GW section will often be out of date as GW setups are typically brainstormed in the months leading up to GW. Setups will typically be methods from the prior GW with minor updates for new content. Additionally, since GW bosses differ every run final setups won’t be known until GW actually begins.
GW Pages
How to Farm
GW consists of 7 rounds.
The first two are colloquially refered to as meat farming. For most players, this round consists of farming out Extreme or Extreme+ to get host mats for the raids of Finals. In the first round, Preliminaries, all honor is counted to both crew and individual honors. In the second, Interlude, honors only count towards individuals. Farming preliminaries is a lot more important for this reason where interlude can often be skipped unless ranking. NM90 is also available these days but will usually be ignored by everyone but the top rankers due to the small honors it provides for it’s meat cost.
The bulk of GW is the four rounds of Finals. In this stage, teams go head to head to see who can get more honors during the round period. These rounds introduce Nightmare raids which uses the meat farmed during the previous rounds. Day 1 introduces NM95, Day 2 brings NM100 and NM150, and Day 3 provides the final fight NM200. While the best players will aim for the highest level every day, the general rule for all players is to farm whatever stage nets you the most honors per hour. So for example, if your best NM200 takes more than 3.25 times longer than NM150, it would be better to run NM150. The other main meta concern of this round is meat usage. It is helpful to both set meat usage goals and limits for each round so that you can both meet your individual goals as well as retain meat for the later rounds with a much higher honors/meat ratio.
The final round is Final Rally, a rematch against the GW boss with your whole crew. The fight is generally not notable in terms of diffculty and can easily be FA’d or refresh spammed.
Notable Changes This Year
In the last year, fire has recieved a lot of new tools that will change up NM95 and NM150 big time.
Starting with summons, the biggest change in the last year is the FLB for Shiva. On top of the already strong teamwide assassin it adds teamwide 1 turn 100% TA. This enables a lot more strategies thanks to enabling strong auto attackers who don’t have passive TA. The other big summon in the last year is Cerberus (Summer)
. Having a multi turn echo makes this instantly the best echo summon available for fire. It particurly will be very useful for NM150 and especially NM200. The enmity component to it is generally ignorable though for ixaba grids the HP loss may require blue potting.
As for characters, fire recieved most of all a lot of auto nuke focused characters. Nezha (Yukata), Ragazzo
, and Dorothy and Claudia (Summer)
all join Anderson
as characters with nukes on autos. They all are useful options from OTK to NM150 particularly Nezha. Hekate
is a very strong FA in the release last year with tons of skill damage and as well as teamwide buffs. Icarus
is another solid option for burst or FA. He probably won’t be used in top setups but is a great option all around especially if you are unable to pull Wilnas.
And last but certainly not least, fire recieved some new farmable weapons in the last year that are all very good. From Exo Ifrit we got Exo Maitrah Karuna. It is the best dagger mainhand for fire and will be BIS in any manadiver setup. The other two noteworthy releases are Mortality Bows
and its upgrade Mortality Bow Mk IIs
as well as the upgraded Extinction Blade Mk II
. ATK awakening 20 is an incredibly strong upgrade and it alone makes it one of the strongest farmable mod slots available. Between the two, the sword offers more ATK up making it the stronger mod slot. Mortality bow provides skill cap and normal cap which would make it generally more useful if not for the uncap of the World weapons particularly Worldvexing Angelos
. It provides not only normal cap but also normal amp which is highly valuable. While it is character profeciency restricted, the normal amp when paired with someone like Wilnas makes up for it.
To start, let us cover the weapons needed for Colossus grids. The following are the most core set of weapons to have.
- 3 Colossus Cane Omegas
- 2 Nilakanthas
- 3 ATK Benbenets
- 4 Ancient Ecke Sachss
- 1 ATK, 2-3 SPC Exo Maitrah Karuna
- 1 Ray of Zhuque Malus
- 1 Sword of Valorblaze
- 1 Scythe of Renunciation
- 1 Worldvexing Angelos
The canes and nilas are both geared towards burst setups. They provide a decent mix of mods when put together. AES is for FA strategies with the crit and enmity working great for extended fights.
Exo Maitrah Karuna is an excellent mainhand on the level of a grand. At the very least you want an ATK copy as it the best MH for any manadiver setup. Up to three SPC can be slotted in grids as well. Mostly grids will only be able to slot two but three still sees use if you can’t Rebuild a Revans weapon.
Onto the more situational weapons.
- 0-2 ATK Al-Abads
- 1-2 Sword of Pallas Militis
- 1 Heat of The Sun
Al-Albad is an excellent weapon for charge attack focused setups like any CA OTK or for Kengo FA. Sword of Pallas Militis both is a good EX source for AES grids as well great source for TA for auto focused OTK. Heat of the Sun is another source of cap up at ULB. Magna might not need it but it will be a good thing to have available.
Now onto weapons locked behind rank 200.
- 1 Ultima Axe
- 1 -3 ATK, 0-2 DEF Extinction Blade
- ATK Extinction Blade Mk II
if possible.
- ATK Extinction Blade Mk II
- 0-1 Refrain of Blazing Vigor
The highest priority is getting a ULB ultima. Ultima Axe will generally be the most useful one for this GW but having more than that will be beneficial. This is due to both pairing well with Crimson Scale as well as matching the proficiency of Wilnas who will be the primary damage dealer at higher levels.
As for Mugen’s weapons, the bow will the more useful overall. The normal cap up from the bow is highly valuable. That said, after the normal cap is maxed, the bow offers very little. This makes getting an ATK sword great for setups with Exo dagger. The typical manadiver pairing will be two bows and one sword along with the Exo dagger MH.
As for DEF awakening for FA, neither weapon offers that much. The bow would offer more, but if the NA cap is already maxed by two ATK bows and the dagger than it does little. This causes Extinction Blade to pull out slightly ahead for FA thanks to its ATK mod. One more thing to note with DEF awakening, the upgrade from awakening 15 to 20 is very minimal so focus on the ATK ones.
And lastly the draconic weapon will be used for the fastest FA setups for NM200. If manual clears of NM200 for magna are viable, they may also likely slot it.
And from the gacha there are two weapons to look out for.
- 1-3 Lord of Flames
- 1-2 Crimson Scales
Getting one of each will be a huge benefit not only for the weapons themselves but also the characters they are attached to. More info on the characters will be later.
As for Agni, there are two weapons that remain dominant. Paired with the staples of opus and seraphic/ultima, they take up 7 of the total weapon slots.
- 3 Lord of Flames
- 2 Crimson Scales
- 1 Sword of Valorblaze
- 1 Scythe of Renunciation
- 1 Scythe of Repudiation
- 1 Ultima Axe
- 1 ATK Exo Maitrah Karuna
- 1 Worldvexing Angelos
As for the three remaining slots , these will typically be filled either by Mortality Swords, Ixabas, or Fists of Destructions. The first two will typically be the strongest.
For Mugen Sword you’d want:
- 2 ATK Extinction Blade Mk IIs
For the Ixaba variant, you want access to the folllowing weapons.
- 2 Ixaba
The third spot after the Ixabas can be any of the cap up weapons listed.
Now for crit.
While the crit setup is worse, it’s a solid option if the other options are unavailable. Additionally, it outperforms Ixaba for FA setups so FA players might want to lean this way.
Overrider Update
The recent release of Override has shaken up Fire grids. Below are updated reccomendations on grand weapons. The main change is that Overriders replace the slots of Lord of Flames. You will want two copies at least to be able to use them properly. If not use the prior weapon priorities.
- 2-3 Overrider
- 2-3 Lord of Flames
- 3 still likely to be good for NM200 or FA for the HP and defense.
- 2 Crimson Scales
- 2 Ixaba
- 2 Fist of Destructions
- 1 Benedia
The crit component of Overriders also lead to an increased desirability of crit weapons as seen with the last two. With two overriders 2 FoDs are needed for 100% crit and with three 1 FoD and 1 Benedia are used.
Characters that will be used everywhere if available.
- Percival (Grand)
- Core burst enabler thanks to his skill 3 Koenig Dekret
900% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,020,000).
All Fire allies gain Fire ATK Up (100%, 1T) and Bonus Fire DMG (1 time) (30%, 1T).
All Fire allies instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes King’s Blaze after activation.) providing free teamwide autos as well as having strong autos and GTA himself. - Will be used from EX+ up to NM200.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Core burst enabler thanks to his skill 3 Koenig Dekret
- Michael
- Core thanks to her backline passive 20% aura boost.
- BIS for Wilnas setups for both granting him instant charge as well as providing teamwide echoes.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina or Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Cain (Holiday)
- 100/20 crit, 15% cap, and 20% echoes to party makes him one of the strongest buffers available for fire.
- Has no GTA so most setups will need to grant him it like via Shiva
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina or Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Alanaan
- Burst enabler providing teamwide 30% echoes and TA.
- Requires 100% CA on all allies to activate so needs support to reach it.
- Generally dated but FLB will before GW and may change things.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina
- Awakenings: MA
- Mimlemel (Summer)
- Enabler for Alanaan due to providing enough CA charge to activate his skill 2.
- Also comes with a teamwide assassin.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina
- Awakenings: MA
- Yuel
- Teamwide 20% echo and 30%/15% DATA as well as a support 30k skill all on one button press.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina or Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Anila
- Older buffer that provides a lot of ATK up and has a 40% superior element echo.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina or Supp
- Awakenings: MA
Passive Buffer
- Shiva
- 30% boost to fire attack and 10% cap when affected by fire attack.
- Easily granted with Grand Percy.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Abby
- 15% party stam at max HP.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Wilnas
- Strongest attacker in fire thank to his amplified assassin autos and hard hitting CA.
- Requires being setup with a CA which generally limits his usage to later fights.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina
- Awakenings: ATK
- Zeta
- Excellent attacker that deals nukes after every three ally TAs and packs some strong skills and passives and a one turn assassin.
- Alternative attacker to Wilnas. Apart of the fastest NM95 setups and a very strong candidate for NM200.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina
- Awakenings: ATK
- Icarus
- Solid attacker and potential Wilnas sub but requires swap in to be useful.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina
- Awakenings: ATK
- Anna (SSR)
- Has a one turn assassin but has no self buffs, GTA, or echoes.
- Is super cute though.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina/TA
- Earrings: Stamina/TA
- Awakenings: ATK
0B Attackers
- Nezha (Yukata)
- Nukes after autos.
- Has GTA with two other primal allies.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina or Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Ragazzo
- Nukes after autos.
- Has GTA.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina or Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Anderson
- Nukes after autos.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina or Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Dorothy and Claudia (Summer)
- Nukes after autos.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Stamina
- Earrings: Stamina or Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Medusa (Summer)
- Tons of skill damage and dispels every turn once her stacks ramp up.
- At best to max her stacks she needs 5 turns. Heavily depends on boss mechanics to avoid taking hits. Her Can’t Act debuff and CA dodge all help with it otherwise.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Skill
- Earrings: Supp
- Awakenings: MA/DEF
- Hekate
- Skill damage character that can deal skill nukes every time they take damage at 5 crests.
- Has a great set of buffs in her skill 2 buff pool that will be very helpful for NM150 and NM200.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Skill
- Earrings: Supp
- Awakenings: MA/DEF
- Athena
- High defensive utlity packing tons of useful defensive buffs, dispel cancel, veil, and debuffs that will all be great for NM200.
- Takes time to ramp up before she can deal solid damge on her end.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Skill
- Earrings: Supp
- Awakenings: DEF
- Satyr
- Spammable substitutes with enough wind damage lowered to make taking hard hits easy.
- Also has an FA activatable heal.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Healing
- Earrings: Supp
- Awakenings: DEF
- Vira (Valentine)
- Strong sub all tank that caps incoming damage.
- Has frequent delays and can’t prevent the enemy charge bar from filling.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Skill
- Earrings: Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Nemone (Holiday)
- Good teamwide buffs on her CA.
- Auto activates her skill 2 at max stacks. Takes five turns to build them up.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Skill
- Earrings: Healing
- Awakenings: MA
- Noa (Holiday)
- Lots of strong defensive utlity and debuffs.
- Takes time to reach full potential making him mostly geared towards NM200.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Skill
- Earrings: Supp
- Awakenings: DEF
- Ragazzo
- Short term attacker character that deals a lot of damage quickly and dies after two turns.
- Reccomendations
- Rings: Skill
- Earrings: Supp
- Awakenings: MA
- Michael
- 20% boost to omega and primal skills.
- Fraux FLB
- 10% skill cap.
- Cain (Holiday)
- One time dispel cancel.
A list of summons that will see use this GW.
Sub Summons
Support Summons
- Shiva
- Cerberus (Summer)
- Best option for echo summon for multi turn bursts.
- Red Hare
- Qilin
- Yatima
Example Grids
Here are a few examples of weapon configurations for this year.
Manadiver will be the main burst class this year pre-NM200. Below are some examples of magna configurations.
As for the primal version.
The other main class is Berserker which will be used particularly for Wilnas and Michael setups. It uses Falsehood opus for teamwide double strike.
The primal version is pretty straight forward stacking Lord of Flames and CS like usual. The main option in this Extinction Blades vs Ixaba. The prior should be the stronger of the two.
Berserker is generally interchangable with Viking. Viking is used over Berserker namely if either the team comp doesn’t pair well with sword and axe character requirement of Ferocious War or if debuffs are needed via Banahogg
2-hit superior Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~370,000 per hit).
Inflict DEF Lowered (25%, 180s).
If main or auxiliary weapon is a sabre: Boost to number of hits (2 times).
If main or auxiliary weapon is an axe: Also inflict status DEF Down (25%, 180s).
. The grid doesn’t change in either case.
Full Auto
Below are some examples of Full Auto configuations for this year.
For most fight, the go to strategy will be using Manadiver thanks to both it being a great class for FA as well as having a very strong MH with Exo Maitrah Karuna
. The following is a Colo x Colo example FA grid with an AES crit grid.
And these are Colo x Lucifer setups. They free a lot more grid space thanks to not needing to fill the grid with AES. They still use a couple of AES because the combination of ATK and Enmity mods are both really good for FA. They can be subbed up for Extinction Blade Mk II’s is available.
NM200 will likely prove difficult for magna grids. Focusing on pure defensive capable, the following lumberjack setup will be a safe option until boss mechanics are known.
As for primal, Manadiver will likely carry though even to NM200. If more defense is required, defense awakened Extinction Blades can be used.