Mugen is the fire raid of the Revan series. This guide will go over the basic details of the fight as well as setups for fighting it. For more detailed mechanics information, please check the wiki.
- JP Name: ムゲンHL
- HP: 2,000,000,000
- Defense: 20 > 10 (after transformation)
- Blue Chest: 4m honors
General Strategy
Mugen deals 50-60k fire damage at battle start and knocks out all non water allies.
Mugen is a two phase fight that full heals and enters phase 2 at 70%.
The primary focus of the first phase is to lower Mugen’s Extinction levels by cancelling omens. They provide a large boost to Mugen’s attack and defense making the raid much harder if they remain high. This is especially important to do right away since Mugen has no cancellable omens in the second phase.
The first phase randomly alternatives between two specials at full diamonds. Infinite Blows cuts ally buff durations and requires 30 hits to cancels.. Numberless inflicts stunned and can be canceled with 5 skill presses. Infinite Blows is the easier one to consistently cancel especially with a character like Poseidon, Lancelot (Grand)
, or Zeta (Water)
used in the front line. In order to assist with lowering levels as quick as possible, it is advised to guard all non special attack turns in order to not deplete Mugen’s HP too quick.
At 70% Mugen moves into phase 2 activating No Limit and giving himself a ton of massive perm buffs. This turn is typically where you kill off those GTA characters good for the first phase and weak for the second. He can’t be damaged the turn of this special and the next turn activates his main omen for the second half Ballistic Big Boy.
This is a two turn special with the first having him jumping in the air becoming immune to all damage and debuffs and then the next dealing 100k static fire damage that needs element cuts or other forms of damage mitigation to survive. Defense and Guarding won’t help. After this he inflicts permanent Strong Armed to all allies meaning you can’t heal for the rest of the fight. This makes all forms of defensive skills highly valuable to reduce the loss of HP since there is no way to get it back.
In the second half of the fight Mugen has no diamonds. Instead, it will fire off specials depending on specific conditions that can be easily prevented. The first is recasting Ballistic Big Boy if less than 10m damage is dealt in a turn. Therefore, needing to have consistent damage every turn is very important. The other is Infinity Impact which goes off if Mugen deals 30k damage in a turn. and inflicts stunned, buff duration decrease, and lowers charge bars Beyond the inability to heal, this is why damage cuts and damage mitigation are very important to this phase.
Additionally, the main other concern in phase 2 is that Ballistic Big Boy is cast again at 50% and 25%.
These are the most notable drops from this raid. Any unlisted weapons are safe to fodder.

- Mat for uncapping Revan weapons and awakenings.
Extinction Impact ![]() |
Unworldly Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,550,000). (Plain damage to MC based on 30% of current HP.)
Additional effect at 4★: Also gain Unchallenged. |
Inferno’s Garrison
![]() |
Big boost to fire allies’ DEF based on how low HP is |
Fire’s Celere
![]() |
Small boost to fire allies’ ATK and critical hit rate |
Scarlet Craft
![]() |
Supplement fire allies’ critical hit DMG |
- Used primarily for it’s DEF awakening than any of it’s skills.
- Garrision is a usless skill when it’s unboosted.
- 20k crit supp helps add additional damage when paired with AES grids though it’s weaker than other supp sources.
- With Extinction Blade Mk II
, it becomes the strongest farmable mod slot available and sees staple usage in magna grids.
Mortality Obliteration ![]() |
{{{ougi|Massive fire DMG to a foe.}}}
Additional effect at 4★: {{{ougi_4s|All Fire allies also gain DMG Cap Boosted.}}} |
Scarlet Enforcement
![]() |
Boost to Fire allies’ ATK and DEF (Activates when either Fire Omega or Fire Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above) |
Striking Art: Fire
![]() |
Boost to Fire allies’ skill DMG cap and normal attack DMG cap |
- Provides normal cap along with the strong ATK awakening mod.
- Generally unused due to World Harps but may see usage with future character setup changes.

- Extremely rare item used for New World Foundation weapon ULBs and summon transcendence
Blue Chest Setups
Blue chests are awarded based on the amount of honors achieved in a raid maxing out at 99% chance at a raid specific amount of honors: 4m in the case of Revan raids. They typically contain the most desirable drops in a raid such as the weapon drops. When farming a raid, this is the chest you want to aim for. The typical strategy is to deal the blue chest amount and then moving onto the next raid. Below is a list of strategies on how to effectively and quickly achieve blue chests.

Kengo is the easiest strategy to deal with this raid outside of burst setups. Cycling charge attacks in Phase 2 is a very easy way meet the 10m damage requirement per turn. Wamdus and Anne
both have very strong damage mitigation tools on their ougis to help counter Mugen’s high damage.
Reference Video: Magna
Reference Video: Primal
- Wamdus can be replaced by Anne
- A character like Zeta (Water)
, Poseidon
, or Lancelot (Grand)
can be used in the frontline during phase 1 to make cancelling triggers a lot easier.
- Summons are mostly there to provide charge bar as needed and can be replaced as needed. Alternative carbuncles can be used if further damage mitigation is required.

Manadiver’s skill Overtrance
Gain Overtrance (6T) and C.A. Instant Standby. (Can’t recast.)
allows for multiple turns of teamwide double strike via Falsehood CA. This can be used to great effect with phase 2 joins where multiple turns have to be skipped through at the start already.
- Turn 1
- Bahamut
- Rosetta (Halloween)
Remove all debuffs from caster.
Deploy a Midnight Rose Barrier (3T).
(Consumes 1 Petals of Sapphire every turn.
Ends when there are no Petals of Sapphire or after 3 turns.) - Manadiver
Convert caster’s HP to charge bar (3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar).
(Consumes up to 50% of current HP.) =>
- Bahamut
- Turn 2
- Payila
- Payila
- Turn 3
- Turn 4
- Payila
- Gabriel
- Haaselia
All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. , S4 - Manadiver
Fill 3 charge diamonds on all foes.All allies gain Bonus DMG (20%, 3T), Charge Boost (30%), and 1 Elemental Crest (Hellfire CrestDeluge CrestWasteland CrestTyphoon CrestAurora CrestOblivion Crest).(Crest gained based on caster’s element.) ,
Gain Overtrance (6T) and C.A. Instant Standby. (Can’t recast.)
- Payila
- Ca Ong
- Payila
- Turn 5
- Turn 6
Reference Video
今使ってるハイラ入れたムゲンの回復後ムーブです ガブリエル2あるので削り止まった後のジャイアントバン連発されても残業できる作りとなっております
— えーさん (@a3_dao) January 1, 2024
- Setup is for Phase 2 joins.
- Alt with Jeanne d'Arc (Water Summer)
instead of Rosetta in References.
Relic Buster
Relic Buster enables a burst strategy to quickly deal with the boss via Blitz Raid
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)
spam. It stacks up as many buffs as possible on MC so they shred through Mugen’s HP. It also uses Mugen’s high damage to kill characters from the frontline to bring even more buffs to the MC.
Rotation with Korwa
- Turn 1
- Belial (Summer)
- Korwa (Water)
Grant a Water ally C’est Belle (50%), Piercing Sight (3T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 3T), and Bonus Superior Elemental DMG (20%, 3T).(Consumes 3 Fil (Water).) =>
- Erika
1-turn cut to a Water ally’s skill cooldowns.
Target ally gains Critical Up (20%, 3T), Keen (3T), and DMG Amplified (15%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T). => - Lucio (Summer)
All allies gain Bonus Water DMG (20%, 3T) and Charge Bar (20%). S3
Grant a Water ally Bonus Water DMG (90%, 2T), Guaranteed TA (2T), 70% Fire Cut (2T), and Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 2T). =>
- Relic Buster
Convert caster’s HP to charge bar (3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar).
(Consumes up to 50% of current HP.)Gain Unchallenged (1 times, 3t).
Self-inflict ATK Down (1T). =>
- Belial (Summer)
- Turn 2
- Beelzebub
- Haaselia
All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. , S4 - Payila
- Relic Buster
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) - Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) => - Qilin
- Relic Buster
Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) - Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) =>
- Beelzebub
Rotation with Quatre
- Turn 1
- Belial (Summer)
- The Moon (SSR)
- Erika
1-turn cut to a Water ally’s skill cooldowns.
Target ally gains Critical Up (20%, 3T), Keen (3T), and DMG Amplified (15%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T). => - Lucio (Summer)
All allies gain Bonus Water DMG (20%, 3T) and Charge Bar (20%). , S3
Grant a Water ally Bonus Water DMG (90%, 2T), Guaranteed TA (2T), 70% Fire Cut (2T), and Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 2T). =>
- Relic Buster
Convert caster’s HP to charge bar (3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar).
(Consumes up to 50% of current HP.) ,Gain Unchallenged (1 times, 3t).
Self-inflict ATK Down (1T). =>
- Belial (Summer)
- Turn 2
- Beelzebub
- Erika
1-turn cut to a Water ally’s skill cooldowns.
Target ally gains Critical Up (20%, 3T), Keen (3T), and DMG Amplified (15%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T). => S300% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~280,000).
Inflict DEF Down 4 (25%, Accuracy: 100%, 4T) and Arvess Fermare 4 (Accuracy: g, 4T).
(When any foe has Arvess Fermare 1: Also gain Bonus Water DMG (100%, 3T).) - Haaselia
All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. , S4 - Zeta (Water)
Consume all of caster’s charge bar to gain Double Strike (1T).
(When below 25% HP: Also restore caster’s HP based on charge bar consumed.) - Relic Buster
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) - Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) => - Qilin
- Relic Buster
Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) - Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) =>
- Beelzebub
Reference Video: Quatre
Reference Video: Korwa
- Must call Bubs before 70%.
- Korwa replacements include Juliet (Water)
or Feower
- Quatre requires teamwide ougi.
- Payila can be replaced by Juliet (Water)
, Zeta (Water)
, or Gabriel
- Alternative rotation with many character replacements.
- Turn 1
- Charybdis
- Haaselia
5-hit, 100% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~108,000 per hit).
Inflict Bewitching Moonlight (Accuracy: 150%) on a foe.
(Bewitching Moonlight effect specs increase upon each cast [Max: 3 times])
Level 55:
Also inflict Delay (Accuracy: 120%). S3All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. S3All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. S4 - Erika
1-turn cut to a Water ally’s skill cooldowns.
Target ally gains Critical Up (20%, 3T), Keen (3T), and DMG Amplified (15%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T). => - Lucio (Summer)
All allies gain Bonus Water DMG (20%, 3T) and Charge Bar (20%). S3
Grant a Water ally Bonus Water DMG (90%, 2T), Guaranteed TA (2T), 70% Fire Cut (2T), and Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 2T). =>
- Relic Buster
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)2-hit, 200% elemental damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~415,000 per hit).
5-hit, 100% superior elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~81,000 per hit).
When an auxiliary weapon is equipped: Number of hits doubles to 10. - Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) => - Qilin
- Lucio (Summer)
Grant a Water ally Bonus Water DMG (90%, 2T), Guaranteed TA (2T), 70% Fire Cut (2T), and Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 2T). =>
- Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) => - Relic Buster
Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)2-hit, 200% elemental damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~415,000 per hit).
5-hit, 100% superior elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~81,000 per hit).
When an auxiliary weapon is equipped: Number of hits doubles to 10.
- Charybdis
Phase 2 Join No Lucio 
- Turn 1
- Relic Buster
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) - Beelzebub
- Gabriel
- Relic Buster
- Turn 2
- Societte
Restore 30% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2000).
All allies gain Revitalize (500 HP or 10% charge bar, 3T) and Bonus Water DMG (10%, 3T).
(When a foe uses a special attack:
Consumes Yonagi Rite to auto-activate.) =>
(if less than 29k HP)
- Turn 3
- Belial (Summer)
- Haaselia
Grant a Water ally Unchallenged (1 times), Veil, and Mirror Image (1 times).
Level 75:
Also grant Shield (3000). =>, S2
Grant a Water ally Unchallenged (1 times), Veil, and Mirror Image (1 times).
Level 75:
Also grant Shield (3000). => - Juliet (Water)
All Water allies gain Deluge Crest 1, Mirror Imaged (1 times), and Bonus Water DMG (Ends upon taking DMG) (20%).
(Bonus Water DMG effect ends upon taking damage.) - Relic Buster
Gain Unchallenged (1 times, 3t).
Self-inflict ATK Down (1T). ,
- Turn 4
- Haaselia
All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. , S4 - Erika
1-turn cut to a Water ally’s skill cooldowns.
Target ally gains Critical Up (20%, 3T), Keen (3T), and DMG Amplified (15%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T). => - Gwynne
Gain Ram It Down (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1-4T).
(Consume up to 3 Discharge Cell.
Extend effect duration based on number consumed.) , S1Gain 3 Discharge Cell (Max: 5).
(When HP is 50% or higher: Also gain Double Strike (1T).) - Relic Buster
Gain ATK Up (60%, Multiplier: Normal, 5T).
Self-inflict DEF Lowered (Can’t be removed) (20%, 5T). ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) - Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) => - Qilin
- Relic Buster
Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) - Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) =>, S2
1-turn cut to a Water ally’s skill cooldowns.
Target ally gains Critical Up (20%, 3T), Keen (3T), and DMG Amplified (15%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T). => - Gwynne
Consume 1 Burst Shell to deal 3-hit, 100% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~215,000 per hit).
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Starts battle with 3 Burst Shell. Can’t reload.) , S3Consume 1 Burst Shell to deal 3-hit, 100% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~215,000 per hit).
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Starts battle with 3 Burst Shell. Can’t reload.) , S3Consume 1 Burst Shell to deal 3-hit, 100% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~215,000 per hit).
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Starts battle with 3 Burst Shell. Can’t reload.) , S1Gain 3 Discharge Cell (Max: 5).
(When HP is 50% or higher: Also gain Double Strike (1T).)
- Haaselia
No FLB Haase 
- Turn 1
- Belial (Summer)
- The Moon (SSR)
- Korwa (Water)
Grant a Water ally C’est Belle (50%), Piercing Sight (3T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 3T), and Bonus Superior Elemental DMG (20%, 3T).(Consumes 3 Fil (Water).) =>
- Lucio (Summer)
All allies gain Bonus Water DMG (20%, 3T) and Charge Bar (20%). , S3
Grant a Water ally Bonus Water DMG (90%, 2T), Guaranteed TA (2T), 70% Fire Cut (2T), and Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 2T). =>
- Erika
1-turn cut to a Water ally’s skill cooldowns.
Target ally gains Critical Up (20%, 3T), Keen (3T), and DMG Amplified (15%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T). => - Relic Buster
Convert caster’s HP to charge bar (3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar).
(Consumes up to 50% of current HP.) ,Gain Unchallenged (1 times, 3t).
Self-inflict ATK Down (1T). =>
- Belial (Summer)
- Turn 2
- Beelzebub
- Haaselia
All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. , S3All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. - Relic Buster
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) - Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) => - Qilin
- Haaselia
All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. - Relic Buster
Gain 5 Machine Cell (Max: 5) and restore HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When HP is 50% or above: Also gain Strength (45%-15%, 3T).)
Level 30:
(When HP is below 50%: Also gain Jammed (30%-90%, 3T).) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) ,Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) - Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) =>
- Beelzebub
— 🚬🦆至極のヤニカモメ💍 (@yanyy_kamo) September 8, 2023
- Korwa can be replaced by Juliet (Water)
(T1: Fulmine Azzurro
All Water allies gain Deluge Crest 1, Mirror Imaged (1 times), and Bonus Water DMG (Ends upon taking DMG) (20%).
(Bonus Water DMG effect ends upon taking damage.) => Relic Buster)
The 150 GM weapon Hraesvelgr provides a major boost in damage and speed over using Exo gun. With FLB Haaselia
, this damage becomes high enough that Soldier
setups can be used instead for faster clears.

- Turn 1
- Belial (Summer)
- Lucio (Summer)
All allies gain Bonus Water DMG (20%, 3T) and Charge Bar (20%). , S3
Grant a Water ally Bonus Water DMG (90%, 2T), Guaranteed TA (2T), 70% Fire Cut (2T), and Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 2T). =>
- Catura
12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].) - Erika
1-turn cut to a Water ally’s skill cooldowns.
Target ally gains Critical Up (20%, 3T), Keen (3T), and DMG Amplified (15%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T). => - Soldier
Gain Ammunition Belt (3T).
- Belial (Summer)
- Turn 2
- Beelzebub
- Haaselia
All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. S3All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. - Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) => - Soldier
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T) and instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn. (Consumes bullets.)
Level 30:
Also gain Adversity (20%, 1T). ,Deal one-foe attacks until all bullets are consumed.
- Qilin
- Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) => - Soldier
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T) and instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn. (Consumes bullets.)
Level 30:
Also gain Adversity (20%, 1T). ,Deal one-foe attacks until all bullets are consumed.
- Beelzebub
- FLB Haase provides so much damage boost that soldier can be used instead which is much quicker than Relic Buster.

- Turn 1
- Charybdis
- Haaselia
All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. S3All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. - Lucio (Summer)
All allies gain Bonus Water DMG (20%, 3T) and Charge Bar (20%). S3
Grant a Water ally Bonus Water DMG (90%, 2T), Guaranteed TA (2T), 70% Fire Cut (2T), and Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 2T). =>
- Erika
1-turn cut to a Water ally’s skill cooldowns.
Target ally gains Critical Up (20%, 3T), Keen (3T), and DMG Amplified (15%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T). => - Soldier
Gain Ammunition Belt (3T).
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T) and instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn. (Consumes bullets.)
Level 30:
Also gain Adversity (20%, 1T). - Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) => - Soldier
Deal one-foe attacks until all bullets are consumed.
- Qilin
- Lucio (Summer)
Grant a Water ally Bonus Water DMG (90%, 2T), Guaranteed TA (2T), 70% Fire Cut (2T), and Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 2T). => Haaselia
- Erika
Another Water ally instantly performs a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes Tactical Edge to end cooldown.) => - Soldier
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T) and instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn. (Consumes bullets.)
Level 30:
Also gain Adversity (20%, 1T). ,Deal one-foe attacks until all bullets are consumed.
- Charybdis
- FLB Haase provides so much damage boost that soldier can be used instead which is much quicker than Relic Buster.

The enmity viking strategy uses stacked damage cuts from Garnet Carbuncle and Lily’s
skill 1 S1
All allies gain 70% Fire Res (1 turn
55 2 turns).
Level 90:
All allies also gain Deluge Crest 1.
Lily also gains Spring Breeze 3 (3 times).
to for full cut. This is then extensed via Jomsborg
Extend the duration of all allies’ buffs by 1 turn. (Excludes 1-turn buffs.)
All allies gain two random buffs.
and Feower’s skill 3 Avirati
Extend the duration of all allies’ buffs by 1 turn. (Excludes 1-turn buffs.)
Level 130:
All allies also gain two random buffs.
to have many safe turns in a row. Since no damage is taken while in full cut, Ballistic Big Boy with Titan to set everyone to 1 HP for the duration of the full cut period for high enmity damage.
Reference Video: Magna
Reference Video: Primal
- Lancelot can be replaced by Poseidon
or Yngwie (Legend of Bravado and Revelry)
Paladin provides yet another way of providing a lot of damage mitigation. It has a bit more flexibility than the other setups, but you will need to be more aware of the damage you deal and take.
- Characters are generally replacable for those with other damage mitigation skills.
Full Auto Blue Chest

- Anne can be subbed up for Yatima
- Europa can be subbed with Erin (SSR)
or Chat Noir
No Yatima 
- Anne can be subbed up for Yatima
- Europa can be subbed with Erin (SSR)
or Chat Noir
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4 responses to “Mugen”
Apparently there’s a recent full auto setup with Paladin ?
Hello kind sirs, I have recently stumbled upon a seemingly new setup for the raids known as “Mugen” where you could, at the press of a single button, let the game play for you while you advance through the raid.
I believe said setup is used by the Paladin class.
Could you gentlemen please provide the new setup to this page ?
Thank you very much sirs
Um, I think the full auto blue chest paladin leviathan yatima team is incorrect. There’s not enough omega boost for the first skill of Lagrange to activate.
You’re right, it’s only 80% from 4xGazes,170% from friend max Leviathan, 20% from Gabriel or 10% from Uruki. But if you swap one of summons, probably Long Ji or Gabriel with Wedges of the Sky, the 20% it provides should help 280%.