- JP Name: ルシファー
- HP: 722,224,444
- Defense: 20
- Blue Chest: 4m honors
These are the most notable drops from this raid. Any unlisted weapons are safe to fodder.

- Mat for uncapping Dark Opus weapons as well as keys for the weapons.
While, for beginner players the raid will be quite difficult, it is easy for high level players. If you are too low level to meaninfully contribute, its okay to leech the raid. Look for raids at low HP and join them. Join, press any skill, and move onto the next raid while the strong players clear it..
You will need 30k HP to survive the entry. If you don’t have that much, you can bring a support Kaguya for its auto revive. As a plus, it will increase drop rates.
Burst setups for 6 man setups have the expectation each player will clear 1/6th of the HP or about 1.2m HP. There are three main considerations on burst setups.
Since Lucilius starts with his Wings of the Word buff, you will need to have the Wings use their special before you can do damage. Skills like Manadiver’s Secret Triad
Fill 3 charge diamonds on all foes.All allies gain Bonus DMG (20%, 3T), Charge Boost (30%), and 1 Elemental Crest (Hellfire CrestDeluge CrestWasteland CrestTyphoon CrestAurora CrestOblivion Crest).(Crest gained based on caster’s element.)
or Vania (Yukata)’s
Crimson Order
Fill 3 charge diamonds on a foe.
All Wind allies gain Drain (Healing cap: 1000, 5T), Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 5T), Bonus Wind DMG (20%, 5T), Triple Attack Rate Boosted (50%, 5T), and DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T).
will up charge diamonds first turn making the burst setup ready turn 2.
If your setup needs a summon, you will need to remove the summonless debuff. While the summon can’t be cleared, it can have its debuff duration cut. So a character like Satyr who packs a 2 turn cut let’s you use your summons on turn 2.
The last major consideration is preventing the party from running into the 75% trigger Atheism. It will reduce incoming damage for all but one element by 50% with a 5 minute wait til for the buff to be removed. The way around this is to prevent the wings from using their CA. This can be done with either a Can’t Act
or a Terror
debuff on the wings.
Wind Spartan

- Turn 1
- Satyr
300% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~400,000).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (5% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (5% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(Number of activations increased based on number of Twinkle Star [Max: 6 times].) , S2Restore 20% of caster’s HP (Healing cap: 2000).
2-turn cut to debuff durations.
(Upon consuming 1 Twinkle Star:
Affects all allies.) - Target Wings
- Vania (Yukata)
Fill 3 charge diamonds on a foe.
All Wind allies gain Drain (Healing cap: 1000, 5T), Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 5T), Bonus Wind DMG (20%, 5T), Triple Attack Rate Boosted (50%, 5T), and DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T). - Target Main Body
- Narmaya (Grand)
Gain Butterfly Effect (100%, 4T) and Piercing Sight (4T).
- Turn 2 (skip if Satyr is dead)
- Satyr
Gain Substitute (1T).
(Upon consuming 1 Twinkle Star:
Also gain Wind DMG Lowered (80%, 1T).)
- Satyr
- Turn 3
- Beelzebub
- Raphael
- Niyon
Inflict Comatose 6 (Accuracy: 75%, 4-6 turns) on all foes. , S2
All allies gain DA Up (30%, 3T), ATK Up (20%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), and DEF Up (20%, 3T).
Level 75:
Buffs increased to DA Up (45%, 3T), ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), and DEF Up (30%, 3T)
Level 95:
All Wind allies also gain Harmonics (30% ATK Up, Multiplier: Normal, 3T) and Sharping (20% DA Up, 20% TA Up, 3T). , S3Raise all foes’ Tuning (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
All allies gain Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Level 85:
All allies also gain Shield (2000, 3T).
Level 130:
Buff increased to Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Shield endurance increased to Shield (3000, 3T).
All allies also gain Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t) and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t). - Narmaya (Grand)
Gain Falling Mist (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T), Critical Up (20%, 3T), and Keen (5% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3T).
- Spartan
All allies gain Bonus DMG (20%, 3T), Jammed (30%-90%, 8T), Lethal Attack Dodged (1 times), and Shielded (3000).
(Consumes 40% of each ally’s current HP.) ,Convert caster’s HP to charge bar (3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar).
(Consumes up to 50% of current HP.) - Vania (Yukata)
Gotta love me!
(Inflict Bloodkinning (Accuracy: Guaranteed, 1T), Double Attack Rate Lowered 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), Triple Attack Rate Lowered 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), and Accuracy Lowered 6 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.)
- Beelzebub
Fire Manadiver 
- Turn 1
- Satyr
Restore 20% of caster’s HP (Healing cap: 2000).
2-turn cut to debuff durations.
(Upon consuming 1 Twinkle Star:
Affects all allies.) S3Gain Substitute (1T).
(Upon consuming 1 Twinkle Star:
Also gain Wind DMG Lowered (80%, 1T).) - Manadiver
Fill 3 charge diamonds on all foes.All allies gain Bonus DMG (20%, 3T), Charge Boost (30%), and 1 Elemental Crest (Hellfire CrestDeluge CrestWasteland CrestTyphoon CrestAurora CrestOblivion Crest).(Crest gained based on caster’s element.)
- Satyr must die.
- Turn 2
- Yatima
- Alanaan
- Medusa (Summer)
Inflict Petrifying Gaze 1 (Accuracy: Guaranteed, 1T), DA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), TA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), and Accuracy Lowered 6 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.
- Percival (Grand)
800% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Inflict Double Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (50% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Triple Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (50% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Gain Charge Bar (20%).
(When a foe’s Singed lvl is 5 or above:
Activates twice.) S3900% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,020,000).
All Fire allies gain Fire ATK Up (100%, 1T) and Bonus Fire DMG (1 time) (30%, 1T).
All Fire allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes King’s Blaze after activation.)
- Yatima
- Lower Satyr’s HP if needed by changing awakening or removing EMPs.
Water Manadiver

- Turn 1
- Haaselia
All Water allies gain Water ATK Up (20%, 2T), Tears of Lunacy (2T), and Charge Boost (15%).
Moon waxes. S4 - Payila
- Manadiver
Fill 3 charge diamonds on all foes.All allies gain Bonus DMG (20%, 3T), Charge Boost (30%), and 1 Elemental Crest (Hellfire CrestDeluge CrestWasteland CrestTyphoon CrestAurora CrestOblivion Crest).(Crest gained based on caster’s element.)
- Haaselia
- Turn 2
- Yatima
- Helel ben Shalem (Summer)
Inflict Subjugated 1 (Accuracy: Guaranteed, 1T), DA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), TA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), and Accuracy Lowered 6 (Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.
- Payila
- Yatima
Earth Luchador 
- Turn 1
- Sumaibito
Gain Counters on DMG (3 times, 2T), Full-Force Counter (2T), DEF Up (150%, 2T), Full Hostility (2T), and Veil.
- Caim
Secret Hands
Skill effect changes based on the card selected.
(Can only be used after The Fool Upright activates.) => Delay Act - Target Wings
- Petra (SSR)
- Sumaibito
- Turn 2
- Beelzebub
- Mammoth
- Raziel (Summer)
- Sumaibito
Gain Jammed (40%-120%, 3T), DMG Amplified (20%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T), and DMG Cap Boosted (20%, 3T).
(Consumes 25% of max HP.) - Caim
Beginning of Joker / End of Joker
Beginning of Joker: Copy an ally’s skill.
(Skill changes to End of Joker upon casting.)
End of Joker: All Earth allies gain ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), DEF Up (30%, 3T), TA Up (20%, 3T), Revitalize (500 HP or 10% charge bar, 3T), Shield (2000, 3T), DMG Cap Boosted (10%, 3T), Uplift (15%, 3T), Hype (1-4 stacks, 3T), and Veil.
(Skill changes to Beginning of Joker upon casting.) Double DealAll Earth allies gain Double Deal (1 times).
(Can’t recast.) - Pholia (Yukata)
Inflict Sea Spray 2 (Accuracy: 100%, 2T) on all foes.
All Earth allies gain Salted Wound (Sea Spray) (30%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T) and Guaranteed TA (1T). - Sumaibito
All allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
- Pholia (Yukata)
Inflict Sea Spray 2 (Accuracy: 100%, 2T) on all foes.
All Earth allies gain Salted Wound (Sea Spray) (30%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T) and Guaranteed TA (1T). - Sumaibito
All allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
- Beelzebub
- Petra needs more than 30k HP to survive the opening trigger.
Light Relic Buster 
Rotation (Sunblade Mainhand)
- Turn 1
- Turn 2
- Beelzebub
- Artemis
- Florence (Halloween)
Grant a Light ally Maschera (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(Consumes 40% of that ally’s max HP.) => - Dorothy and Claudia
Grant the Main Character ATK Up (50%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), DA Up (60%, 3T), and Bonus Light DMG (50%, 3T).
Level 75:
Effect enhanced. - Nehan
All other Light allies gain Zen (Multiplier: Perpetuity, 3T). S2
All other Light allies gain Wolf Tonic (3T). S3
All other Light allies gain Double Strike (1t).
(Inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (90% Max)) on target allies.) - Relic Buster
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) - Florence (Halloween)
Inflict Gravity (Accuracy: 200%, 180s), ATK Down 6 (50%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), DA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), TA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) and Accuracy Lowered 6 (50%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.
Rotation (Opus Mainhand)
- Turn 1
- Relic Buster
Convert caster’s HP to charge bar (3% charge bar for every 250 HP consumed, up to 100% charge bar).
(Consumes up to 50% of current HP.) - Target Wings
- Target Main Body
- Turn 2
- Beelzebub
- Artemis
- Florence (Halloween)
Grant a Light ally Maschera (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(Consumes 40% of that ally’s max HP.) => - Dorothy and Claudia
Grant the Main Character ATK Up (50%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), DA Up (60%, 3T), and Bonus Light DMG (50%, 3T).
Level 75:
Effect enhanced. - Nehan
All other Light allies gain Zen (Multiplier: Perpetuity, 3T). S2
All other Light allies gain Wolf Tonic (3T). S3
All other Light allies gain Double Strike (1t).
(Inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (90% Max)) on target allies.) - Relic Buster
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.) - Florence (Halloween)
Inflict Gravity (Accuracy: 200%, 180s), ATK Down 6 (50%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), DA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), TA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) and Accuracy Lowered 6 (50%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.
- Requires 30k HP on both fire characters.
Full Auto
Fire Paladin

Water Manadiver

Earth Paladin 
Earth Hrunting 
Wind Manadiver

Light Paladin

Dark Paladin 
Dark Manadiver 
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