Light Characters

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This is a brief overview of notable light characters. This does not include every usable light character.

Light Pages








Lu Woh




Here is a quick overview of characters that are useful for Burst setups.


Light burst setups typically revolves around strong teamwide buffers to turn everyone into damage dealers. The main exceptions are the ones that targetted buffs instead. When creating a team, it will generally be of the format Buffer A, Buffer B, and Nehan.

Below I divded the main characters into two categories. General refers to characters that can be plugged together without issue. Side A refers to characters with Side A echoes. What that means is their echoes won’t stack. So while you can pair any two general characters together, you can only put one Side A character in. I also gave Nehan his own category because there is no light burst without him.


Characters who’s primary purpose on teams is to deal lots of damage.

Multi-Swing Mugen
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.Restore 20% of Light allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2500).
Cloaked Guardian
Gain Substituted (Select/Can’t be removed), Dark DMG Lowered (Can’t be removed) (30%), and Dark Switch (Can’t be removed).(Only substitutes for a selected ally. Can’t recast.)
Song of Sweetmeats
All Light allies gain Light ATK Up (30%, 5T), Critical Hit Rate Boosted (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and DMG Amplified (20%, 5T).(Inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (90% Max)) on target allies.)
Tricky Constitution
Gain Tricky Constitution (1T) and Undying (Can’t be removed) (3 times).Self-inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (90% Max)).
Happy Pancakes
+10 boost to hostility.6-hit, 100% Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~100,000 per hit) upon taking damage.
Surprise Practice
Bonus Light DMG effect to Light allies when their max HP has been reduced by 30% or more. (Boost to effect based on size of max HP reduction [Max: 60%].)
  • Second best buffer in light and Nehan’s best friend.
  • Used in burst and hard content.
  • Passive teamwide echo pairs great with nehan cutting HP for the double strike.
  • Song of Sweetmeats All Light allies gain Light ATK Up (30%, 5T), Critical Hit Rate Boosted (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and DMG Amplified (20%, 5T).(Inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (90% Max)) on target allies.) offers increedible strong buffs as well as pushing further into his passive echo.
    • 100% crit also very beneficial to activate the crit amp from Efes without needing a crit grid.
  • Passive echoes do not stack with falsehood but are so much stronger that falsehood doesn’t get run.
Use Areas: BHL, NM200, SUBHL
Radiance’s Merriment
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
All Light allies gain Armored (30%, 2.5T).
Florence gains Aurora Crest 1.
Grant a Light ally Maschera (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(Consumes 40% of that ally’s max HP.)
Inflict Gravity (Accuracy: 200%, 180s), ATK Down 6 (50%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), DA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), TA Down 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) and Accuracy Lowered 6 (50%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.
Casa dei Fantasmi
Grant a Light ally Instant Charge and end cooldown for skills.
(Consumes 5 Aurora Crest.)
Festival’s Shepherd
Boost to Light allies’ critical hit rate based on their number of Aurora Crest.
(Takes effect even when Florence is a sub ally.)
When an ally is below 25% HP at end of turn:
All allies gain Dark DMG Lowered (30%, 2T).
  • Has a targetable one turn 50% assassin on her skill 1 Maschera Grant a Light ally Maschera (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
    (Consumes 40% of that ally’s max HP.)
    which is ripe for abuse especially with Relic Buster’s ability to take free autos video Blitz Raid Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
    (Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)
  • Can have solid potential for burst, but typically slower compared to other options except for the absolute top ones.
  • Very strong for NM200.
Use Areas: OTK, NM95
Sauveur Eclatant
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain Holy Banner. (Next Sanctify affects all allies.)
End cooldown for Sanctify.
Sacred Reversal
Inflict ATK Down 4 (25%, Accuracy: 120%, 4t), DEF Down 4 (25%, Accuracy: 120%, 4t), and Divine Sentence 4 (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 30,000, Accuracy: 90%, 4t) on all foes.
Gain Guaranteed TA (1t) and Strength (20%-10%, 3T).
Eternal Divinity
All Light allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Light) (20%, 3t), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 3t) and ATK Boosted (1 time) (15%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1t).
Robe de la Pucelle
1-turn cut to skill standby and cooldown for Eternal Divinity upon triple attack.
10% Bonus Damage|Bonus Light DMG effect to Light allies’ triple attacks.
Increase all allies’ ‘Boost to Light ATK’ effect by an additional 30%.
  • Solid burst option. Typically as a zero button character now thanks to her passive 10% echo to ally TAs.
  • Assassin being locked behind turn count and TAs hurts its general usability. Still find use in Viking comps.

Side A

Characters who provide strong buffs to the party.

Use Areas: NM95
Aetheryte Onslaught
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.1-turn cut to Ferry’s skill cooldowns.
Aetheric Impetus
500% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Remove 1 buff.
All allies gain Light ATK Up (30%, 3.5T).
1-turn cut to Ferry’s skill cooldowns.
250%-350% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,160,000).
All allies gain Charge Boost (40%).
Level 95:
Damage increased to 350%.
All allies also gain Dispel Cancel (1 times).
All allies gain C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (60%), C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (15%), and DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 1T).
All allies gain TA Up (100%, 4T) and Bonus Light DMG (30%, 4T).
Inflict Shorted (4T) on all allies.
(Consumes 100% of all allies’ charge bars.)
Ewige Freundschaft
End cooldown for caster’s other skills.
(Can only be used when Link of Profundity lvl is 4.
Can’t be recast.)
I’ll Teach You a Lesson
10% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity) and 30% boost to DEF for Light allies.
Big boost to all allies’ ATK (Multiplier: Normal Stamina) based on how high Ferry’s HP is.
Level 90:
When Ferry is a main ally at battle start:
40% boost to Light allies’ charge bars.
Link of Profundity
Ferry’s Link of Profundity lvl rises by 1 upon dealing triple attacks (Max: 4).
(Multi-hit, 100% Bonus Light damage based on Link of Profundity lvl after normal attacks [Damage cap: ~110,000 per hit / Max: 4 hits].)
  • Very strong burst character for NM95 and NM150 thanks to her skill 3Benediction All allies gain Charge Boost (10%) and ATK Up (3T) offering teamwide 100% TA and 30 echo for 100 bar.
    • 100 bar requirement can be achieved either via ST buff or pairing her 40% bar passive with Huanglong.
  • Passive stam and perp ATK also beneficial bonuses.
Use Areas: NM95, NM150
Pain Eternal
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain Aurora Crest 1.(When Limiter Break is in effect: All allies also gain Shield (2000).)
Plain damage to a foe based on 10% of its current HP (Damage cap: 1,000,000).Restore 10% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1000).Healing cap increases by 200 for each Aurora Crest on caster.(When Limiter Break is in effect: Activates twice.)
All allies gain Aurora Crest 1, Light ATK Up (30%, 3T), and Dark DMG Lowered (20%, 3T).(When Limiter Break is in effect: All allies also gain Bonus Light Damage (20%, 3T).)
Break the limiter.(Gain Limiter Break 3 (Multiplier: Unique). [Effect ends upon taking damage 3 times.])
Sky Courier
Deals multiattacks.
Skills and charge attack gain additional effects while Limiter Break is in effect.
Adventurous Twins
Supplemental Damage|Supplement Light allies’ damage dealt based on their number of Aurora Crest.
(Takes effect even when Halluel and Malluel is a sub ally.)
  • Teamwide buffer providing 20% echoes on her skill 2 Perpetuo All allies gain Aurora Crest 1, Light ATK Up (30%, 3T), and Dark DMG Lowered (20%, 3T).(When Limiter Break is in effect: All allies also gain Bonus Light Damage (20%, 3T).) .
    • Requires pressing her skill 1 Eterno Plain damage to a foe based on 10% of its current HP (Damage cap: 1,000,000).Restore 10% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1000).Healing cap increases by 200 for each Aurora Crest on caster.(When Limiter Break is in effect: Activates twice.) first making her a 2 button min character.
    • Light attack pairs great with Jeanne
Use Areas: NM95, NM150
Parhelion Prayer
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
All allies gain Light ATK Up (20%, 2.5T) and 20% Dark Cut (2.5T).
All Light allies gain Shield (5000), Mirror Image (1 times), and Armored (50%, 3T).
Illuminate the field with sunlight.
(Iliofaneia (Multiplier: Unique, 8T) to the Field Effect|field.)
Ilios Fotizo
All Light allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Light) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Light DMG (20%, 5T).
Sun’s Divine Protection
10% Dark damage reduction to Light allies.
All Light allies start battle with Veil.
(Takes effect even when Zahlhamelina is a sub ally.)
Vivid Sunshine
Supplement Light allies’ critical hit damage (Damage cap: 3000).
  • Generally more useful buffer than halmal thanks to the stronger buffs on Ilios Fotizo All Light allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Light) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Light DMG (20%, 5T). that require only one button.
  • Better for GW thanks to both starting veil to counter any rough debuffs as well as her field effect applying defense down being immune to debuff reset.
  • Weaker than HalMal for Jeanne bursts.


Characters who provide strong buffs to the party.

Blazing Purification
Restore 10% of Light allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2500) and remove 1 debuff.
All Light allies gain Charge Bar (15%).
3-turn cut to Nehan’s skill cooldowns.
All other Light allies gain Zen (Multiplier: Perpetuity, 3T).
Six-Wolf Tonic
All other Light allies gain Wolf Tonic (3T).
All other Light allies gain Double Strike (1t).
(Inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (90% Max)) on target allies.)
Morning Sunshine
20% hit to max HP, 30% hit to DEF, and ~30% boost to dodge rate.
6-hit, 100% Light damage to a foe upon dodging (Damage cap: ~100,000 per hit (~600,000 total)).
Life Goes On
When Nehan is a main ally at battle start: Lethal Attack Dodged (Can’t be removed) (1 times) to all other Light allies.
  • Light’s best buffer. Essential for all burst comps.
  • His third skill Nirvana All other Light allies gain Double Strike (1t).
    (Inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (90% Max)) on target allies.)
    grants all other team members double strike but lowers max HP by 30%.
    • For multi turn setups, the max HP cut helps mitigate HP loses in the turns before it pairing well with Stamina.
    • Does not conflict with Imperious Fury.
  • Enlightenment All other Light allies gain Zen (Multiplier: Perpetuity, 3T). will almost always be used for burst. His second skill Six-Wolf Tonic All other Light allies gain Wolf Tonic (3T). can be cut in cased where TA can be confirmed either via another character or through grid TA,
  • Skill 2 also offers him usage in kengo setups as well.

Full Auto

Here is a quick overview of characters that are useful for Full Auto.



Characters with a focus on high personal damage.

Use Areas: NM150, NM200
Sweets Slinger
Deck the Walls
All Holy City
  • Deals tons of skill damage thanks to her nuke after ally normals.
    • Requires 7 red skill presses to reach the maximum of 4 hits.
  • Great buffer for skill comps once she can use Dope thanks to both the 20% increased skill cap as well as lowering red skill cooldowns by one.
  • Provides Veil and Delays as useful support skills. The skills reset on CA making them able to be cast frequently when neeeded like for NM200.
Use Areas: NM150, NM200
Astral Howser
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain Bring the Thunder (2.5T). (Next use of Clincher inflicts Paralyzed (Accuracy: 55%, 60S).)
Asteroid Jaeger
500% (Massive) Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
Gain Bring the Thunder (2.5T). (Next use of Clincher inflicts Paralyzed (Accuracy: 55%, 60S).)
All allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (50%, 3.5T).
After Stage 1 Transcendence:
Stellar Termination
550% (Massive) Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,300,000).
Gain Bring the Thunder (Transcend) (2.5T). (Next use of Clincher inflicts Paralyzed (Accuracy: 55%, 60S) and deals damage twice.)
All allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (50%, 3.5T).
End cooldown for Clincher.
Gain Other Self 1 (1 times) and ATK Up (3T).
Level 55:
Buff increased to ATK Up (50%, Multiplier: Perpetuity, 3T).
Level 85:
Also gain Skill DMG Cap Boosted (30%, 3T).
Inflict Debuff Resistance Lowered (10%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Poisoned (22,222 HP, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), Burned (22,222 HP, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), Putrefied (22,222 HP, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), Blinded (Accuracy: 50%, 180s), Charmed (Accuracy: 30%, 180s), Zombified (Accuracy: 30%, 180s), Sleep 3 (Accuracy: 20%, 3t), Paralyzed 3 (Accuracy: 20%, 3t), ATK Down (25%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), DEF Down (25%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), DA Down (Accuracy: 65%, 180s), TA Down (Accuracy: 65%, 180s), and Lethal Hit (Accuracy: 65%) on all foes.
Big Light damage to a foe based on number of foe’s debuffs (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Level 95:
Now hits all foes.
Damage cap increased to ~1,200,000.
Level 130:
When Bring the Thunder (Transcend) is consumed:
Also inflict Pinpoint Prey (10% DEF Down / 20% of damage dealt Damage cap: 10,000, Accuracy: 200%).
Two-Crown’s Strife
Extend time-based debuff effects on all foes by 90 seconds. (Base Accuracy: 100%)
Multi-hit, 200% Light damage to all foes based on foes’ number of debuffs (Damage cap: ~160,000 per hit / Max: 10 hits).
(Can’t recast.)
Dark Huntress
Normal attacks hit all foes.
Level 90:
Also gain boost to ATK (Normal modifier) as number of foes decrease.
Lone Archer
Tweyen#Lone Archer|Boost to debuff success rate as number of foes decrease.
  • Not overly useful before 150.
  • At 150 she pairs incredibly well with Makura due to her dodge nuke and delay.
  • Clincher spam becomes quite strong at ULB though most fights will be immune to the paralyze.
  • Older SUBHL solo character.
Use Areas: FEDIEL, NM200
Gamma Ray
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain Shield (2000, 2.5T).
Cosmic Ray
500% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.All allies gain Shield (2000).Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times).
2-hit, 70% Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~110,000 per hit).
Gain Dodge Rate Boosted (40%, 3T) and Hostility Boosted (+50, 3T).
Level 90:
Damage increased to 200% and damage cap increased to ~405,000 per hit..Also gain Guaranteed TA (1T).
Ray Strike
400%-500% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000) and remove 1 buff.
Level 95:
Now hits all foes.Damage increased to 800% and damage cap increased to ~800,000.Also randomly inflict one of three debuffs: ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s), DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s), or Debuff Resistance Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s).
The Last Wish
1000% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,600,000).
All Light allies gain Sign of Zooey (5% of max HP Healing cap: 1000 / 100% ATK Up / 100% DEF Up, Multiplier: Normal, 5T).
Only One Wish
All Light allies gain Unchallenged (1T).
Fully restore Light allies’ HP and remove all debuffs.(1-turn cut to skill standby upon being targeted by an ally’s buff skill or healing skill. Can’t recast.)
Peacemaker’s Tears
1-turn cut to skill standby and cooldown for The Last Wish upon being targeted by an ally’s buff skill or healing skill.
Primal Pulse
Upon dodging:300% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~500,000). Gain Charge Boost (20%).
  • Good dodge tank and buffer.
  • Her skill 3 The Last Wish 1000% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,600,000).
    All Light allies gain Sign of Zooey (5% of max HP Healing cap: 1000 / 100% ATK Up / 100% DEF Up, Multiplier: Normal, 5T).
    makes it easy for weaker grids to cap.
Use Areas: NM95, FEDIEL
1250% (Unworldly) Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Gain ATK Sharply Boosted (100%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1.5T).
Sri Rudram
20-hit, 100% Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~70,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff from all foes.
Gain Sri Rudram (5T).
All allies gain Veil.
Gain Shankara (5T).
Gain Instant Charge.
(When cast from 10th turn onward:
Also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
Rays that Light the Sky
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) Light allies’ damage against Dark foes by 20%.
(While Shiva has Sri Rudram: Effect increased to 30%.)
Sacred Fires of Renewal
Restore all allies’ HP at end of turn (Healing cap: 500).
(While Shiva has Shankara: Healing cap increased to 1000.)
  • Hard hitting autos, teamwide heals, and an unworldly CA makes him great FA damage.
  • Passive offering 30% seraphic boost means you can drop seraphic with him slotted for a stronger grid piece.
Use Areas: NM150, NM200
Butterfly Effect Alter: Reverie
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Raise Reverie lvl by 2.
Iridescent Bloom
8-hit, 100% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~67,500 per hit).
Inflict Delay (Special) (Accuracy: 100%). If successful, gain Charged (20%).
(Auto-activates at end of turn by consuming 8 Reverie lvls.)
Tranquil Crescent
8-hit, 100% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~67,500 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.
(Auto-activates when a foe uses a special attack.)
Sakura Serenade
Caster and Light MC gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
Verdant Essence
When a Light ally uses a charge attack:
Raise Reverie lvl by 1 (Max: 8). (Lvl 4 at battle start.)
Scenic Seclusion
When Light MC uses a charge attack:
555,555 Plain damage to a foe. MC gains Charge Bar (10%).
(Takes effect even when Narmaya is a sub ally.)
  • Great for ougi FA as it let’s her special nuke go off quicker.
  • Dispel on enemy special is great to immediately deal with any rough enemy buffs.
Use Areas: FEDIEL
Operazione Purgatorio
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.All Light allies gain Vaccine (0.5t).
All Light allies gain Anestesia (Multiplier: Normal, 5T).
450% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~730,000).Gain Healing Boosted (50%, 3T), Healing Cap Boosted (50%, 3T), and Instant Charge.
Switch to Intensive Care mode.
(At end of turn: Restore 20% of Light allies’ HP [Healing cap: 1000] and remove 1 debuff.
Can’t normal attack. Ends upon recast.)
Soul-Binding Rod
When a foe uses a special attack: Activate Iniezione. 2-turn cut to Anestesia’s cooldown.
Heavenly Dispensation
Add 1 blue potion at battle start.
(Takes effect even when Tikoh is a sub ally.)
  • Excellent FA healer and debuff clearer though requires her skill 3 Assistenza Switch to Intensive Care mode.
    (At end of turn: Restore 20% of Light allies’ HP [Healing cap: 1000] and remove 1 debuff.
    Can’t normal attack. Ends upon recast.)
    to be pressed at battle start.
Use Areas: NM95
Spontaneous Indiscretion
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe. (When below 25% HP: 50% boost to C.A. damage and 30% boost to C.A. damage cap.)
Activate Puncture.
Heavenly Sanction
500% (Massive) Light damage to a foe. (When below 25% HP: 50% boost to C.A. damage and 30% boost to C.A. damage cap.)All allies gain 20% Dark Cut (20%, 2.5T).
Activate first-slot skill.
Puncture / Perforate
400% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Inflict Light Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s).
Restore caster’s HP (Healing cap: 2000).
(When below 25% HP: Activates twice.)
Level 90:
(When below 25% HP: Skill changes to Perforate.)Perforate:3-hit, 400% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~700,000 per hit).Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s), DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s), and Light Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s).Restore caster’s HP (Healing cap: 4000).Gain Uplifted (10%, 3T) and Dispel Cancel (1 times).
Gain Jammed (30%-90%, 8T), Bonus Light DMG (50%, 1T), and Double Strike (1T).
(Consumes 40% of max HP.)
Gain Guaranteed TA (2T) and Critical Hit Rate Boosted (50%, 2T).
(When below 25% HP: Also gain Shield (3000) and Unchallenged (2 times).)
All allies gain DMG Mitigation (10000, 1T).
Freed of Restraint
25% hit to charge bar gain.
Amplify (Seraphic multiplier) normal attack damage by 10%.
When below 25% HP: 20% Bonus Light DMG effect.

20% Bonus Light DMG effect no longer requires being below 25% HP.When below 25% HP:Effect increased to 20% amplified normal attack damage, 40% Bonus Light DMG effect, and debuff immunity.
Knight’s Resolution
Starts battle with Lethal Attack Dodged (Can’t be removed) (1 times).
Big boost to all allies’ ATK (Unique modifier) based on how low Gawain’s HP is.
  • Defense oriented enmity attacker.
  • Solid self buffs generally hurt by their low uptimes.
  • Provides good defensive tools for team to help make FA a bit easier.
Use Areas: NM95
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
End cooldown for Koenig Wurde.
400%-450% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~660,000).
Gain Aurora Crest 1.
(Number of activations increased based on Percival’s number of buffs [Max: 3].)
Inflict Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 90%, 3T), DA Down 3 (50%, Accuracy: 100%, 3T), TA Down 3 (50%, Accuracy: 100%, 3T), and remove 1 buff on a foe.
Koenig Wuerde
All Light allies gain Aurora Crest 1, DA Up (30%, 3T), TA Up (15%, 3T), and Bonus Light DMG (20%, 3T).
Lord’s Strike
At end of turn: Activate Percival (Light)#Macht|Macht. (Consumes 1 Aurora Crest.)
When at 3 Aurora Crest or more, instead: Activate Percival (Light)#Zerreissen|Zerreissen. (Consumes 1 Aurora Crest.)
Lord of Flames Aglow
Boost to Light allies’ skill specs based on their number of Aurora Crest.
(Takes effect even when Percival is a sub ally.)
  • Decent skill damage as well as teamwide DATA and echoes with solid uptime with CAs on.
Use Areas: NM200, Lucullus Zero
Entrusted Resolve
Righteous Deed
Along in Heaven
  • Very rarely leave your party thanks to his sub aura granting 20% boost to Luminiera and Zeus weapon skills.
  • Great teamwide buffs for harder fights as well as strong personal damage especially for fights that last long enough for Along in Heaven to come off cooldown.
Gilded Heaven Strike
500% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Restore 20% of Kumbhira’s HP (Healing cap: 4000).
Gain 3 Razorback Lance.
Full-Boar Drive
550% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Restore 20% of Kumbhira’s HP (Healing cap: 4000).
Gain 3 Razorback Lance.
Activate Reckless Abandon.
Bamboo Splitter
400% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~480,000).
Inflict Light DEF Down (20%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s).
Gain Boarforce Winds (3T).
Level 95:
Damage increased to 500%.
Damage cap increased to ~700,000.
Debuff increased to Light DEF Down (25%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Debuff accuracy increased to 100%.
All Light allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Light) (30%, 3t) and Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t).
Boarforce Winds (3T) upgraded to Boarforce Winds+ (3T).
Reckless Abandon
500% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000).
All allies gain Reckless Abandon (3T).
(#Reckless Abandon|Boost to buff specs based on number of casts [Max: 5].)
Flowering Brilliance
Gain Hostility Boosted (+35, 3T), Counters on DMG (100%, 3 times, 3T), and Boost to Charge Bar upon Taking DMG (5%, 3T) (Max: 50%).
Level 100:
Also gain Substituted (All-Ally) (1t) and Undying (Can’t be removed) (1 times).
Youthful Exuboarance
24-hit Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~5,180,000 total).
Restore caster’s HP (Healing cap: 10,019) and remove all debuffs.
(Upon activating Reckless Abandon: 2-turn cut to skill standby and cooldown.)
Recklessness Incarnate
35% hit to charge bar gain, amplify (Seraphic multiplier) normal attack damage by 15%, and 20% boost to max HP.
Level 90:
30% boost to DEF. Counters upon taking damage (2 times).
Queen of Boars
Gain Razorback Lance upon normal attacks and counterattacks (Max: 4 stages).
(When Kumbhira has max Razorback Lance 4 at end of turn:
Activate Reckless Abandon.
[Consumes all Razorback Lances.])
  • Hybrid skill damage dealer and teamwide buffer.
  • Sub all and dying on Flowering Brilliance Gain Hostility Boosted (+35, 3T), Counters on DMG (100%, 3 times, 3T), and Boost to Charge Bar upon Taking DMG (5%, 3T) (Max: 50%).
    Level 100:
    Also gain Substituted (All-Ally) (1t) and Undying (Can’t be removed) (1 times).
    is great for tanking all sorts of triggers.
  • Most notable for her skill 4 Youthful Exuboarance 24-hit Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~5,180,000 total).
    Restore caster’s HP (Healing cap: 10,019) and remove all debuffs.
    (Upon activating Reckless Abandon: 2-turn cut to skill standby and cooldown.)
    offering a skill nuke able to hit over 20m skill damage on primal.
    • Pre-Florence spamming this skill was the key to light’s SUBHL strategy.
Gilded Heaven Strike
500% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times).
Gain Nitotsuisou 2. (Ends upon taking damage 2 times.)
Gain Hanaorimito 2. (Ends upon taking damage 2 times.)
Haring Escape
Switch positions with a sub ally.
Makura gains Jade Moonlight.(When switching with a Light ally:
Ally receives Makura’s buffs.)
(Can’t be recast.)
Queen of Rabbits
Guaranteed double attacks.
Normal attacks deal 2-hit damage to random foes.
Cunning Escape
Starts battle with Undying (Can’t be removed) (1 times), Unchallenged (1 times), and Cunning Escape.
At end of turn in which an ally with Cunning Escape is below 25% HP:
Fully restore that ally’s HP and remove all debuffs.
End that ally’s cooldown for all skills.
(Consumes Cunning Escape.)
  • Enabler for damage dealer in skill damage comps. Primarily Lu Woh or Song.
  • Swaps in another unit via Haring Escape Switch positions with a sub ally.
    Makura gains Jade Moonlight.(When switching with a Light ally:
    Ally receives Makura’s buffs.)
    (Can’t be recast.)
    granting them all her buffs. Particuarly the double strike and nuke after autos from her skill 1 Nitotsuisou Gain Nitotsuisou 2. (Ends upon taking damage 2 times.) .
  • Used for both longer FAs and hard content skill mash teams.
Use Areas: FA, AGASTIA
Gefrorene Welt
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.1-turn cut to Aglovale’s skill cooldowns.100% Bonus Light damage to a foe for each Aurora Crest (Damage cap: ~120,000 per hit / Max: 5 hits).
500% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~635,000).All allies gain Aurora Crest 1 and a Aglovale (Valentine)#Gestober|random buff.(Additional buffs based on number of caster’s Aurora Crest upon cast.)
300% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~340,000).Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (5% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (5% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).(Number of activations increased based on number of caster’s Aurora Crest [Max: 6 times].)
Funkelnde Kalte
600% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).Gain Instant Charge.End cooldown for other skills.
King’s Strike
Gain these effects in order based on number of Aurora Crest:
30% boost to ATK (Normal Modifier),
100% boost to DEF,
guaranteed double attacks,
supplement damage dealt (Damage cap: 10,000),
30% boost to skill damage cap.
Lord of Frost Agleam
Upon chain burst activation: All allies gain Aurora Crest 1.(Takes effect even when Aglovale is a sub ally.)
  • Good teamwide buffs and strong amounts of skill damage.
  • Slow compared to other options but is generally the safest and easiest way to FA most content.
  • Often sees use at the start of a new hard raid as a way to safely push tons of damage when learnig the mechanics. Typically will be dropped from HL use after.


Characters that provide strong buffs to the team.

Use Areas: FA, HEXA
Come Home to Roost
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
All allies gain Strength (30%-10%, 3.5T) and Shield (1000).
(400% Bonus Light damage to a foe with Henpecked [Damage cap: ~635,000].)
Jolly Jingle
300% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~400,000).
Inflict Henpecked (10% ATK Down, Accuracy: 200%).
(Hit number increases upon each cast [Max: 5 hits].)
No Spring Chicken
300% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~400,000).
Inflict Dark ATK Lowered (15%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Light DEF Down (25%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(From 2nd cast onward:
Also inflict DA Down (50%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and TA Down (50%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
From 3rd cast onward:
Also inflict Delay () (Accuracy: 100%).)
Fly the Nest
Grant a Light ally Mother Hen’s Beats.
(When Mother Hen’s Beats is already granted:
Restore target’s HP [Healing cap: 10,000] and remove all debuffs.)
Half-Baked Santa
1-turn cut to Mahira’s skill cooldowns when a foe uses a special attack.
If turn 10 or later: Can recast skills once each turn they are cast.
Holiday Henhouse
When an ally with Mother Hen’s Beats uses a charge attack:
Restore that ally’s HP (Healing cap: 1000) and remove 1 debuff.
  • Solid debuffer and skill damage enabler.
  • Works great against buff heavy bosses as long as you can trigger henpecked reliably with skill damage.


Characters that are great for reducing the amount of damage taken by the team.

Type: TANK
Use Areas: FA, AGASTIA
Iliad Vision
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Restore all Bit.
Iliad Judgment
500% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.Activate Blade of Light.Restore all Bit.
Aegis Merge
Remove all debuffs from caster.
Gain Aegis Merge (Up to 3 turns).
(Consumes 1 Bit every turn.
Ends when there are no Bit or after 3 turns.)
Blade of Light
800% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000) and remove 1 buff.
Level 90:
From 2nd cast onward: Also deal 400% Bonus Light damage (Damage cap: ~380,000 per hit).
From 3rd cast onward: Bonus Light damage increased to 2 hits.
Divine Weapon
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T), Charge Bar Sped Up (20%, 1T) and Light ATK Up (50%, 1T).
(When Vira has Aegis Merge: Affects all allies.)
Fated Cleaver
Gain Instant Charge and C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
Primal Bits
Start battle with 3 Bit (Max: 6).Consume 1 Bit upon attacking:Amplify (Seraphic modifier) damage against Dark foes by 10% and boost to critical hit rate (100).
Level 95:
Now start battle with 6 Bit.Effect increased to boost to critical hit rate (100).
Impregnable Barrier
When Aegis Merge is active: 1000% boost to DEF, 100% boost to debuff resistance, receive all attacks in place of allies (including all-ally attacks), and Refresh effect (Healing cap: 999).
Level 95:
Also mitigate damage taken by 1500.
Refresh effect healing cap increased to 2000.
  • A suball tank that also deals tons of damage. Amazing FA character especially for harder raids.
  • Dispel on her skill 2 Blade of Light 800% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000) and remove 1 buff.
    Level 90:
    From 2nd cast onward: Also deal 400% Bonus Light damage (Damage cap: ~380,000 per hit).
    From 3rd cast onward: Bonus Light damage increased to 2 hits.
    and CA offering double dispel on turns with her CA reactivions via Fated Cleaver Gain Instant Charge and C.A. Reactivation (1 time). .



Noteworthy CAs

Here are some of the noteworthy characters for CA focused comps. This will not cover all the characters in the chart above and instead focus on those that offer more than a larger CA or a simple skill damage nuke.

Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Butterfly Effect Alter: Reverie
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Raise Reverie lvl by 2.
Iridescent Bloom
8-hit, 100% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~67,500 per hit).
Inflict Delay (Special) (Accuracy: 100%). If successful, gain Charged (20%).
(Auto-activates at end of turn by consuming 8 Reverie lvls.)
Tranquil Crescent
8-hit, 100% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~67,500 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.
(Auto-activates when a foe uses a special attack.)
Sakura Serenade
Caster and Light MC gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
Verdant Essence
When a Light ally uses a charge attack:
Raise Reverie lvl by 1 (Max: 8). (Lvl 4 at battle start.)
Scenic Seclusion
When Light MC uses a charge attack:
555,555 Plain damage to a foe. MC gains Charge Bar (10%).
(Takes effect even when Narmaya is a sub ally.)
  • 8 hit nuke if her and one other ally ougis.
  • 8 hit reactive nuke on enemy special that is the largest of the three mentioned.
  • Best reactive nuke slot if she CAs.
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Gamma Ray
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain Shield (2000, 2.5T).
Cosmic Ray
500% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.All allies gain Shield (2000).Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times).
2-hit, 70% Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~110,000 per hit).
Gain Dodge Rate Boosted (40%, 3T) and Hostility Boosted (+50, 3T).
Level 90:
Damage increased to 200% and damage cap increased to ~405,000 per hit..Also gain Guaranteed TA (1T).
Ray Strike
400%-500% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000) and remove 1 buff.
Level 95:
Now hits all foes.Damage increased to 800% and damage cap increased to ~800,000.Also randomly inflict one of three debuffs: ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s), DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s), or Debuff Resistance Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s).
The Last Wish
1000% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,600,000).
All Light allies gain Sign of Zooey (5% of max HP Healing cap: 1000 / 100% ATK Up / 100% DEF Up, Multiplier: Normal, 5T).
Only One Wish
All Light allies gain Unchallenged (1T).
Fully restore Light allies’ HP and remove all debuffs.(1-turn cut to skill standby upon being targeted by an ally’s buff skill or healing skill. Can’t recast.)
Peacemaker’s Tears
1-turn cut to skill standby and cooldown for The Last Wish upon being targeted by an ally’s buff skill or healing skill.
Primal Pulse
Upon dodging:300% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~500,000). Gain Charge Boost (20%).
  • 6 hit skill nuke on CA
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Holy Star
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Activate Snowdrop.
400% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Inflict Light DEF Lowered (20%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Raise Bounty lvl by 3.
(100% Bonus Light damage based on foe’s Bounty lvl [Max: 5 hits / Damage cap: ~100,000 per hit].)
Piece of Cake
Grant an ally Charge Boost (20%), Critical Hit Rate Boosted (20%, 4T), Happy Sprinkles (50% / 50%, Multiplier: Normal, 4T), and Bonus Light DMG (50%, 1T).
Merry Sparkle
All allies gain Guaranteed TA (1T).
(When a foe’s Bounty lvl is 6 or above:
All allies also gain Bonus Light DMG (30%, 1T).)
Good Tidings to All!
Against foes with Bounty: 50% boost to C.A. damage and 30% boost to C.A. damage cap for Light allies.
Chance to get bonus treasure at the end of the battle.
(Takes effect even when Mary is a sub ally.)
  • Skill nuke on ougi applies 20% light ATK down as well as raises Bounty by 3 making both OTK easier for anyone behind her as well as increasing meat drops per run.
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Capillus Ataxia
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Activate Get Over Hair.
Love Saber
5-hit, 150% Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~70,000 per hit).
Inflict DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 90%, 180s) and Light Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 90%, 180s) on all foes.
Get Over Hair
500% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000) and remove 1 buff.
Gain 1 Chokoleit.
Gain Substituted (All-Ally) (1T), Armored (80%, 1T), and Skill DMG Boosted (50%, 1T).
Golden Sweetie
Gain 1 Chokoleit upon taking big (At least 25% of Melissabelle’s max HP) damage (Max: 3).
(When Melissabelle has max Chokoleit 3 at end of turn:
20-hit, 150% Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~70,000 per hit).
Restore 60% of max HP (Healing cap: 12,000).
[Consumes all Chokoleits.])
Automatic Follicle Defense System II
100% Light damage to random foes at end of turn based on number of times Melissabelle took damage from foes that turn (Max: 10 hits / Damage cap: ~180,000 per hit).
  • Skill damage on CA, skill damage based on number of times she’s hit, and a massive nuke if she manages to take 50% damage in a turn.
    • Increased hostility EMPs are needed to reliably active her counter skill damage.
    • On top of that, HP needs to be low enough to that only a few hits can take her to 50%, but high enough to survive.
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Cor Fidelis
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Remove all debuffs from Sara.
(When Sara is not debuffed: Activate Tonitrua.)
All allies gain 60% Dark Cut (1T).
400% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~480,000).
All other allies gain Shield (1000).
Raise Hammer of Graphos lvl by 1.
(When Hammer of Graphos lvl is at max:
Shield (1000) increased to Shield (2000).)
Gain Substitute (1T).
(When Hammer of Graphos lvl is 3 or higher:
Also gain Afflatus (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).)
Hammer of Graphos
25% hit to charge bar gain.
Counters upon taking damage (2 times).
Hammer of Graphos lvl rises upon countering.
(Boost to DEF, hostility, and debuff resistance based on lvl [Max: 5].)
Onward to Tomorrow
When a foe uses a special attack: Activate Tonitrua.
  • Skill nuke on CA, skill nuke on enemy CA, and up to two counters when she’s hit.
    • Increased hostility EMP is needed to reliably active her counters.

Normal Attack

Here are some of the noteworthy characters for Normal Attack focused comps. This will not cover all the characters in the chart above and instead focus on those that offer more than just GTA.

Use Areas: 0B0B
Fiamma di Battaglia
Mitraglia di Caldo
Liberta del Mare
  • Deals a 2 hit nuke on normal attacks.
  • Deals another large nuke on enemy special attack.
Use Areas: 0B0B
Sauveur Eclatant
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain Holy Banner. (Next Sanctify affects all allies.)
End cooldown for Sanctify.
Sacred Reversal
Inflict ATK Down 4 (25%, Accuracy: 120%, 4t), DEF Down 4 (25%, Accuracy: 120%, 4t), and Divine Sentence 4 (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 30,000, Accuracy: 90%, 4t) on all foes.
Gain Guaranteed TA (1t) and Strength (20%-10%, 3T).
Eternal Divinity
All Light allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Light) (20%, 3t), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 3t) and ATK Boosted (1 time) (15%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1t).
Robe de la Pucelle
1-turn cut to skill standby and cooldown for Eternal Divinity upon triple attack.
10% Bonus Damage|Bonus Light DMG effect to Light allies’ triple attacks.
Increase all allies’ ‘Boost to Light ATK’ effect by an additional 30%.
  • 10% bonus damage on ally TAs.
    • Stacks with Falsehod and azll other bonus damage sources in light.
Use Areas: 0B0B
Splash Bullet
  • 10% bonus damage on ally critical hits on normal attacks.
    • Doies not stack with Falsehood.
  • Deals a nuke at the end of turn with a hit count based on the number of ally critical hits on normal attacks.

Starting Charge

For 0B CA focused OTKs, Huanglong main and support summons are used along with the 30% charge from crew buffs to set everyone to 90%. A character with a passive 10% starting change then can set a chain of CAs to all the characters behind them.

Use Areas: ALL EXCEPT 0B0C
Void Dance: Kokutou
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.(Boost to C.A. specs based on number of Tender Ties.)
Utsushi's Flame
300% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~315,000).
Inflict Foxflame 4 (Accuracy: 100%, 4T).
(Increase number of hits based on number of Tender Ties [Max: 6 hits].Can’t be used without Tender Ties.)
Shifu's Illusion
Gain Substitute (1t) and Dodge All (1t).
You'll Be Charcoal!
Gain ATK Sharply Boosted (100%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T) and Bonus Light DMG (1 time) (50%, 1T).
(Consume 2 Tender Ties.)
Sibling Bond
20% hit to DEF and 15% hit to max HP.Guaranteed triple attacks.
Makings of Kinship
Start battle with 100% boost to charge bar and 6 Tender Ties (Max: 6).(Boost to ATK and DMG cap based on number of Tender Ties.Take a lethal hit without being knocked out [Consumes 1 Tender Ties.])
  • Starts with 100% charge make her a great slot for 0B3C down to 0B1C.
    • Double Huanglong is not required for 0B1C setups with her.
  • Starting stacks grants her 60% CA damage, 30% CA cap, 60% unique ATK, and 30% cap.
Use Areas: 0B3C, 0B2C
Astral Howser
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain Bring the Thunder (2.5T). (Next use of Clincher inflicts Paralyzed (Accuracy: 55%, 60S).)
Asteroid Jaeger
500% (Massive) Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
Gain Bring the Thunder (2.5T). (Next use of Clincher inflicts Paralyzed (Accuracy: 55%, 60S).)
All allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (50%, 3.5T).
After Stage 1 Transcendence:
Stellar Termination
550% (Massive) Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,300,000).
Gain Bring the Thunder (Transcend) (2.5T). (Next use of Clincher inflicts Paralyzed (Accuracy: 55%, 60S) and deals damage twice.)
All allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (50%, 3.5T).
End cooldown for Clincher.
Gain Other Self 1 (1 times) and ATK Up (3T).
Level 55:
Buff increased to ATK Up (50%, Multiplier: Perpetuity, 3T).
Level 85:
Also gain Skill DMG Cap Boosted (30%, 3T).
Inflict Debuff Resistance Lowered (10%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Poisoned (22,222 HP, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), Burned (22,222 HP, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), Putrefied (22,222 HP, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), Blinded (Accuracy: 50%, 180s), Charmed (Accuracy: 30%, 180s), Zombified (Accuracy: 30%, 180s), Sleep 3 (Accuracy: 20%, 3t), Paralyzed 3 (Accuracy: 20%, 3t), ATK Down (25%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), DEF Down (25%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), DA Down (Accuracy: 65%, 180s), TA Down (Accuracy: 65%, 180s), and Lethal Hit (Accuracy: 65%) on all foes.
Big Light damage to a foe based on number of foe’s debuffs (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Level 95:
Now hits all foes.
Damage cap increased to ~1,200,000.
Level 130:
When Bring the Thunder (Transcend) is consumed:
Also inflict Pinpoint Prey (10% DEF Down / 20% of damage dealt Damage cap: 10,000, Accuracy: 200%).
Two-Crown’s Strife
Extend time-based debuff effects on all foes by 90 seconds. (Base Accuracy: 100%)
Multi-hit, 200% Light damage to all foes based on foes’ number of debuffs (Damage cap: ~160,000 per hit / Max: 10 hits).
(Can’t recast.)
Dark Huntress
Normal attacks hit all foes.
Level 90:
Also gain boost to ATK (Normal modifier) as number of foes decrease.
Lone Archer
Tweyen#Lone Archer|Boost to debuff success rate as number of foes decrease.
  • Better of the two eternals for a 0B ougi enabler but worse than You overall.
  • Teamwide crit buff on ougi is good if you need help to cap ougis.

Reactive Nukes

Light OTK relies heavily on characters who deal skill damage as a response to enemy attacks. The free slots in either 0B2C or 0B1C are typically slotted with the following characters.

Summer’s Angel
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain 2 Beachside Blade.
Crossed Swords
8-hit, 120% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~60,000 per hit).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(Consumes 2 Beachside Blade.
When a foe uses a special attack: Auto-activates without consuming Beachside Blade.)
June Tonic
Restore 10% of caster’s HP (Healing cap: 1500) and remove 1 debuff.
Gain Charge Bar (10%).
(Consumes 1 Beachside Blade.
Upon taking damage: Auto-activates without consuming Beachside Blade.)
Second Vacation
Gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time), C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (150%), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (90%).
(Consumes 8 Beachside Blade.)
Beachside Blade
Start battle with 6 Beachside Blade (Max: 10).
(Gain 1 Beachside Blade every turn.)
Maritime Mercenary
20% hit to max HP.
30% boost to ATK (Unique modifier), guaranteed double attacks, 50% boost to triple attack rate, and 30% boost to charge bar gain.
  • 8 hit reactive nuke on enemy special.
  • 30% unique ATK and 100/50 DATA makes her the best option reactive nuke slot for auto comps.
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Butterfly Effect Alter: Reverie
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Raise Reverie lvl by 2.
Iridescent Bloom
8-hit, 100% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~67,500 per hit).
Inflict Delay (Special) (Accuracy: 100%). If successful, gain Charged (20%).
(Auto-activates at end of turn by consuming 8 Reverie lvls.)
Tranquil Crescent
8-hit, 100% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~67,500 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.
(Auto-activates when a foe uses a special attack.)
Sakura Serenade
Caster and Light MC gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
Verdant Essence
When a Light ally uses a charge attack:
Raise Reverie lvl by 1 (Max: 8). (Lvl 4 at battle start.)
Scenic Seclusion
When Light MC uses a charge attack:
555,555 Plain damage to a foe. MC gains Charge Bar (10%).
(Takes effect even when Narmaya is a sub ally.)
  • 8 hit nuke if her and one other ally ougis.
  • 8 hit reactive nuke on enemy special that is the largest of the three mentioned.
  • Best reactive nuke slot if she CAs.
Use Areas: 0B1C AND ABOVE
Nullifying Dropkick
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.Can use each skill twice on next turn.
Auroral Uppercut
700% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~700,000) and remove 1 buff.(When caster’s Skillchain lvl is 0: Raise lvl by 1.)
Knuckle Sandwich
400% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~400,000).Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%).(When caster’s Skillchain lvl is 1: Raise lvl by 1.)
Asuran Fists
8-hit, 100% Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~63,000 per hit).(When caster’s Skillchain lvl is 2: Raise lvl by 1.)
Keeper of the Apocalypse
When the foe uses a special attack: Activate Asuran Fists.Upon normal attacks when Skillchain lvl is 3: Reset lvl and activate Asuran Fists.
Leader of the Tavnazian Patrol
Refresh effect (Healing cap: 500) and Tank-and-Counter effect (2 hits).
  • 8 hit reactive nuke on enemy special that is slightly higher damage than Sturm’s nuke.
  • Most free to play option of the free thanks to her being from the FFXI Collab.


The below characters offer backline passives that are useful for OTK.

Entrusted Resolve
Righteous Deed
Along in Heaven
  • 20% boost to Omega and Optimus Light skills.
Nobita’s All-Out Attack
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.1-turn cut to gadgets’ cooldowns.
Unturned Stone Cap
Gain Unturned Stone Cap (2T) and Guaranteed TA (2T).
Bounce Back Cape
Gain Bounce Back Cape (1T).(And counter with a blast from the Air Cannon after a dodge!)
Air Cannon
800% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).Gain Charge Boost (20%).
Aim Carefully!
Gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (50%, 3T).
Attacks won’t miss.
Fastest Draw In the Skies
When Sub Ally: Light damage to a foe upon Light chain burst activation.(Boost to damage specs based on number of chains.)
  • Skill nuke on chain burst with damage depending on the number of chains.
Zeruch Shot
Massive Light damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 20% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Weak Point (3,000 per debuff Damage cap: 30,000).)
Gain Charge Boost (20%).
Invisible Hawk
Gain Into Hiding (5T), Critical Up (75%, 5T), C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (40%, 5T), and Uplift (20%, 5T).
Self-inflict DEF Down (50%, 5T).
Inflict ATK Down 3 (30%, 3T), DEF Down 3 (30%, 3T), and Weak Point 3 (3,000 per debuff Damage cap: 30,000, 3T) on a foe.
Blind Spot
Switch out with a sub ally.
(Provide Backup Fire (3T) to the ally.)
3% boost to Light characters’ critical hit damage cap.
Bullet Burst
When Sub Ally: 300% bonus Light damage to a foe upon the chain burst Ascension (Damage cap: ~580,000).
  • Skill nuke on 4 chain that is larger than Nobita’s 4 chain nuke. but only for 4 chain comps

Hard Content

Characters geared towards hard content.

450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
1-turn cut to Cosmos’s skill cooldowns.
(While Halo Attunement is in effect: Activates twice.)
Sweeping Detonation
6-hit, 400% all-elemental damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~235,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff from all foes.
(While Halo Attunement is in effect: Auto-activates upon charge attacks.)
Blast Erasure
800% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~820,000).
Inflict Double Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Triple Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Gain Charge Bar (20%).
(While Halo Attunement is in effect: Auto-activates upon normal attacks.)
Halo Attunement
Gain Halo Attunement, Instant Charge, and Unchallenged (1T).
Set HP to 50% of max HP.
(From 2nd cast onwards:
End cooldown for caster’s other skills.
Can use each damage skill up to one extra time this turn.)
A Wish Renewed
Ignore Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Dark elemental resistances.
Deal superior elemental damage regardless of foe element.
1-turn cut to Halo Attunement skill standby and cooldown upon being targeted by a Light ally’s buff or healing skill.
Entryway to Adventure
While Halo Attunement is in effect: Boost to Light allies’ ATK, DEF, C.A. specs, and skill specs based on how close Cosmos’s HP is to 50%.
  • WIP
Hukm Al-Sama'
Al-Rami Al-Sihri
Saqr Al-Himayah
  • WIP
Type: CA Battery
Loch Claidheamh
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
All allies gain Light ATK Boosted (Stackable) (10% (50% Max)) and Charge Bar (10%).
Sunlight Raid
2-hit, 250% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~350,000 per hit).
Restore Light allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2000).
All Light allies gain Charge Bar (20%).
Raise caster’s Solas lvl by 1.
(When activated at Solas lvl 3:
Consumes all Solas lvls.
Charge bar boost changes to Charge Bar (100%).)
Glowing Litany
Gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
All allies gain C.A. DMG Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (20% (100% Max)) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (10% (50% Max)).
Royal Prominence
All allies gain Veil, Revitalize (10% of max HP Healing cap: 500 or 10% charge bar, 3T), and Dispel Cancel (1 times).
Prince’s Command
Upon the chain burst Ascension:
10-hit, 100% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~170,000 per hit).
1-turn cut to Glowing Litany’s cooldown.
Guardian of the Loch
Activate Sunlight Raid every 3 turns.
  • WIP
Type: CA Battery
Blazing Purification
Restore 10% of Light allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2500) and remove 1 debuff.
All Light allies gain Charge Bar (15%).
3-turn cut to Nehan’s skill cooldowns.
All other Light allies gain Zen (Multiplier: Perpetuity, 3T).
Six-Wolf Tonic
All other Light allies gain Wolf Tonic (3T).
All other Light allies gain Double Strike (1t).
(Inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (90% Max)) on target allies.)
Morning Sunshine
20% hit to max HP, 30% hit to DEF, and ~30% boost to dodge rate.
6-hit, 100% Light damage to a foe upon dodging (Damage cap: ~100,000 per hit (~600,000 total)).
Life Goes On
When Nehan is a main ally at battle start: Lethal Attack Dodged (Can’t be removed) (1 times) to all other Light allies.
  • WIP
Prism Swaddling / Prism Sanctuary
Hidden Wish
  • WIP
Iliad Vision
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Restore all Bit.
Iliad Judgment
500% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.Activate Blade of Light.Restore all Bit.
Aegis Merge
Remove all debuffs from caster.
Gain Aegis Merge (Up to 3 turns).
(Consumes 1 Bit every turn.
Ends when there are no Bit or after 3 turns.)
Blade of Light
800% Light damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000) and remove 1 buff.
Level 90:
From 2nd cast onward: Also deal 400% Bonus Light damage (Damage cap: ~380,000 per hit).
From 3rd cast onward: Bonus Light damage increased to 2 hits.
Divine Weapon
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T), Charge Bar Sped Up (20%, 1T) and Light ATK Up (50%, 1T).
(When Vira has Aegis Merge: Affects all allies.)
Fated Cleaver
Gain Instant Charge and C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
Primal Bits
Start battle with 3 Bit (Max: 6).Consume 1 Bit upon attacking:Amplify (Seraphic modifier) damage against Dark foes by 10% and boost to critical hit rate (100).
Level 95:
Now start battle with 6 Bit.Effect increased to boost to critical hit rate (100).
Impregnable Barrier
When Aegis Merge is active: 1000% boost to DEF, 100% boost to debuff resistance, receive all attacks in place of allies (including all-ally attacks), and Refresh effect (Healing cap: 999).
Level 95:
Also mitigate damage taken by 1500.
Refresh effect healing cap increased to 2000.
  • WIP
Flashpoint Trajectory
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
(When Aureole of Life is in effect: 3,000,000 Bonus Plain damage.)
Prayer of Imminent Light
Light allies with at least 40% HP gain Prayer of Imminent Light (Multiplier: Normal). (Ends when HP drops below 40%.)
Radiant Spearthrow
6-hit, 150% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~108,000 per hit).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Special Attack DMG Lowered (Stackable) (6% (30% Max), Accuracy: 100%).
(When Aureole of Life is in effect:
Auto-activates upon normal attacks.)
The White's Lightfield
The field is illuminated by the Aureole of Life.
(Can’t recast.)
Luminous Compassion
For Light allies, when Aureole of Life is in effect:
50% boost to debuff resistance, 100% boost to double attack rate, 30% boost to triple attack rate, 100% boost to C.A. damage, and 50% boost to C.A. damage cap.
Limitless White
Remove a buff from all foes upon activating a Fated Chain.
  • Damage dealer in light monk setups for SUBHL and Agastia.
  • Enemy attack buff from field is notable but can be mitigated enough to be managable.
Use Areas: HEXA
Howitzer Fist
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain Divinity (Summon) (Guaranteed TA / 20% DMG Taken Boosted, 3.5T).
17-hit, 40% Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~53,000 per hit (~900,000 total)).
Gain Hostility Boosted (Stackable/Can’t be removed) (10 Max: 30) and Iron Fist.
Gain Substituted (All-Ally) (1T) and Counters on DMG (400%-500%, 3 times, 1T).
I’ll Bet My Soul
Gain Impregnable Fortress (40%-120%, 5T).
(Will be knocked out when effect ends.)
(Effect duration extends upon being targeted by a Light ally’s healing skill or buff skill.)
Pray upon the Star
35% hit to charge bar gain.
Amplify (Seraphic multiplier) one-foe attack damage by 10%. (Effect increases based on Iron Fist lvl [Max: 3].)
The Star Reversed
When Sub Ally: Cap Dark damage taken by Light allies at 10,000 per hit.
  • Hostility tank unable to die as long as skill 3 I’ll Bet My Soul Gain Impregnable Fortress (40%-120%, 5T).
    (Will be knocked out when effect ends.)
    (Effect duration extends upon being targeted by a Light ally’s healing skill or buff skill.)
    is up.
    • Very easy to extend the skill 3 forever especially with Yuni
  • Additionally has a sub all for easily tanking any trigger.
  • FLB grants him a one hit assassin at 1 HP which is practicially every turn after tanking a hard enough trigger.
Ignotum Universe
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.Activate Revitalise.
All Light allies gain Charge Boost (10%).Restore 10% of all Light allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1000) and 2-turn cut to debuff durations.(Gain 1 Precious Wish.)
Seize the Day
End cooldown for another Light ally’s skills and grant Instant Recast (1T).(Uses 7 Precious Wish.)
Vis Voluntatis
Cancel all cancelable Omens.Clear all foes’ charge diamonds.(Uses 10 Precious Wish.)
Porta Plana
Gain Arbitrator’s Wish (Multiplier: Perpetuity).(Uses 10 Precious Wish.)
Arbitrator’s Envoy
Immune to debuffs and buffs can’t be removed.
For the Sky’s Future
While Arbitrator’s Wish is in effect:20% boost to ATK (Perpetuity modifier), 100% boost to DEF, 100% boost to double attack rate, 50% boost to triple attack rate, 10% boost to damage cap, and 1-turn cut to skill cooldowns for all Light allies.
  • Very clicky character that offers a strong variety of skills for hard content.
  • Primarily works by building up her stacks by pressing her skill 1 Revitalise All Light allies gain Charge Boost (10%).Restore 10% of all Light allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1000) and 2-turn cut to debuff durations.(Gain 1 Precious Wish.) every turn.
  • Most notable uses of her skills are resetting Kumbhira”s skill 4 mega nuke for older SUBHL setups and or using her skill 3 Vis Voluntatis Cancel all cancelable Omens.Clear all foes’ charge diamonds.(Uses 10 Precious Wish.) to cancel some of the more obnoxious triggers in Agastia.


Characters with useful backline passives.

Ain Soph Aur
450% (Massive) Earth damage to a foe.
Gain Blessed. (Next Ecliptica activates twice.)
Ethereal Prison
500% Earth damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Inflict Elemental Friction 5 (Accuracy: 200%, 5T) and Prison of War 2 (Accuracy: 90%, 2T).
600% Earth damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Steal one of the tetra-elements.
(Inflict Fire ATK Lowered (30%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Water ATK Lowered (30%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Earth ATK Lowered (30%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), or Wind ATK Lowered (30%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s) on a foe.
Gain Fire ATK Boosted (Can’t be removed) (30%), Water ATK Boosted (Can’t be removed) (30%), Earth ATK Boosted (Can’t be removed) (30%), or Wind ATK Boosted (Can’t be removed) (30%) based on the stolen element.)
The Vice
Remove all buffs from all other allies and foes.
Gain Instant Charge, C.A. DMG Boosted (Can’t be removed) (150%, 1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Can’t be removed) (90%, 1T).
Four Primarchs’ Wings
30% Bonus DMG effect of each stolen element.
Buffs can’t be removed once Sandalphon has all the tetra-elements.
This is What I Live For
Can’t restore HP.
Takes 10% max HP damage every turn (Damage cap: 1000).
boost to critical hit rate (100), 20% boost to damage cap, 250% boost to DEF, and guaranteed double attacks.
Converts some types of turn-based damage to HP recovery.
  • 20% boost to Light Omega and Optimus weapon skills.
Use Areas: UnF
Parhelion Prayer
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
All allies gain Light ATK Up (20%, 2.5T) and 20% Dark Cut (2.5T).
All Light allies gain Shield (5000), Mirror Image (1 times), and Armored (50%, 3T).
Illuminate the field with sunlight.
(Iliofaneia (Multiplier: Unique, 8T) to the Field Effect|field.)
Ilios Fotizo
All Light allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Light) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Light DMG (20%, 5T).
Sun’s Divine Protection
10% Dark damage reduction to Light allies.
All Light allies start battle with Veil.
(Takes effect even when Zahlhamelina is a sub ally.)
Vivid Sunshine
Supplement Light allies’ critical hit damage (Damage cap: 3000).
  • Veil and 10% dark damage reduction.
Howitzer Fist
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain Divinity (Summon) (Guaranteed TA / 20% DMG Taken Boosted, 3.5T).
17-hit, 40% Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~53,000 per hit (~900,000 total)).
Gain Hostility Boosted (Stackable/Can’t be removed) (10 Max: 30) and Iron Fist.
Gain Substituted (All-Ally) (1T) and Counters on DMG (400%-500%, 3 times, 1T).
I’ll Bet My Soul
Gain Impregnable Fortress (40%-120%, 5T).
(Will be knocked out when effect ends.)
(Effect duration extends upon being targeted by a Light ally’s healing skill or buff skill.)
Pray upon the Star
35% hit to charge bar gain.
Amplify (Seraphic multiplier) one-foe attack damage by 10%. (Effect increases based on Iron Fist lvl [Max: 3].)
The Star Reversed
When Sub Ally: Cap Dark damage taken by Light allies at 10,000 per hit.
  • Caps incoming dark damage to 10k per hit.
  • At FLB, adds stackable 2% (10% max) to allies when they take damage.
Nobita’s All-Out Attack
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.1-turn cut to gadgets’ cooldowns.
Unturned Stone Cap
Gain Unturned Stone Cap (2T) and Guaranteed TA (2T).
Bounce Back Cape
Gain Bounce Back Cape (1T).(And counter with a blast from the Air Cannon after a dodge!)
Air Cannon
800% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).Gain Charge Boost (20%).
Aim Carefully!
Gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (50%, 3T).
Attacks won’t miss.
Fastest Draw In the Skies
When Sub Ally: Light damage to a foe upon Light chain burst activation.(Boost to damage specs based on number of chains.)
  • Skill nuke on chain burst with damage depending on the number of chains.
Zeruch Shot
Massive Light damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 20% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Weak Point (3,000 per debuff Damage cap: 30,000).)
Gain Charge Boost (20%).
Invisible Hawk
Gain Into Hiding (5T), Critical Up (75%, 5T), C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (40%, 5T), and Uplift (20%, 5T).
Self-inflict DEF Down (50%, 5T).
Inflict ATK Down 3 (30%, 3T), DEF Down 3 (30%, 3T), and Weak Point 3 (3,000 per debuff Damage cap: 30,000, 3T) on a foe.
Blind Spot
Switch out with a sub ally.
(Provide Backup Fire (3T) to the ally.)
3% boost to Light characters’ critical hit damage cap.
Bullet Burst
When Sub Ally: 300% bonus Light damage to a foe upon the chain burst Ascension (Damage cap: ~580,000).
  • Skill nuke on 4 chain that is larger than Nobita’s 4 chain nuke.

2 responses to “Light Characters”

  1. Heya checking on the Ferry section it looks like you guys put the SR version instead of the SSR one since it mentions that she gives teamwide TA and Echoes on her 3

  2. Hello thanks for the useful info on this page! Just wanted to point out that you are addressing the first Sandalphon mention as “her”.
    Also on the cosmos guide, the drops listing has Thunderbolt Wheel which is actually the Luwoh drop, not cosmos;;

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