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Lu Woh




Before transition to an Optimus grid, it is important to make sure you have all the neccessary grid compontents beforehand. Since different people have different priorities when it comes to content, below are the common pieces for various types of content. Once you have everything for what you want to do, then you can consider transitioning over.


Full Auto + HL Additions


Now onto discuessing the weapons themselves. These will be split up into the function of each weapon to assist with visualizing replacements.

Central Grid Pieces

List of the core grid pieces to most grids.

Copies: 2
Source: FLASH
Arbitration Ray
Massive light DMG to a foe (Restore 10% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1000).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflict Delay.
Glimmer’s Pact
Supplement light allies’ DMG
Harp Voltage II
Boost to ATK (Multiplier: EX) based on how many harps are equipped
Glimmer’s Quintessence
Boost to light allies’ DMG cap
  • 50k (100lk max) unconditional supp, Harp Voltage II, and 7% cap.
  • Two copies are slotted in almost every team.
Copies: 3
Massive light DMG to a foe (All allies gain Refresh.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Dispel Cancel.
Optimus Exalto Luminis
30% boost to Light’s, Thunder’s, and Zion’s weapon skills
Light’s Celere
Small boost to light allies’ ATK and critical hit rate
Zion’s Stratagem
Big amplifying boost to light allies’ critical hit DMG
  • Light’s Exalto weapon. Provides 30% boost to Optimus skills.
  • Main draw is the big amp to critical hits.
    • Crit Amp stacks with the normal amp from other sources like Ura fist.
  • Grids will have to be crafted around the critical component to utlitize it.
    • Characters with party wide 100% crit like Mugen (Halloween) will activate the amp even if the grid doesn’t reach 100% crit.
Copies: 1-2
Source: FLASH
Virtue of the First Dog
Massive light DMG to a foe (Gain Guaranteed TA.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also gain Bonus Light DMG.
Glimmer's Prowess
Supplement light allies' normal attack DMG
Zion's Impalement
Light allies ignore a big percentage of foes' DEF / Small boost to ATK
Golden Athos
Boost to light allies’ multiattack rate / Amplify normal attack DMG (Boost to specs when either light Omega or light Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above)
  • Excellent normal attack boost that is basically a free DRZ key..
  • 50k supp (100k) supp per copy.
  • With 280% aura boost, it provides 12.5% DATA and 10% special Normal amp.
    • One copy with Extremity maxes normal amp.
    • Two copies frees you to use a key other than Extremity.
Copies: 1
Knightcode’s Majesty III
Big boost to Light allies’ ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation
A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel
A symbol of evolution’s holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
  • Big magna ATK and HP, cap up of choice at FLB, and third skill of many powerful options at ULB.
  • Generally the only source of magna mod in primal grids.
  • Typically used for bursting or FA.
  • Frequently used keys: Freyr, Echo
Copies: 1
Zion’s Majesty
Big boost to light allies’ ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation
A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel
A symbol of evolution’s holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
  • Big normal ATK and HP, cap up of choice at FLB, and third skill of many powerful options at ULB.
  • Typically used for FA and hard content.
  • Frequently used keys: Stamina, Progression.
Copies: 1
Eternal Grace
Massive Light damage to a foe.
All allies gain Light ATK Boosted (20%, 3.5t) and Dark DMG Lowered (20%, 3.5t).
Teachers’ Guidance III
Amplify Light allies’ damage against Dark foes by 23%.
Light’s Majesty
Small boost to light allies’ ATK and max HP
  • 20-23% seraphic mod that boosts all Light damage by when fighting on element.
  • Core to on element raids.

Cap Break

Weapons that break cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 2-3
Scattering Lightfall
Massive light DMG to a foe (Restore 10% of all allies’ HP.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Uplift.
Golden Vitality
Boost to light allies’ ATK, DEF, and DMG cap based on their max HP
Light’s Majesty
Small boost to light allies’ ATK and max HP
  • ATK, DEF, and special cap based on max HP at the start of battle.
    • 70k HP is required to max special cap at 7%.
  • Edges out over pure Eden grids for burst but is less flexible which means a lot of grids may not wind up using them.
Copies: 1-2
Io’s Promise
Massive light DMG to a foe (Restore allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1000).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Now restores 15% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2000). (Refresh’s healing cap increased to 600.)
Zion’s Might II
Big boost to light allies’ ATK
Light’s Trium
Small boost to light allies’ multiattack rate
  • ATK awakening provides an additional 40% might and 5% cap on top of the massive normal attack makes the weapon a worthy slot again.
  • Trium is helpful for burst setups to cut Nehan 2 especially for GW.
Copies: 1
Source: FLASH
Primal Rage
Massive light DMG to a foe.
All allies gain DEF Up (40%, 3.5T).
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies gain DA Up (30%, 3.5T) and TA Up (30%, 3.5T).
Zion’s Might II
Big boost to light allies’ ATK
Thunder’s Sentence
Medium boost to light allies’ C.A. DMG and C.A. DMG cap
  • Alternate ATK awakening option to Gamba.
  • Generally less useful but having Sentence does make it better for ougi setups.
Copies: 1
Heavenly Glory
Massive light DMG to a foe (All allies under Divinity (Summon) gain 90% Dark Cut until end of turn.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Allies under Divinity (Summon) also gain DMG Boosted.
Chariot-Star’s Wish
When main weapon: Massive boost to Light allies’ ATK (Modifier: EX). 20% Bonus Damage|Bonus Light DMG effect to Light allies with Divinity (Summon).
Sephira Maxi-Light
20% boost to Light allies’ DMG Cap in Arcarum.
Light’s Majesty
Small boost to light allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Needs FLB to be useful.
  • At FLB:
    • A strong grid slot thanks to its mix of normal majesty and massive EX.
    • Generally limited in usage outside of Extra grids.
  • At ULB:
    • An all around great slot thanks to both its mix of mads and the additional 5% cap up.
    • Good option for many normal grids.
  • Unique skill useful thanks to providing echoes.

CA Cap

Weapons that break CA cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 1-2
Source: FLASH
Conflicting Ray
Massive light DMG to a foe (Inflict Light DEF Down.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflict Dark ATK Lowered.
Harp of Hastened Light
Boost to Light allies’ C.A. DMG, C.A. DMG Cap, and Special C.A. DMG Cap based on how many harps are equipped.
Thunder’s Majesty
Medium boost to light allies’ ATK and max HP
  • The go to premium option for CA cap increases. Particuarlly geared towards HL content thanks to the Medium Majesty providing good HP
Copies: 1-2 ATK, 1-2 DEF
Source: HORUS
Massive light DMG to a foe (All allies gain Charge Boost.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain DA Up and TA Up.
Glimmer’s Crux
Supplement light allies’ C.A. DMG
Luminis Excelsior
Boost to light allies’ C.A. DMG cap
  • 400k ougi supp and 15% CA cap makes this a good slot for ougi setups.
Copies: 1
Resonant Rumble Repetere
Massive light DMG to a foe (Inflict Light DEF Down.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Harp Voltage II
Boost to ATK (Multiplier: EX) based on how many harps are equipped
Glimmer’s Quenching
Supplement light allies’ C.A. DMG based on how high their HP is
  • 600k stam ougi supp makes this a solid choice for ougi setups particularly since it can be put in Extra slots..
  • Generally not used over Harakhte except in the case of Extra slots.

Skill Cap

Weapons that break skill cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 2
Source: FLASH
Sunny Rebirth
Massive light DMG to a foe (All Light allies gain DMG Cap Boosted.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All Light allies also gain Refresh.
Zion’s Tempering
Big boost to light allies’ skill DMG cap / Big supplemental boost to skill DMG
Light’s Fandango
Small boost to light allies’ ATK / Small boost to triple attack rate
  • Big skill cap, big skill supp, small ATK, and small TA.
  • Core weapon to skill damage teams.
Copies: 1
Source: SHOP
Kaleidoscopic Force
Massive light DMG to a foe (All allies gain Mirror Imaged.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Debuff Resistance Boosted.
Radiant Sovereign
Unworldly boost to Light allies’ ATK.
Astral Pierce
When main weapon: 50%-10% boost to Light allies’ skill damage cap based on how high their HP is.’"`UNIQ–ref-00000008-QINU`"’
  • The biggest source of EX mod. Astral can be the only source of grid EX if slotted.
  • 50% stamina based skill cap.
  • Slowly being phased out thanks to various other weapons also providing EX as well as Ultima ULB.

Multiattack Up

Weapons that increase Multiattack rate.

Copies: 4-5
Source: FLASH
Sail On
Massive light DMG to a foe (All allies gain ATK Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Buff increased to ATK Up. (All allies also gain Shield.)
Zion’s Might II
Big boost to light allies’ ATK
Thunder’s Stamina
Medium boost to light allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
  • Strong combination of attack and stam mods making it the strongest boostable attack slot in light.
  • Multiattack awakening can be helpful to achieve 100% TA to team wihtout relying on Nehan’s skill 2.
Copies: 1-2
Io’s Promise
Massive light DMG to a foe (Restore allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1000).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Now restores 15% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2000). (Refresh’s healing cap increased to 600.)
Zion’s Might II
Big boost to light allies’ ATK
Light’s Trium
Small boost to light allies’ multiattack rate
  • ATK awakening provides an additional 40% might and 5% cap on top of the massive normal attack makes the weapon a worthy slot again.
  • Trium is helpful for burst setups to cut Nehan 2 especially for GW.
Copies: 1
Source: FLASH
Divine Wings
Massive light DMG to a foe (All Light allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Light).)
Additional effect at 4★:
All Light allies also gain Charge Boost.
Zion’s Trium
Big boost to light allies’ multiattack rate
Thunder’s Progression
Medium boost to light allies’ light ATK based on number of turns passed
  • Big MA as well as Medium progression.
  • ATK awakening helps make up for lack of ATK mods.

Raw Damage

Weapons used for as a source of raw damage.

Copies: 4-5
Source: FLASH
Sail On
Massive light DMG to a foe (All allies gain ATK Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Buff increased to ATK Up. (All allies also gain Shield.)
Zion’s Might II
Big boost to light allies’ ATK
Thunder’s Stamina
Medium boost to light allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
  • Strong combination of attack and stam mods making it the strongest boostable attack slot in light.
  • Multiattack awakening can be helpful to achieve 100% TA to team wihtout relying on Nehan’s skill 2.
Copies: 2
Covenant of Light
Massive light DMG to a foe (All allies gain Debuff Success Boosted.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Bonus Light DMG.
Zion’s Celere
Big boost to light allies’ ATK and critical hit rate
Light’s Grace
Small boost to light allies’ max HP and debuff resistance
  • Strong crit weapon though crit is typically limited only to FA or Hard Content.
  • Extra HP and debuff resistance are helpful.
  • 15% echo on ougi makes it a good Manadiver MH.
Copies: 2
Holy Blade
Massive light DMG to a foe (Slight chance to remove a buff effect.)
Knightcode’s Might II
Big boost to light allies’ ATK
Inferno’s Aegis
Big boost to fire allies’ max HP
  • Big magna mod that pairs well with Harmonia.
  • Sees use in unboosted setups.


Weapons that provide HP. Generally HP is provided by spoon or settes, but these are other options if lacking either.

Copies: 2-3
Scattering Lightfall
Massive light DMG to a foe (Restore 10% of all allies’ HP.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Uplift.
Golden Vitality
Boost to light allies’ ATK, DEF, and DMG cap based on their max HP
Light’s Majesty
Small boost to light allies’ ATK and max HP
  • ATK, DEF, and special cap based on max HP at the start of battle.
    • 70k HP is required to max special cap at 7%.
Copies: 2-3
Massive light DMG to a foe (All allies gain Revitalize.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Healing Boosted and Healing Cap Boosted
Zion’s Healing
Big boost to light allies’ healing cap
Thunder’s Majesty
Medium boost to light allies’ ATK and max HP
Light’s Garrison
Small boost to light allies’ DEF based on how low HP is
  • Big healing, medium majesty, and small garrison offers a lot for defensive utility if needed.
Copies: 2 DEF 0-2 ATK
Source: COSMOS
Incisio Unitatis
Massive light DMG to a foe (All allies gain Drain.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Shield.
Zion’s Garrison
Big boost to light allies’ DEF based on how low HP is
Light’s Tempering
Small boost to light allies’ skill DMG cap / Small supplemental boost to skill DMG
  • Provides a solid defense boost via garrison and DEF awakening for skill mash comps.
  • Good option for HP filler for Omega grids or Optimus grids lacking stronger components.
  • 2 ATK have niche use for OTK setups or as a general replacement for Rinnes to provide an additional bit of skill damage.
Copies: 0-2
Source: CORROW
Sol Burst
Massive light DMG to a foe / Boost to skill DMG
Additional effect at 4★:
Zion’s Aegis
Big boost to light allies’ max HP
Light’s Might
Weapon_Skills|Small boost (Normal 0% base, 1% per skill level, SL10 10%) to light allies’ ATK
  • Older HP filler that is generally replaced by Imperious Fury now.
Copies: 2
Source: ODIN
Massive Light damage to a foe. (Inflict ATK Lowered and DEF Lowered.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Debuff strength increased to ATK Lowered and DEF Lowered.
Light’s Enmity
Small boost to light allies’ ATK based on how low HP is
Zion’s Garrison
Big boost to light allies’ DEF based on how low HP is
  • Farmable garrision option for light.

Mainhand Only

Weapons that are strong as mainhands but not so much as grid pieces.

Copies: 0-1
Emery Greatslash
Massive light DMG to a foe. (Inflict Delay.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Zion’s Might
Big boost to light allies’ ATK
Thunder’s Clarity
Slight chance to dodge and counter (medium DMG) for light allies
  • Delay on ougi.
  • Good for monk mash setups.
Copies: 1 ATK 0-3 SPC
Heliacal Blaze
Massive light DMG to a foe (Gain Lethal Attack Dodged (25% HP / 1 time).)
Additional effect at 4★:
1-turn cut to MC’s damage skill cooldowns.
Solaris’s Supremacy
Massive boost to light allies’ ATK
Resplendent Ruler’s Sanctity
When main weapon upon MC using a damage skill (MC only):
All Light allies gain Supplemental Skill DMG (Stackable) (10,000 (50,000 Max)).
  • Excellent monk mainhand providing 10% cap up, 15% skill cap, as well as stackable skill supp maxing at 50k when MC hits a red skill.
Copies: 2
Ars Magna Prima
Unworldly light DMG to a foe (Self-inflict C.A. Sealed (Can’t be removed).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Damage increased to 1050% (Damage cap: ~2,550,000). (Create 1 green potion.)
Zion’s Crux
Big supplemental boost to light allies’ C.A. DMG
Thunder’s Celere
Medium boost to light allies’ ATK and critical hit rate
  • Ougi supp weapon for crit grids.
  • Particularly useful for its unworlldly ougi creating a greet potion.
  • Strats that used it are no longer used.

Gold Moon

Weapons that cost Gold Moons to acquire.

Copies: 0-1
Ura’s Ward
Unworldly Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,550,000). (Gain Substitute until end of turn.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also gain Armored.
Ogre’s Retribution
When main weapon (MC only):
Full-force counter upon taking damage (3 hits). 500% Light damage to a foe upon countering (Damage cap: ~560,000).
Eternal Animosity
When main weapon:
Amplify Light allies’ normal attack DMG by 30%. Take DMG worth 40% of max HP at battle start.
Zion’s Fandango
Big boost to light allies’ ATK / Big boost to triple attack rate
  • Amplifies normal attacks by 30%.
  • 3 hit counter with bonus nuke after each counter.
  • Amazing weapon for burst setups for BHL and UnF.
Copies: 0-1
King’s Sword
Massive WeaponElement DMG to a foe (Gain Bonus Superior Elemental DMG.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to Bonus Superior Elemental DMG. (Restore 100% of MC’s HP (Healing cap: 5000).)
Zion’s Garrison
Big boost to light allies’ DEF based on how low HP is
Rightway Pathfinder
When main weapon (MC only): Based on how high HP is: Boost (Up to 120%) to C.A. DMG / Supplement C.A. DMG
Thunder’s Stamina
Medium boost to light allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
  • 50% superior element echoes on CA is an excellent tool to push damage further in relic buster setups.
  • Will be used for top NM200 setups.
Copies: 0-1
Fulmination Blade
Unworldly light DMG to a foe (Raise all foes’ Thunderstruck lvl by 2 (Max: 10).)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies gain Bonus Light DMG.
Thunder God’s Authority
When main weapon (MC only):
4-hit Light damage to all foes (Damage Cap: ~425,000 per hit) and raise Thunderstruck lvl by 2 upon using first-slot skill (Max: 10).
Thunder God’s Subjugation
When main weapon (MC only):
When attacking a foe whose Thunderstruck lvl is 7 or above:
4-hit Light damage to all foes (Damage Cap: ~187,000 per hit) upon normal attacks.
Zion’s Majesty
Big boost to light allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Premium version of Ivory Ark. One of the best Manadiver mainhands.
  • Provides 15% teamwide bonus damage on CA along with reducing red skill cooldowns by 1 and raising Thunderstruck by 2
  • When using the first slot skill, it deals a 4 hit skill nuke that also raises Thunderstruck by 2 and provides 3 turns of 30k skill supp to team
    • Excellent for OTK with Orologia as Transcendent Blue 11-hit Elemental damage to a foe (2600% total / Damage cap: ~4,000,000 total). MC gains Power of the Boundary triggers the skill damage.
  • Once Thunderstruck reaches level 5, it deals a 4 hit skill nuke on normals
Copies: 0-1
Orochi no Aramasa
Massive damage to a foe.
Gain Shield (5,000).
Additional effect at 4★:
~20% chance to also gain Lord-Sword (Guaranteed TA Up, 1.5T).
Thunder's Celere
Medium boost to Light allies' ATK and critical hit rate
Slaysnake's Myth
'''When main weapon (MC only):''' Gain <span class="image_link"><span class="tooltip" style="border-bottom: 0;">[[File:Status_AttackUpStack.png|25px|link=ATK Up]][[ATK Up|10% ATK Up (Stackable / Max: 100%)]]<span class="tooltiptext">ATK is boosted (Stackable / Can't be removed)<br /><span class="hr"></span><strong>Strength</strong>: 10% (Max: 100%)</span></span></span> upon dealing multiattacks.
Thunder's Trium
Medium boost to Light allies' multiattack rate
  • Medium MA, ATK, and crit.
  • Effecient slot for HL content as it offers both highly valuable TA for omen cancels as well as helpiing to reach 100% crit for Efes.

Example Grids


The go to for shorter bursts tends to be Soldier setups. Efes, Eden, and Harmonia form the core components of the setup. For Efes, these setups will use either Mugen (Halloween) or Mars (Summer) for this 100% crit buffs in order activate the crit amp. Since MC is the primary damage dealer, using Worldscathing Leon for more amp and normal cap is ideal.

With the new Canifortis, the setup sees a strong boost. A single one can replace an Eden or Harmonia depending if it is against low or high defense. A second copy is less important due to the existance of the Extremity key, but does free you from being required to use it. Depending on the context, Stamina, Temptation, or Sagacity can be used.

Luminiera Bolt Credo
Worldscathing Leon
Sword of Repudiation
Ultima Gun
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Worldscathing Leon
Sword of Repudiation
Ultima Gun
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Worldscathing Leon
Sword of Repudiation
Ultima Gun

Next example is a NM200 RB burst. Like before, this is primarily a mix of the four main grid pieces. Excalibur (Light) is the best choice for a mainhand as it grants MC 50% bonus damage. If its not an option, Opus with progression key can be used. Worldscathing Leon is a strong alternate to Canifortis. The maindrawback is the HP it provides makes it more annoying to kill off sac units.

Excalibur (Light)
Gateway-Star Sword
Sword of Repudiation
Ultima Sword
Excalibur (Light)
Worldscathing Leon
Gateway-Star Sword
Sword of Repudiation
Ultima Sword

And then an example of a Lucha setup. The ideal mainhand is the 150 GM weapon Golden Fists of Ura for its 30% normal amp.

Ultima Claw (Light)
Imperious Fury
Imperious Fury
Covenant-Ruin Fist
Sword of Repudiation
Golden Fists of Ura
Imperious Fury
Imperious Fury
Covenant-Ruin Fist
Sword of Repudiation
Ultima Claw

Full Auto

Now for a full auto example.

First up is a shorter example. This will be pretty similar overall to a burst grid. Like with them, it will use Mugen for the 100% partywide crit so the grid can focus on cap breaks or raw damage sources.

Golden Fists of Ura
Concordia Mk II
Bow of Artemis
Covenant-Ruin Fist
Sword of Repudiation
Ultima Claw

Next up is a medium length FA using Manadiver. Unlike before, we need achieve 100% via grid components for Efes to activate which is where Ivory Arks come in. Light FA presently contains a lot of skill damage dealers. Thus to make the most of them Radiant Rinne is slotted as well as a SPC Symmetria Mk II

Ivory Ark
Radiant Rinne
Symmetria Mk II
Sword of Repudiation
Ultima Blade

Lastly, for a high defense setup for long, hard hitting raids using Paladin. The Symettria is swapped to defense and an Imperious Fury is brought in for more defense and HP. Lancet is a highly efficient defensive slot as well.

Royal Deliverance (Light)
Ivory Ark
Imperious Fury
Radiant Rinne
Sword of Repudiation
Ultima Blade

Hard Content

For hard content, we’ll go over two setups. These two in particular are from Dark Rapture Zero. Yamato leans heavier on normal attacks hence slotting in Efes and Ivory Arks to make the most of them.

Sword of Repudiation
Imperious Fury
Imperious Fury
Ivory Ark
Ivory Ark
Ultima Sword
Shooting of The Star
Radiance of Insightful Rebirth

Kengo on the other hand leans more towards charge attack and skill damage so Diaitesia and Radiant Rinnes are slotted for that setup instead.

Unsigned Kaneshige (Light)
Imperious Fury
Imperious Fury
Imperious Fury
Radiant Rinne
Radiant Rinne
Sword of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Worldforging Moros
Radiance of Insightful Rebirth

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