid piece of Auberons for much stronger ones. Craniums are an excellent choice for this. You can run 2 or 1 Cranium with 1 additonal Gaze. Worldvexing Angelos can replace a Gaze for staff focused parties. If you only have one Gospel, replace it with another Gaze or Cranium.

Staff of Renunciation
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Cranium Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Altruism-Soul Staff
Gospel of Water and Sky
Gospel of Water and Sky
Ultima Spear

And last one to cover will be for an Extremity key burst. They key will mostly see use in the longer burst setups. The most common example are setups are Relic Buster or Soldier. These are common for Unite and Fight and for Mugen farming. They will run either Exo Antaeus or Hraesvelgr as the mainhand.

Exo Antaeus
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Gateway-Star Sword
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Staff of Renunciation
Worldscathing Leon
Reflection of The Moon
Ultima Spear
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Gateway-Star Sword
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Staff of Renunciation
Worldscathing Leon
Reflection of The Moon
Ultima Spear

And if you want to see it in action, here is an example of a setup for Mugen that uses the Extremity key.

Full Auto

When it comes to FA, I will cover two different types of setups.

First up is the standard Manadiver FA. This uses the skill Overtrance Gain Overtrance (6T) and C.A. Instant Standby. (Can’t recast.) in combination with the Falsehood chain on opus for many turns of teamwide double strike in a row. As a result, this is pretty similar to the prior burst grid. Here we would be better off running Double Leviathan for Crit grids so we can slot in another weapon. In this case, we are using Worldvexing Angelos as many of Water’s top characters have Staff prociency. But swap it out as needed. Like if using Haaselia frontline, use Reflection of The Moon instead.

As for the 2 Gospel version, it is pretty similar again. There is one slot that is pretty free to swap around. Below is Gateway-Star Sword for additional HP and DEF. Once Celestial Staff comes out, it would be much better to run that instead. Alternatively, in cases where you don’t need to worry much about HP, can bring in another Gaze Mare.

Staff of Renunciation
Leviathan Cranium Mare
Leviathan Cranium Mare
Altruism-Soul Staff
Ancient Auberon
Ancient Auberon
Worldvexing Angelos
Wamdus’s Cnidocyte
Wamdus’s Cnidocyte
Ultima Staff
Staff of Renunciation
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Cranium Mare
Gateway-Star Sword
Worldvexing Angelos
Gospel of Water and Sky
Gospel of Water and Sky
Ultima Staff

Next setup is Water’s other common FA strat of Street King which utlitizes Haaselia by swapping her in via faking the MC’s death. Here, we will slot in the HP weapon of Leviathan Blade Mare as this setup is typically used for harder hitting raids. But as well, the TA is great as many of the character options are not GTA characters. Like before, many characters are staff focused so using the World Harp is a good idea. Also Haase is in play and thus so will be her weapon Reflection of The Moon for the 50% unique ATK and 30% cap it provides with the Full Moon buff.

Exo Antaeus
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Gaze Mare
Leviathan Cranium Mare
Gospel of Water and Sky
Reflection of The Moon
Worldvexing Angelos
Altruism-Soul Staff
Staff of Renunciation
Ultima Staff



Water’s main shorter form burst setup is using Manadiver for its teamwide bonus damage and ability to wield its Dark Opus with Chain of Falsehood for teamwide double strike.

The build of the grid will be dedicated to the crit components for both raw damage as well as skill cap up. This will include a mix of Taisai Spirit Bows, Galilei’s Insights, and Wamdus’s Cnidocyte. Cnidocyte’s also provide 50k supp per copy. They compete with Gospel of Water and Sky for that. The former has the advatange of lowering crit pieces needed where the later also provides 7% cap up per copy.

If bringing in Haase, you will want to include her weapon Reflection of The Moon. Additionally, with staff parties, you should also find a spot for Worldvexing Angelos.

Staff of Repudiation
Rubea Stiria
Rubea Stiria
Worldvexing Angelos
Taisai Spirit Bow
Taisai Spirit Bow
Reflection of The Moon
Gospel of Water and Sky
Gospel of Water and Sky
Ultima Staff

With the 150 GM weapon Hraesvelgr, a lot changes. Hrae provides 30% normal amp and 4 hit flurry to MC as well as 100k supp and 10% cap to team as the cost of 100% MA. It is highly powerful and forms the center to longer burst setups. Hrae covers the effects of multiple grands forcing you to change what grands you want. Since supp and 10% cap are covered, the main way to break more cap is via Calamitous Aquashades special cap up. To get more cap up from then, you will need higher grid HP which is where Fimbul comes in providing both HP as well as a stamina mod. When Water exalto drops it will replace the Aquashades.

Calamitous Aquashade
Calamitous Aquashade
Calamitous Aquashade
Worldscathing Leon
Reflection of The Moon
Staff of Repudiation
Ultima Gun

Full Auto

Water’s standard FA setup is similar to burst using Manadiver with Falsehood opus mainhand. The manadiver skill Overtrance Gain Overtrance (6T) and C.A. Instant Standby. (Can’t recast.) has a 3 turn lockout but once up gives MC instant charge and prevents their charge bar from lower. What this means is 6 turns in a row where the MC provides teamwide double strike to the team,. The below example is with bringing in Haase. This, her weapon Reflection of The Moon is used. Also since she provides tons of skill damage, Knight of Ice is a great investment.

Staff of Repudiation
Rubea Stiria
Rubea Stiria
Worldvexing Angelos
Taisai Spirit Bow
Galilei’s Insight
Reflection of The Moon
Gospel of Water and Sky
Wamdus’s Cnidocyte
Ultima Staff

Another strong FA option is Street King. This provides a very easy way to swap in Haaselia so it similarly uses her weapon. This one leans towards crit for the raw damage. Street King is typically better for longer or harder hitting FAs.

Exo Antaeus
Knight of Ice
Taisai Spirit Bow
Galilei’s Insight
Gospel of Water and Sky
Rubea Stiria
Rubea Stiria
Reflection of The Moon
Staff of Repudiation
Ultima Staff

It is also possible to Full Auto with Hraesvelgr despite its 100% TA down. This will require compensation with grid and characters so people can TA. Cavalier is an easy option for this as it provides GTA to MC via Valorous Assault Spear:
800% Elemental damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~830,000).
Gain ATK Sharply Boosted (50%, 1 times, 1T).
6-hit Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~110,000 per hit).
Gain Guaranteed TA (3T) and Supplemental Normal Attack DMG (50000, 3T).
as well as TA up from Field Commander Gain Field Commander (5T).
All other allies gain Under Command (5T).
(Can only be used when a gun is equipped as main weapon.)
to team. Like with burst, Calamitous Aquashade is an ideal cap up break source with the added benefit of HP and defense. Then Knight of Ice and Worldbreaking Tauros are used to up the skill damage from Haase.

Calamitous Aquashade
Calamitous Aquashade
Calamitous Aquashade
Knight of Ice
Knight of Ice
Worldbreaking Tauros
Reflection of The Moon
Staff of Renunciation
Ultima Staff

Past Years

UnF pages for prior years.