Fire Characters

This is a brief overview of notable fire characters. This does not include every usable fire character.

Fire Pages












Here is a quick overview of characters that are useful for Burst setups.



Characters who’s primary purpose on teams is to deal lots of damage.

Stolze Flamme
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 2 (Max: 10).
Gain King’s Blaze (60%-20% ATK Up / 30% Bonus Fire DMG).
Roter Wirbel
800% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Inflict Double Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (50% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Triple Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (50% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Gain Charge Bar (20%).
(When a foe’s Singed lvl is 5 or above:
Activates twice.)
Inflict Grovel 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) and Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 200%, 3T) on a foe.
Koenig Dekret
900% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,020,000).
All Fire allies gain Fire ATK Up (100%, 1T) and Bonus Fire DMG (1 time) (30%, 1T).
All Fire allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes King’s Blaze after activation.)
Cardinal Procession
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks.
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 20%, guaranteed triple attacks, and buffs can’t be removed.
(Starts battle with King’s Blaze (60%-20% ATK Up / 30% Bonus Fire DMG).)
Lohens Schicksal
When normal attacking a foe whose Singed lvl is 7 or above:
1000% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,200,000).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), and Wide Open (30%, Accuracy: g, 1T).
  • Strong auto attacker with GTA and amplified autos. Nukes after autos are typically limited to FA or fights like Siete where there is time to build up the Singed stacks.
  • Koenig Dekret 900% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,020,000).
    All Fire allies gain Fire ATK Up (100%, 1T) and Bonus Fire DMG (1 time) (30%, 1T).
    All Fire allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
    (Consumes King’s Blaze after activation.)
    is an upgraded version of tag team adding 30% echoes and 100% fire attack on top of the the free teamwide autos. This is an incredibly powerful tool for burst and OTK.
  • Grovel from Regieren Inflict Grovel 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) and Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 200%, 3T) on a foe. is both great for hard content as well as GW to tank triggers.


Characters who’s primary purpose on teams is to deal lots of damage.

Innocence Fairy
Paralyzing Sparkle
  • 6 hit skill damage on triple attacks.
  • Skill 1 provides 20% normal amp, GTA, and 4 hit flurry.
    • Starts battle with skill 1 buff if she has 60k. It is worth building the grid to do so.
    • DEF awakening tends to be the best for her to easily hit 60k HP.
  • Best normal attacker currently.
Furious Resonance
Roar of a Thousand Flames
Arvess Prelude / Arvess Fugue
  • Deals skill damage after every three ally TAs making her nuke more frequently than other skill damage on normal attack characters.
  • Packs a 1 turn assassin with a high assassin mod.
  • Dispels after normal attacks is highly useful especially for NM200.
Use Areas: SEOFON, NM200
Dreadful Slash
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 30% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Petrified (Petrified
Petrified 1) effect.)
Gain Hellfire Crest 1.
Dread Raid
400% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Inflict Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 150%, 3T).
Regiment Strike
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T) and Hellfire Crest 1.
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
Primal Sword Deimos
Gain Primal Sword Deimos (3T).
(Can only be used when Icarus has 5 Hellfire Crest.)
Way of the Warrior
Immune to Petrified (Ally).
Gain these effects in order based on number of Hellfire Crest:
30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Normal),
100% boost to DEF,
deal multiattacks,
supplement damage dealt (Damage cap: 10,000),
amplify (Multiplier: Seraphic) normal attack damage by 20%.
Icarus and Deimos, at Your Service!
When Switching to Main Ally:
Gain 5 Hellfire Crest 1.
(Can’t be reactivated.)
  • Requires swap in to be useful limiting his use to longer bursts.
  • Skill 3 Primal Sword Deimos Gain Primal Sword Deimos (3T).
    (Can only be used when Icarus has 5 Hellfire Crest.)
    grants 90% bonus dmg and double strike for 3 turns making him great for sustained damage.
  • Excellent passives at full crests including 10k supp and 20% amp.
Use Areas: SEOFON, NM200
Magma Chamber
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Gain Guaranteed TA (Wilnas) (1.5T).
Hadron Smash
1200% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,300,000) and remove 1 buff.
Flame Claw
800% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Gain Blistering Flames (30%, Multiplier: Assassin, 2T) and Charge Bar (20%).
The Vermillion's Glare
Gain The Vermillion’s Glare.
(Can’t recast.)
Forever Burning
Doesn’t deal multiattacks, no charge bar gain upon normal attacks, amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 50%, and counters upon taking damage (1 hit).
Activate Flame Claw after normal attacks.
Limitless Vermillion
Upon activating a Fated Chain:
Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,300,000).
Gain Instant Charge, C.A. DMG Boosted (Can’t be removed) (150%, 1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Can’t be removed) (90%, 1T).
  • Practically 100% uptime on one turn assassin after first turn paired with nukes after autos and 50% amplified autos makes him hit like a truck.
  • Can not multi attack without his special buff from his CA. Needs to be setup by another character with instant charge for burst.
    • Special TA can extended to last longer.
Use Areas: NM95
Successor’s Blaze
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 30% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Singed.)
End cooldown for Roast II.
Roast II
400% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Raise all foes’ Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%).
Black Fire II
550% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Inflict Blind (30%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s) and Charm (25%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s).
Amplify Magic
10-hit, 100% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~92,500 per hit).
Gain Amplify Magic (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(When the foe’s Singed lvl is 5 or above:
Hit number increases to 20.)
Nightmare’s On It!
Nightmare will assist Anna based on her status every 3 turns.
Magical Lineage
Boost to Fire allies’ skill specs based on the foe’s Singed lvl.
(Takes effect even when Anna is a sub ally.)
  • One turn asssassin but no GTA or echoes.
  • Best girl.


Characters who provide strong buffs to the party.

Use Areas: NM95
Benedictio Solis
Massive Fire damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 20% boost to C.A. damage cap when the field effect Sun-Touched Paradise is active.)
Sun-Touched Paradise
Bathe the battlefield in the blazing heat of the sun.
(Sun-Touched Paradise (20% ATK Up / 25% DEF Down, Multiplier: Perpetuity, 8t) to the Field Effect|field.)
Renatian Creed
All allies gain TA Up (100%, 4T) and Bonus Fire DMG (30%, 4T).
Inflict Shorted (4T) on all allies.
(Consumes 100% of all allies’ charge bar.)
Wrath of the Goddess
1000% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,080,000).
Inflict Immaculate Sunlight (Local) (5% of max HP Damage cap: 500,000, Accuracy: 200%), ATK Down 4 (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 4T), DEF Down 4 (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 4T), and Petrified 4 (Accuracy: 150%, 4T) on all foes.
Inflict Immaculate Sunlight (5% of max HP Damage cap: 800) on all allies.
Days of Redemption
Benevolent Soul
25% boost to Fire allies’ healing specs (Healing and healing cap) when the field effect Sun-Touched Paradise is active.
The Sun Reversed
When Sub Ally: 20% boost to Fire allies’ healing specs (Healing and healing cap).
Remove 1 debuff from a Fire ally when that ally takes turn-based damage.
  • Pre FLB:
    • Teamwide 100% TA and echo buffer that requires 100% partywide charge bar to activate via Renatian Creed All allies gain TA Up (100%, 4T) and Bonus Fire DMG (30%, 4T).
      Inflict Shorted (4T) on all allies.
      (Consumes 100% of all allies’ charge bar.)
    • Still strong for those who lack the better options and for ST but has fallen off in general.
    • Field effect is good for off element and for the DEF down it provides that won’t be removed during enemy debuff clears.
  • Post FLB:
    • Becomes the strongest buffer for fire burst thanks to his new skill 4 Days of Redemption which provides 2 hit flurry and 100%/20% fire crit as well as autocasting his skill 2.
    • Will need to be swapped in, but the skill 4 on top of him autocasting his field on swap in makes it more than worth it for many burst setups.
    • Requires unlocking his skill 4.
Use Areas: NM95
Taiji Blessing
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
All Fire allies gain Cain (Holiday)#Taiji Blessing|3 random buffs.
Holy Star Cutter
4-hit, 100% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~135,000 per hit).
Gain Charge Bar (20%).
(Activates up to 3 times based on Cain’s number of buffs.)
Burn the Midnight Oil
All Fire allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Fire) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Fire DMG (20%, 5T).
Stellar Speed
Extend Fire allies’ buff durations by 1 turn. (Excludes 1-turn buffs.)
Unstoppable Avalanche
Boost to C.A. damage and C.A. damage cap based on number of buffs.
(When Cain has 15 or more buffs: Charge attack activates twice.)
Happy Trails
10% Wind damage reduction to Fire allies.
All Fire allies start battle with Dispel Cancel (1 times).
(Takes effect even when Cain is a sub ally.)
  • Potent short term buffer offering 100%/20% crit, 15% damage cap, and 20% echoes on his skill 2 Burn the Midnight Oil All Fire allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Fire) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Fire DMG (20%, 5T). .
  • Most short turm bursts using him require him to hit 100% TA. This is easy now with Shiva FLB.
Use Areas: NM95
Rise of the Blood-Moon
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Crimson Dance: Yugetsu
500% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Gain DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 3.5T), Healing Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (50% (100% Max)), and Healing Cap Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (50% (100% Max)).
250%-350% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Inflict Foxflame 3 (Accuracy: 120%, 3T).
Level 90:
All allies gain DA Up (30%, 3T), TA Up (15%, 3T), and Bonus Fire DMG (20%, 3T).
Eye of the Sparrow
4-hit, 100% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~150,000 per hit).
Gain Double Attack Rate Boosted (Stackable) (20% (60% Max)) and Triple Attack Rate Boosted (Stackable) (10% (30% Max)).
Level 95:
Also gain ATK Boosted (Stackable) (20% (60% Max), Multiplier: Unique Stackable) and Dodge Rate Boosted (Stackable) (10% (30% Max)).
(Activates twice against foes with Foxflame.)
Rite of Dawn
Restore 150 + 20% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1500) and remove 1 debuff.
Third Dance: Jinka
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T) and Double Strike (1T).
Supplemental Damage|Supplement all allies’ damage against foes with Foxflame (Damage cap: 30,000).
  • Teamwide 20% echoes and and a supp debuff on her skill 1 Guren 250%-350% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~630,000).
    Inflict Foxflame 3 (Accuracy: 120%, 3T).
    Level 90:
    All allies gain DA Up (30%, 3T), TA Up (15%, 3T), and Bonus Fire DMG (20%, 3T).
  • Has self double strike.
Ignis Iudicium
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain Fire ATK Up (30%, 3.5T) and Uplift (10%, 2.5T).
Grant another Fire ally Instant Charge and C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
1100% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,305,000).
All Fire allies gain Ignis Ward 3. (Ends upon taking damage 3 times.)
Fotia Dynata
Plain damage to all foes based on 10% of their current HP (Damage cap: 999,999).
Remove 1 buff.
Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%).
When a Fire ally uses a charge attack: Michael gains 1 Ekrixi (Max: 9).
At end of turn: Consume 3 Ekrixi and activate Fotia Dynata.
Fotia Arche
20% boost to Fire’s, Hellfire’s, Inferno’s, and Ironflame’s weapon skills.
(Takes effect even when Michael is a sub ally.)
  • Partywide echo buffer option.
  • typically paired with Wilnas for burst setup due to the instant charge from Pantera Grant another Fire ally Instant Charge and C.A. Reactivation (1 time). .
Use Areas: NM95
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,420,000).
Mimlemel faints. (Self-inflict Stunned (1.5T).)
Ocean Reveille
All Fire allies gain Charge Bar (50%).
(Can’t recast.)
Level 55:
Effect increased to Charge Bar (70%).
Beachside Bugle
All Fire allies gain ATK Boosted (1 time) (20%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(Can’t recast.)
Brazen Gleam
All Fire allies gain Shield (7000), Veil, and Dispel Cancel (1 times).
(Can’t recast.)
Seagliding Turtle
Raise Surf lvl by 1 upon using skills (Max: 3).
(At lvl 3: 30% boost to ATK (Unique modifier), 10% boost to damage cap, and deal guaranteed triple attacks.)
Midsummer Heatwave
Deal 3-hit damage to random foes on third hit of each normal attack.
Supplemental damage to the third hit (Damage cap: 40,000).
  • Pre FLB Alanaan’s best friend due to her ability to max everyone’s charge bar with crew buff.
  • Her teamwide asssassin, while weak, is still good tool for burst.
  • Can be used outside Alan setups but requires hitting 100% TA.
    • Passive is typically ignored for this due to requiring too many buttons but is an option if nothing better.

Full Auto

Here is a quick overview of characters that are useful for Full Auto.


Stronger characters are listed higher.


Characters with a focus on high personal damage.

Furious Resonance
Roar of a Thousand Flames
Arvess Prelude / Arvess Fugue
  • Great for both short bursts, long bursts, FA, and hard content.
  • Lots of high sustained damage thanks to her nukes after every three ally TAs and her buffs on her skill 1 Furious Resonance .
  • Packs a 1 turn assassin with a high assassin mod.
  • Dispels after normal attacks is highly useful for buff heavy bosses.
Mind-Blowing Meltdown
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
(While Trascendenza is in effect: Activates twice.)
Fiamma di Cannone
300% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Gain Supplemental DMG (100,000, 1T).
(Consumes 1 Energia to also gain Double Strike (1T).)
Mitraglia di Colpi
3-hit, 200% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~200,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.
(Activates twice upon consuming 1 Energia.)
Se Non Ora Quando
Sacrifice 99% of caster’s HP to gain Trascendenza (2T) and Instant Charge.
(Will be knocked out when effect ends.)
Beyond the Constellations
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks, 20% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity), guaranteed triple attacks, and 100% counters upon taking damage (1 hit).
Settle the Score
Consume 1 Energia upon normal attacks to deal 300% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
(Starts battle with 5 Energia.
Can’t recover Energia.
While Trascendenza is in effect: Activates without consuming Energia.)
  • Excellent short term character with that deals lots of damage and then dies after two turns allowing you to swap in another character like Alanaan FLB or Icarus.
  • Casts two strong red skills each turn he is up that grant him 100k supp and double strike and removing a buff.
  • GTA with auto nukes also means his normal attacks are very impactful.
  • Not worth disabling his skill 3 to keep him in battle for longer as he will quickly become useless.
Stolze Flamme
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 2 (Max: 10).
Gain King’s Blaze (60%-20% ATK Up / 30% Bonus Fire DMG).
Roter Wirbel
800% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Inflict Double Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (50% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Triple Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (50% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Gain Charge Bar (20%).
(When a foe’s Singed lvl is 5 or above:
Activates twice.)
Inflict Grovel 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) and Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 200%, 3T) on a foe.
Koenig Dekret
900% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,020,000).
All Fire allies gain Fire ATK Up (100%, 1T) and Bonus Fire DMG (1 time) (30%, 1T).
All Fire allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes King’s Blaze after activation.)
Cardinal Procession
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks.
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 20%, guaranteed triple attacks, and buffs can’t be removed.
(Starts battle with King’s Blaze (60%-20% ATK Up / 30% Bonus Fire DMG).)
Lohens Schicksal
When normal attacking a foe whose Singed lvl is 7 or above:
1000% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,200,000).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), and Wide Open (30%, Accuracy: g, 1T).
  • Strong auto attacker with GTA and amplified autos. Nukes after autos are typically limited to longer fights where there is time to build up the Singed stacks.
  • Koenig Dekret 900% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,020,000).
    All Fire allies gain Fire ATK Up (100%, 1T) and Bonus Fire DMG (1 time) (30%, 1T).
    All Fire allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
    (Consumes King’s Blaze after activation.)
    is an upgraded version of tag team adding 30% echoes and 100% fire attack on top of the the free teamwide autos.
Use Areas: ARCARUM
Hellish Blazing Prison
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.All allies gain ATK Boosted (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), Multiplier: Unique Stackable), C.A. DMG Boosted (Stackable) (20% (60% Max)), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable) (5% (15% Max)).
Searing Scorcher
700% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).Inflict Burned (5000, 180s) and remove 1 buff.(When Elmott has 10 or more buffs: Activates twice.)
Blazing Eulogy
5-hit, 100% Fire damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~95,000 per hit).All allies gain Uplift (10%, 3T), DA Up (30%, 3T), and TA Up (15%, 3T).
Coiling Flame
Fill 1 charge diamond on a foe. If successful, gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
When a foes uses a special attack: Activate Searing Scorcher.
Balmy Days of Yore
Boost to Fire allies’ C.A. specs based on their number of buffs.
  • Good FA character for dispel heavy bosses thanks to double dispel nuke after enemy special attacks.
Use Areas: SEOFON, NM200
Dreadful Slash
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 30% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Petrified (Petrified
Petrified 1) effect.)
Gain Hellfire Crest 1.
Dread Raid
400% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Inflict Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 150%, 3T).
Regiment Strike
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T) and Hellfire Crest 1.
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
Primal Sword Deimos
Gain Primal Sword Deimos (3T).
(Can only be used when Icarus has 5 Hellfire Crest.)
Way of the Warrior
Immune to Petrified (Ally).
Gain these effects in order based on number of Hellfire Crest:
30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Normal),
100% boost to DEF,
deal multiattacks,
supplement damage dealt (Damage cap: 10,000),
amplify (Multiplier: Seraphic) normal attack damage by 20%.
Icarus and Deimos, at Your Service!
When Switching to Main Ally:
Gain 5 Hellfire Crest 1.
(Can’t be reactivated.)
  • Requires swap in to be useful limiting his use to longer bursts.
  • Skill 3 Primal Sword Deimos Gain Primal Sword Deimos (3T).
    (Can only be used when Icarus has 5 Hellfire Crest.)
    grants 90% bonus dmg and double strike for 3 turns making him great for sustained damage.
  • Excellent passives at full crests including 10k supp and 20% amp.
Use Areas: NM150, NM200
Overnight Dream
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Gain Hellfire Crest 1.
1-turn cut to skill cooldowns.
Moonlit Blaze
8-hit, 100% Fire damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~68,000 per hit).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (5% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (5% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) on all foes.
Gain Hellfire Crest 1.
Twilight Proposition
500% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000).
All allies gain Hellfire Crest 1 and a random buff.
(Additional buffs based on number of caster’s Hellfire Crest upon cast.)
Embrace of Nighttide
Grant another Fire ally Hekate’s Embrace.
Full Moon Feast
Every 3 turns: 700% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000). Inflict Charmed 2 (30%, 2T).
Bewitching Flames
Gain these effects in order based on number of Hellfire Crest:
30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Normal),
100% boost to DEF,
guaranteed double attacks,
20% boost to skill damage cap,
activate Moonlit Blaze upon taking damage.
  • One of the best FA characters especially on Manadiver teams.
  • Tons of skill damage and stackables once ramped up


Characters that provide strong buffs to the team.

Use Areas: NM95
Benedictio Solis
Massive Fire damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 20% boost to C.A. damage cap when the field effect Sun-Touched Paradise is active.)
Sun-Touched Paradise
Bathe the battlefield in the blazing heat of the sun.
(Sun-Touched Paradise (20% ATK Up / 25% DEF Down, Multiplier: Perpetuity, 8t) to the Field Effect|field.)
Renatian Creed
All allies gain TA Up (100%, 4T) and Bonus Fire DMG (30%, 4T).
Inflict Shorted (4T) on all allies.
(Consumes 100% of all allies’ charge bar.)
Wrath of the Goddess
1000% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,080,000).
Inflict Immaculate Sunlight (Local) (5% of max HP Damage cap: 500,000, Accuracy: 200%), ATK Down 4 (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 4T), DEF Down 4 (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 4T), and Petrified 4 (Accuracy: 150%, 4T) on all foes.
Inflict Immaculate Sunlight (5% of max HP Damage cap: 800) on all allies.
Days of Redemption
Benevolent Soul
25% boost to Fire allies’ healing specs (Healing and healing cap) when the field effect Sun-Touched Paradise is active.
The Sun Reversed
When Sub Ally: 20% boost to Fire allies’ healing specs (Healing and healing cap).
Remove 1 debuff from a Fire ally when that ally takes turn-based damage.
  • Not worth using pre-FLB and unlocking his skill 4.
  • Becomes the strongest buffer for fire burst thanks to his new skill 4 Days of Redemption which provides 2 hit flurry and 100%/20% fire crit as well as autocasting his skill 2.
  • Will need to be swapped in, but the skill 4 on top of him autocasting his field on swap in makes it more than worth it for many burst setups.
Medusiana Slider
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.All allies gain Mirror Image (1 times).Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times).
Illusory Eye
All allies gain Repel (60%, 1 times, 3T) and Veil.(When Surfing Serpent lvl is at 5:
All allies also gain Shield (5000) and Counters on Dodge/DMG (200%, 2 times, 3T).)
Serpent Spike
5-hit, 100% Fire damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~120,000 per hit).Remove 1 buff from all foes and inflict Poisoned (5000, 180s).(Hit number increases based on Surfing Serpent lvl [Max: 10 hits].)
Petrifying Gaze
Inflict Petrifying Gaze 1 (Accuracy: Guaranteed, 1T), DA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), TA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), and Accuracy Lowered 6 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.
Primal Pal Getaway
Gain effects in order based on number of :Category:Primal Characters|Primal allies in party:30% boost to ATK (Perpetuity modifier),
100% boost to DEF,
guaranteed triple attacks,
20% boost to dodge rate,
20% boost to damage cap.
Supreme Surfing Serpent
Surfing Serpent lvl rises by 1 at end of turn if Medusa didn’t take damage (Max: 5).(When Surfing Serpent lvl is at max: Activate Serpent Spike instead.)
  • Great FA and skill damage character.
  • Requires ramp up in order to use autonukes that at best takes five turns.
  • Lots of skill damage and dispels after.
  • Can’t attack from Petrifying Gaze Inflict Petrifying Gaze 1 (Accuracy: Guaranteed, 1T), DA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), TA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), and Accuracy Lowered 6 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes. is a powerful defensive tool for hard cotent.
  • Tons of defensive tools like teamwide mirror image and accuracy down are great for survivability.
Salve Bullet
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Inflict Wide Open (30%, Accuracy: g, 0.5T) for Half Turns|0.5 turns.
Silent Aim
Gain Silent Aim (5T).
Ready Volley
All Fire allies gain Charge Bar (30%).
(From 2nd cast onward:
All Fire allies also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (80%) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (20%)
From 3rd cast onward:
All Fire allies also gain DMG Cap Boosted (5%, 4T).)
Inflict Wind ATK Lowered (15%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), DA Down (50%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), and TA Down (50%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s) on a foe.
(From 2nd cast onward:
Also inflict Gravity (Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
From 3rd cast onward:
Also inflict Accuracy Lowered 3 (50%, Accuracy: 100%, 3T).)
Festive Sniper
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks.
At end of turn if Silva didn’t attack: Gain Instant Charge.
Stick to Your Guns
Charge attack won’t miss against foes with boosted dodge rate or Mirror Image (Mirror Imaged
Mirror Imaged (Local)).
2-turn cut to Ready Volley’s cooldown upon Prominence Flare chain burst.
  • Kengo enabler for fire. Provides 15% bar to party and stackable CA damage and CA cap on a 5/7 turn uptime.
  • Double strike from Silent Aim ougi effect is best paired with damage dealers like Wilnas or Luffy.
  • Debuffs offer a solid degree of survivability.
Gaia Dora
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Special buffs to all allies based on my Nemo Power!
(All allies gain Gilded by Gaia (3.5T). Nemone (Holiday)#Gaia Dora|Boost to buff specs based on Nemo Power.)
Felices Fiestas
My life’s in your hands!
(MC gains Nemo Defense.)
(While in effect: MC substitutes for Nemone, 30% Wind damage reduction, and convert damage taken to Wind damage.
Can’t recast.)
Level 55:
Effect enhanced.
Roselle Wreath
I do 3-hit, 150% Fire damage (Damage cap: ~200,000 per hit) to random foes!
And give random buffs to all allies!
(When Nemo Power is at max: Hit number increases to 6.)
Hold the Line
That thing where I dodge all attacks from foes! (2 times!)
(Gain Dodge All (2 times).)
Leave it to Nemo Santa!
I build up Nemo Power at end of turn if I didn’t take damage! (Max: 5)
(When Nemo Power is at max: I activate Roselle Wreath!)
I’m the Present
I boost all allies’ healing cap!
(Boost all allies’ healing cap by 200.)
  • Solid teamwide buffer for longer contexts with her buffs tied to ougi.
  • Takes five turns of not getting to ramp up.
    • Pretty easy due to MC subbing everything for her through skill 1 Felices Fiestas My life’s in your hands!
      (MC gains Nemo Defense.)
      (While in effect: MC substitutes for Nemone, 30% Wind damage reduction, and convert damage taken to Wind damage.
      Can’t recast.)
      Level 55:
      Effect enhanced.
  • 6 hit skill nuke every turn after Nemo Power is maxed.
Use Areas: NM150
Rosso Passione
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Activate Dance of Delirium.
Dance of Delirium
Gain Dodge Rate Boosted (60%, 3T), Hostility Boosted (+60, 3T), and Other Self 1 (1 times).
Alluring Step
Switch between Quick Tap and Silent Tap.
Gain Instant Charge.
All allies gain Uplifted (10%, 3T), Shield (1000), and Hype (3T).
Wings Aflame
Quick Step
Upon dodging while Quick Tap is in effect:
Extend the duration of Hype on all allies by 1 turn.
All allies gain ATK Boosted (Stackable) (10% (50% Max), Multiplier: Unique Stackable).
Silent Step
Upon dodging while Silent Tap is in effect:
Restore all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1500).
All allies gain DEF Boosted (Stackable) (10% (50% Max)).
  • In Silent Tap mode, she is a very solid healer with frequent heals due to her high dodge chance.


Characters that are great for reducing the amount of damage taken by the team.

Use Areas: NM200
Familia Feliz / Familia Jubilosa
Sacred Prism
  • Lots of exceelent defensive tools including one turn unchallenged.
  • Slow to build up to full stength limiting usage to harder fights like NM200.
  • In CA comps the high uptimes on skills are more managable due to the cooldown reduction on CA as well as the CA reactivation once he has his Winter’s North Star buff..
Use Areas: NM200
Tathlum Flambe
Massive Fire damage to a foe.
Gain 1 Sprinkles.
All allies gain Jammed (10%-20%, 3.5T).
Follow Your Heart
Shield (25% of their max HP Max: 5000) to each ally worth 25% of their HP (Max: 5000)
(Consumes 25% of each ally’s max HP)
Deirdre's Benevolence
All allies gain Fire ATK Boosted (30%, 3T).
Restore all allies’ HP based on number of Sprinkles and remove 1 debuff.
(Consumes all Sprinkles)
Mellow Quest
Up to 2400% Fire damage to a foe based on number of Sprinkles and remove 1 buff.
(Consumes all Sprinkles)
True Dragon’s Boon
Gain 1 Sprinkles when targeted by a foe (Max: 5).
If Scathacha is below 25% HP: Consume True Dragon’s Boon and fully restore Fire allies’ HP at end of turn (1 time).
Tea for Two
10% bonus Fire damage effect to allies with Shield effect.
  • Excellent healer and debuff cleanser offering 1k-4.5k heals before healing cap up ups and 1-2 debuff clears on her skill 2 Deirdre's Benevolence All allies gain Fire ATK Boosted (30%, 3T).
    Restore all allies’ HP based on number of Sprinkles and remove 1 debuff.
    (Consumes all Sprinkles)
    that autocasts on enemy special attacks as well as a teamwide full heal when an ally drops below 25% HP.
  • Does consume 25% of HP in exchange for an up to 5k shield, but her kit offers enough healing to make up for it.
    • Grants 30% bonus damage and 30% wind damage reduction to all allies with shield.
  • Dispel on her skill 3 [[[cs|scathacha-valentine|3]] that resets on CA.
Type: TANK
Use Areas: FA, SIETE
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Gain 2 Twinkle Star and Dodge All 1 (1 times).
En Tournant
300% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~400,000).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (5% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (5% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(Number of activations increased based on number of Twinkle Star [Max: 6 times].)
Innocent Heart
Restore 20% of caster’s HP (Healing cap: 2000).
2-turn cut to debuff durations.
(Upon consuming 1 Twinkle Star:
Affects all allies.)
En Avant
Gain Substitute (1T).
(Upon consuming 1 Twinkle Star:
Also gain Wind DMG Lowered (80%, 1T).)
Prima Primal
3 Twinkle Star to Satyr at battle start (Max: 5).
Once per turn when a foe uses a special attack:
Activate Innocent Heart and end cooldown for En Avant.
Primal Pals Unite!
Gain these effects in order based on number of :Category:Primal Characters|Primal allies in the party:
30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity),
100% boost to DEF,
guaranteed triple attacks,
boost to dodge rate,
20% boost to healing specs.
  • Party healer and tank.
  • Substitute resets frequently and is great for tanking hard hitting triggers like in Siete.

Hard Content

Characters with a hard content focus that don’t see much use outside that niche.

Stolze Flamme
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 2 (Max: 10).
Gain King’s Blaze (60%-20% ATK Up / 30% Bonus Fire DMG).
Roter Wirbel
800% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Inflict Double Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (50% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Triple Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (50% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Gain Charge Bar (20%).
(When a foe’s Singed lvl is 5 or above:
Activates twice.)
Inflict Grovel 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) and Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 200%, 3T) on a foe.
Koenig Dekret
900% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,020,000).
All Fire allies gain Fire ATK Up (100%, 1T) and Bonus Fire DMG (1 time) (30%, 1T).
All Fire allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes King’s Blaze after activation.)
Cardinal Procession
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks.
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 20%, guaranteed triple attacks, and buffs can’t be removed.
(Starts battle with King’s Blaze (60%-20% ATK Up / 30% Bonus Fire DMG).)
Lohens Schicksal
When normal attacking a foe whose Singed lvl is 7 or above:
1000% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,200,000).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), and Wide Open (30%, Accuracy: g, 1T).
  • Strong auto attacker with GTA and amplified autos. Nukes after autos are typically limited to FA or fights like Siete where there is time to build up the Singed stacks.
  • Koenig Dekret 900% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,020,000).
    All Fire allies gain Fire ATK Up (100%, 1T) and Bonus Fire DMG (1 time) (30%, 1T).
    All Fire allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
    (Consumes King’s Blaze after activation.)
    is an upgraded version of tag team adding 30% echoes and 100% fire attack on top of the the free teamwide autos. This is an incredibly powerful tool for burst and OTK.
  • Grovel from Regieren Inflict Grovel 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) and Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 200%, 3T) on a foe. is both great for hard content as well as GW to tank triggers.
Use Areas: NM95, NM200
Furious Resonance
Roar of a Thousand Flames
Arvess Prelude / Arvess Fugue
  • Great for both short bursts, long bursts, FA, and hard content.
  • Lots of high sustained damage thanks to her nukes after every three ally TAs and her buffs on her skill 1 Furious Resonance .
  • Packs a 1 turn assassin with a high assassin mod.
  • Dispels after normal attacks is highly useful.
Familia Feliz / Familia Jubilosa
Sacred Prism
  • Lots of exceelent defensive tools including one turn unchallenged.
  • Slow to build up to full stength limiting usage to hard content like Hexa or NM200.
  • In CA comps the high uptimes on skills are more managable due to the cooldown reduction on CA as well as the CA reactivation once he has his Winter’s North Star buff..
Use Areas:
Masdar Al-Shu'lah
Risha Harq
Shams Tahmi
Use Areas: NM95, FA
Flamelance: Exprimo
350% (Massive) Fire and 350% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,685,000 each).
3-turn cut to Nezha’s skill standby and cooldowns.
Flashfire Gale
400% Fire and 600% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: Fire ~405,000; Wind ~635,000).
Gain Charge Bar (30%).
Sealing Spiritlash
500% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~615,000).
Inflict Fire DEF Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Nezha (Yukata)#Sealing Spiritlash|2 random debuffs.
Nine-Dragon Flamewreath
20-hit, 300% Fire and Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~185,000 per hit).
Gain Nine-Dragon Flamewreath.
(Can’t recast.)
Sword Dance of the Warrior God
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks.
Activate Flashfire Gale after normal attacks.
Lost Legacies Resurrected
Gain these effects in order based on number of Primal allies in the party:
Ignore foes’ Wind resistance,
30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity),
guaranteed triple attacks,
20% boost to skill damage and 10% boost to skill damage cap,
supplement skill damage (Damage cap: 30,000).
  • Similar position of a damage dealer as Zeta. Weaker overall but a solid replacement option.
Magma Chamber
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Gain Guaranteed TA (Wilnas) (1.5T).
Hadron Smash
1200% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,300,000) and remove 1 buff.
Flame Claw
800% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Gain Blistering Flames (30%, Multiplier: Assassin, 2T) and Charge Bar (20%).
The Vermillion's Glare
Gain The Vermillion’s Glare.
(Can’t recast.)
Forever Burning
Doesn’t deal multiattacks, no charge bar gain upon normal attacks, amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 50%, and counters upon taking damage (1 hit).
Activate Flame Claw after normal attacks.
Limitless Vermillion
Upon activating a Fated Chain:
Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,300,000).
Gain Instant Charge, C.A. DMG Boosted (Can’t be removed) (150%, 1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Can’t be removed) (90%, 1T).
  • Hard hitting attacker both great for auto bursts and Kengo comps.
  • Practically 100% uptime on one turn assassin after first turn paired with nukes after autos and 50% amplified autos makes him hit like a truck.
  • Can not multi attack without his special buff from his CA. Needs to be setup by another character with instant charge for burst.
    • Special TA can extended to last longer.
  • Best damage option for a Kengo setup with his unworldly ougi and ougi nuke as well as his fated chain passive giving him large ougi steroids and instant charge.
Falter Tanz
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%).
(Restore HP to allies with Flutterspirit’s Blessing [Healing cap: 1500].)
Dea Arcanum
Grant another Fire ally Flutterspirit’s Blessing (100% DEF Up / 30% reduced DMG taken / 100% Debuff Resistance Up).
Grant another Fire ally Instant Charge, C.A. DMG Boosted (50%, 1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (30%, 1T).
Ratsel Tanzen
Inflict ATK Down 6 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), DEF Down 6 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), DA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), TA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), Accuracy Lowered 6 (50%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.
On Gossamer Wings of Love
When an ally with Flutterspirit’s Blessing uses a charge attack:
1-turn cut to Sylph’s buff skill cooldowns.
Flutterspirit of Purity
Boost to Fire allies’ C.A. specs based on the number of main allies with Flutterspirit’s Blessing.
  • Solid utlity for both burst and hard content.
  • Targetable instant charge is great to set up Wilnas for burst.
    • Offers lower lockout than Michael at the cost of damage. For bar farming using Sylph over Michael is ideal.
  • Delay on ougi is great for hard fights.
  • Flutterspirit’s Blessing is a strong defensive buff with 100% def, 30% reduiced damage taken, and 100% debuff resistance.
Use Areas:
Power Conflagration
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Inflict Red Heat 2 (Turn 1: 9999
Turn 2: 50000
Turn 3+: 99999, Accuracy: 100%, 2.5T).
Crimson Nightmare
400%-500% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~480,000).
Inflict Nightmare Temptation 2 (Accuracy: 200%, 2T).
(When Solid Fortitude is in effect: Also inflict Nightmare Scarlet 2 (10% of damage dealt Damage cap: None, Accuracy: 200%, 2T) and remove 1 buff.)
Strange Attractor
400%-500% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~480,000).
Extend debuff durations by 1 turn.
400%-500% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~480,000).
Gain ATK Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (10% (60% Max), Multiplier: Unique Stackable) and
DEF Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (10% (60% Max)).
Restore all allies’ HP based on damage dealt (Healing cap: 2000) and remove 1 debuff.
Lonely Figure
+2% boost to Fraux’s skill damage cap per turn passed (Max: 30% at 15 turns).
20% Bonus Fire DMG effect against foes with Red Heat 1 (Turn 1: 9999
Turn 2: 50000
Turn 3+: 99999).
The Devil Reversed
When Sub Ally: Extend durations of debuffs landed by Fire allies by 1 turn.
  • Very strong healer at FLB with her skill 4 Crimson Nightmare 400%-500% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~480,000).
    Inflict Nightmare Temptation 2 (Accuracy: 200%, 2T).
    (When Solid Fortitude is in effect: Also inflict Nightmare Scarlet 2 (10% of damage dealt Damage cap: None, Accuracy: 200%, 2T) and remove 1 buff.)
    which autocasts her skill 3 Crimson Nightmare 400%-500% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~480,000).
    Inflict Nightmare Temptation 2 (Accuracy: 200%, 2T).
    (When Solid Fortitude is in effect: Also inflict Nightmare Scarlet 2 (10% of damage dealt Damage cap: None, Accuracy: 200%, 2T) and remove 1 buff.)
    for a 2k heal and debuff clear whenever she deals a normal attack.
  • Her damage skills activate twice granting her a double dispel, extending debuiff durations by two turns, and a 4k heal and 2 debuff clear.
Type: TANK
Use Areas: HEXA
Affection Flambe
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.End Cage of Light’s cooldown.
Cage of Light
500% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~630,000).Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%) and Divine Jail (Accuracy: 90%, 1T).
Vermilion Aegis Merge
Consume Vermilion Bit to gain Vermilion Aegis Merge (3T).
Rouge a Lyst
Gain Instant Charge and Rouge a Lyst (2T).
Someday I’ll Fly with You
20% hit to max HP.30% boost to ATK (Perpetuity modifier), guaranteed double attacks, 50% boost to triple attack rate, 50% boost to C.A. damage, and 30% boost to C.A. damage cap.Cap incoming Wind damage to 5,000 per hit.
My Love Is Immortal
Vira gains Vermilion Bit at battle start and every 5 turns.
(Gain Charge Bar (20%) at end of turn while Vermilion Bit is granted.)
  • Sub all tank that caps and changes all incoming damage to 5k wind damage.
  • Strong ougi damage with three turns of instant charge that can be used to spam delays.
  • Limited to solos.
Use Areas: FA, SIETE
Gum-Gum Kong Gun
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,420,000).End cooldown for Luffy’s damage skills.
Gum-Gum Kong Gun ++
1300% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,420,000).End cooldown for Luffy’s damage skills.(When used from 10th turn onward: Activates twice.)
Gum-Gum Red Hawk
800% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).(When used from 10th turn onward:Also gain Fire ATK Up (50%, 5T).)
Gum-Gum Hawk Gatling
8-hit, 100% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~100,000 per hit).Gain Charge Boost (20%).(When used from 10th turn onward:Also gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (20%, 5T).)
Color of the Supreme King Haki
1500% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,505,000).Inflict Petrified 5 (Accuracy: 200%, 5T).Gain Haki.(Can’t recast.)
Level 100:
No longer has cooldown at start of battle.
Also inflict Fire DEF Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 180s).Also gain Instant Charge.
Captain of the Straw Hats
+3% boost to Luffy’s ATK (Unique modifier) per turn passed (Max: 30% at 10 turns).
Level 90:
+20% boost to double attack rate per turn passed (Max: 100% at 5 turns).+10% boost to triple attack rate per turn passed (Max: 100% at 10 turns).
{{InfoDes|num=1|des=The Worst Generation|des1=The Fifth Emperor|level1=95}}
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks.Buffs can’t be removed.Luffy won’t be knocked out for the first 5 turns.
Level 95:
Luffy now won’t be knocked out for the first 10 turns.Also supplement damage (Damage cap: 50,000).
  • Substitute for WIlnas for Kengo comps.
  • Takes 10 turns to reach full potentional but still very good especially for a welfare unit.


Here is a quick overview of characters that are useful for OTK. OTK includes any low button setup generally dealing 20m damage like Extreme+. In general, any character with skill nukes or large ougis not listed here can work.



Here are some of the noteworthy characters that can see equal use in both Charge Attack and Normal Attack focused setups.

Stolze Flamme
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 2 (Max: 10).
Gain King’s Blaze (60%-20% ATK Up / 30% Bonus Fire DMG).
Roter Wirbel
800% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Inflict Double Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (50% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Triple Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (50% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Gain Charge Bar (20%).
(When a foe’s Singed lvl is 5 or above:
Activates twice.)
Inflict Grovel 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) and Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 200%, 3T) on a foe.
Koenig Dekret
900% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,020,000).
All Fire allies gain Fire ATK Up (100%, 1T) and Bonus Fire DMG (1 time) (30%, 1T).
All Fire allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes King’s Blaze after activation.)
Cardinal Procession
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks.
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 20%, guaranteed triple attacks, and buffs can’t be removed.
(Starts battle with King’s Blaze (60%-20% ATK Up / 30% Bonus Fire DMG).)
Lohens Schicksal
When normal attacking a foe whose Singed lvl is 7 or above:
1000% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,200,000).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s), and Wide Open (30%, Accuracy: g, 1T).
  • Unworldly ougi.
  • GTA with 20% normal damage amp.
  • His skill 3 Koenig Dekret 900% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,020,000).
    All Fire allies gain Fire ATK Up (100%, 1T) and Bonus Fire DMG (1 time) (30%, 1T).
    All Fire allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
    (Consumes King’s Blaze after activation.)
    is central to the fastest setups both due to its strong buffs as well as using it counts as skill lockout instead of the lockout of all the attacks combind making it much faster than pressing attack.
Magma Chamber
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Gain Guaranteed TA (Wilnas) (1.5T).
Hadron Smash
1200% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,300,000) and remove 1 buff.
Flame Claw
800% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Raise foe’s Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Gain Blistering Flames (30%, Multiplier: Assassin, 2T) and Charge Bar (20%).
The Vermillion's Glare
Gain The Vermillion’s Glare.
(Can’t recast.)
Forever Burning
Doesn’t deal multiattacks, no charge bar gain upon normal attacks, amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 50%, and counters upon taking damage (1 hit).
Activate Flame Claw after normal attacks.
Limitless Vermillion
Upon activating a Fated Chain:
Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,300,000).
Gain Instant Charge, C.A. DMG Boosted (Can’t be removed) (150%, 1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Can’t be removed) (90%, 1T).
  • Another Unworldly option.
  • Only single attacks for auto setups but the 50% normal amp and the nuke after attack make up for it.
Hellish Blazing Prison
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.All allies gain ATK Boosted (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), Multiplier: Unique Stackable), C.A. DMG Boosted (Stackable) (20% (60% Max)), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable) (5% (15% Max)).
Searing Scorcher
700% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).Inflict Burned (5000, 180s) and remove 1 buff.(When Elmott has 10 or more buffs: Activates twice.)
Blazing Eulogy
5-hit, 100% Fire damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~95,000 per hit).All allies gain Uplift (10%, 3T), DA Up (30%, 3T), and TA Up (15%, 3T).
Coiling Flame
Fill 1 charge diamond on a foe. If successful, gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
When a foes uses a special attack: Activate Searing Scorcher.
Balmy Days of Yore
Boost to Fire allies’ C.A. specs based on their number of buffs.
  • Double reactive skill nuke with 10 buffs that works great for ougi or auto setups.
  • Requires Freyr chain to work.

Charge Attack

Here are some of the noteworthy characters for Charge Attack focused comps. This will not cover all the characters in the chart above and instead focus on those that offer more than a larger CA or a simple skill damage nuke.

Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Strast Blast
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,430,000).
Activate Steam Flow.
Lower Flushed lvl by 1.
600% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Inflict DEF Down (15%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Fire DEF Lowered (20%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), and Debuff Resistance Lowered (10%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Steam Flow
All Fire allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Fire) (30%, 3T), Fire ATK Boosted (Stackable) (10% (50% Max)), and Charge Bar (10%).
Ice Rapture
Gain Icy Smile (5T) and Uplift (20%, 5T).
(Affects all allies when caster is not Flushed.)
Clad in Heat
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 30%.
500% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000) and gain Charge Bar (10%) after normal attacks.
Can’t deal multiattacks while Flushed. (Lvl 3 at battle start.)
Bathed Beauty
Supplement Fire allies’ C.A. damage (Damage cap: 100,000).
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) Fire allies’ damage against Wind foes by 20%.
  • Another unwordly option that also packs 100k teamwide ougi supp as a apassive.
Use Areas: 0B3C AND ABOVE
Massive Fire damage to a foe.
Activate Verdrangen.
Restore 20% of Siegfried’s HP (Healing cap: 1500).
300% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~400,000).
Inflict Fire Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 90%, 180s).
All allies gain 70% Wind Cut (2T).
All Fire allies gain Salvator (5T).
Price of Dragonblood
Siegfried takes 7% max HP damage every turn (Damage cap: 800).
30% boost to ATK (Unique modifier), 100% boost to DEF, guaranteed double attacks, 50% boost to C.A. DMG, and 30% boost to C.A. DMG Cap.
Knight Captain
20% boost to skill damage and 10% boost to skill damage cap for sabre-specialty Fire allies.
  • Passsive 50% CA damage boost and 30% CA cap let’s his ougi hit harder than most.
  • Skill nuke after ougi that inflicts 10% fire defense down making him great as an early slot.
Use Areas: 0B3C AND ABOVE
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,420,000).
Mimlemel faints. (Self-inflict Stunned (1.5T).)
Ocean Reveille
All Fire allies gain Charge Bar (50%).
(Can’t recast.)
Level 55:
Effect increased to Charge Bar (70%).
Beachside Bugle
All Fire allies gain ATK Boosted (1 time) (20%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(Can’t recast.)
Brazen Gleam
All Fire allies gain Shield (7000), Veil, and Dispel Cancel (1 times).
(Can’t recast.)
Seagliding Turtle
Raise Surf lvl by 1 upon using skills (Max: 3).
(At lvl 3: 30% boost to ATK (Unique modifier), 10% boost to damage cap, and deal guaranteed triple attacks.)
Midsummer Heatwave
Deal 3-hit damage to random foes on third hit of each normal attack.
Supplemental damage to the third hit (Damage cap: 40,000).
  • Unworldly ougi option.
  • 70% bar on her skill 1 Ocean Reveille All Fire allies gain Charge Bar (50%).
    (Can’t recast.)
    Level 55:
    Effect increased to Charge Bar (70%).
    makes 1B4C easy.
Use Areas: 0B3C AND ABOVE
Zwei Fluegel
Massive Fire damage to a foe.
Activate Weiss Drachen.
2-hit, 300% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~310,000 per hit).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (5% (30% Max), Accuracy: 90%, 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (5% (30% Max), Accuracy: 90%, 180s).
Gain 1 Weiss Drachen stack (Max: 6).
Heisse Turbulenz
300% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~440,000 per hit).
Gain Counters on Dodge (200%, 3 times, 3t).
Fully restore caster’s HP and remove all debuffs.
Gain Uberuption (5T).
Sword & Lance
Deals multiattacks. Gain DEF Boosted (Stackable) (10% (50% Max)) upon taking damage.
For the Kingdom
Increase Aegis-type weapon skills’ ‘Boost to max HP’ effect by 30%.
  • Skill nuke after ougi.

Normal Attack

Here are some of the noteworthy characters for Normal Attack focused comps. This will not cover all the characters in the chart above and instead focus on those that offer more than just GTA.

Use Areas: 0B0C
Mind-Blowing Meltdown
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
(While Trascendenza is in effect: Activates twice.)
Fiamma di Cannone
300% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Gain Supplemental DMG (100,000, 1T).
(Consumes 1 Energia to also gain Double Strike (1T).)
Mitraglia di Colpi
3-hit, 200% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~200,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.
(Activates twice upon consuming 1 Energia.)
Se Non Ora Quando
Sacrifice 99% of caster’s HP to gain Trascendenza (2T) and Instant Charge.
(Will be knocked out when effect ends.)
Beyond the Constellations
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks, 20% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity), guaranteed triple attacks, and 100% counters upon taking damage (1 hit).
Settle the Score
Consume 1 Energia upon normal attacks to deal 300% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
(Starts battle with 5 Energia.
Can’t recover Energia.
While Trascendenza is in effect: Activates without consuming Energia.)
  • GTA with skill nukes after autos.
Use Areas: 0B0C
Flamelance: Exprimo
350% (Massive) Fire and 350% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,685,000 each).
3-turn cut to Nezha’s skill standby and cooldowns.
Flashfire Gale
400% Fire and 600% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: Fire ~405,000; Wind ~635,000).
Gain Charge Bar (30%).
Sealing Spiritlash
500% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~615,000).
Inflict Fire DEF Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Nezha (Yukata)#Sealing Spiritlash|2 random debuffs.
Nine-Dragon Flamewreath
20-hit, 300% Fire and Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~185,000 per hit).
Gain Nine-Dragon Flamewreath.
(Can’t recast.)
Sword Dance of the Warrior God
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks.
Activate Flashfire Gale after normal attacks.
Lost Legacies Resurrected
Gain these effects in order based on number of Primal allies in the party:
Ignore foes’ Wind resistance,
30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity),
guaranteed triple attacks,
20% boost to skill damage and 10% boost to skill damage cap,
supplement skill damage (Damage cap: 30,000).
  • Skill nukes after autos.
  • Requires 2 other primal characters to have GTA.
Use Areas: 0B0C
Schwarzer Kanonier
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Remove 1 buff.
Restore Anderson’s HP (Healing cap: 2000).
800% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Gain Charge Bar (30%).
Herz der Loyalitat
Gain DMG Amplified (30%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 1T) and Guaranteed TA (1T).
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
Gain Substituted (All-Ally) (1T), DEF Up (1000%, 3T), and Tank-and-Counter (250%, 5 times, 3T).
Rugged Spearhead’s Onslaught
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks.
Activate Morgenrote after normal attacks.
Righteous General in Sable
Cap Wind damage taken at 5,000.
1-turn cut to buff skill cooldowns upon taking damage.
  • Large nuke after auto attacks.
  • No GTA.
Use Areas: 0B0C
Infight Impact
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Gain DMG Amplified (20%, 1.5T).
Splash Flame
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Inflict Delay.
When Maidmentum lvl is 3:
Mer! Maids!
1250% (Unworldly) Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Inflict Delay.
Gain DMG Amplified (20%, 1.5T) and Summer Link. (Next use of either linked skill activates both.)
(Claudia (Cooldowns are shared with Dorothy’s corresponding skills))
Seaside Service
450% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Switch to Dorothy.
End cooldown for other skills.
Raise Maidmentum by 1 (Max: 3).
All Fire allies gain Bonus Fire DMG (20%, 2T).
(When Maidmentum 1 is 3: All Fire allies also gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Fire) (30%, 2T) and Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 2T).)
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T).
(When Maidmentum 1 is 3: Also gain Flurry (1T).)
(Dorothy (Cooldowns are shared with Claudia’s corresponding skills))
Seaside Service
450% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Switch to Claudia.
End cooldown for other skills.
Raise Maidmentum by 1 (Max: 3).
You’re in Hot Water!
3-hit, 100% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~185,000 per hit).
Inflict DEF Lowered (25%, 180s) on all foes.
(When Maidmentum 1 is 3: Also inflict Wind ATK Lowered (20%, 180s), Double Attack Rate Lowered (50%, 180s), and Triple Attack Rate Lowered (50%, 180s) on all foes.)
Clean Sweep
3-hit, 100% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~185,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff from all foes.
(When Maidmentum 1 is 3: Also inflict Debuff Resistance Lowered (10%, 180s) and Special Attack DMG Lowered 2 (20%, 2T) on all foes.)
Supersonic Service for You!
Gain effects in order based on Maidmentum lvl:
Claudia: 30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity), deal multiattacks, amplify normal attack damage by 20%.
Dorothy: 100% boost to DEF, 30% boost to charge bar gain, amplify skill damage by 20%.
Runaway Watch
Claudia fights at battle start.
Backline maid provides the following backup fire after normal attacks:
From Dorothy: 2-hit, 100% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~100,000 per hit). Inflict Fire Lowered (Stackable) (5% (40% Max), 180s) on all foes.
From Claudia: 200% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~485,000). Gain Charge Bar (10%).
  • Nuke after autos, guarenteed MA, and 20% normal attack damage amp.
Use Areas: 1B ONLY
Awaken Inner Eye
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Gain ATK Boosted (1 time) (25%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1.5T).(Inner Eye (190% C.A. DMG Up, 90% C.A. DMG Cap Up) awakens. [Sharp boost to next charge attack’s specs.])
While Inner Eye (190% C.A. DMG Up, 90% C.A. DMG Cap Up) is open:
450% (Massive; 1305% with Inner Eye included.) Fire damage to a foe.
(Inner Eye (190% C.A. DMG Up, 90% C.A. DMG Cap Up) closes.)
Annihilating Lightning
500% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Gain ATK Boosted (1 time) (25%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1.5T).1-turn cut to skill cooldowns.(Inner Eye (190% C.A. DMG Up, 90% C.A. DMG Cap Up) awakens. [Sharp boost to next charge attack’s specs.])
After 5 andwhile Inner Eye (190% C.A. DMG Up, 90% C.A. DMG Cap Up) is open:
500% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.Raise Ruinmaker+ lvl by 2.
(Inner Eye (190% C.A. DMG Up, 90% C.A. DMG Cap Up) closes.)
800% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,160,000).
Inflict Purifying Flame (5% of Max HP Damage cap: 50,000 / 10% ATK Down / 10% DEF Down, Accuracy: 200%).
Brahma and Rudra
All allies gain Guidance of the Blaze (15% ATK Up / 10% DMG Cap Up / 20% DMG Lowered, Multiplier: Perpetuity, 5T).
Gain Counters on Dodge/DMG (200%, 2 times, 2T) and Vibhuti (2T).
Level 95:
(When Ruinmaker+ lvl is 7 or above: Affects all allies.)
10-hit, 100% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~155,000 per hit).Fully restore all allies’ HP.Remove all allies’ debuffs.(Can only be used when Ruinmaker+ (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl is 10.Can’t recast.)
Dance of Nataraja
35% hit to charge bar gain.
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 15%.
Ruinmaker (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl rises by 1 upon using charge attack (Max: 5).(Boost to ATK and triple attack rate based on Ruinmaker (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl.)
Level 90:
Increase max Ruinmaker+ (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl to 10.(Also boost DEF and charge bar gain based on Ruinmaker+ (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl.)
Venerable Deva
Increase all allies’ ‘Boost to Fire ATK’ effect by an additional 30%.
Level 95:
When Fire ATK is boosted: Also boost all allies’ damage cap by 10%.
  • Used for Percival setups thanks to his passive providing 30% more fire ATK and 10% cap.
Use Areas: 0B0C
Majestic Boarder
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
End cooldown for Splashing Brilliance.
Gain Drain (10% of damage dealt Healing cap: 1000, 3.5T).
Reckless Abandon
400% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~600,000).
Restore caster’s HP (Healing cap: 1500).
Raise Sunlit Lance lvl by 2.
Splashing Brilliance
Gain Counter on Dodge/DMG (200%, 5 times, 3T).
Glaring Radiance
Gain Glaring Radiance.
(Ends upon recast.)
Sunset Memories
Raise Sunlit Lance lvl by 1 upon countering (Max: 12).
While Kumbhira has Counter effect:
Guaranteed triple attacks.
30% Bonus Fire DMG effect.
I’m Just Getting Started!
Activate Reckless Abandon upon taking turn-based damage.
(When Sunlit Lance lvl is 12 at end of turn:
12-hit, 400% Fire damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~400,000 per hit (~4,800,000 total)).
[Consumes all Sunlit Lance lvls.])


Characters with useful backline passives.

Ignis Iudicium
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
All allies gain Fire ATK Up (30%, 3.5T) and Uplift (10%, 2.5T).
Grant another Fire ally Instant Charge and C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
1100% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,305,000).
All Fire allies gain Ignis Ward 3. (Ends upon taking damage 3 times.)
Fotia Dynata
Plain damage to all foes based on 10% of their current HP (Damage cap: 999,999).
Remove 1 buff.
Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%).
When a Fire ally uses a charge attack: Michael gains 1 Ekrixi (Max: 9).
At end of turn: Consume 3 Ekrixi and activate Fotia Dynata.
Fotia Arche
20% boost to Fire’s, Hellfire’s, Inferno’s, and Ironflame’s weapon skills.
(Takes effect even when Michael is a sub ally.)
  • 20% boost to all boostable skills makes her a must slot for every team.
Use Areas: NM150, NM200
Taiji Blessing
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
All Fire allies gain Cain (Holiday)#Taiji Blessing|3 random buffs.
Holy Star Cutter
4-hit, 100% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~135,000 per hit).
Gain Charge Bar (20%).
(Activates up to 3 times based on Cain’s number of buffs.)
Burn the Midnight Oil
All Fire allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Fire) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Fire DMG (20%, 5T).
Stellar Speed
Extend Fire allies’ buff durations by 1 turn. (Excludes 1-turn buffs.)
Unstoppable Avalanche
Boost to C.A. damage and C.A. damage cap based on number of buffs.
(When Cain has 15 or more buffs: Charge attack activates twice.)
Happy Trails
10% Wind damage reduction to Fire allies.
All Fire allies start battle with Dispel Cancel (1 times).
(Takes effect even when Cain is a sub ally.)
  • 10% wind reduction and 1 time dispel cancel.
  • Great for GW or FA.
Use Areas: NM150, SIETE, FA
Successor’s Blaze
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 30% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Singed.)
End cooldown for Roast II.
Roast II
400% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Raise all foes’ Singed (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%).
Black Fire II
550% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Inflict Blind (30%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s) and Charm (25%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s).
Amplify Magic
10-hit, 100% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~92,500 per hit).
Gain Amplify Magic (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(When the foe’s Singed lvl is 5 or above:
Hit number increases to 20.)
Nightmare’s On It!
Nightmare will assist Anna based on her status every 3 turns.
Magical Lineage
Boost to Fire allies’ skill specs based on the foe’s Singed lvl.
(Takes effect even when Anna is a sub ally.)
  • Skill cap boost caps out at 10% at 10 stacks.
  • Makes her a strong backline for setups that use percival to push extra skill damage.
Use Areas: FA
Power Conflagration
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe.
Inflict Red Heat 2 (Turn 1: 9999
Turn 2: 50000
Turn 3+: 99999, Accuracy: 100%, 2.5T).
Crimson Nightmare
400%-500% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~480,000).
Inflict Nightmare Temptation 2 (Accuracy: 200%, 2T).
(When Solid Fortitude is in effect: Also inflict Nightmare Scarlet 2 (10% of damage dealt Damage cap: None, Accuracy: 200%, 2T) and remove 1 buff.)
Strange Attractor
400%-500% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~480,000).
Extend debuff durations by 1 turn.
400%-500% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~480,000).
Gain ATK Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (10% (60% Max), Multiplier: Unique Stackable) and
DEF Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (10% (60% Max)).
Restore all allies’ HP based on damage dealt (Healing cap: 2000) and remove 1 debuff.
Lonely Figure
+2% boost to Fraux’s skill damage cap per turn passed (Max: 30% at 15 turns).
20% Bonus Fire DMG effect against foes with Red Heat 1 (Turn 1: 9999
Turn 2: 50000
Turn 3+: 99999).
The Devil Reversed
When Sub Ally: Extend durations of debuffs landed by Fire allies by 1 turn.
  • 1 turn debuff extension is handy but nothing game changing.
  • At FLB the added 10% skill cap is good for skill damage teams.
Use Areas: FA
Benedictio Solis
Massive Fire damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 20% boost to C.A. damage cap when the field effect Sun-Touched Paradise is active.)
Sun-Touched Paradise
Bathe the battlefield in the blazing heat of the sun.
(Sun-Touched Paradise (20% ATK Up / 25% DEF Down, Multiplier: Perpetuity, 8t) to the Field Effect|field.)
Renatian Creed
All allies gain TA Up (100%, 4T) and Bonus Fire DMG (30%, 4T).
Inflict Shorted (4T) on all allies.
(Consumes 100% of all allies’ charge bar.)
Wrath of the Goddess
1000% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,080,000).
Inflict Immaculate Sunlight (Local) (5% of max HP Damage cap: 500,000, Accuracy: 200%), ATK Down 4 (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 4T), DEF Down 4 (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 4T), and Petrified 4 (Accuracy: 150%, 4T) on all foes.
Inflict Immaculate Sunlight (5% of max HP Damage cap: 800) on all allies.
Days of Redemption
Benevolent Soul
25% boost to Fire allies’ healing specs (Healing and healing cap) when the field effect Sun-Touched Paradise is active.
The Sun Reversed
When Sub Ally: 20% boost to Fire allies’ healing specs (Healing and healing cap).
Remove 1 debuff from a Fire ally when that ally takes turn-based damage.
  • Debuff removal can be helpful in FA but is generally unimportant.
Use Areas: FA
Alexander Plasma
450% (Massive) Fire damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 20% boost to C.A. damage cap when the field effect Flare is active.)
All allies gain Critical Up (30%, 3.5T).
Sunlight Radium
All Fire allies gain Revitalize (5% of max HP Healing cap: 500 or 10% charge bar, 5t), Shield (2000, 5T), and Charge Bar (30%).
Flare (180S) to the Field Effect|field.
Level 75:
All allies gain DEF Up (20%, 3T).
New Faith
All Fire allies gain Fire ATK Boosted (20%, 5T), 20% Wind Cut (5T), and Hellfire Crest 1.
Sun Worship
Big boost to all allies’ ATK (Unique modifier) based on how low Zahlhamelina’s HP is.
Solar Deflection
Wind damage reduction to Fire allies based on their number of Hellfire Crest.
(Takes effect even when Zahlhamelina is a sub ally.)
  • Wind damage reduced based on Hellfire Crests up to 20%.
  • Solid considersation for manadiver setups.

3 responses to “Fire Characters”

  1. Good guide but demanding as i’am maybe there’s other usuble units outside the meta such as being listed being listed in here

  2. Appreciate the guide but I have some suggestions:

    – Please use base picture for the characters listed, as a relative new player looking to branch out to other elements who also has decent number of characters but never actually used/leveled them it’s hard to make out which character is which when looking at the character inventory and in here. It takes a lot of clicks in the inventory just to check if I’m looking at the right character.

    – Reduce the ungodly amount of abbreviations, if a new player who is looking up these guide to decide which character is worth investing in they wouldn’t be familiar with the abbreviations. I mean even when googling and looking up the wiki glossary I still don’t know wtf does 1B4C mean.


    • It can be tough to decipher some of that stuff, I’m learning myself. The GBF Wiki has a Glossary page which explains a lot of these abbreviations. Tbh you’re better off just learning from that Glossary cause I’ve noticed that people who are super into this game use abbreviations and slang all the time, so it’s just helpful to know.

      Also, in terms of 1B4C, that’s just an abbreviation that’s used to describe the type of attacks a party will do, in this case it means “1 Button 4 Charge Attack”. That just means a person only needs to press 1 button at the start of the battle to get things going and then there will be 4 Charge Attacks.

      Capital “B” usually stands for “Button” here, and having a small number of button presses is the most efficient for time and effort. It’s also important to have few button presses when engaging in popular raids where you need to compete to get certain amount of honors in order to get good loot, etc.

      The “C”/Charge Attacks (abbreviated as “CA” when by itself) are often quite powerful attacks, but some people try to avoid using them because the attack animations take a long time, even if you’ve turned off the full animations. That’s precious time for people who are trying to “race” others for battle honors and loot.

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