Horus is the light raid of the Ennead series. This guide will go over the basic details of the fight as well as setups for fighting it. For more detailed mechanics information, please check the wiki.
- JP Name: ホルス
- HP: 600,000,000
- Defense: 15
- Blue Chest: 480k honors
These are the most notable drops from this raid. Any unlisted weapons are safe to fodder.

- Mat for awakenings and for converting to Horus Omega Anima.

- Highly useful mat for uncapping weapons and awakenings.
Heru-Behdeti ![]() |
Massive light DMG to a foe (All allies gain Charge Boost.)
Additional effect at 4★: All allies also gain DA Up and TA Up. |
Glimmer’s Crux
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Supplement light allies’ C.A. DMG |
Luminis Excelsior
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Boost to light allies’ C.A. DMG cap |
- 400k ougi supp and 15% CA cap makes this a good slot for ougi setups.
Kom Ombo ![]() |
Massive light DMG to a foe (Chance of 1-turn cut to MC’s skill cooldowns.)
Additional effect at 4★: Upgraded to 100% chance of 1-turn cut to MC’s skill cooldowns. |
Glimmer’s Persistence
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Supplement light allies’ DMG based on how high their HP is |
Thunder’s Progression
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Medium boost to light allies’ light ATK based on number of turns passed |
- Farmable 30k stam supp weapon for light.
- Due to the nature of light burst it is not as useful as other stam supp weapons in other elements.

- Extremely rare item used for New World Foundation weapon ULBs and summon transcendence
Blue Chest Setups
Blue chests are awarded based on the amount of honors achieved in a raid maxing out at 99% chance at raid specific amount of honors: 480k in the case of Horus. They contain the most desirable drops in a raid such as the weapon drops. When farming a raid, this is the chest you want to aim for. The typical strategy is to deal the blue chest amount and then moving onto the next raid. Below is a list of strategies on how to effectively and quickly achieve blue chests.
These setups are oriented towards beginner players.
Relic Buster 
Relic Buster is the easiest way to achieve a blue chest. Limit Burst
All allies gain Charge Bar, C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) based on number of Machine Cell.
(Consumes all Machine Cell.)
makes it simple to to perform a teamwide charge attack burst. It also supports a wide variety of characters and is very flexible grid wise. Weaker grids and characters may need to press additional buttons to reach the desired damage.
- Turn 1
- Relic Buster
Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).) ,All allies gain Charge Bar, C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) based on number of Machine Cell.
(Consumes all Machine Cell.) - Vania
Inflict Charm (20%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s) on a foe.
Gain Guaranteed TA (2T).
Level 95:
When 1 Vampyr Drop (SSR) 1 is consumed:
Also gain Blood Queen (Multiplier: Perpetuity, 3T) and Double Strike (1T).
- Relic Buster
- Turn 2
- Qilin
- Relic Buster
Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).) ,All allies gain Charge Bar, C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) based on number of Machine Cell.
(Consumes all Machine Cell.)
- Qilin
- Metatron has the highest blue chest of any M2 raid and can be difficult to hit mins when starting out. It is reccomended to farm Avatar first and get an Abyss Spine
or two.
- Vania can be subbed up for Fediel with her skill 3 or Shalem with her Skill 1.
- Other characters can be subbed out for characters with Unworldly CAs or skill nukes after CA.
- Press additional skills as needed.
- Huanglong
support also works.
- Selene (Dark)
is the best MH for this for it’s strong CA and not needing to press RB1 on turn 2.
Chrysaor with windhose is a classic way of getting MC and the entire party to 100% charge. This still winds up as a great option for CA setups thanks to Dual Arts
Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
allowing for 5+ CAs in one turn.
- All characters can be subbed out for characters with Unworldly CAs or skill nukes after CA.
- With the eternal wonder and Six in slot 2, Wasserspeier (Dark)
can be used as MH for extra skill nukes.
These setups are oriented towards players with stronger grids and characters.

The Chain of Falsehood grants teamwide double strike on charge attack. This allows for very quick and easy damage. While these setups are faster thanks to not having to deal with CA lockout, they are more restricted character wise requiring characters with guaranteed triple attacks or nukes after autos to pull off.
Rotation (Fediel)
- Turn 1
- Beelzebub
- Runeslayer
Convert caster’s HP to charge bar (3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar).
(Consumes up to 50% of current HP.) - Fediel
The Field Effect|field is engulfed in the Malice of Despair.
(Can’t recast.)
- Beelzebub
Rotation (Ilsa)
- Turn 1
- Beelzebub
- Runeslayer
Convert caster’s HP to charge bar (3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar).
(Consumes up to 50% of current HP.)
- Beelzebub
- Bowman can be subbed for:
- Cidala (Valentine)
- Lich
- T1: S2
Inflict Light ATK Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), Dark DEF Down (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), Poisoned (22,222, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), and Putrefied (22,222, Accuracy: 200%, 180s) on all foes.
Inflict Light ATK Lowered (10%, 5T), Dark DEF Down (10%, 5T), Poisoned (5% of max HP Damage cap: 500, 5T), and Putrefied (5% of max HP Damage cap: 500, 5T) on all allies.
- T1: S2
- Any GTA character
- Cidala (Valentine)

Ereshkigal takes the combo of splitting spirit into chain of falsehood CA and provides it for free for three turns. As a result, blue chest can easily be reached by simply attacking or with only a button press or call for weaker grids. The weapon provides strong buffs for auto attacks while punishing skill damage which will change the desired character selection accordingly.
- Turn 1
- Ilsa (Yukata)
All Dark allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Dark) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Dark DMG (20%, 5T). (optional)
- Ilsa (Yukata)
- Any character can be subbed for a GTA character like Meg (Summer)
or Zoro and Sanji
MVP chests are awarded to the player with the most honors in a raid as well as a possibility for other top scorers. While they have an additional weapon drop chance, it is advised to not aim for these especially as a a beginner due to the time it takes. However, if the raid is slow, it helps to join as higher damage output team so the raid can die.

The Chain of Falsehood grants teamwide double strike on charge attack. This allows for very quick and easy damage. Runeslayer works great for this as its class skill Runeweaving
Call forth the power of the tetra-elements to cast a spell.
Level 30:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
and splitting spirit can be used for two turns of easy double strike.
Rotation (Fediel)
- Turn 1
- Runeslayer
Call forth the power of the tetra-elements to cast a spell.
Level 30:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%). => (Fire > Water) - Fediel
The Field Effect|field is engulfed in the Malice of Despair.
(Can’t recast.) - Seox
Gain Adversity (20%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Level 95:
Buff increased to Adversity (30%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Also gain Bonus Dark DMG (60%, 3t).
- Runeslayer
- Turn 2
- [[m|runeslayer]]]
Convert caster’s HP to charge bar (3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar).
(Consumes up to 50% of current HP.)
- [[m|runeslayer]]]
Rotation (Ilsa)
- Turn 1
- Runeslayer
Call forth the power of the tetra-elements to cast a spell.
Level 30:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%). => (Fire > Water) - Ilsa (Yukata)
All Dark allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Dark) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Dark DMG (20%, 5T).
- Seox
Gain Adversity (20%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Level 95:
Buff increased to Adversity (30%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Also gain Bonus Dark DMG (60%, 3t).
- Runeslayer
- Turn 2
- [[m|runeslayer]]]
Convert caster’s HP to charge bar (3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar).
(Consumes up to 50% of current HP.)
- [[m|runeslayer]]]
- Uses chain of falsehood to grant party double strike.
- Bowman can be subbed for:
- Cidala (Valentine)
- Lich
- T1: S2
Inflict Light ATK Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), Dark DEF Down (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), Poisoned (22,222, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), and Putrefied (22,222, Accuracy: 200%, 180s) on all foes.
Inflict Light ATK Lowered (10%, 5T), Dark DEF Down (10%, 5T), Poisoned (5% of max HP Damage cap: 500, 5T), and Putrefied (5% of max HP Damage cap: 500, 5T) on all allies.
- T1: S2
- Any GTA character
- Cidala (Valentine)

Onmyoji uses a similar mechanic of relying on the Falsehood chain for teamwide double strike. Where is differs heavily is packing triple strike with skill damage on normal attacks for MC.

Ereshkigal takes the combo of splitting spirit into chain of falsehood CA and provides it for free for three turns. As a result, very few buttons are needed to press compared to Runeslayer. The weapon provides strong buffs for auto attacks while punishing skill damage which will change the desired character selection accordingly.
- Turn 1
- Beelzebub
- Ilsa (Yukata)
All Dark allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Dark) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Dark DMG (20%, 5T).
- Seox
Gain Adversity (20%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Level 95:
Buff increased to Adversity (30%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Also gain Bonus Dark DMG (60%, 3t).
- Beelzebub
- Turn 2
- Bowman can be subbed for:
- Cidala (Valentine)
- Any GTA character
- Cidala (Valentine)
Full Auto
Players can also choose to full auto their own host. While it is slower than blue chesting, it is an easy way to get another drop chance with minimal effort. The following strategies focus on soloing the raid which is particularly helpful for slow periods. But it is strongly reccomended to call up backup request after securing the blue chest to speed up the clear.
Horus has mostly CA related cancels which can be easily countered by Kengo.
- Relative flexibility in characters as long as they have CA focus. Great options are Vikala
, Halluel and Malluel
, Vajra (Summer)
, or Magisa (Summer)
- Fediel
is one of the best options but will need a press of her skill 3 The Black's Encroachment
The Field Effect|field is engulfed in the Malice of Despair.
(Can’t recast.) - Finding a level 250 Lucifer
as support will both make FA safer and faster.

Stronger grids can forgo most of CA mechanics and go in further on damage output. Manadiver is very strong for this thanks to its pairing with Dark’s skill supplemental options.
The 150 GM weapon Ereshkigal offers enough extended burst capability that is can quickly burst down the boss in FA.
Other Raids
Links to the other raids.
Raid Pages