Dark Characters

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This is a brief overview of notable dark characters. This does not include every usable dark character.

Dark Pages












To start, we will focus on general usage of characters for setups including burst, full auto, and hard content.


The most important characters to have. Used in almost every piece of content and exteremely hard to replace.

Void Claws: Terminus
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Mirror Image (2 times).
Three Thousand and One Talons
500% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
Gain Mirror Image (2 times) and Other Self 1 (1 times).
After Stage 1 Transcendence:
Essence of a Demonic Asura
550% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,300,000).
Gain Mirror Image (2 times) and Other Self 1 (1 times).Raise Heavenly Howl (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 2.
Gate of Sin
Gain Adversity (20%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Level 95:
Buff increased to Adversity (30%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Also gain Bonus Dark DMG (60%, 3t).
Gain Full Hostility (1t) and Counter on Dodge (500%, 3 times, 1t).
Level 85:
Counter upgraded to Counters on Dodge/DMG (500%, 6 times, 3t).
Level 130:
When Heavenly Howl lvl is 6: Also gain Double Strike (Can’t be removed) (1T).
Gate of Demons
600% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Inflict Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 100%, 3t).
Level 90:
Also inflict Accuracy Lowered 3 (Accuracy: 100%, 3t).
Six-Ruin’s Enlightenment
Gain Other Self (4T) and Double Strike (Can’t be removed) (4T).
(Can’t recast.)
Heavenly Howl
Guaranteed double attacks.
Seox#Heavenly Howl|Boost to ATK, DMG cap, and triple attack rate based on Heavenly Howl (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl.
(Heavenly Howl (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl rises every turn by 1 and lowers by 2 upon taking damage [Max: 6].)
Counter Claw
6-hit Dark damage to a foe when the foe uses a special attack (Damage cap: ~100,000 per hit).
  • One of the best damage dealers and most useful characters in dark.
  • His Skill 1 Gate of Sin Gain Adversity (20%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
    Level 95:
    Buff increased to Adversity (30%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
    Also gain Bonus Dark DMG (60%, 3t).
    is a very powerful damage amp and the other two are great for survivality.
  • Must slot for FA, hard content, OTK, and burst.
  • Begins being a useful damage dealer at FLB.
  • Becomes super strong at 130 with his EMP giving him 105% perp ATK, 45% TA, and 9% cap from Heavenly Howl levels.
  • Easily the best Eternal to transcend to 150.
Burst Erasure
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
End cooldown for Wages of Sin.
War Eternal
All Dark allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Dark) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Dark DMG (20%, 5T).
Wages of Sin
Dark damage to all foes.
Inflict ATK Lowered 5 (25%, 5-7T) and DEF Lowered 5 (25%, 5-7T).
(Boost to specs based on number of Diuturna.)
Diva Satanica
Increase number of times caster does an attack this turn based on number of Diuturna (Max: Quadruple Strike (1T)).
Sergeant Clad in Glistening White
Guaranteed triple attacks, 35% hit to charge bar gain, and normal attacks deal 3-hit damage to random foes.
Starts battle with Undying (Can’t be removed) (1 times) and 1 Diuturna (Max: 3).
(Each time an ally is knocked out:
Gain 1 Diuturna. End cooldowns for Ilsa’s skills.)
  • Dark’s new queen of damage.
  • Split autos pair well with dark’s supplmental options.
  • Her skill 1 War Eternal All Dark allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Dark) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Dark DMG (20%, 5T). 1is extremely powerful supplying teamwide 100/20 crit, 15% damage cap, and 20% echoes.
  • Pairs great with Death (SSR) with many setups making full use of deathing allies to reset her skills
Phantom Impact
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Bonus Dark Damage (50%, 5.5T).
2-hit, 150% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~265,000 per hit).
Restore 30% of caster’s HP (Healing cap: 3000).
Gain Hostility Down (3T).Grant a random ally Hostility Up (+50, 3T).
(Auto-activates when a foe uses a special attack.)
More Strife
3-hit, 150% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~185,000 per hit).
Inflict Dark Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(Auto-activates upon normal attacks.)
400% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~450,000).
Bowman#Outrage|Gain 1 random buff.
(Auto-activates upon using charge attack.)
Egotistic Shadow
Skills can only be used when auto-activated.
20% boost to ATK (Perpetuity modifier), guaranteed triple attacks, and 100% counters upon taking damage (1 hit).
Out from under the Pressure
Uses charge attack even when charge attacks are set to Hold.
30% boost to C.A. damage and 15% boost to C.A. damage cap.
  • While not neccesasrily the strongest, his true power comes from the amount of damage he can do without needing to press a button.
  • Finds use in most burst setups except for the longest of bursts and OTK.


All around some of the best characters in the element. Used either in a lot of content or irreplacable in various strong setups.

Flame of Reversal
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
(When Malice of Despair is in effect: Activates twice.)
Cursed Funeral
All Dark allies gain Shield (10,000) and Peace in Death 2.
(Peace in Death ends upon taking damage 2 times.)
Miasma Hands
6-hit, 150% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~105,000 per hit).
Inflict Dark Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Double Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s), and Triple Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(When Malice of Despair is in effect:
Auto-activates upon normal attacks.)
The Black's Encroachment
The Field Effect|field is engulfed in the Malice of Despair.
(Can’t recast.)
Wedge of Darkness
For Dark allies, when Malice of Despair is in effect:
100% boost to DEF, 100% boost to double attack rate, 30% boost to triple attack rate, 100% boost to C.A. damage, and 50% boost to C.A. damage cap.
Limitless Black
End Fediel’s skill cooldowns upon activating a Fated Chain.
  • All around amazing unit for burst and hard content for both damage output and defense.
  • The Black's Encroachment The Field Effect|field is engulfed in the Malice of Despair.
    (Can’t recast.)
    is a very strong field that will always be used with her either for the nukes after autos for skill setups or for her double ougi with Kengo setups.
  • Defense up from passive makes her great for hard content especially when paired with Lich to counter the negative effects.
  • Skill 1 Cursed Funeral All Dark allies gain Shield (10,000) and Peace in Death 2.
    (Peace in Death ends upon taking damage 2 times.)
    additionally is a very powerful defensive tool thanks to shield and dispel and debuff immunity.
Use Areas: NM95, COSMOS
Heavy Sharklone
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Shark Slam. (Next Shark in Open Water affects all allies.)
End Shark in Open Water’s cooldown.
Sharklone Assault
4-hit, 100% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~130,000 per hit (~520,000 total)).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), and Chum 4 (4T).
Shark in Open Water
Gain Critical Up (20%, 3t), Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t), and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Calamity Rejection
300% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~500,000).
Gain Salted Wound (Chum) (280%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
Crazy about Auguste
Swimwear and yukata remind Meg of fun memories and enhance her will to protect Auguste.
(Gain these effects in order based on number of :Category:Summer/Yukata Characters|summer and yukata version allies in the party:
30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity) and 50% boost to DEF,
guaranteed triple attacks and 20% Bonus Dark DMG effect,
debuff immunity,
buffs can’t be removed,
20% boost to damage cap.)
Ordinary Girl’s Ordinary Vacation
10% Bonus Dark DMG effect to Dark allies’ critical hits on normal attacks.
  • 30% perp ATK, GTA, and 20% echo with additional summer character.
  • Used for auto focused bursts if you lack S.Ilsa.
Use Areas: NM150, HARD CONTENT
Bad End
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%).
1-turn cut to Lich’s skill cooldowns.
Phantom Pain
6-hit, 100% Dark damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~95,000 per hit).
All Dark allies gain Death’s Grace (Can’t be removed) (5T) and Light Switch (5T).
Inflict Light ATK Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), Dark DEF Down (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), Poisoned (22,222, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), and Putrefied (22,222, Accuracy: 200%, 180s) on all foes.
Inflict Light ATK Lowered (10%, 5T), Dark DEF Down (10%, 5T), Poisoned (5% of max HP Damage cap: 500, 5T), and Putrefied (5% of max HP Damage cap: 500, 5T) on all allies.
Cursed Spirit
Gain Undead Advent.
(Can’t recast.)
Call of the Immortal
Can’t restore HP.
Takes 10% max HP damage every turn (Damage cap: 1000).
30% boost to ATK (Perpetuity modifier), 100% boost to DEF, 50% boost to C.A. damage, 30% boost to C.A. damage cap, and guaranteed double attacks.
Converts some types of turn-based damage to HP recovery.
Ghostly March
When any allies are debuffed at turn end:
100% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~135,000). Gain Charge Bar (5%).
(Based on number of debuffs: Number of activations increased [Max: 10 times].)
  • All around great slot for debuffs, healing, and damage.
  • Great for hard content and FA. Replacement option for skill damage burst setups.
  • Very easy to maintain max hit count of her end of turn skill nuke.
  • Delay is on ougi is potent.
Use Areas: NM150
Klagen Totentanz
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,685,000).
(Boost to C.A. specs based on how low Love’s Redemption 13 is.)
Omnia Annihilo
500% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
(Boost to C.A. specs based on how low Love’s Redemption 13 is.)
200% Bonus Dark damage based on how high Love’s Redemption 13 is (Damage cap: ~185,000 per hit / Max: 6 hits).
World of Death and Love
Transform the field into a world of death and love.
(World of Death and Love (20% ATK Up / 30% Bonus Dark DMG, Multiplier: Unique, 3t) to the Field Effect|field.)
Grant Beloved (4T) to caster and a Dark ally.
(Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 2. Can’t grant Beloved to more than 1 other ally at a time.)
Last Love
Grant a Dark ally C.A. Reactivation (1 time / Unremovable) (1 times).
(Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 1.)
Eternal Vow
Gain Eternal Vow (Multiplier: Perpetuity).
(Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 4. Can’t be recast.
Can only be used after The Lovers Upright activates.)
Will to Love
Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 2 at end of turn. (Starts battle at 13.)
(When Love’s Redemption 13 hits 0: Nier will be knocked out at end of turn.
When Nier is knocked out any other way: Inflict Unfinished Business (Foe) 4 (50% DEF Down, Accuracy: g, 4T) on all foes.
Inflict Unfinished Business (Ally) (50% DEF Down, 4T) on all allies.)
Death’s Embrace
Extend World of Death and Love’s effect duration from 3 turns to 6 turns.
Love’s Redemption 13 won’t lower upon using skills while World of Death and Love is in effect.
Death Reversed
Only when MC’s element is Dark: MC starts battle with Death Reversed 13 (13 times).
When Sub Ally: Dark MC can withstand lethal damage until end of turn when MC is above 25% HP (Leaves 1 HP).
(Death Reversed 13 lowers by 1 at end of turn upon taking lethal damage.)
Level 95:
Dark MC’s buffs can’t be removed.
  • Common target for death as she inflicts 50% defense down, and 100% DATA down when dying.
  • Field effect grants 20% unique ATK and 30% echoes if needed though it is usually skipped.
  • At FLB:
    • High damage hard content character with a strong nuke after autos that swaps to MC after dying.
    • New field passive allows her to survive longer on the frontline.

Generally Useful

Good characters to have that find use in multiple areas but may not be the most optimal choices.

Use Areas: NM150
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Fully recover Puppet Strings’ shield endurance.
Verdict Bringer
500% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Fully recover Puppet Strings’ shield endurance.
End cooldown for Oblivion.
Puppet Strings
Gain Puppet Strings and a shield effect worth 40% of caster’s max HP (Max: 8000).
When shield effect ends: Self-inflict Tangled Strings (50% ATK Down / 20% DEF Down / 100% DA Down / 100% TA Down / 0% critical hit rate, Multiplier: Unique, 2.5T).
Level 55:
Effect enhanced.
Ancestral Aegis
All allies gain Dark ATK Up (50%, 2t) and 70% Light Cut (2t).
Level 100:
All allies also gain Veil.
3 hit, 300% Dark damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~400,000 per hit (~1,200,000 total)).
Gain Charge Boost (20%).
Level 90:
Number of hits increased to 6.
Damage cap decreased to ~220,000 per hit (~1,320,000 total).
All allies also gain Violet Calculation (20% DA Up, 20% TA Up, 3T) and Bonus Dark DMG (10%, 3T).
Girlish Grit
15% chance to dodge, but 30% hit to DEF.
Level 90:
Boost to all allies’ ATK (Damage Formula|Normal Stamina modifier) based on how high Orchid’s HP is.
Automata Lloyd
While Puppet Strings is in effect:
100% boost to ATK (Normal modifier), 50% boost to DEF, boost to critical hit rate (50), 100% boost to double attack rate, and 50% boost to triple attack rate.
Level 95:
Additional Puppet Strings effects:
20% boost to damage cap, caps incoming Light damage at 3500 per hit, and effect.
  • Good buffer thanks to her skill 3 providing teamwide 20/20 DATA and 10% and her 15% stam passive.
  • Great FA damage dealer.
  • Used in burst setups as a sacrifice unit typically for her skill 2 Hopeful Pledge Gain Hopeful Pledge 3 (Multiplier: Normal).(Ends upon taking damage 3 times.)
Use Areas: SOLOS
Pain Eternal
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Sign of the Teachers. (Next use of either linked skill activates both.)
End cooldowns for linked skills.
4-hit, 150% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~148,000 per hit).Inflict DEF Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed / Local) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 100%) and Debuff Resistance Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed / Local) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 100%).
4-hit, 150% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~148,000 per hit).Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed / Local) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 100%) and Special Attack DMG Lowered (Stackable) (6% (30% Max), Accuracy: 100%).
Stella Repentina
8-hit Plain damage to a foe based on 10% of foe’s current HP (Damage cap: 222,222 per hit).
Remove buffs based on number of foe’s debuffs (Max: 5).Inflict Everbane (20% / 1% of Max HP, Accuracy: g).
Twins of Instruction
Guaranteed double attacks.When a foe has 5 or more buffs:Activates Stella Repentina at end of turn.
Higher Will
Boost to C.A. damage and C.A. damage cap based on number of foe’s debuffs.(When the foe has 10 or more debuffs: Charge attack activates twice.)
  • Strong FA and hard content character thanks to all their stacakable debuffs as well as auto clearing 5 buffs whenever the enemy has at 5 buffs.
  • Strong CA damage thanks to 30% cap up at 10+ debuffs as well as CA reactivation.

Full Auto

Characters that are good option for FA but have limited use outside of it.

Use Areas: SOLOS
Gilded Heaven Strike
500% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Other Self 1 (1 times).
After 5★:
550% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Other Self 1 (1 times).
Activate second-slot skill.
Ring the Dormouse
5-hit, 100% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~110,000 per hit (~550,000 total)).
Sic Dorrie (Accuracy: g) on a foe.
(When the foe uses a special attack: The trap is sprung. 999,999 Plain damage to all foes and inflict Caught 2 (Accuracy: 120%, 2.5T).)
Dazzling Dreams / Eccentric Parade
Dazzling Dreams:
Razzle, dazzle, dream! Welcome to Utopia!
(Utopia (5T) to the Field Effect|field.)
Level 95:
Utopia (5T) upgraded to Utopia+ (5T). (Foes’ ATK is no longer boosted.)
(When Utopia is active: Skill changes to Eccentric Parade.)
Eccentric Parade:
All Dark allies gain Bonus Dark DMG (1 time) (20%) and DMG Mitigation (2020, 1T).
Restore 10% of all Dark allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2020).
Fantasy Festival
All Dark allies gain Fantasy Festival 2.
(Ends upon taking damage 2 times.)
Rat Shine and Rainbows
All Dark allies gain Dodge All 1 (1 times) and Double Strike (1T).
(Can only be used when all allies’ Hype is 4.)
Queen of Rats
When Utopia is in effect before attacking:
Guaranteed triple attacks, +30 boost to hostility, and 50% boost to dodge rate.
All allies gain Hype (1.5T) upon Vikala’s charge attack.
Level 90:
All allies also gain Dispel Cancel (1 times) upon Vikala’s charge attack.
Rodent Rhythm,
Upon dodging:
500% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000) and remove 1 buff.
Level 90:
Extends all allies’ Hype by 1 turn.
(Activates twice when Vikala’s Hype is 4.)
  • Excellent CA buffer providing 50% charge bar gain, 30% CA damage, and 10% CA damage cap.
  • Provides a good amount of survivability as well as dispels.
  • Her field can’t be used in conjunction with Fediel which greatly limits it’s usage, Vikala’s however is FA compatible.
Use Areas: LU WOH, NM150
Desperate Maelstrom
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
End cooldown for Tidemark.
(Deal 100% Bonus Dark damage based on number of Oblivion Crest [Damage cap: ~120,000 per hit / Max: 5 hits].)
5-hit, 100% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~108,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.
Gain Oblivion Crest 1.
(Hit number increases based on number of Oblivion Crest upon cast [Max: 10 hits].)
Summer Illusion
500% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000).
All allies gain Oblivion Crest 1 and Magisa (Summer)#Summer Illusion|a random buff.
(Additional buffs based on number of caster’s Oblivion Crest upon cast.)
Glorious Pearl
600% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~810,000).
Gain Instant Charge.
End cooldown for other skills.
Price of the Contract
Gain these effects in order based on number of Oblivion Crest:
30% boost to ATK (Normal modifier),
100% boost to DEF,
guaranteed double attacks,
20% Bonus Dark DMG effect,
fight alongside Morax (Upon attacking, deal 500% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000)).
Seeker of the Arcane Arts
When a Dark ally has 5 Oblivion Crest:
Ally consumes 1 of their Oblivion Crest to nullify buff-removing effects (1 time).
  • Lots of skill damage between skill presses, ougi nukes, and auto nukes.
  • Very skill press heavy which results in her being slower than other options, but the sustainability and damage output at 5 crests can make up for it.


Burst specific characters. Typically replacements for the more core characters.

Use Areas: NM150
Dark Fallen Sword
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Dark ATK Up (30%, 3.5T) and Soul Blades. (Next use of Peccatum Mortale activates twice.)
Sterling Sea
500% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~830,000).
Inflict DA Down (100%, Accuracy: 100%, 180S), TA Down (100%, Accuracy: 100%, 180S) and Twilight Terror 2 (Accuracy: 90%, 2T).
Level 55:
Effect enhanced.
Peccatum Mortale
900% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,000,000).
Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%).
Gain Shield (3000), Veil, and Fallen Wings 3.
(Fallen Wings effect ends upon taking damage 3 times.)
A New Dusk Shall Dawn
Reduced Light DEF based on number of turns passed (3% per turn; Max: 30%).Bonus Dark DMG effect based on number of turns passed (3% per turn; Max: 30%).
Fallen Angel
When Olivia is affected by Dark ATK Up: Amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 30%.
  • Primarily used for her Twilight Terror debuff which stops the enemy charge bar from filling or from using special attacks for two turns.
  • Very very valuable for GW. Seess limited use outside it.
Use Areas: NM95
Normal mode:
Binding Kill Shot
Massive Dark damage to a foe.
Inflict Gravity (180s).
Dark Mutation mode:
1200% (Unworldly) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~6,000,000 (Includes 50% boost to damage cap from Dark Mutation mode.)).
(Normal Mode)
Ruthless Ricochet
Consume 1 Ammunition to deal 3-hit, 100% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~220,000 per hit).
Inflict DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180S).
Gain Charge Boost (20%).
(Starts battle with 3 Ammunition. Can’t recover Ammunition.)
Level 55:
Effect increased to Charge Boost (25%).
All allies gain Guaranteed TA (2T) and Bonus Dark DMG (20%, 2T).
Cursed Malice
Switch into Dark Mutation mode.
(Ends all skills’ cooldown. Can’t recast.)
(Dark Mutation Mode)
Scharfe Schneide
7-hit, 150% Dark damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~200,000 per hit).
Gain Charge Boost (100%).
Hone Instincts
Gain Guaranteed TA (2t) and Bonus Dark DMG (30%, 2t).
Energy Drain
2000% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,500,000).
Restore caster’s HP (Healing cap: 10,000).
Savage Surge
While Dark Mutation mode is in effect: 100% boost to ATK (Unique modifier), 500% boost to DEF, 50% boost to damage cap, 100% boost to double attack rate, normal attacks hit all foes, and debuff immunity. Other allies can’t participate in battle.
Dark Decay
While Dark Mutation mode is in effect: Dark Decay lvl rises at end of turn (Max: 5).
(When Dark Decay lvl reaches max, Freezie#Dark Lisle: Astringe|Dark Lisle: Astringe activates and Freezie will be knocked out.)
  • Skill 2 Fallschirm All allies gain Guaranteed TA (2T) and Bonus Dark DMG (20%, 2T). is teamwide GTA and 20% echo which can help weaker burst setups.

Hard Content

Characters geared towards hard content.

Use Areas: SUBHL
Clairvoyant Bliss
Remove 1 buff from a foe.
Inflict Celestial Vision (10% Damage cap: 30,000, Accuracy: 200%), Debuff Resistance Lowered (15%, Accuracy: 120%, 180s), Light ATK Lowered (30%, Accuracy: 120%, 180s), DA Down (100%, Accuracy: 120%, 180s), and TA Down (30%, Accuracy: 120%, 180s).
Take control of another Dark ally, granting them Double Strike (Can’t be removed).
(Ends on recast.)
Switch positions with a sub ally.
(When switching with a Dark ally: Take control of the ally, granting them Moksha (30% ATK Up, guaranteed triple attacks, 20% DMG Cap Up, 30% Dodge Rate Up, and 50% DEF Down, Multiplier: Perpetuity).)
Cold Stare
Take control of all foes, inflicting Cold Stare 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) on all foes.
Ama no Sakate
Progress battle turn by 5 at end of turn.
(Activates only when caster is a main ally. Can’t recast.)
Spiritual Transcendence
Rei can’t attack while controlling foes or allies.
Loving Mother
30% boost to C.A. damage and 10% boost to C.A. damage cap for Dark allies against foes with Celestial Vision.
(Takes effect even when Rei is a sub ally.)
  • Applies perma double strike to another strong damage dealer charater doubling up on an already valauble character like six.
  • Her skill 3 Cold Stare Take control of all foes, inflicting Cold Stare 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) on all foes. is great for passing hard htiting triggers.
  • Primary usage is in SUBHL for sus setups.
Use Areas: HEXA
Unconditional Friend
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times).
Raise Pawsitivity lvl by 1 (Max: 5).
Wolf in Sea's Clothing
500% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~600,000).
Raise caster’s Pawsitivity lvl by 1.
(Boost to specs based on Pawsitivity lvl.)
Work Hard, Play Harder
Inflict Debuff Resistance Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 200%, 180s), ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 200%, 180s), and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 200%, 180s) on a foe.
(Consumes 1 Pawsitivity lvl.)
Hounding Focus
Gain Charge Bar (100%), C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (60%), C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (15%).
(When Pawsitivity lvl is 5: Affects all allies.)
Beachfront War Deity
Has a maximum charge bar limit of 200%.
Upon using charge attack twice in one turn: Gain Double Strike (1.5T).
Rite on the Water
Upon dodging: Activate Wolf in Sea’s Clothing.
  • Sees use as an option for Hexachromatic hierarch thanks to her 200% charge bar as well as teamwide 100% battery.
Use Areas: SUBHL
Halloween Luce
Strana Dolce
  • Used namely for her skill 3 Strana Dolce due to the massive buffs is provides on it’s last turn as well as pushing the team into enemity damage.
  • Typically killed off after.
  • Usage limited to SUBHL due to being her setup being harder to justify in other content.
Use Areas: SUBHL
Acidrage Howl
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Inflict ATK Down (20%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s) and Blind (Accuracy: 90%, 180s).
Reset Loaded lvl.
When Aubade du Flamek is consumed: 300% Bonus Dark damage (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Dead-End Fall
500% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Inflict ATK Down (20%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s) and Blind (Accuracy: 90%, 180s).
2-turn cut to Eustace’s skill cooldowns.
Reset Loaded lvl.
When Aubade du Flamek is consumed: Bonus Dark damage based on Loaded lvl.
Splintered Cell
Grant Splintered Cell to caster and an ally.
(Can’t grant Splintered Cell to more than 1 other ally at a time.)
Forever Yours
4-hit, 150% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~120,000 per hit).
Inflict DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s).
(Hit number increases upon each cast [Max: 6].)
Shed Your Blood
All Dark allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Dark) (30%, 3T), Keen (3T), and DMG Cap Boosted (10%, 3T).
(When charge bar is 80% or higher: Eustace also gains Aubade du Flamek.)
Rat Race
Throw a grenade.
(Effect changes based on the grenade used.)
Red Grenade
400% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~780,000).
Inflict Delay-Action Explosives 3 (Accuracy: 100%, 3T), dealing 200% Dark damage (Damage cap: ~635,000) at the end of every turn.
Yellow Grenade
200% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Inflict Accuracy Lowered 3 (Accuracy: 100%, 3T) and Paralyzed 2 (Accuracy: 90%, 2T).
Close Combat
To allies with Splintered Cell:
50% boost to double attack rate, 25% boost to triple attack rate, 30% boost to dodge rate, and 20% Bonus Dark DMG effect.
Level 90:
Increased to guaranteed double attacks and 50% boost to triple attack rate.
Also grants 20% Uplift effect.
#Thunderwolf|Boost to ATK, C.A. DMG, and C.A. DMG cap based on Loaded lvl.
(Loaded lvl rises upon using skills [Max: 3].)
Level 95:
Max Loaded lvl increased to 4.At Loaded lvl 4: Boost to Aubade du Flamek’s Bonus damage specs.
  • 4th slot option for SUBHL.
  • Lowers skill cooldowns by 2 on ougi which makes clearing skill press and hit count omens easier.
Use Areas: SOLOS
Imminent Shadow
Big Dark damage to a foe.
Shadow Step
Gain Other Self (1T).
Gain ATK Up (1T) and Salted Wound (1 times, 1t).
  • Delays on dodging paired with high dodge rate makes her a solid pick for delay spam.
Use Areas: SOLOS
Valiant Edge
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Activate Blade of Evil’s Seal.
Gain Drain (1% of damage dealt Healing cap: 1000, 2.5T).
Blade of Evil's Seal
4-hit, 100% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit (~320,000 total)).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Self-inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 3T) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 3T).
(When Magic Pulse lvl is 5: Damage increased to 150% and damage cap increased to ~140,000 per hit (~560,000 total).)
Remove 2 buffs from a foe.
Self-inflict debuffs in order based on number of buffs removed: Blind (3T), Shorted (3T).
Connotation Bestial
Inflict Gravity (Accuracy: 100%, 180s) on a foe.
All allies gain Bestial (100% Debuff Resistance Up, 20% reduced damage taken, 5T).
Encroaching Magic
When Zehek is debuffed at turn start:Remove 1 debuff and gain 1 Magic Pulse (Max: 5).Boost to stats and take damage every turn based on number of Magic Pulse.
Dagger of Mixed Blessings
Withstand lethal turn-based damage.Take a lethal hit without being knocked out (Consumes 3 Magic Pulse).
  • Lower tier debuffer and dispeller that can be useful as an option if stronger options aren’t available.


Stronger characters are listed higher.


Here is a quick overview of characters that are useful for otk. In general, any character with skill nukes or large ougis not listed here can work.



Here are some of the noteworthy characters that can see equal use in both Charge Attack and Normal Attack focused setups.

Use Areas: ALL
Void Claws: Terminus
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Mirror Image (2 times).
Three Thousand and One Talons
500% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
Gain Mirror Image (2 times) and Other Self 1 (1 times).
After Stage 1 Transcendence:
Essence of a Demonic Asura
550% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,300,000).
Gain Mirror Image (2 times) and Other Self 1 (1 times).Raise Heavenly Howl (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 2.
Gate of Sin
Gain Adversity (20%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Level 95:
Buff increased to Adversity (30%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Also gain Bonus Dark DMG (60%, 3t).
Gain Full Hostility (1t) and Counter on Dodge (500%, 3 times, 1t).
Level 85:
Counter upgraded to Counters on Dodge/DMG (500%, 6 times, 3t).
Level 130:
When Heavenly Howl lvl is 6: Also gain Double Strike (Can’t be removed) (1T).
Gate of Demons
600% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Inflict Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 100%, 3t).
Level 90:
Also inflict Accuracy Lowered 3 (Accuracy: 100%, 3t).
Six-Ruin’s Enlightenment
Gain Other Self (4T) and Double Strike (Can’t be removed) (4T).
(Can’t recast.)
Heavenly Howl
Guaranteed double attacks.
Seox#Heavenly Howl|Boost to ATK, DMG cap, and triple attack rate based on Heavenly Howl (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl.
(Heavenly Howl (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl rises every turn by 1 and lowers by 2 upon taking damage [Max: 6].)
Counter Claw
6-hit Dark damage to a foe when the foe uses a special attack (Damage cap: ~100,000 per hit).
  • Core for 0 click ougis thanks to the eternal wonder.
  • 6 hit nuke after enemy special.
  • AT 130, the starting Heavenly Howl stacks makes his autos hit hard as well.
  • 150 dodge nuke is mostly reliable for ougi setups especially with Vikala (Event)].
Trichiliocosm & Concasse
1250% (Unworldly) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,420,000).Gain Charge Boost (30%).(Consumes 15% of max HP.)
Diable Jambe
Gain ATK Sharply Boosted (50%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 3T), Bonus Dark DMG (30%, 3T), and DMG Boosted (30,000, 3T).Self-inflict Overheated (5% of max HP, 3T).
1080-Pound Phoenix
500% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).Inflict Dark DEF Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Ultimate Confection
Restore 20% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2000).All allies gain Charge Boost (20%).
Iai Death Lion Song
800% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~810,000).Gain Counters on Dodge (200%, 2 times, 3T).
Three-Sword Style Swordsman
+10 boost to hostility.Guaranteed triple attacks.
Black-Leg Cook
At end of turn: Consume 20% of charge bar to deal 400% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).(If Zoro and Sanji are almost knocked out: Activate Ultimate Confection instead.)
  • Unwordly ougi.
  • GTA with end of turn nuke for auto setups.
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Bleeding Edge
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times).
After 5★:
Proud Blade
500% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times).
Restore HP (Healing cap: 4000).
Inner Fear
6-hit Dark damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~104,000 per hit).
Inflict DA Down (100%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s) and TA Down (100%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s) on all foes.
Level 55:
Damage increased to 100% per hit.
Noble Blood
Gain Awakening 2 (Multiplier: Perpetuity). (Ends upon taking damage 2 times.)
Level 100:
Also gain Shield (5000).Awakening 2 (Multiplier: Perpetuity) upgraded to Awakening+ (Multiplier: Perpetuity). (Effects increased and no longer ends upon taking damage. Can’t recast.)
Scarlet Slayer
Fill 1 Charge Attack#Enemy Charge Attacks|charge diamond on a foe.
If successful, all allies gain Charge Boost (30%), C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (30%), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (10%).
Blood Red Rose
Grant another Dark ally Honorary Bloodkin (Multiplier: Perpetuity).
Blood Blade
Restore HP based on normal attack and C.A. damage dealt (Healing cap: 500).
Level 90:
When a Dark ally drains a foe’s HP: 50% chance to gain Dodge-and-Counter (200%, 1 times, 2T).
Pride of Vampire
When a foe uses a special attack: Activate Inner Fear.
  • 6 hit reactive skill nuke.
  • Often used as the non ougi slot in a 0B2C setup.
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Hadron Cannon
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
All allies gain Charge Boost (10%).
Hadron Cannon ++
500% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
All allies gain Charge Boost (10%).
End Druid System’s cooldown.
Slash Harken
5-hit, 100% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~110,000 per hit).
Inflict DEF Down (20%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Druid System
All allies gain Druid System (3T).
Inflict Analysis 3 (10%, Accuracy: 100%, 3T) on a foe.
From 2nd cast onwards: Strength and duration of Druid System (4T) increased.
Level 90:
Druid System (4T) upgraded to Druid System+ (4T). (Also boosts DEF and has maximum strength and duration from first cast.)
Black Chessmaster
All allies gain DEF Up (50%, 3T).Inflict Impending Miracle (Accuracy: g) on a foe whose charge diamonds are filled. (Impending Miracle activates when the foe uses a special attack.)
Level 100:
All allies also gain 50% Cut (1T).
Impending Miracle (Accuracy: g) upgraded to Impending Miracle+ (Accuracy: g).
Knightmare Frame
15% boost to max HP and 10% boost to DEF.
25% hit to charge bar gain.
Leader of the Black Knights
Big boost to all allies’ ATK based on how high Lelouch’s HP is.
Level 95:
When a foe uses a special attack: Activate Slash Harken.
  • 10% stam to party.
  • 5 hit nuke on enemy special.

Charge Attack

Here are some of the noteworthy characters for Charge Attack focused comps. This will not cover all the characters in the chart above and instead focus on those that offer more than a larger CA or a simple skill damage nuke.

Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Sa’ada Barq
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Activate Shams Al-Saif.
Shams Al-Saif
4-hit, 150% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times).
Refill 2 Hunter’s Arrow.
Al-Mawj Takil
4-hit, 100% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~60,000 per hit).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180S), DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180S), and a Tabina (Summer)#Al-Mawj Takil|random debuff.
(Consumes 1 Hunter’s Arrow.)
Hubu Al-Raqs
All Dark allies gain Hubu Al-Raqs 2. (Ends upon taking damage 2 times.)
Beach Huntress
4 Hunter’s Arrow at battle start (Max: 4).
(At end of turn when Tabina has 1 or more Hunter’s Arrow: Activate Al-Mawj Takil.)
Spice of Love
Boost to dodge rate based on attacking foe’s number of debuffs.
(Upon dodging:
4-hit, 150% Dark damage to random foes [Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit].
All allies gain Charge Bar (10%).)
  • Skill nuke on ougi, end of turn, and when dodging.
  • Dodging nuke can be a bit unreliable but she will always dodge after ougi.
    • Can increase the odds of this with R.Vikala frontline.
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Stone Breaker
Massive Dark damage to a foe. (30% boost to C.A. damage and 10% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Blinded (Blinded or Blinded 1) effect.)
Activate Tallyho.
Girl of Steel
Gain Substituted (all-ally) (1T) and Armored (50%, 1T).
6-hit, 100% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~135,000 per hit).
Inflict DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 90%, 180s) and Blinded 3 (Accuracy: 90%, 3T).
Still Alive
Gain C.A. Instant Standby and reset cooldowns for Kolulu’s other skills .
Fated Spear
Fated Spear lvl rises by 1 upon being targeted by a foe (Max: 5).
Kolulu#Fated Spear|Supplemental damage based on Fated Spear lvl (Damage cap: 50,000).
Reason to Live
Boost to Kolulu’s ATK (Perpetuity modifier) and DEF based on how low HP is.
Starts battle with Lethal Attack Dodged (Can’t be removed) (1 times).
Tallyho activates at end of turn when HP is at 25% or below.
  • 6 hit skill nuke after ougi.
  • Best daughter.
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Bloody Moon
Massive Dark damage to a foe.
Carnage Moon
Massive Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Aubade Grynoth (500% Skill DMG Up, 100% Skill DMG Cap Up, 2.5T).
Great Scythe Grynoth
400% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~450,000).
Gain Charge Boost (20%).
500% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).
Level 75:
Damage increased to 550%.
Level 90:
Damage increased to 800%.
Now hits all foes.
Also gain Jammed (26.6%-79.8%, 3T).
(When Aubade Grynoth is in effect: Auto-activates upon being targeted by a foe.)
Forgotten Tales
Gain ATK Up (50%, Multiplier: Unique, 3T), DEF Up (50%, 3T), and Hostility Boosted (3T).
(Consumes 25% of max HP.)
Level 100:
Buffs’ duration increased to 5 turns.
Also gain DMG Cap Boosted (20%, 5T) and Attack All (5T).
Grynoth’s Pact
Boost to Vaseraga’s DEF based on how low HP is.
Feel No Pain
Vaseraga won’t be knocked out for the first 20 turns.
When Vaseraga is above 25% HP: Debuff immunity and buffs can’t be removed.
  • Large single hit nuke after ougi upon being targetted.
  • Increased hostility makes the odds being targeted almost guaranteed though failure is still possible.
Type: OUGI
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Valley of the Damned
925% (Unworldly) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,960,000) and;
325% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~500,000).
Consume 3 Satiety lvls.
(Can only be used when Satiety lvl is 3 or above.)
Summer's End
400% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Inflict Dark DEF Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Gain Instant Charge.
Radiant Heart
Gain Substituted (All-Ally) (1T).
(Consumes up to 3 Satiety lvls. Additional buffs based on number consumed.)
Maximum Overload
Restore caster’s HP (Healing cap: 800) and remove 1 debuff.
Recover 2 Satiety lvls.
(Consumes 20% of charge bar.)
I’m Hungry…
Satiety lvl is 3 at battle start (Max: 5).
(At end of turn when Amira’s charge bar is 20% or higher: Activate Maximum Overload.)
Drifting Gourmand
When Satiety lvl is 1 or above: 40% boost to ATK (Unique modifier), 300% boost to DEF, boost to hostility, deal multiattacks, and consume Satiety lvls to counter based on number of times damage is taken (Max: 5 hits).
  • Unworldly ougi with an additional light damage nuke.

Normal Attack

Here are some of the noteworthy characters for Normal Attack focused comps. This will not cover all the characters in the chart above and instead focus on those that offer more than just GTA.

Type: AUTO
Use Areas: 0B0C
Tigered Up in a Bow
Served on a Silver Tiger
Mission Chocolate
  • 50k supp to normal attacks, 2 hit flurry, and a 2 hit skill nuke after auto attacks that also applies 10% stackable DEF down.
  • Only has GDA but if you can reach 100% TA on her she can outdamage everyone else.
  • Place her first in order for take advantage of the defense down.
Type: AUTO
Use Areas: 0B0C
Burst Erasure
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
End cooldown for Wages of Sin.
War Eternal
All Dark allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Dark) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Dark DMG (20%, 5T).
Wages of Sin
Dark damage to all foes.
Inflict ATK Lowered 5 (25%, 5-7T) and DEF Lowered 5 (25%, 5-7T).
(Boost to specs based on number of Diuturna.)
Diva Satanica
Increase number of times caster does an attack this turn based on number of Diuturna (Max: Quadruple Strike (1T)).
Sergeant Clad in Glistening White
Guaranteed triple attacks, 35% hit to charge bar gain, and normal attacks deal 3-hit damage to random foes.
Starts battle with Undying (Can’t be removed) (1 times) and 1 Diuturna (Max: 3).
(Each time an ally is knocked out:
Gain 1 Diuturna. End cooldowns for Ilsa’s skills.)
  • GTA and split autos.
Use Areas: 0B2C AND BELOW
Phantom Impact
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Bonus Dark Damage (50%, 5.5T).
2-hit, 150% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~265,000 per hit).
Restore 30% of caster’s HP (Healing cap: 3000).
Gain Hostility Down (3T).Grant a random ally Hostility Up (+50, 3T).
(Auto-activates when a foe uses a special attack.)
More Strife
3-hit, 150% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~185,000 per hit).
Inflict Dark Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(Auto-activates upon normal attacks.)
400% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~450,000).
Bowman#Outrage|Gain 1 random buff.
(Auto-activates upon using charge attack.)
Egotistic Shadow
Skills can only be used when auto-activated.
20% boost to ATK (Perpetuity modifier), guaranteed triple attacks, and 100% counters upon taking damage (1 hit).
Out from under the Pressure
Uses charge attack even when charge attacks are set to Hold.
30% boost to C.A. damage and 15% boost to C.A. damage cap.
  • GTA with 3 hit nuke on autos that applies 10% stackable DEF down.
  • 2 hit nuke on enemy special.
  • Place him first in order for take advantage of the defense down.
Type: AUTO
Use Areas: 0B0C
Heavy Sharklone
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Shark Slam. (Next Shark in Open Water affects all allies.)
End Shark in Open Water’s cooldown.
Sharklone Assault
4-hit, 100% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~130,000 per hit (~520,000 total)).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), and Chum 4 (4T).
Shark in Open Water
Gain Critical Up (20%, 3t), Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t), and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Calamity Rejection
300% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~500,000).
Gain Salted Wound (Chum) (280%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
Crazy about Auguste
Swimwear and yukata remind Meg of fun memories and enhance her will to protect Auguste.
(Gain these effects in order based on number of :Category:Summer/Yukata Characters|summer and yukata version allies in the party:
30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity) and 50% boost to DEF,
guaranteed triple attacks and 20% Bonus Dark DMG effect,
debuff immunity,
buffs can’t be removed,
20% boost to damage cap.)
Ordinary Girl’s Ordinary Vacation
10% Bonus Dark DMG effect to Dark allies’ critical hits on normal attacks.
  • With an additional summer ally in party including backline, Meg has GTA and 20% echoes.

Starting Charge

For 0B CA focused OTKs, Huanglong main and support summons are used along with the 30% charge from crew buffs to set everyone to 90%. A character with a passive 10% starting change then can set a chain of CAs to all the characters behind them.

Use Areas: ALL
Void Claws: Terminus
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Mirror Image (2 times).
Three Thousand and One Talons
500% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
Gain Mirror Image (2 times) and Other Self 1 (1 times).
After Stage 1 Transcendence:
Essence of a Demonic Asura
550% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,300,000).
Gain Mirror Image (2 times) and Other Self 1 (1 times).Raise Heavenly Howl (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 2.
Gate of Sin
Gain Adversity (20%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Level 95:
Buff increased to Adversity (30%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Also gain Bonus Dark DMG (60%, 3t).
Gain Full Hostility (1t) and Counter on Dodge (500%, 3 times, 1t).
Level 85:
Counter upgraded to Counters on Dodge/DMG (500%, 6 times, 3t).
Level 130:
When Heavenly Howl lvl is 6: Also gain Double Strike (Can’t be removed) (1T).
Gate of Demons
600% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Inflict Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 100%, 3t).
Level 90:
Also inflict Accuracy Lowered 3 (Accuracy: 100%, 3t).
Six-Ruin’s Enlightenment
Gain Other Self (4T) and Double Strike (Can’t be removed) (4T).
(Can’t recast.)
Heavenly Howl
Guaranteed double attacks.
Seox#Heavenly Howl|Boost to ATK, DMG cap, and triple attack rate based on Heavenly Howl (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl.
(Heavenly Howl (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl rises every turn by 1 and lowers by 2 upon taking damage [Max: 6].)
Counter Claw
6-hit Dark damage to a foe when the foe uses a special attack (Damage cap: ~100,000 per hit).
  • Core for 0 click ougis thanks to the eternal wonder.
  • 6 hit nuke after enemy special.
  • AT 130, the starting Heavenly Howl stacks makes his autos hit hard as well.
  • 150 dodge nuke is mostly reliable for ougi setups especially with Vikala (Event)].
Use Areas: ALL EXCEPT 0B0C
Jolie Fille Attaque
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe.Activate Mes Serviteurs.
Djembe du Visage
8-hit, 100% Dark Damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~68,000 per hit).Inflict DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) on all foes.
Mes Serviteurs
400% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~510,000).Remove 1 buff.
Working Off My Debt!
That reward’s going to be all mine!(Pay 10,000 rupies to gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
Best Mascot in the Skies
15% hit to HP and 20% hit to DEF.50% boost to C.A. damage and 30% boost to C.A. damage cap.100% boost to charge bar at battle start.
Code Of Beauty
1-turn cut to skill cooldowns when a foe uses a special attack.(If the foe uses a Stance Attack, also ends cooldown for Mes Serviteurs.)
  • Starts with 100% charge make her a solid slot for 0B3C down to 0B1C.
    • Double Huanglong is not required for 0B1C setups with her.
  • Has a passive 60% CA damage and 30% CA cap.

Special Characters

Light OTK relies heavily on characters who deal skill damage as a response to enemy attacks. The free slots in either 0B2C or 0B1C are typically slotted with the following characters.

Use Areas: 0B2C
Everyone’s Favorite Rat
Where… are my rat ears?(Nothing happens.)
D-don’t mind me…(Nothing happens.)
Imagine Talking
Ahh… There’s just no way…(Nothing happens.)
Alone Time
Can’t attack.Into Hiding effect to Vikala.50% boost to C.A. DMG and 10% boost to C.A. DMG Cap for Dark allies.
Cheering From the Shadows, Internally
When Sub Ally: 5% boost to Dark allies’ C.A. DMG.
  • Does not attack which reduces lockout.
  • Helps ougi setups thanks to providing 50% CA damageand 10% CA cap.


Characters with useful backline passives.

Dragonbrood Demonspear
Massive Dark damage to a foe.
Gain Double Lashwave. (Next use of Blackwyrm Lash activates twice.)
Blackwyrm Lash
350%-450% Dark damage to a foe.
Level 55:
Damage increased to 400%-500% (Damage cap: ~630,000).
All allies gain Dragoon’s Roar (10% (30% Max)) and Oblivion Crest 1.
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 90%, 180S) on all foes.
Conqueror Wing
Gain Critical Up (30%, 3T) and DA Up (70%, 3T).
From 7th turn onward: Affects all allies.
We Are Blackwyrm
+3% boost to ATK (Unique modifier) per turn passed (Max: 50% at 17 turns).
Sky Supremacy
Boost to Dark allies’ skill specs based on their number of Oblivion Crest.
(Takes effect even when Forte is a sub ally.)
  • 10% skill damage and 2% skill cap per crest makes her a solid backline for Runeslayer skill damage teams.
Klagen Totentanz
450% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,685,000).
(Boost to C.A. specs based on how low Love’s Redemption 13 is.)
Omnia Annihilo
500% (Massive) Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
(Boost to C.A. specs based on how low Love’s Redemption 13 is.)
200% Bonus Dark damage based on how high Love’s Redemption 13 is (Damage cap: ~185,000 per hit / Max: 6 hits).
World of Death and Love
Transform the field into a world of death and love.
(World of Death and Love (20% ATK Up / 30% Bonus Dark DMG, Multiplier: Unique, 3t) to the Field Effect|field.)
Grant Beloved (4T) to caster and a Dark ally.
(Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 2. Can’t grant Beloved to more than 1 other ally at a time.)
Last Love
Grant a Dark ally C.A. Reactivation (1 time / Unremovable) (1 times).
(Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 1.)
Eternal Vow
Gain Eternal Vow (Multiplier: Perpetuity).
(Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 4. Can’t be recast.
Can only be used after The Lovers Upright activates.)
Will to Love
Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 2 at end of turn. (Starts battle at 13.)
(When Love’s Redemption 13 hits 0: Nier will be knocked out at end of turn.
When Nier is knocked out any other way: Inflict Unfinished Business (Foe) 4 (50% DEF Down, Accuracy: g, 4T) on all foes.
Inflict Unfinished Business (Ally) (50% DEF Down, 4T) on all allies.)
Death’s Embrace
Extend World of Death and Love’s effect duration from 3 turns to 6 turns.
Love’s Redemption 13 won’t lower upon using skills while World of Death and Love is in effect.
Death Reversed
Only when MC’s element is Dark: MC starts battle with Death Reversed 13 (13 times).
When Sub Ally: Dark MC can withstand lethal damage until end of turn when MC is above 25% HP (Leaves 1 HP).
(Death Reversed 13 lowers by 1 at end of turn upon taking lethal damage.)
Level 95:
Dark MC’s buffs can’t be removed.
  • 13 stacks of guts to MC can be helpful for tanking certain triggers.
  • FLB grants dispel immunity to MC.
Use Areas: OTK
Everyone’s Favorite Rat
Where… are my rat ears?(Nothing happens.)
D-don’t mind me…(Nothing happens.)
Imagine Talking
Ahh… There’s just no way…(Nothing happens.)
Alone Time
Can’t attack.Into Hiding effect to Vikala.50% boost to C.A. DMG and 10% boost to C.A. DMG Cap for Dark allies.
Cheering From the Shadows, Internally
When Sub Ally: 5% boost to Dark allies’ C.A. DMG.
  • 5% CA damage to team which makes her okay for OTK.

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