Rank 1
When starting the game, your first major goal is to progress the story. Much of the content is locked behind story progress. This includes free quests, side stories, and raids. The most important of these is a set of raids called the Omega raids.
Magna 1
Omega 1 or simply M1 is the starting set of raids and the weapon grids made from them. This is also commonly called Magna 1 because that is their JP name. These will be the source of not only most of the weapons you’ll want at this stage but also provide one of the most useful summons.
While still getting more weapons, it is fine to toss whatever in your grid. Ideally, you want weapons that match the same element as the characters in your party. If you can, try to make parties of characters all of the same element. However, lacking many options its okay to use characters from other elements. The ideal weapons you want are any with attack mods. The bigger the better. The magna raids will drop SR weapons that have medium magna attack which are all good slots.
At rank 30, a new version of these raid unlock that starts dropping SSR weapons and summons. The following are the weapons and summons to keep an eye out for.
Before we cover what to do with these weapons, let’s take a detour for another source of weapons.
Side Stories
Side stories are collection of past events that can be accessed at any time as long after unlocking them via story progress. They are a great resource for free characters, weapons, and lots of crystals and tickets. For an brief overview of useful side story content, please view the Side Story page.
Grid Building
With more weapons collected, you can begin crafting grids. While the system can seem complicated, at this stage is is pretty straight forward. There are four main types of boosts weapons can provide. Magna which shows Ω in english or M in Japanese on the skill, normal which has no special identifier, EX which appropriately has EX on them, and seraphic which is limited to the Seraphic weapon series.
The usual Magna grid would contain;
5-6 Magna mods
1-2 Normal mods
2-3 EX mods
1 Seraphic mod
With that in mind, let’s use the table above to make a few grids.
In GBF, there is no grid for every context. That’s why you should learn about each weapon and how different modifiers work with each other.
For most M1 grids, the biggest weapon mods you can get from these early raids are Big ATK boosts. However, even at this stage, there are exceptions. Tiamat Bolt Omegas and Celeste Claw Omegas
have both a medium ATK mod and small magna enmity mod. At around 85% HP the attack boost from these weapons are stronger than the big ATK mod of Tiamat Gauntlet Omegas
and Celeste Zaghnal Omegas
. Even at 95% HP it is worth slotting at least two of them. This is because enmity adds a new modifier which is stronger than stacking another ATK mod. Howeve,r if full HP can be maintained, namely only for one turn setups, the big ATK mod weapons are stronger since enmity wouldn’t take affect..
It’s important to mention that at this stage, the skill level of your weapons are more important than the levels of your weapons. Keep this in mind and use your resources wisely.
As for the summons, The main summon you want to use is the Omega Summon for the element of the party. It should be a priority to get MLB. Use that as your main summon for now. If by any chance you get any summons that say “X% Boost to Y Elemental ATK” (i.e. Grimnir, [[s|anat]]] for wind), you can use them instead. In this case, you should select the appropriate Omega Summon as your support summon.
An omega summon at this point will always be used. The reason for this is that the majority of these grids contain omega weapons. Omega weapons are boosted by their correspending Omega summon.
For example, looking at Tiamat, we see “Boost to Stormwyrm’s weapon skills”. That means this summon adds an additional 140% boost to the weapons in the grid.
For now at the early game, it is best to always stick with Omega summon x Ele Boost summon.
For further M1 grid information, please check the M1 section of the grid pages.
As for classes, the main two to aim for early on are the Tier 3 class Dark Fencer and the Tier 4 class Relic Buster
. Dark Fencer comes with Miserable Mist
Inflict ATK Down (25%, Accuracy: 80%, 180s) and DEF Down (25%, Accuracy: 80%, 180s) on all foes.
, one of the most universally useful skills in the game. Relic Buster is a very strong class and the easiest Tier 4 class to obtain thanks to it only requiring purchasing 4 Synchronicity Cores from the shop. In general, you want to level all classes to max since the higher tier classes will require the lower ones as prerequestites.
Rank 40
Rank 40 introduces a former set of raids that became free quests.
Tier 1
The Tier 1 Showdowns drop a new set weapons of varying usefulness and most are worth farming.
Twin Elements
Macula Marius
Both Ancient Perseus and Ancient Nalakuvara
are very strong attack slots with the former also providing hp and the later being geared towards short content. Ancient Auberon
is a niche slot atm mostly being used for HP. Eventually it finds a strong use at rank 150, but it is the most skippable of the set.
Ancient Ecke Sachs is the main one to invest in because it allows for a new type of grid that replaces the Colo cane setup for general use. At this stage it is namely thanks to the attack and enmity mods. However if you can get enough copies, the critical rate can be good enough for semi reliable crit damage.
Rank 50
Rank 50 introduces two new raids. Though both can’t be hosted til 80, they are both very easy to join and leech with a support Kaguya.
Proto Bahamut
Proto Bahamut is the raid come from. They are the main source of normal mods in the early game. One can also be recieved from the What Makes the Sky Blue side story. Each gives different boosts for different character races which makes getting a few of them useful. A brief warning though, they have substantially higher skill level costs than other weapons.
Additionally, the raid drops rusted weapons. While these weapons are not useful in grids, they are used to craft bahamut weapons, ultimas, and ccws, as well as used in large numbers for the Eternals recruiting process.
Grand Order
Grand order is namely useful as a source of silver centrums. A lot of early game progression is locked behind them and the best way to farm them at this point is from this raid.
Additionally, hosting gives you a choice of cosmic weapons from the share chest. Right now they are mostly filler, but try to keep one of each until you can uncap them at Rank 150.
Rank 101
At rank 101, the game transitions you to HL. Though for the first 20 levels you mostly keep doing what you were doing but with some more options.
At 101 you unlock the HL versions of the magna raids. Clearing each of these for the first time will let you 4* uncap (FLB) your M1 weapons. For the most part this doesn’t affect grid composition much except for light. For light, Luminiera Sword Omegas gain a new weapon skill at level 120 giving it a bonus small normal attack. This makes them much stronger than the other options and becomes the staple for magna light here on out.
Proto Bahamut HL
Additionally, the HL version of Proto Bahamut is unlocked. Here you can get materials to upgrade bahamut nova weapons to bahamut coda weapons. These raids also have a chance to drop gold bars from both hosting and getting blue chests. At this point trying to blue chest is not a good idea but it is strongly recommended to host this raid every day for a chance at gold bars. The raid is a very popular destination for end game farmers and if you host during busy hours a bunch of high level players will come and kill it for you.
There are also couple other avenues of progression that open up along the way.
Eternals can be recruited through upgrading Revenant Weapons. These weapons are acquired from Guild Wars and Dread Barrage.
The general recommendation is to start with Threo or Tien
. Sarasa’s skill 3 Ground Zero
Sacrifice 99% of caster’s current HP to deal plain damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~820,000).
Damage dealt is based on HP consumed.
Gain Shield (3000).
Level 95:
Also inflict Earth DEF Lowered (25%, Accuracy: ≥100%, 180s).
Damage cap increased to ~1,230,000.
Level 130:
Damage increased and damage cap increased to ~2,040,000.
When HP is below 25%: Also gain Tri-Slash (1T).
is a large AoE plain nuke that is very useful for clearing out trash mobs. If you have Beelzebub FLB, her value falls off. Esser has a 5% drop rate boost that is very handy for farming items from non guaranteed boxes. Although certain Eternals get much better with FLBs and ULBs, being able to do so is a long ways away and these two will help the most right now.
A more in depth guide for Eternals will be created at a later date.
After clearing Chapter 44 of the main story, a new free quest opens up called Inchoate World. Once this is beaten, a new game mode called Arcarum opens up. Every day you receive a badge that let’s you run a set of stages where you get Arcarum exclusive items and weapons. The weapons in general are decent magna filler.
In addition, this mode let’s you work towards Arcarum summons and later a set of characters called evokers. The summons have one of two kind of passive sub auras that activate when they are a sub summon. One grants a seraphic boost when fighting on element. The other increases your HP. The former is significantly more useful and should be the priority. The following are the six seraphic summons.
After a summon is ULB, you can recruit a one of a set of characters called evokers for that summon. While most of the evokers are useful, the general recommendation is to start with The Hanged Man (SSR)’s evoker Caim
. He has a very powerful backline ability that grants 20% perpetuity attack, 50% defense, and 10% damage cap when all weapons are different that is a major upgrade for earth grids.
A more in depth guide for Arcarum will be created at a later date.
One response to “Rank 1-119”
Thank you for making this!! it covers a lot of stuff you can miss from the often outdated wiki.
by the way, is it possible to change the background color a little bit? its hard to read a your comments as your are writing them.