
This page goes over Omega Fire grids and weapons. They are called Colossus after the farmable Fire aura summon Colossus Omega. Additionally, they are often referred to as Magna after the JP name for them.

Fire Pages











Early Game (Magna 1)

In the early game, building for Omega grids follows the general format of 5-6 magna mods, 1-2 normal mods, 2-3 EX mods, and 1 seraphic. Below are a list of available weapons for these mod types.

Omega (5-6 per grid)

Weapons who skills are Omega mod. These skills are boosted by Colossus Omega. They typically can be identied by either an Ω in english or M in Japanese.

Copies: 4-6
Dimensional Cleave
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Inflict DEF Down.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Increased to DEF Down.
Ironflame’s Might II
Big boost to fire allies’ ATK
  • Big magna attack mod.
  • Best magna weapon for M1 grids.
  • Given free for story progress and during anniversary.
Copies: 1-4
Massive Fire damage to a foe. (Gain Charge Boost.)
Ironflame's Celere II
Medium boost to fire allies' ATK and critical hit rate
Ironflame's Enmity
Small boost to fire allies' ATK based on how low HP is
  • Medium magna ATK boost, medium crit rate and small enmity boost.
  • Central weapon to the AES grid which outperforms the Cane grid.
  • The combo of attack and enmity overtakes the damage of Colo cones ~85% HP which is very common during M1.
  • Critical mod is a good plus even thought at this stage it is unreliable even with 6 0* copies
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Garnet Slash
Massive fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain Armored.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Ironflame’s Might II
Big boost to fire allies’ ATK
Ironflame’s Progression II
Medium boost to fire allies’ fire ATK based on number of turns passed
  • Large magna attack and medium progression make this a good slot for your 6th magna mode.
  • Good for longer battles as progression gains in strength with more turns passed.
  • Uncap can be slow until Rank 120 but is doable. However at 120 it is a lot quicker.
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Shimmering Resplendence
Massive Fire damage to a foe. / Gain Chain Burst DMG Boosted (30%, 0.5T) and Chain Burst DMG Cap Boosted (10%, 0.5T).
Additional effect at 4★:
Buffs increased to Chain Burst DMG Boosted (50%, 0.5T) and Chain Burst DMG Cap Boosted (20%, 0.5T).
Ironflame’s Might
Small boost to fire allies’ ATK
Ironflame’s Sentence
Medium boost to fire allies’ C.A. DMG and C.A. DMG cap
  • Medium magna attack and medium magna boost to CA damage and CA damage cap
  • Great sllot of ougi teams or OTK teams.

Normal (1-2 per grid)

Weapons with skills that are normal mod. These skills typically boosted by Agni but some like the Bahamut weapons can’t be boosted. Normal skills don’t have any special icons to indicate them.

Copies: 1
Massive dark DMG to a foe (Gain DA Up.)
Human Animus Dominion
Boost to Humans’ ATK.
  • Extremely strong normal mod that continues to get stronger with upgrades.
  • A free copy can be obtained from the What Makes the Sky Blue sidestory.
  • Choice of Bahamut weapon depends on your characters. Most players typically get Bahamut dagger first due to the large amount of Humans and Erunes.
  • Typically the only normal mod in M1 grids.
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Southern Lights
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Gain Skill DMG Boosted.)
Inferno’s Might
Big boost to fire allies’ ATK
  • Big normal mod. Lower normal mod than the baha weapon.
  • Becomes much better later on thanks to the Malus cipher, but at this stage the cap up won’t do anything so can be put on the backburner.

EX (2-3 per grid)

Weapons with skills that are EX mod. EX skills can not be boosted at all. These skills can be identified with an EX on them.

Copies: 1
I’ve Got Sunshine
Massive Fire damage to a foe.
Gain ATK Up Stack (10% (30% Max), Multiplier: Normal).
Additional effect at 4★:
Gain Uplifted (10%, 1.5T).
Big boost to Fire allies’ ATK
Aspire to Shine!
MC only: 20% boost to charge attack DMG when not debuffed
  • Side Story EX option.
  • Can be obtained from Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours Sky-High!‎‎.
  • Has a 4* uncap making it one of the stronger side story weapon slots.
Copies: 1
Hoshin Engi
Massive fire DMG to a foe. (Inflict Burn.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Foxflame’s Glare
When main weapon (MC only): 10% bonus Fire DMG to one-foe attacks against burned foes.
Foxflame’s Flicker
Big boost to fire allies’ ATK
  • Side Story EX option.
  • Can be obtained from Forgiveness and Gratitude‎‎.
Copies: 1
Hidden Edge Immolation
Massive fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain ATK Up.)
Dreadflame’s Supremacy
Massive boost to fire allies’ ATK
  • Large EX source as well as bonuses from AX skills.
  • Upgrade option to side story weapons.
  • ATK boost on ougi is very helpful.
Copies: 1
Soulfire Immolation
Massive fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain DA Up and TA Up.)
Dreadflame’s Supremacy
Massive boost to fire allies’ ATK
  • Large EX source as well as bonuses from AX skills.
  • Upgrade option to side story weapons.
  • DATA on ougi is very helpful when starting out.

Seraphic (1 per grid)

Seraphic skills amplify all damage fighting on element and are always must slots in that case. They can’t be boosted and have no special indicator.

Copies: 1
Iudicium Wildfire
Big fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain Fire ATK Up.)
Michael’s Blessing
Amplify Fire allies’ damage against Wind foes by 10%.
  • 10% seraphic mod that boosts all fire damage by 10% when fighting on element.
  • SSR upgrade is rank gated so upgrading can be put on the backburner until then.

Example Grids

General Purpose

Below is a an example grid for most content. Here we have two EX weapons in the form of Xenos, a Normal in form of the Baha, and 6 Omega weapons.

Xeno Infernal Flamescythe
Colossus Cane Omega
Colossus Cane Omega
Colossus Cane Omega
Colossus Cane Omega
Colossus Cane Omega
Garnet Broadaxe
Dagger of Bahamut Nova
Sword of Michael (SR)
Emberfire Longblade


After unlocking the Twin Elements fight, another stronger grid can be made with its weapon drop Ancient Ecke Sachs. They will replace all the colo canes in your grid as you get them.

Xeno Infernal Flamescythe
Ancient Ecke Sachs
Ancient Ecke Sachs
Ancient Ecke Sachs
Ancient Ecke Sachs
Ancient Ecke Sachs
Garnet Broadaxe
Dagger of Bahamut Nova
Sword of Michael (SR)
Emberfire Longblade


Some gacha weapons can prove useful in magna grids. Don’t worry about barring them. These ones are all good at 0* and won’t recieve a major boost from barring them in M1 grids..

Copies: 1-3
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Bonus Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~800,000).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also raise foes’ Singed lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Scarlet Convergence
When at least 4 weapons of the same weapon group are equipped: Boost to fire allies’ ATK, DEF, and DMG cap
Fire’s Majesty
Small boost to fire allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Percival (Grand)’s unlock weapon.
  • Boosts EX attack, defense, and damage cap when four or more of the same weapon types are equipped.
  • Is an amazing weapon for your EX slot if you have it since you will have 4 colo canes or AES.
  • Don’t worry about barring it. At 0* it is still a great slot.
Copies: 0-2
Massive fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain Bonus Fire DMG.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Charge Bar.
Blaze’s Pact
Supplement fire allies’ DMG
Axe Voltage II
Boost to ATK based on how many axes are equipped.
Blaze’s Quintessence
Boost to fire allies’ DMG cap
  • Michael’s unlock weapon.
  • 50k unconditional supplemental damage to all hits makes this an easy slot to all grids.
  • Cap up from FLB is not important at this stage due to the difficulty of hitting cap in M1.

Magna 2

Moving into mid game, many new weapons become available resulting in many grid changes. At this stage, the concept of a general grid becomes dead with many specialized grids taking their place.

New Weapons

List of the notable new weapons during these ranks.

Copies: 0-2
Massive Fire damage to a foe.Inflict DA Down and TA Down.All allies gain TA Up (15%, 3.5T).
Ironflame’s Primacy
Medium boost to fire allies’ ATK / Medium boost to double attack rate for fire allies
Ironflame’s Aegis
Small boost to fire allies’ max HP
  • Magna HP filler for hard raids or FA.
  • Eventually replaced by stronger options after rank 200.
Copies: 1-2
Source: SHIVA
Massive fire DMG to a foe. (All allies gain DA Up and TA Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Ironflame’s Stamina II
Big boost to fire allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
Ironflame’s Aegis
Small boost to fire allies’ max HP
  • Primary component for staff burst and OTK grids.
  • Additonally, can be used as an HP slot for FA.
Copies: 1 ATK
Source: ATUM
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Inflict Fire DEF Down.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflict Debuff Resistance Lowered.
Blaze’s Persistence
Supplement fire allies’ DMG based on how high their HP is
Preemptive Fire Blade
Boost to fire allies’ ATK for first 8 turns of battle
  • Farmable supplemental weapon that can used for burst grids or FA if you lack Crimson Scales.
  • While a single one is a great slot for burst due to awakenings and the pre-emptive skill, that pre-emptive not stacking skill makes each additional copy weaker.
Copies: 1-2 ATK, 1-2 DEF
Source: ATUM
Maftooh Al-Ainein
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Restore 10% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 700).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also remove 1 debuff from all allies.
Blaze's Crux
Supplement fire allies' C.A. DMG
Arsus Excelsior
Boost to fire allies’ C.A. DMG cap
  • Ougi weapon proviing both ougi supp and cap up as welll as awakenings.
  • Must slot in any ougi OTKs or Kengo teams.
Source: SHOP
Prominence Eruption
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Gain Guaranteed TA.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also gain DMG Amplified.
Heliacal Sovereign
Unworldly boost to Fire allies’ ATK.
Astral Blow
When main weapon: 10% Bonus Fire DMG effect to Fire allies’ triple attacks.’"`UNIQ–ref-00000006-QINU`"’
  • The biggest source of EX mod. Astral can be the only source of grid EX if slotted.
  • Second skill provides a unique effect of 10% echoes on triple atatcks.
    • Does not stack with Falsehood key and support passives on characters.
  • Finds plenty of use in burst grids where falsehood key isn’t used.
Copies: 1
Ironflame’s Majesty III
Big boost to fire allies’ ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation
A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel
A symbol of evolution’s holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
  • At FLB it is a solid slot for the free cap of choice, but due to the large quartz cost it should be lower priority until the rest of your grid is done.
  • Once ULB it will be a must slot in every grid.
  • Skill 2 is almost always skill cap.
  • Skill 3 will typically be Stamina to start.
  • For bursting it will normally be Echo key.

Example Grids

Full Auto

For full auto, AES grids are the usual standard. Many other pieces can be swapped out based on content like replacing the Nilakantha with a Scimitar of Brahman or replacing the Sol Remnant with another Benbenet or an Ushumgal.

Exo Maitrah Karuna
Ancient Ecke Sachs
Ancient Ecke Sachs
Ancient Ecke Sachs
Ancient Ecke Sachs
Sol Remnant
Scythe of Renunciation
Sword of Valorblaze

Relic Buster Burst

For RB setups, Al-Abad shine being both a CA cap up and an CA supp weapon.

Colossus Cane Omega
Colossus Cane Omega
Colossus Cane Omega
Summer’s Mirage
Scythe of Renunciation
Sword of Valorblaze

Manadiver Burst

Standard burst setup. Combo of Colo Canes and Nilakantha provide the stroing mix of raw damage for Omega. Alternatively, if you have multiple SPC copies of Exo Maitrah Karuna they can replace the Staves for an even higher damage output. Benbenets can be upgraded to the premium option of Crimson Scale even at 0*.

Exo Maitrah Karuna
Colossus Cane Omega
Colossus Cane Omega
Sol Remnant
Scythe of Renunciation
Sword of Valorblaze

Magna 3 to Late Game

Magna 3 will introduce a lot of new strong weapons that provides a much needed boost to farmable setups. For Fire it will release May 2nd.

Additionally, this will go through the weapons introduced at Rank 200 which is the highest level requirement in the game presently.

New Weapons

List of the notable new weapons during these ranks.

Copies: 3-5
Lava Eruption
Massive fire DMG to a foe / Hit to DEF / Raise Singed lvl by 1 (Max: 10)
Additional effect at 4★:
Omega Exalto Ardendi
20% boost to Ironflame’s weapon skills
Ironflame's Might III
Big boost to fire allies' ATK
Iron's Vivification
Boost to ATK and DMG cap based on how many weapons with Ironflame's weapon skills are equipped
  • Core weapon for M3.
  • 20% boost to Omega weapon skills and 2% EX and 1% cap up per weapon with an Omega skill slotted.
  • Very easy to reach 20% cap up with them.
  • 3-4 copies will cover general uise. 5 is for usage with Super Lucilius keys.
Copies: 2
Blazing Bash
Massive fire DMG to a foe / Hit to DEF / Boost to all allies’ fire ATK
Additional effect at 4★:
Ironflame's Tempering III
Big boost to fire allies' skill DMG cap / Big supplemental boost to skill DMG
Ironflame's Might
Small boost to fire allies' ATK
  • Omega Big Tempering and small ATK.
  • Best option for boosting skill damage in skill damage setups for Colossus.
  • Requires a boosted grid to make the most of it.
Copies: 1-2
Dimensional Cleave: Extirpation
Massive fire DMG to a foe / Hit to DEF / Armor effect to all allies
Additional effect at 4★:
Ironflame's Healing III
Big boost to fire allies' healing cap
Ironflame's Grace
Small boost to fire allies' max HP and debuff resistance
  • Big healing cap, small HP, and small debuff resistance in one weapon.
  • Excellent option for survivability thanks to healing cap and HP.
  • Lack of ATK mods limit how many you want to use at a time.
Copies: 2-3 ATK, 2 DEF
Source: MUGEN
Extinction Impact
Unworldly Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,550,000). (Plain damage to MC based on 30% of current HP.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also gain Unchallenged.
Inferno’s Garrison
Big boost to fire allies’ DEF based on how low HP is
Fire’s Celere
Small boost to fire allies’ ATK and critical hit rate
Scarlet Craft
Supplement fire allies’ critical hit DMG
  • Used primarily for it’s DEF awakening than any of it’s skills.
    • Garrision is a usless skill when it’s unboosted.
  • 20k crit supp helps add additional damage when paired with AES grids though it’s weaker than other supp sources.
  • With Extinction Blade Mk II, it becomes the strongest farmable mod slot available and sees staple usage in magna grids.
Copies: 0-2 ATK
Source: MUGEN
Mortality Obliteration
{{{ougi|Massive fire DMG to a foe.}}}
Additional effect at 4★:
{{{ougi_4s|All Fire allies also gain DMG Cap Boosted.}}}
Scarlet Enforcement
Boost to Fire allies’ ATK and DEF (Activates when either Fire Omega or Fire Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above)
Striking Art: Fire
Boost to Fire allies’ skill DMG cap and normal attack DMG cap
  • Provides normal cap along with the strong ATK awakening mod.
  • Generally unused due to World Harps but may see usage with future character setup changes.

Example Grids


Burst setups make heavy use of the exalto weapon Colossus Cane Ira as a source of cap up and raw mod. Outside that, core, we want more cap breaks. Sol Remnant provides bonus damage on TAs which also reduces our reliance on Falsehood opus. Outside that, the empty slots will typically be a mix of Celestials or supplmental weapons like Benbenet or Crimson Scales.

Since there isn’t a need for Falsehood opus, this also frees us up to use the Pendulum of Extremity. With the omega boost from Michael or Chichiri as well as Wedges of the Sky], we can achieve the required 280% with only four canes.

The examples here are all for Manadiver which will use the incrediblely powerful Exo Maitrah Karuna as mainhand. The other main class you’ll see is Sumaibito which will typically run Ultima Claw (Fire) or Kiss of The Devil.

Exo Maitrah Karuna
Colossus Cane Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Altruism-Soul Staff
Colossus Cane Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Sol Remnant
Scythe of Renunciation
Sword of Valorblaze
Exo Maitrah Karuna
Colossus Cane Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Covenant-Ruin Fist
Sol Remnant
Scythe of Renunciation
Crimson Scale
Crimson Scale
Ultima Staff
Exo Maitrah Karuna
Colossus Cane Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Sol Remnant
Colossus Cane Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Scythe of Renunciation
Crimson Scale
Crimson Scale
Ultima Staff

Full Auto

When it comes to FA, Fire leans very heavily towards Manadiver. Thanksfully, we can maximize the skill damage from it easily thanks to Colossus Bomber Ira. For a shorter setup, you can run three Colossus Cane Iras, but for longer ones one will do. Outside the usual staples of Exo mainhand, Opus, Seraphic or Ultima, and Sol Remnant, there is typically three slots open. One will be celestial if you have it. The others can lean more offensive like the additional canes mentioned before, Benbenets, or Crimson Scales or lean a bit more defensive like slotting in a Colossus Buster Ira, Extinction Blades, or Mortality Bows.

Exo Maitrah Karuna
Colossus Bomber Ira
Colossus Bomber Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Colossus Buster Ira
Altruism-Soul Staff
Sol Remnant
Scythe of Renunciation
Sword of Valorblaze
Exo Maitrah Karuna
Colossus Bomber Ira
Colossus Bomber Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Mortality Bow Mk II
Mortality Bow Mk II
Altruism-Soul Staff
Sol Remnant
Scythe of Renunciation
Ultima Staff

Hard Content

Below is an example of an Hexa grid for fire. [Colossus Cane Iras like before are uses for mod and cap up. General HP and defense is provided by DEF Extinction Blades, Colossus Buster Ira, Heat of The Sun, and Wrathfire Militis. Sol Remnant. The last major piece to discuss is Sol Remnant which is slotted as the bonus damage is provides will make hit count omens easier. As for the mainhand, Lord of Flames is the typical go to both being a strong grid piece as well as the large skill nuke on CA that can hit 2m damage.

Lord of Flames
Colossus Cane Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Extinction Blade
Extinction Blade
Sol Remnant
Colossus Bomber Ira
Colossus Buster Ira
Scythe of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Heat of The Sun
Wrathfire Militis
Lord of Flames
Colossus Cane Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Colossus Cane Ira
Extinction Blade
Extinction Blade
Sol Remnant
Colossus Bomber Ira
Colossus Buster Ira
Scythe of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Heat of The Sun
Refrain of Blazing Vigor


These are the notable weapons for Colossus setups. They are categorized by what they are used for to make replacing easier to understand.

Universal Grid Pieces

List of the grid pieces that exist in almost every grid.

Copies: 1
Ironflame’s Majesty III
Big boost to fire allies’ ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation
A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel
A symbol of evolution’s holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
  • At FLB it is a solid slot for the free cap of choice, but due to the large quartz cost it should be lower priority until the rest of your grid is done.
  • Once ULB it will be a must slot in every grid.
  • Skill 2 is almost always skill cap.
  • Skill 3 will typically be Stamina to start.
  • For bursting it will normally be Echo key.
Copies: 1
Arkhangelsky Sobor
Massive Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain Fire ATK Boosted (20%, 3.5t) and Wind DMG Lowered (20%, 3.5t).
Additional effect at 4★:
Michael’s Blessing III
Amplify Fire allies’ damage against Wind foes by 23%.
Fire’s Majesty
Small boost to fire allies’ ATK and max HP
  • 20-23% seraphic mod that boosts all Fire damage by when fighting on element.
  • Core to on element raids.
  • Upgrade from SSR can be delayed while upgrading other grid pieces, but with 3% additional seraphic mod and the weapon almost never leaving your grid it’s important to upgrade it.

Raw Damage

Weapons used for as a source of raw damage.

Copies: 3-5
Lava Eruption
Massive fire DMG to a foe / Hit to DEF / Raise Singed lvl by 1 (Max: 10)
Additional effect at 4★:
Omega Exalto Ardendi
20% boost to Ironflame’s weapon skills
Ironflame's Might III
Big boost to fire allies' ATK
Iron's Vivification
Boost to ATK and DMG cap based on how many weapons with Ironflame's weapon skills are equipped
  • Core weapon for M3.
  • 20% boost to Omega weapon skills and 2% EX and 1% cap up per weapon with an Omega skill slotted.
  • Very easy to reach 20% cap up with them.
  • 3-4 copies will cover general uise. 5 is for usage with Super Lucilius keys.
Copies: 2-3 ATK, 2 DEF
Source: MUGEN
Extinction Impact
Unworldly Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,550,000). (Plain damage to MC based on 30% of current HP.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also gain Unchallenged.
Inferno’s Garrison
Big boost to fire allies’ DEF based on how low HP is
Fire’s Celere
Small boost to fire allies’ ATK and critical hit rate
Scarlet Craft
Supplement fire allies’ critical hit DMG
  • Used primarily for it’s DEF awakening than any of it’s skills.
    • Garrision is a usless skill when it’s unboosted.
  • 20k crit supp helps add additional damage when paired with AES grids though it’s weaker than other supp sources.
  • With Extinction Blade Mk II, it becomes the strongest farmable mod slot available and sees staple usage in magna grids.
Copies: 1 ATK 2-3 SPC
Refulgent Conflagration
Massive fire DMG to a foe / Boost to all allies’ multiattack rate (Stackable)
Additional effect at 4★:
Dreadflame’s Supremacy
Massive boost to fire allies’ ATK
Searing Enlightener’s Sanctity
When main weapon (MC only): Upon triple attacks: Boost to fire allies’ fire ATK (Stackable) / Supplemental DMG effect (Stackable)
  • Extremely powerful MH on pair with a Grand.
  • ATK awakening provides 10% cap and 10% normal cap as well as 10k (30k max) stackable supp to party on MC autos
  • As a grid piece is it a solid unboosted slot though later gets replaced by Extinction Blades Mk II but stronger than other slots before then.
Copies: 4
Massive Fire damage to a foe. (Gain Charge Boost.)
Ironflame's Celere II
Medium boost to fire allies' ATK and critical hit rate
Ironflame's Enmity
Small boost to fire allies' ATK based on how low HP is
  • Solid variety of mods including medium crit, medium ATK, and small enmity with four used in double colo setups.
  • Typically limited to use to FA or hard content grids due to needing double colo to have reliable crit without damage loss.
Copies: 1-2
Source: SHIVA
Massive fire DMG to a foe. (All allies gain DA Up and TA Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Ironflame’s Stamina II
Big boost to fire allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
Ironflame’s Aegis
Small boost to fire allies’ max HP
  • Primary component for staff burst and OTK grids.
  • Additonally, can be used as an HP slot for FA.
Copies: 2
Dimensional Cleave
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Inflict DEF Down.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Increased to DEF Down.
Ironflame’s Might II
Big boost to fire allies’ ATK
  • While generally a weak weapon, Colo canes find a respectful place still in burst and OTK grids as a large source of magna mod.
Copies: 5 ATK, 1 SPC
Hunting Tattoo
Massive fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain Drain.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Keen.
Armed Blaze
Big boost to Fire allies’ ATK
Scarlet Reticle
20% boost to fire allies’ critical hit rate
  • While weak in standard grids, it is an excellent weapon for unboosted grids like Bubs x Shiva thanks to being able to hit 100% crit with 5 copies.
  • Highly reccomend farming out at least 5 ATK copies as unboosted grids become more common.
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Garnet Slash
Massive fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain Armored.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Ironflame’s Might II
Big boost to fire allies’ ATK
Ironflame’s Progression II
Medium boost to fire allies’ fire ATK based on number of turns passed
  • Progression makes this a good slot for longer battles and FA.
Copies: 1
Source: SANBOX
Metis Slash Repetere
Massive fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain Wind RES Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Sword Voltage II
Boost to ATK (Multiplier: EX) based on how many sabres are equipped
Blaze’s Exertion
Boost to fire allies’ multiattack rate based on how high their HP is
  • Works great in AES grids due to matching the sword voltage in grid.
  • Stam based muiltiattack (max 20%) is great for OTK and a good boost for FA setups.

General Cap

Weapons that break cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 3-5
Lava Eruption
Massive fire DMG to a foe / Hit to DEF / Raise Singed lvl by 1 (Max: 10)
Additional effect at 4★:
Omega Exalto Ardendi
20% boost to Ironflame’s weapon skills
Ironflame's Might III
Big boost to fire allies' ATK
Iron's Vivification
Boost to ATK and DMG cap based on how many weapons with Ironflame's weapon skills are equipped
  • Core weapon for M3.
  • 20% boost to Omega weapon skills and 2% EX and 1% cap up per weapon with an Omega skill slotted.
  • Very easy to reach 20% cap up with them.
  • 3-4 copies will cover general uise. 5 is for usage with Super Lucilius keys.
Source: ROTB
Southern Lights
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Gain Skill DMG Boosted.)
Inferno’s Might
Big boost to fire allies’ ATK
Essence of the South
Boost to Fire allies’ damage cap.
  • Big II Normal mod and 10% cap up.
  • Easiest source of cap up to obtain and the largest single source of it.
Coronal Ejection
Massive fire DMG to a foe (50% chance to gain Double Strike.)
Additional effect at 4★:

Additional effect at 5★:
Upgraded to 100% chance to gain Double Strike (1.5T).
Hierophant-Sun’s Blessing
When main weapon: Massive boost to Fire allies’ ATK (Modifier: EX).
Drain effect to Fire allies with multistrike (Double Strike
Triple StrikeQuadruple Strike) effects.
Sephira Maxi-Fire
20% boost to Fire allies’ DMG Cap in Arcarum.
Fire’s Majesty
Small boost to fire allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Needs FLB to be useful.
  • At FLB:
    • A strong grid slot thanks to its mix of normal majesty and massive EX.
    • Generally limited in usage outside of Extra grids.
  • At ULB:
    • An all around great slot thanks to both its mix of mads and the additional 5% cap up.
    • Good option for many normal grids.
  • Unique skill is generally ignorable.
Copies: Sandbox
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Gain Skill DMG Cap Boosted and Skill DMG Boosted.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to Skill DMG Cap Boosted and Skill DMG Boosted.
Additional effect at 5★:
Effect increased to Skill DMG Cap Boosted and Skill DMG Boosted.
Strength-Devil’s Seduction
When main weapon: Massive boost to Fire allies’ ATK (Modifier: EX). Supplement DMG to Fire allies against foes with Red Heat 1 (Damage cap: 50,000).
Sephira Maxi-Fire
20% boost to Fire allies’ DMG Cap in Arcarum.
Fire’s Majesty
Small boost to fire allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Needs FLB to be useful.
  • At FLB:
    • A strong grid slot thanks to its mix of normal majesty and massive EX.
    • Generally limited in usage outside of Extra grids.
  • At ULB:
    • An all around great slot thanks to both its mix of mads and the additional 5% cap up.
    • Good option for many normal grids.
  • Unique skill generally doesn’t get used but is a nice alternative option for some burst setups.
Copies: 1 ATK
Source: ATUM
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Inflict Fire DEF Down.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflict Debuff Resistance Lowered.
Blaze’s Persistence
Supplement fire allies’ DMG based on how high their HP is
Preemptive Fire Blade
Boost to fire allies’ ATK for first 8 turns of battle
  • Farmable supplemental weapon that can used for burst grids or FA if you lack Crimson Scales.
  • While a single one is a great slot for burst due to awakenings and the pre-emptive skill, that pre-emptive not stacking skill makes each additional copy weaker.

Normal Cap

Weapons that break Normal cap either via cap up or echoes.

Source: SHOP
Prominence Eruption
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Gain Guaranteed TA.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also gain DMG Amplified.
Heliacal Sovereign
Unworldly boost to Fire allies’ ATK.
Astral Blow
When main weapon: 10% Bonus Fire DMG effect to Fire allies’ triple attacks.’"`UNIQ–ref-00000006-QINU`"’
  • The biggest source of EX mod. Astral can be the only source of grid EX if slotted.
  • Second skill provides a unique effect of 10% echoes on triple atatcks.
    • Does not stack with Falsehood key and support passives on characters.
  • Finds plenty of use in burst grids where falsehood key isn’t used.

CA Cap

Weapons that break charge attack cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 1-2 ATK, 1-2 DEF
Source: ATUM
Maftooh Al-Ainein
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Restore 10% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 700).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also remove 1 debuff from all allies.
Blaze's Crux
Supplement fire allies' C.A. DMG
Arsus Excelsior
Boost to fire allies’ C.A. DMG cap
  • Ougi weapon proviing both ougi supp and cap up as welll as awakenings.
  • Must slot in any ougi OTKs or Kengo teams.
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Shimmering Resplendence
Massive Fire damage to a foe. / Gain Chain Burst DMG Boosted (30%, 0.5T) and Chain Burst DMG Cap Boosted (10%, 0.5T).
Additional effect at 4★:
Buffs increased to Chain Burst DMG Boosted (50%, 0.5T) and Chain Burst DMG Cap Boosted (20%, 0.5T).
Ironflame’s Might
Small boost to fire allies’ ATK
Ironflame’s Sentence
Medium boost to fire allies’ C.A. DMG and C.A. DMG cap
  • Overall worse ougi slot than Al-Abad due to only have sentence, but is a decent option for those setups before then.

Skill Cap

Weapons that break skill cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 2
Blazing Bash
Massive fire DMG to a foe / Hit to DEF / Boost to all allies’ fire ATK
Additional effect at 4★:
Ironflame's Tempering III
Big boost to fire allies' skill DMG cap / Big supplemental boost to skill DMG
Ironflame's Might
Small boost to fire allies' ATK
  • Omega Big Tempering and small ATK.
  • Best option for boosting skill damage in skill damage setups for Colossus.
  • Requires a boosted grid to make the most of it.
Copies: 2 SPC
Tearful Break
Massive fire DMG to a foe (300% Bonus Fire damage (Damage cap: ~635,000).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflict Fire DEF Lowered.
Armed Blaze
Big boost to Fire allies’ ATK
Scarlet Arts
Boost to fire allies’ skill DMG cap
  • Good slot for skill damage teams thanks to its large 15% skill damage cap.
  • Great mainhand for ougi otk thanks to 15% fire defense down and bonus nuke.
  • Will receive ULB and awakenings in the future to improve its overall strength.


Weapons that provide HP. Generally HP is provided by spoon or settes, but these are other options if lacking either.

Copies: 1-2
Dimensional Cleave: Extirpation
Massive fire DMG to a foe / Hit to DEF / Armor effect to all allies
Additional effect at 4★:
Ironflame's Healing III
Big boost to fire allies' healing cap
Ironflame's Grace
Small boost to fire allies' max HP and debuff resistance
  • Big healing cap, small HP, and small debuff resistance in one weapon.
  • Excellent option for survivability thanks to healing cap and HP.
  • Lack of ATK mods limit how many you want to use at a time.
Copies: 2-3 ATK, 2 DEF
Source: MUGEN
Extinction Impact
Unworldly Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,550,000). (Plain damage to MC based on 30% of current HP.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also gain Unchallenged.
Inferno’s Garrison
Big boost to fire allies’ DEF based on how low HP is
Fire’s Celere
Small boost to fire allies’ ATK and critical hit rate
Scarlet Craft
Supplement fire allies’ critical hit DMG
  • Used primarily for it’s DEF awakening than any of it’s skills.
    • Garrision is a usless skill when it’s unboosted.
  • 20k crit supp helps add additional damage when paired with AES grids though it’s weaker than other supp sources.
  • With Extinction Blade Mk II, it becomes the strongest farmable mod slot available and sees staple usage in magna grids.
Copies: 0-2
Massive Fire damage to a foe.Inflict DA Down and TA Down.All allies gain TA Up (15%, 3.5T).
Ironflame’s Primacy
Medium boost to fire allies’ ATK / Medium boost to double attack rate for fire allies
Ironflame’s Aegis
Small boost to fire allies’ max HP
  • Magna HP filler for hard raids or FA.
  • Eventually replaced by stronger options after rank 200.
Copies: 1
Source: SHOP
Hadron Blaze
Massive fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain Mirror Image.)
Additional effect at 5★:
All allies also gain Refresh.
Wilnas’s Firestorm
<span class="tooltip" >Boost to Fire allies’ ATK<span class="tooltiptext" style="">0.1% per turn per skill level (Max: 25%)’"`UNIQ–ref-00000003-QINU`"’<span class="hr"></span>”’Modifier:”’ EX</span></span> based on number of turns passed.
Four Orbs’ Judgment
Emblem of the four orbs bent on destroying the singular pigment. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
Six Dragons’ Radiance
Emblem of the six colors in which the world is rendered. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
  • Alternative opus that trades the more offenseive skills of opus for defensive ones in particular the 30% wind damage reduction or 20% DEF.
  • Can’t be slotted with Opus which greatly kills it’s general usage but can still be useful for Revan tier raids or NM200 FAs.
  • Mirror image on ougi makes it a very strong defensive MH.
Copies: 1
Furious Blaze ++
Massive fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain Mirror Image, Refresh, and Veil.)
Wilnas’s Firestorm
<span class="tooltip" >Boost to Fire allies’ ATK<span class="tooltiptext" style="">0.1% per turn per skill level (Max: 25%)’"`UNIQ–ref-00000003-QINU`"’<span class="hr"></span>”’Modifier:”’ EX</span></span> based on number of turns passed.
Six Pillars’ Judgment
Emblem of the six orbs bent on destroying the singular pigment. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
Six Dragons’ Radiance
Emblem of the six colors in which the world is rendered. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
  • Upgraded version of the Draconic Harp offering all the benefits of it while also allowing it to be slotted with opus and in extra slots.
  • Offers new skill 2 keys most notably one that provides 10% seraphic mod against null foes.

Multiattack Up

Weapons that increase Multiattack rate.

Copies: 1
Source: SANBOX
Metis Slash Repetere
Massive fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain Wind RES Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Sword Voltage II
Boost to ATK (Multiplier: EX) based on how many sabres are equipped
Blaze’s Exertion
Boost to fire allies’ multiattack rate based on how high their HP is
  • Works great in AES grids due to matching the sword voltage in grid.
  • Stam based muiltiattack (max 20%) is great for OTK and a good boost for FA setups.


Weapons that are strong as mainhands.

Hidden Edge Immolation
450% Fire damage to a foe. (All allies gain ATK Up and DMG Cap Boosted.)
Additional effect at 5★:
Damage increased to 550%. (All allies also gain Supplemental DMG.)
Dreadflame’s Supremacy
Massive boost to fire allies’ ATK
Infernal’s Rage
When main weapon (MC only): Fire damage to all foes at end of turn upon taking damage (Specs enhanced upon each activation).
  • Very strong mainhand for Chrysaor setups thanks to teamwide cap up and supp on ougi.
  • Can also find it’s way as a grid piece for Shion grids.
Copies: Xeno Ifrit
True Soulfire Immolation
450% Fire damage to a foe. (Inflict Burn.)
Additional effect at 5★:
Damage increased to 550%.
Burn base accuracy increased.
Dreadflame’s Supremacy
Massive boost to fire allies’ ATK
Dreadflame’s Claws
When main weapon (MC only): 20% Bonus DMG against foes with Burned upon normal attacks and charge attack
  • DATA on ougi is helpful for early FA setups without much for DATA buffs.
  • Not used after gettting stronger options.


Gacha weapons that can also be used in Magna.

Copies: 1-2
Massive fire DMG to a foe (All allies gain Bonus Fire DMG.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Charge Bar.
Blaze’s Pact
Supplement fire allies’ DMG
Axe Voltage II
Boost to ATK based on how many axes are equipped.
Blaze’s Quintessence
Boost to fire allies’ DMG cap
  • 50k (100lk max) unconditional supp and 7% cap makes this a must slot for almost everywhere if you get it.
  • FLB is highly important due to the cap up being locked to it.
  • Axe voltage pairs well with Opus being an axe.
Copies: 1
Massive fire DMG to a foe (Bonus Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~800,000).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also raise foes’ Singed lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Scarlet Convergence
When at least 4 weapons of the same weapon group are equipped: Boost to fire allies’ ATK, DEF, and DMG cap
Fire’s Majesty
Small boost to fire allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Must get weapon even for magna since it comes with Percival (Grand).
  • Boosts EX attack, defense, and damage cap when four of the same weapon type are equipped.
  • Solid weapon slot that can make any grid that meets its restriction which will be most magna grids.
  • Lower bar priority due to the FLB only adding Majesty.

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