
Water Pages











Central Grid Pieces

List of the core grid pieces to most grids.

Copies: 2-3
Source: FLASH
Reflection Ray
Massive Water damage to a foe.
All Water allies gain Bonus Water DMG.
Additional effect at 4★:
All Water allies also gain Double Attack Rate Boosted and Triple Attack Rate Boosted.
Optimus Exalto Aquae
30% boost to Water’s, Tsunami’s, and Hoarfrost’s weapon skills
Water's Celere
Small boost to water allies' ATK and critical hit rate
Hoarfrost's Stratagem
Big amplifying boost to water allies' critical hit DMG
  • Very strong critical damage amp which stacks with other amps sources for high damage.
  • Comes with a small crit mod making it easier to reach 100% crit and thus activating the amp.
  • Optimus skill boost skill provides a solid boost to existing Optimus skills and makes reaching the required 280% boost for Dark Rapture Zero keys easier.
  • Only falls off for unboosted setups. Otherwise must slot for other content.
Copies: 1-2 SKILL
Divinity’s Bow of Ruin
Massive Water damage to a foe.Inflict DA Down (180s) and TA Down (180s).Gain Bonus Water DMG (30%, 3.5T).
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflict DEF Down (20%, 180s).
Hoarfrost’s Might I
Big boost to water allies’ ATK
Water’s Might
Small boost to water allies’ ATK
  • Core component to crit grids for Varuna Thanks to the big crit and two ATK mods.
  • Skill awakening adds 25% skill cap which pairs will with the high skill damage of most setups especially any with Haaselia.
Copies: 1-2
Source: FLASH
Tyros Wonder
Massive Water damage to a foe.
Gain Shield (3500, 3.5T) and Unchallenged (1 times).
Additional effect at 4★:
Shield (3500, 3.5T) now affects all allies.Also remove 1 debuff from all allies.
Hoarfrost’s Stamina II
Big boost to water allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
Tsunami’s Restraint
Medium boost to water allies’ double attack rate and critical hit rate
  • Another strong crit component.
  • Only has medium crit, but introduces Big Stamina which adds a lot more raw mod.
Copies: 2
Source: WAMDUS
Whirling Pierce
Massive water DMG to a foe (All Water allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Water).)
Additional effect at 4★:
All Water allies also gain Charge Bar.
Flood’s Verity
Massive boost to water allies’ critical hit rate
Azure Covenant
Supplement Water allies’ critical hit damage.
  • 50k supp per copy in crit grids.
  • Will always be two in any crit setup to max supp.
Copies: 1
Oceansoul’s Majesty III
Big boost to water allies’ ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation
A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel
A symbol of evolution’s holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
  • Big magna ATK and HP, cap up of choice at FLB, and third skill of many powerful options at ULB.
  • Generally the only source of magna mod in primal grids.
  • Typically used for bursting.
  • Frequently used keys: Echo
Copies: 1
Hoarfrost’s Majesty
Big boost to Water allies’ ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation
A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel
A symbol of evolution’s holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
  • Big magna ATK and HP, cap up of choice at FLB, and third skill of many powerful options at ULB.
  • Typically used for FA and hard content.
  • Frequently used keys: Falsehood, Stamina.
Copies: 1
Tide’s Embrace
Massive Water damage to a foe.
All allies gain Water ATK Boosted (20%, 3.5t) and Fire DMG Lowered (20%, 3.5t).
Gabriel’s Blessing III
Amplify Water allies’ damage against Fire foes by 23%.
Water’s Majesty
Small boost to water allies’ ATK and max HP
  • 20-23% seraphic mod that boosts all Water damage by when fighting on element.
  • Core to on element raids.

Raw Damage

Weapons used for as a source of raw damage.

Copies: 1-2 SKILL
Divinity’s Bow of Ruin
Massive Water damage to a foe.Inflict DA Down (180s) and TA Down (180s).Gain Bonus Water DMG (30%, 3.5T).
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflict DEF Down (20%, 180s).
Hoarfrost’s Might I
Big boost to water allies’ ATK
Water’s Might
Small boost to water allies’ ATK
  • Core component to crit grids for Varuna Thanks to the big crit and two ATK mods.
  • Skill awakening adds 25% skill cap which pairs will with the high skill damage of most setups especially any with Haaselia.
Copies: 1-2
Source: FLASH
Tyros Wonder
Massive Water damage to a foe.
Gain Shield (3500, 3.5T) and Unchallenged (1 times).
Additional effect at 4★:
Shield (3500, 3.5T) now affects all allies.Also remove 1 debuff from all allies.
Hoarfrost’s Stamina II
Big boost to water allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
Tsunami’s Restraint
Medium boost to water allies’ double attack rate and critical hit rate
  • Another strong crit component.
  • Only has medium crit, but introduces Big Stamina which adds a lot more raw mod.
Copies: 1
Paw of the Cat
Massive water DMG to a foe (Restore all allies’ HP.)
Additional effect at 4★:
MC also gains Unchallenged.
Hoarfrost’s Verity
Big boost to water allies’ critical hit rate
Water’s Healing
Small boost to water allies’ healing cap
Tsunami’s Stamina
Medium boost to water allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
  • Big crit and medium stamina makes this is another excellent crit choice.
Copies: 2
Cleaving Vortex
Massive water DMG to a foe (All allies gain Shield.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Immune (No Limit) for Half Turns|0.5 turns.
Tsunami’s Aegis
Medium boost to water allies’ max HP
Water’s Stamina
Small boost to water allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
Tsunami’s Fandango
Medium boost to water allies’ ATK / Medium boost to triple attack rate
  • Medium HP, ATK, and TA and small stam.
  • HP weapon slot used for Hrae setups to maximaze effect of Aquashades.
Copies: 2
Massive Water damage to a foe. / Remove 1 debuff.
Additional effect at 4★:
Hoarfrost’s Stamina
Big boost to water allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
Water’s Aegis
Small boost to water allies’ max HP
  • HP weapon slot used for Hrae setups to maximaze effect of Aquashades.

Cap Break

Weapons that break cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Phobos Blast
Massive water DMG to a foe (Gain Charge Bar.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to Charge Bar.
Additional effect at 5★:
Effect increased to Charge Bar.
High Priestess-Moon’s Bewitching
When main weapon: Massive boost to Water allies’ ATK (Modifier: EX). Boost to attack specs of Water allies with Full Moon (Summon).
Sephira Maxi-Water
20% boost to Water allies’ DMG Cap in Arcarum.
Water’s Majesty
Small boost to water allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Needs FLB to be useful.
  • At FLB:
    • A strong grid slot thanks to its mix of normal majesty and massive EX.
    • Generally limited in usage outside of Extra grids.
  • At ULB:
    • An all around great slot thanks to both its mix of mads and the additional 5% cap up.
    • Good option for many normal grids.
  • While the unique skill can needs setup to be in the correct phase of the moon, the cap up provided for it is very substantial and can find use in longer bursts.
Copies: 3-4
Source: FLASH
Torrential Thunderstrike
Massive water DMG to a foe (All Water allies gain Counters on DMG.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All Water allies also gain Drain.
Cobalt Vitality
Boost to water allies’ ATK, DEF, and DMG cap based on their max HP
Water’s Majesty
Small boost to water allies’ ATK and max HP
  • ATK, DEF, and special cap based on max HP at the start of battle.
    • 70k HP is required to max special cap at 7%.
    • Small HP helps a bit with it.
  • Used primarly for HL content or unboosted burst setups.
Copies: 1-2
Massive water DMG to a foe (All allies gain 15% DMG Cut.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Increased to 35% DMG Cut.
Additional effect at 5★:
Hoarfrost’s Might II
Big boost to water allies’ ATK
Water’s Trium
Small boost to water allies’ multiattack rate
  • ATK awakening provides an additional 40% might and 5% cap on top of the massive normal attack makes the weapon a worthy slot again.
  • Trium is helpful for burst setups.
Copies: 1
Source: FLASH
Massive water DMG to a foe (Gain Mirror Image.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Mirror Image now affects all allies. (All allies also gain Refresh.)
Hoarfrost’s Might II
Big boost to water allies’ ATK
Tsunami’s Sentence
Medium boost to water allies’ C.A. DMG and C.A. DMG cap
  • Alternate ATK awakening option to Murg.
  • Generally less useful but having Sentence does make it better for CA setups.
Copies: 1
Sentencing Sword
Unworldly Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: 2,550,000). (Consume 60% of MC’s current HP.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to Shield.
Additional effect at 5★:
Effect increased to Shield.
Empress-Justice’s Virtue
When main weapon: Massive boost to Water allies’ ATK (Modifier: EX). Water allies restore 10% HP upon casting Dispel|buff-removing skills (Healing cap: 3000).
Sephira Maxi-Water
20% boost to Water allies’ DMG Cap in Arcarum.
Water’s Majesty
Small boost to water allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Needs FLB to be useful.
  • At FLB:
    • A strong grid slot thanks to its mix of normal majesty and massive EX.
    • Generally limited in usage outside of Extra grids.
  • At ULB:
    • An all around great slot thanks to both its mix of mads and the additional 5% cap up.
    • Good option for many normal grids.
  • Passive 3k heals are solid for harder fights if you have to the dispels to trigger it.
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Northern Beast Strike
Massive water DMG to a foe (Gain DEF Up.)
Hoarfrost’s Might
Big boost to water allies’ ATK
Essence of the North
Boost to Water allies’ damage cap.
  • Big II Normal mod and 10% cap up.
  • Easiest source of cap up to obtain and the largest single source of it.

Normal Cap

Weapons that break normal cap either via cap up or echoes.

Copies: 1
Source: SHOP
Frigid Sting
Massive water DMG to a foe (Remove 1 buff.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Bonus Water DMG.
Verglas Sovereign
Unworldly boost to Water allies’ ATK.
Astral Thrust
When main weapon: 10% boost to Water allies’ one-foe attack damage cap against foes with 5 or more debuffs.
  • The biggest source of EX mod. Astral can be the only source of grid EX if slotted.
  • 10% normal cap with 5 debuffs.
  • Excellent mainhand due to echoes and dispel on CA.
  • Slowly being phased out thanks to various other weapons also providing EX as well as Ultima ULB.

CA Cap

Weapons that break CA cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 2-3 DEF, 3 ATK
Rip and Terror
Massive water DMG to a foe (Gain Critical Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also gain ATK Sharply Boosted.
Blade’s Wrath
Boost to ATK, max HP, and multiattack rate based on how many katanas are equipped.
Snowfall’s Quenching
Supplement Water allies’ C.A. DMG based on how high their HP is.
Snowfall’s Ascendancy
10% boost to Water allies’ Special C.A. DMG Cap.
  • Core water CA weapon as it provides ougi supplemental and special CA cap.
  • Excellent source of HP.
  • Reccomended to start with two defense awakening to assist with hard content.
  • With Schrodinger Mk II it becomes one of the strongest mod slots for magna and sees use in standard burst grids.
Copies: 2-3
Massive water DMG to a foe (All allies gain Charge Bar.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Snowfall’s Crux
Supplement water allies’ C.A. DMG
Bow Voltage
Boost to ATK based on how many bows are equipped.
  • Water ougi supplemental weapon that can be aquired before rank 200.
  • Excellent for CA comps pre-Schrondinger but will be replaced once you get them.

Skill Cap

Weapons that break skill cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 1
Divinity’s Bow of Ruin
Massive Water damage to a foe.Inflict DA Down (180s) and TA Down (180s).Gain Bonus Water DMG (30%, 3.5T).
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflict DEF Down (20%, 180s).
Hoarfrost’s Might I
Big boost to water allies’ ATK
Water’s Might
Small boost to water allies’ ATK
  • Core component to crit grids for Varuna.
  • Go to option for those without Hrae.
    • Would hold off on barring til close to GW in case the crit setup dies.
Copies: 2
Source: FLASH
Weiss Saule
Massive water DMG to a foe (Raise all foes’ Glaciate lvl by 1 (Max: 10).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also deal 4-hit, 50% Bonus Water damage (Damage cap: ~135,000 per hit).
Hoarfrost’s Tempering
Big boost to water allies’ skill DMG cap / Big supplemental boost to skill DMG
Water’s Majesty
Small boost to water allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Boostable skill cap weapon and supp that is great for double Varuna skill damage team.
  • Good option for FA setups or skill focused hard content teams.


Weapons that provide HP. Generally HP is provided by spoon or settes, but these are other options if lacking either.

Copies: 3-4
Source: FLASH
Torrential Thunderstrike
Massive water DMG to a foe (All Water allies gain Counters on DMG.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All Water allies also gain Drain.
Cobalt Vitality
Boost to water allies’ ATK, DEF, and DMG cap based on their max HP
Water’s Majesty
Small boost to water allies’ ATK and max HP
  • ATK, DEF, and special cap based on max HP at the start of battle.
    • 70k HP is required to max special cap at 7%.
    • Small HP helps a bit with it.
  • Used primarly for HL content or unboosted burst setups.
Copies: 1
Source: SHOP
Vortex Sphere
Massive water DMG to a foe (Gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted.)
Additional effect at 5★:
Also gain ATK Sharply Boosted.
Wamdus’s Flood
<span class="tooltip" >Boost to Water allies’ ATK<span class="tooltiptext" style="">0.1% per turn per skill level (Max: 25%)’"`UNIQ–ref-00000003-QINU`"’<span class="hr"></span>”’Modifier:”’ EX</span></span> based on number of turns passed.
Four Orbs’ Judgment
Emblem of the four orbs bent on destroying the singular pigment. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
Six Dragons’ Radiance
Emblem of the six colors in which the world is rendered. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
  • Alternative opus that trades the more offenseive skills of opus for defensive ones in particular the 30% fire damage reduction or 20% DEF.
  • Can’t be slotted with Opus which greatly kills it’s general usage but can still be useful for Revan tier raids or NM200 FAs.
Copies: 0-2
Deadeye Shot
Massive water DMG to a foe (Boost to critical hit rate.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Tsunami’s Garrison
Medium boost to water allies’ DEF based on how low HP is
Tsunami’s Majesty
Medium boost to water allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Faramable garrision falls off in useful with increased grid strength but still is useful to have around.

Mainhand Only

Weapons that are strong as mainhands but not so much as grid pieces.

Copies: 1
Disperazione Finale
450% Water damage to a foe. (All allies gain Debuff Success Boosted and Strength.)
Additional effect at 5★:
Damage increased to 550%.
Strength (45%-15%, 3.5T) effect increased.
Debuff Success Boosted (25%, 3.5T) and Strength (45%-15%, 3.5T) duration increased to Half Turns|3.5 turns.
Glacial Supremacy
Massive boost to Water allies' ATK.
Glacial Frostcage
When main weapon (MC only): 300% Water damage (Damage cap: ~630,000) and inflict ATK Down Stack (15% (30% Max), 180s) and DEF Down Stack (15% (30% Max), 180s) to all foes when a foe uses a special attack.
  • Excellent mainhand for Rising Force comps due to the strength of the CA.

Gold Moon

Copies: 1
Unworldly water DMG to a foe (Ignores Mirror Image and Dodge.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Gain Uplifted.
Geisa Ari
When main weapon (MC only):
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks, amplify normal attack damage by 30%, and normal attacks deal 4-hit damage to random foes.
When main weapon:
80% Bonus Water DMG effect to Water allies’ single attacks.
Mikill Las
When main weapon:
Supplement Water allies’ damage by 100,000, 10% boost to damage cap, and 100% hit to multiattack rate.
  • Turns MC into high damage monster with high abuse for supp and echoes.
  • For FA setups, people will typically leave the gun below level 150 in order to avoid the 100 DATA down debuff.
  • For burst, the best strategies currently use the gun at 150.
Chimera Nue
Unworldly water DMG to a foe (Inflict Delay.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Restore 10% of all Water allies’ HP (Healing cap: 3000).
All Water allies gain Charge Boost.
Nue’s Omen
When main weapon (MC only):
Upon using first-slot skill: Consume 10% of current HP to gain Charge Boost (50%) and C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
Nue’s Cry
When main weapon:
Water allies take 1% damage (Based on max HP) every turn.At end of turn: Gain Charge Boost (15%), C.A. DMG Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) ((100% Max)), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) ((50% Max)).
Hoarfrost’s Glory
Big boost to water allies’ C.A. specs and chain burst specs
  • Excellent mainhand for hard content CA teams both greatly improiving CA specs as well as survivibility from the delay on ouigi.
Orochi no Aramasa
Massive damage to a foe.
Gain Shield (5,000).
Additional effect at 4★:
~20% chance to also gain Lord-Sword (Guaranteed TA Up, 1.5T).
Tsunami's Celere
Medium boost to Water allies' ATK and critical hit rate
Slaysnake's Myth
'''When main weapon (MC only):''' Gain <span class="image_link"><span class="tooltip" style="border-bottom: 0;">[[File:Status_AttackUpStack.png|25px|link=ATK Up]][[ATK Up|10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 100%)]]<span class="tooltiptext">ATK is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)<br /><span class="hr"></span><strong>Strength</strong>: 10% (Max: 100%)</span></span></span> upon dealing multiattacks.
Tsunami's Trium
Medium boost to Water allies' multiattack rate
  • Medium crit and trium makes this an excellent slot for HL grids to both cover TA and help cap out grid crit.

Critical Chart

Below is a chart of crit rate of various grid piece configurations created by @quwatoro. Left is Varuna x Varuna and right is single Varuna. Use this as a reference if you need to change pieces due to missing grid components.

Example Grids


Water’s main shorter form burst setup is using Manadiver for its teamwide bonus damage and ability to wield its Dark Opus with Chain of Falsehood for teamwide double strike.

The build of the grid will be dedicated to the crit components for both raw damage as well as skill cap up. This will include a mix of Rubea Stiria, Taisai Spirit Bows, Galilei’s Insights, and Wamdus’s Cnidocyte. Cnidocyte’s also provide 50k supp per copy. They compete with Gospel of Water and Sky for that. The former has the advatange of lowering crit pieces needed where the later also provides 7% cap up per copy.

If bringing in Haase, you will want to include her weapon Reflection of The Moon. Additionally, with staff parties, you should also find a spot for Worldvexing Angelos.

Staff of Repudiation
Rubea Stiria
Rubea Stiria
Worldvexing Angelos
Taisai Spirit Bow
Taisai Spirit Bow
Reflection of The Moon
Gospel of Water and Sky
Gospel of Water and Sky
Ultima Staff
Staff of Repudiation
Taisai Spirit Bow
Taisai Spirit Bow
Galilei’s Insight
Rubea Stiria
Altruism-Soul Staff
Reflection of The Moon
Gospel of Water and Sky
Gospel of Water and Sky
Ultima Staff

With the 150 GM weapon Hraesvelgr, a lot changes. Hrae provides 30% normal amp and 4 hit flurry to MC as well as 100k supp and 10% cap to team as the cost of 100% MA. It is highly powerful and forms the center to longer burst setups. Hrae covers the effects of multiple grands forcing you to change what grands you want. Since supp and 10% cap are covered, the main way to break more cap is via Rubea Stiria’s critical amp or Calamitous Aquashades special cap up from more HP.

The critical example here is for a case like when using a character that provides 100% crit like Erika and her skill 2 Ordre de Soutien 1-turn cut to a Water ally’s skill cooldowns.
Target ally gains Critical Up (20%, 3T), Keen (3T), and DMG Amplified (15%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T).
which is common for soldier setups. If no 100% crit skill like that is provided, you will need to reach 100% crit by replacing the Mystique with crit weapons. This will require at least one Varuna to pull off where using Erika works with unboosted setups.

To get more cap up on the Aquashade grid, you will need higher grid HP which is where Fimbul comes in providing both HP as well as a stamina mod.

Rubea Stiria
Rubea Stiria
Wilhelm Militis
Reflection of The Moon
Staff of Repudiation
Ultima Gun
Calamitous Aquashade
Calamitous Aquashade
Calamitous Aquashade
Worldscathing Leon
Reflection of The Moon
Staff of Repudiation
Ultima Gun

Full Auto

Water’s standard FA setup is similar to burst using Manadiver with Falsehood opus mainhand. The manadiver skill Overtrance Gain Overtrance (6T) and C.A. Instant Standby. (Can’t recast.) has a 3 turn lockout but once up gives MC instant charge and prevents their charge bar from lower. What this means is 6 turns in a row where the MC provides teamwide double strike to the team,. The below example is with bringing in Haase. This, her weapon Reflection of The Moon is used.

Staff of Repudiation
Rubea Stiria
Rubea Stiria
Worldvexing Angelos
Taisai Spirit Bow
Galilei’s Insight
Reflection of The Moon
Gospel of Water and Sky
Wamdus’s Cnidocyte
Ultima Staff
Staff of Repudiation
Taisai Spirit Bow
Taisai Spirit Bow
Galilei’s Insight
Rubea Stiria
Altruism-Soul Staff
Reflection of The Moon
Gospel of Water and Sky
Gospel of Water and Sky
Ultima Staff

Another strong FA option is Street King. This provides a very easy way to swap in Haaselia so it similarly uses her weapon. This one leans towards crit for the raw damage. Street King is typically better for longer or harder hitting FAs.

Exo Antaeus
Knight of Ice
Taisai Spirit Bow
Galilei’s Insight
Gospel of Water and Sky
Rubea Stiria
Rubea Stiria
Reflection of The Moon
Staff of Repudiation
Ultima Staff
Ultima Gun (Water)
Knight of Ice
Gospel of Water and Sky
Calamitous Aquashade
Taisai Spirit Bow
Galilei’s Insight
Rubea Stiria
Reflection of The Moon
Staff of Repudiation

It is also possible to Full Auto with Hraesvelgr despite its 100% TA down. This will require compensation with grid and characters so people can TA. Cavalier is an easy option for this as it provides GTA to MC via Valorous Assault Spear:
800% Elemental damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~830,000).
Gain ATK Sharply Boosted (50%, 1 times, 1T).
6-hit Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~110,000 per hit).
Gain Guaranteed TA (3T) and Supplemental Normal Attack DMG (50000, 3T).
as well as TA up from Field Commander Gain Field Commander (5T).
All other allies gain Under Command (5T).
(Can only be used when a gun is equipped as main weapon.)
to team. Like with burst, Calamitous Aquashade is an ideal cap up break source with the added benefit of HP and defense. Then Knight of Ice and Worldbreaking Tauros are used to up the skill damage from Haase.

Calamitous Aquashade
Calamitous Aquashade
Calamitous Aquashade
Knight of Ice
Knight of Ice
Worldbreaking Tauros
Reflection of The Moon
Staff of Renunciation
Ultima Staff