Dark Rapture Zero Pages
- JP Name: ダーク・ラプチャー・ゼロ or ルシゼロ
- HP: 8,000,000,000
- CT: 2
- Defense: ???
These are the most notable drops from this raid.

- Mat for trasncending Dark Opus weapons as well as keys for the weapons.
Alterations to mechanics are expected as more is learned.
Primary work done by Van. His guide which is often more up to date can be found here.
Special mechanic: “Countdown to The End” gauge
- Depletes in real time. Timer duration is 9 minutes.
- Boost to Lucilius’ ATK specs based on how low Countdown is.
- When you fail to clear an Omen, 1 minute of your current timer is taken.
- When you lose a character for any cause, 1 minute of your maximum timer is taken.
- Timer refreshes at 80%, 60%, and 20%.
- Once the time is up, Lucilius will ready the omen The End.
- The End prevents Lucilius from taking damage and taking it will wipe your party.
- Other players won’t be wiped.
- The End won’t be unreadied even crossing a timer refresh threshold.
- The End prevents Lucilius from taking damage and taking it will wipe your party.
Currently-known Countdown gauge effects:
(Section still under construction)
Lucilius gains 1000 supplmental damage and inflicts 1 random debuffs at the end of the turn. | |
Lucilius gains 3000 supplmental damage and Godsight. | |
Lucilius gains 3000 supplmental damage and inflicts 2 random debuffs at the end of the turn. | |
Lucilius gains 4000 supplmental damage and gains Double Strike upon attacking. | |
Lucilius gains ??? supplmental damage and inflicts superior elemental damage. |
Support Skills
Support Skill 1
- Countdown to the End’s starting value is reduced when an ally is knocked out (Can’t be removed)
Support Skill 2
- Boost to ATK specs based on how low Countdown to the End is (Can’t be removed)
Support Skill 3
- Chance of displaying the Omen for Tessera upon the Omen for Iblis or Phosphorus being canceled (Can’t be removed)
Phase One (100% – 81%)
Join Trigger
Paradise Lost (Join Trigger)
- 50,000 plain damage
- Lucilius gains Unchallenged (50%)
- Inflicts two random apple buffs on all currently active frontline characters
All Fruits have a fixed duration of 10 turns and cannot be removed through any other means.
Crimson Fruit
- Charge bar gain is lowered. Upon using a damage skill: consume effect and 100% of charge bar. Gain Double Strike effect and Supplement DMG Taken effect.
Golden Fruit
- Accuracy for normal attacks, skill damage, and charge attacks is lowered. Upon using a buff skill: consume effect. Gain CA Reactivation (1 Time) and Zombified.
Cerulean Fruit
- Receives a random debuff every turn. Upon using a debuff skill: consume effect. Gain 3-hit Flurry and Skill Sealed.
Emerald Fruit
- Takes DMG every turn. Upon using a healing skill: consume effect. 3-turn cut to skill cooldowns and gain Blinded.
Turn 1 Omen
The End
- Knocks out all allies including sub-allies.
- Cancel: Deal 30 million damage.
HP Omens
Axion (95%)
- 3-hit random-element DMG to all allies (3000% DMG total)
- Inflicts Collapsed and Multiattack rate down
- Progresses Countdown to the End
- Cancel: Triple attack 4 times
Ficus (After Axion)
- 3000% random-element DMG to all allies
- Inflict Slashed to all allies and Weakened to 2 allies
- Progresses Countdown to the End
- Cancel: Deal 20,000,000 CA DMG
Sephiroth (After Ficus)
- 12-hit random-element DMG to all allies (2400% DMG total)
- Skill Delay effect to all allies
- Progresses Countdown to the End
- Cancel: Deal 15,000,000 skill DMG
CT Omens
- 5-hit random-element DMG to random allies (2000% DMG total)
- 6000 plain DMG to all allies
- Boost to number of hits for Lucilius’s normal attacks.
- Lucilius gains All elemental DMG cut
- Progresses Countdown to the End
- Cancel: Dispel 2 times
- 5-hit random-element DMG to random allies (2000% DMG total)
- 6,000 plain DMG to all allies
- Inflicts Strong Armed and Blinded to all allies
- Progresses Countdown to the End
- Cancel: Debuff 7 times
Note: Clearing Iblis or Phosphorus before pressing Attack may cause a new Omen Tessera to spawn.
- Random-element DMG to all allies (3000% DMG total)
- Remove all buffs
- Lower charge bars
- Progresses Countdown to the End
- Cancel: Deal 1,500,000 DMG in one hit 7 times
Phase Two (80% – 61%)
Orbital Resonance (80%)
- Lucilius draws a sword.
Sword of Renunciation
- Each turn allies deal less than 2 triple attacks: DMG Fixed effect to foe at end of turn / Repel effect
Sword of Repudiation
- Each turn allies land less than 25 hits: DMG Fixed effect to foe at end of turn / All allies’ charged bars are lowered.
Axion Vanitas (After Orbital Resonance):
- 6-hit random-element DMG to random allies (2400% DMG total).
- Inflicts Strong Armed and Blinded to all allies.
- Inflict FC Bar Cut 30%.
- Progresses Countdown to the End.
- Cancel: See Below.
Ficus Vanitas (After Axion Vanitas)
- Cancel: See Below.
Sephiroth Vanitas (After Ficus Vanitas)
- Cancel: See Below.
The cancel requirements for these omens depends on which damage type you’ve dealt the most damagte with. The requirements for each damage type is listed below.
Primary Damage Type and Clear Conditions | ||||
Omen | Normal/Counters | Skill | CA | Others |
Axion Vanitas | Deal 1,000,000 DMG in one hit 10 times | Charge attack 4 times | Deal 40 hits | Deal 15 hits of skill DMG |
Ficus Vanitas | Debuff 7 times | Triple attack 4 times | Deal 15,000,000 skill DMG | Deal 40 hits |
Sephiroth Vanitas | Deal 15,000,000 skill DMG | Deal 40 hits | Triple attack 4 times | Charge attack 4 times |
CT Omens
Renunciation (if Lucilius has Renunciation)
- 3-hit random-element DMG to all allies (2400% DMG total).
- Lucilius gains Supplemental DMG and Bonus DMG.
- Inflict Multiattack Down and Paralyzed on 2 allies.
- Inflict FC Bar Cut 30%.
- Progresses Countdown to the End.
- Cancel: Triple attack 3 times
Repudiation (if Lucilius has Repudiation)
- 3-hit random-element DMG to all allies (2400% DMG total).
- Inflict Multiattack Down on all allies and Paralyzed on 2 allies.
- Inflict FC Bar Cut 30%.
- Progresses Countdown to the End.
- Cancel: Charge attack 4 times.
Phase Three (60% – 21%)
- Resets debuffs
- End Timer to resets to 18 minutes instead of the usual 9.
Seven Trumpets
- Deals 1200% random-element DMG to all allies
- Grants two random fruit buffs to all allies
- Removes Unchallenged (50%) and gains Unchallenged (10%)
- Lucilius gains Labors I-VI during this trigger, but Omens to clear will start at 55%
Labor 1 – Removes 3 buffs from all allies at end of turn
Labor 2 – ATK is boosted and deals bonus superior elemental DMG upon attacks
Labor 3 – Deals plain DMG to all allies every turn
Labor 4 – Debuff durations are cut by 1 Turn
Labor 5 – Triple attack rate is boosted
Labor 6 – Takes less DMG
Note: Labors 1-6 are local buffs, so your progress is independent from the other players in the raid.
Labor Omens
Will appear in consecutive turns starting at 55%.
Labor I (55%)
- 12,000% random-element DMG to all allies.
- Inflict Multiattack down on all allies.
- Reduce Countdown to the End’s starting value.
- Cancel: Charge attack 5 times.
Labor II (After Labor I)
- 12-hit random-element DMG to random allies (12,000% DMG total).
- Boost to Lucilius’s debuff resistance.
- Reduce Countdown to the End’s starting value.
- Cancel: Attack 6 times.
Labor III (After Labor II)
- Cancel: Deal 35,000,000 DMG.
Labor IV (After Labor III)
- 12,000% random-element DMG to all allies
- Inflict Skill Sealed on all allies
- Reduce Countdown to the End’s starting value
- Cancel: Debuff 10 times
Labor V (After Labor IV)
- 12-hit random-element DMG to random allies (12,000% DMG total)
- Boost to Lucilius’s ATK and DEF
- Reduce Countdown to the End’s starting value
- Cancel: Use Fated Chain
Labor VI (After Labor V)
- Cancel: Deal 60 hits
CT Omens
- 5-hit random-element DMG to random allies (2000% DMG total)
- 6,000 plain DMG to all allies
- Boost to number of hits for normal attacks
- Lucilius gains All elemental DMG cut
- Progresses Countdown to the End
- Cancel: Dispel 2 times
- Cancel: Debuff 7 times
Note: Clearing Iblis or Phosphorus before pressing Attack may cause a new Omen Tessera to spawn.
- Cancel: Use 5 skills
Phase Four (20% – 0%)
- Resets debuffs
Gospel of the End
- Deals 10,000 plain DMG to all allies
- Lucilius gains Labors VII-XII
Labor VII: Boost to ATK and triple ATK rate
Labor VIII: Boost to DEF and sharp boost to debuff resistance
Labor IX: Hit count is boosted and charge diamonds fill more quickly
Labor X: All allies’ max HP is lowered at end of turn
Labor XI: Deals bonus DMG of 2 random elements upon attacks
Labor XII: Attacks and debuffs don’t miss regardless of debuffs or buffs like Blind, hit to accuracy, Mirror Image, dodge rate, debuff resistance, and debuff immunity. Lands a random debuff on all allies at end of turn.
Note: Labors VII-XII are raidwide buffs and will be assigned randomly among the six elements. Labors are cleared by the corresponding element clearing Anti-Vasileia.
Axion Vasileia (20%)
- 12,000% random-element DMG to all allies.
- Progress Countdown to the End.
- Cancel Condition 1: Charge attack 6 times.
- Cancel Condition 2: Use 12 skills.
- Cancel Condition 3: Deal 66 hits.
- Using instant-clear effects such as Siete’s Miriade di Illusioni passive or Triple Zero’s Paradise Lost call will not clear the Omen and Labor.
- If the Omen is not cleared properly, Anti-Vasileia will be readied the next turn with a different clear condition.
- Clearing Anti-Vasileia will remove your corresponding Labor and the 10% Unchallenged shield.
HP Omens
Phosphorus Apocalypse (13%)
- 3-hit random-element DMG to all allies (3000% DMG total).
- Inflict Strong Armed to all allies.
- Lucilius gains All elemental DMG cut.
- Progress Countdown to the End.
- Cancel: Deal 99,999,999 DMG.
Iblis Apocalypse (5%)
- Cancel: Deal 99 hits.
CT Omens
Axion Apocalypse
Visual Summary
Provided by Seraphis/Rinne.

General Strategy
Coming later…..
Dark Rapture Zero Pages
First Clears
The first players to clear the raid are as follows.
Fire – XevSM
Water – はるさん
Earth – ぴのん
Wind – くーはく
Light – じん。
Dark – tamaki
Other Raids
Links to the other raids.
Raid Pages
One response to “Dark Rapture Zero”
In phase three, the Labor II should be after Labor I, not Labor II. And same for all alor down. I think there are some typos here.