Rank 120
At the stage in the game, most of the game starts to quickly open up. With this comes not only stronger grids, but grids with greater specialization. Although only three raids are mentioned here, there are additional avenues of progress that can be made like with Rise of the Beasts, Arcarum, and Seraphic weapons.
Magna 2
First up is the Magna 2 series. These raids for most elements introduce new weapons that provide major shakeups to existing grids. For information, please check the raid pages themselves.
As for the weapons of note, these ones are the primary ones you want to look out for.
Now as to what do with these weapons, we’ll cover the grid archetypes each forms.
Wind and Earth both recieve critical damage focused grid pieces. Last Storm Harp and Nibelung Horn
both provide Big Crit mods meaning you don’t need that many pieces to max the crit rate. The below examples are for double Omega summon setups. For single sided, you would want four of the big crit piece.
These examples however are slightly misleading. At this stage with only FLB Omega summons, they will not reach 100% crit and instead top at 96%. For many cases this could be considered okay though it would better to use three copies of the big crit weapon instead if you can afford the materials.
To compare, fire’s double Omega summon grid needs more copies of AES to reach a decent crit rate. As for single sided setups, it is typically not worth using AES at all since it would take up too much grid space.
This is where the Fire sticks grid comes in. Using a combo of Big ATK from canes and Big Stam from Nilakantha, it can provide a solid mix of mods for burst setups and OTK.
Charge Attack
Water and Dark take a different approach at M2 instead opting for boosts for CA damage. These will provide massive boosts helping any ougi setup especially for FA or bursts. Dark’s has an additional advantage of providing HP making is a great option even outside CA focused setups. For now however, CA damage is the way to go for both elements for general use.
While light does have a crit grid it can make, it is not worth investing in. There definitely are points in progression it is better, but in the end it winds up being worse than swords. However, at this stage, having a single copy of either crit piece is great due to both being coupled with a stam mod which brings in more mod mixing.
Dark Rapture
In the grids, above, you may have noticed a weapon not yet talked about. These are the Dark Opuses. They are incredibly strong when full maxed and eventually get slotted in almost every grid. For now, you can only get them to FLB which makes them merely very good grid slots. Most notably, the second skill has a key slot that let’s you pick either 10% auto cap, 50% skill cap, 15% CA cap, or 50% chainburst cap.
These weapons are purchased from the shop. They require mats from the raid Dark Rapture. This raid is safe to leech for drops though if it’s slow it may help to bring a team that can do a bit of damage especially if you can blue chest.
In the shop you may notice each element has two Dark Opus weapons available. Renunciation has magna skills and Repudiation has primal skills. Therefore you will want to pick the Renunciation weapons.
Opuses are a significant resource sink and while they are good, it is best to prioritize getting the other core parts of the M2 grids set in stone before dumping all your quartz on these.
The last set of raids to cover are the Ennead series. Each one of these raids provide weapons with supplemental skills, flat damage increases to all hits. These are excellent for providing more damage options and filling out the empty slots in grids.
The weapons themselves also contain awakenings which is another source of bonus stats for them. Each awakening takes 150 anima total. Generally all can be useful but at this stage it will typically be ATK as most useful.
For more information on the raids, see the raid pages.
As for the notable weapons from this series, these are the ones to watch out for.
For the most part, the weapons just slot into other grids to fill out extra slots. or in the case of Esna, used in niche comps. Any of the stam supp weapons can fill 1-3 slots in FA or burst teams. However, two of the weapons can help craft a new grid type for those elements.
Fire and Light get a weapon containing both CA cap and CA supp making them excellent for any ougi team like for OTK or Relic Buster bursts. Two is typically the most you will use.
Rank 130
Rank 130 introduces one more raid.
Ultimate Bahamut
Ultima Bahamut HL’s primary intended purpose is for upgrading Atma weapons into Ultima weapons. These have not been covered yet simply because they aren’t useful until Rank 200.
The secondary use of UBHL and main reason people use it is that it is a source of gold bars. Daily host the raid if you can for that gold bar chance and open it for others to carry. The raid has slow moments but it being a great source of dama grains can keep is popular. If it does wind up getting too slow to pub, try hosting a room in coop or a train.
Rank 151
Rank 150 and 151 introduces one more raid series and a hard content raid.
6 Dragons
Similar to the Ennead series, the 6 Dragon raids introduce a set of weapons with supplmental damage. Also through them you can ULB your magna summons. This is the highest priority to forcus on. For more information on the raids themselves, check the grid pages.
The following are the notable weapons from the series.
Beyond the weapons, they also drop earrings which provide additional stat boosts to characters. End game players will continue to farm these keeping these raids alive.
Like with raids before it, these new setups allow for new types of grid specialization.
Earth and Dark both get strong ougi supp weapons. Dark’s is notablely stronger finding a lot more widespread use even outside ougi comps. Dark typically runs two where Earth will run 1-3 depending on if you have a Caim grid. An M2 example is shown below.
For wind, Ewiyar’s Beak is an incredible strong skill supp weapon. This allows for great skill damage. In the example below, Daur da Blao
further ups skill cap while Mandjet
provides general supp that stacks with the skill supp. This allows for some incredible hard hitting skills without sacrificing too much damage in other areas.
And last of the new grids to mention is water’s critical grid. While auberon’s are generally pretty weak, being able to pair them with the crit supp from Wamdus’s Cnidocyte makes them a lot more valuable. Two of the spears will always be slotted for crit not just for the supp but to help with the relatively low crit value of the AAs. 3 Auberons are used for double sided setups and 4 for single.
These raids are also essential for two other weapon series.
The lesser of the two are Draconic weapons. These are alternatives to the opus with a focus on harder content. Their main limit is not being able to be used with opus. While opuses are generally weaker at this point, they will overtake draconics starting at 170. Given general resource scarcity at this point, investing in them is a personal choice dependant on if you encounter a raid that really requires it.
The stronger of the two is the astral series. Not only are they the largest source of EX, typically the only needed source of EX, they all come with a source of cap up. At FLB, they must be mainhand to get the cap up. Thankfully, most are strong mainhands. Which leads into the next raid.
Long Live the King
The other raid introduced is Beelzebub: a hard content null fight. The primary purpose of this raid is to fully uncap the Astral weapons. This drops the mainhand requirement on the weapons and makes this a lot more useful for general use.
A guide for this raid will be added at a later date. While for beginner players the raid will be quite difficult, it is easy for high level players. The general recommendation at this point is to leech the raid. Look for raids at low HP and join them. Join and press any skill. Do not take any turns since the raid hits hard and will heal a lot if anyone dies.

Rank 170
Two more hard content raids are introducted at level 170. Both are null fights focused on upgrading dark opuses.
Dark Rapture (Hard)
The first of this is Lucilius also known as Faa. It is one of the most mechanically complex raids. It provides mats to both uncap dark opus weapons as well as to exchange for keys for the powerful third skill slot of the opus. The typical first key choice for most players and elements will be stamina.
Similar to bubs, this raid can be leeched. The raid opens by inflicting 30k plain damage requiring more than that to join. This can be cuircumivented with support Kaguya’s autorevive.
The Fallen Angel of Cunning
Belial is a supplemntal raid to FaaHL. It’s drops are used to exchange for more keys for the ULB opus. These keys are more specialized with many carrying drawbacks. These specializations however make them more useful for specific teams than the Faa opus keys. Temptation and Falsehood both offer extremely powerful buffs for burst and OTK. Ougi setups love Glorification providing additional CA cap and damage. Restoration is a great option for HL raids for additional HP.
This raid can also be leeched. The plain damage trigger is a lower 19,999. Unlike the prior two raids, Belial doesn’t have an immediate raid wide punishment mechanic. You can take a couple turns to help but do not let him his full diamond special Anagenesis as it is a raid wipe.
4 responses to “Rank 120-199”
I really appreciate this website and what you have done. Even though I am fairly new to GBF, most of these guides where still able to help me understand and progress in this game.
Thank you.
Hi, where in the progression would you recommend farming for Astral weapons? I’m not familiar with the raids that are best for farming these but since I’m past 150 I assume I’ve reached the point where I should be.
Did you get the free Ultima from anniversary? If so you don’t need to worry about farming Astrals outside the Fire one.
When it comes to the fire one, if you are leeching Bubs you can go for it right away. If you want to do more than leech than you’d want to wait til you have an ULB opus and a team to tackle it.
The Dark Ougi grid under Rank 120/Magna 2 is missing!
Thank you for all the work you’ve put in to these guides