
This page goes over Omega Earth grids and weapons. They are called Yggdrasil after the farmable Earth aura summon Yggdrasil Omega. Additionally, they are often referred to as Magna after the JP name for them.

Earth Pages











Early Game (Omega 1)

In the early game, building for Omega grids follows the general format of 5-6 magna mods, 1-2 normal mods, 2-3 EX mods, and 1 seraphic. Below are a list of available weapons for these mod types.

Omega (5-6 per grid)

Weapons who skills are Omega mod. These skills are boosted by Yggdrasil Omega. They typically can be identied by either an Ω in english or M in Japanese.

Copies: 4-6
Nether Veil
Big earth DMG to a foe (Bonus Fire damage.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Earth damage upgraded to massive.
Lifetree’s Might II
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK
  • Big magna attack mod.
  • Best magna weapon for M1 grids.
  • Given free for story progress and during anniversary.
Copies: 1-2
Source: MEDUSA
Massive earth DMG to a foe (Gain ATK Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Lifetree’s Majesty
Small boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
Lifetree’s Haunt
Medium boost to earth allies’ ATK / 10% hit to double attack rate
  • Medium ATK boost and small ATK and HP boost multiples to be more damage than the big ATK of crystal blade at similar skill level.
  • Each copy reduces DA by 10% which can be noticable when stacking multiple copies if you don’t have characters guaranteed DA or TA.
Copies: 1-2
Nether Veil
Big earth DMG to a foe (Bonus Fire damage.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Earth damage upgraded to massive.
Lifetree’s Might
Medium boost to earth allies’ ATK
Lifetree’s Aegis
Small boost to earth allies’ max HP
  • Small HP and medium magna ATK makes this a decent filler.
  • Retains some use into later game as an HP option for Caim grid.
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Zircon Stab
Massive earth DMG to a foe (Inflict Water ATK Lowered.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Lifetree’s Might II
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK
Lifetree’s Progression II
Medium boost to earth allies’ earth ATK based on number of turns passed
  • Large magna attack and medium progression make this a good slot for your 6th magna mode.
  • Good for longer battles as progression gains in strength with more turns passed.
  • Uncap can be slow until Rank 120 but is doable. However at 120 it is a lot quicker.
  • Carries over in value after M1.

Normal (1-2 per grid)

Weapons with skills that are normal mod. These skills typically boosted by Titan but some like the Bahamut weapons can’t be boosted. Normal skills don’t have any special icons to indicate them.

Copies: 1
Massive dark DMG to a foe (Gain DA Up.)
Human Animus Dominion
Boost to Humans’ ATK.
  • Extremely strong normal mod that continues to get stronger with upgrades.
  • A free copy can be obtained from the What Makes the Sky Blue sidestory.
  • Choice of Bahamut weapon depends on your characters. Most players typically get Bahamut dagger first due to the large amount of Humans and Erunes.
  • Typically the only normal mod in M1 grids.
Copies: 1
Source: MEDUSA
Massive earth DMG to a foe (Gain ATK Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Earth’s Majesty
Small boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
Mountain’s Haunt
Medium boost to earth allies’ ATK / 10% hit to double attack rate
  • Primal version of Ancient Perseus.
  • Is a good normal mod option while providing additional HP.
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Western Guardian Charge
Massive earth DMG to a foe (Gain Mirror Image.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Increased to Mirror Image.
Terra’s Might
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK
  • Big normal mod. Lower normal mod than the baha weapon.
  • Becomes much better later on thanks to the Malus cipher, but at this stage the cap up won’t do anything so can be put on the backburner.

EX (2-3 per grid)

Weapons with skills that are EX mod. EX skills can not be boosted at all. These skills can be identified with an EX on them.

Copies: 1
Turbo Shot
Massive Earth damage to a foe. / 1-turn cooldown cut to damage skills.
Additional effect at 4★:
When main weapon: 20% boost to all allies’ skill DMG and 10% boost to skill DMG cap
Point and Shoot
Big boost to Earth allies’ ATK
  • Side Story EX option.
  • Can be easily obtained from Platinum Sky.
  • Mainhand skill increases skill damage cap by 10% which can be nice for skill damage comps.
Copies: 1
Sefrou Dakhma
450% Earth damage to a foe. (Restore 10% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 700).)
Additional effect at 5★:
Damage increased to 550%. (Healing cap increased to 2000.)
Adjudicator’s Supremacy
Massive boost to earth allies’ ATK
Adjudicator’s Doctrine
When main weapon (MC only): 55% boost to double attack rate and 30% boost to triple attack rate while Superstar|High Voltage is in effect.
  • Large EX source as well as bonuses from AX skills.
  • Upgrade option to side story weapons.
  • Lots of healing on ougi that can come in handy for harder fights.
Copies: 1
450% Earth damage to a foe. (Gain Earth ATK Up.)
Additional effect at 5★:
Damage increased to 550%.
Buff increased to Earth ATK Up and now affects all allies.
Adjudicator’s Supremacy
Massive boost to earth allies’ ATK
Adjudicator’s Revelation
When main weapon (MC only): Gain Adjudicator’s Revelation (Stackable) upon taking damage.
  • Large EX source as well as bonuses from AX skills.
  • Upgrade option to side story weapons.
  • Water switch on ougi helps a lot with off element fights.

Seraphic (1 per grid)

Seraphic skills amplify all damage fighting on element and are always must slots in that case. They can’t be boosted and have no special indicator.

Copies: 1
Iudicium Aftershock
Big Earth damage to a foe.
All allies gain Earth ATK Up (3.5T).
Uriel’s Blessing
Amplify Earth allies’ damage against Water foes by 10%.
  • 10% seraphic mod that boosts all earth damage by 10% when fighting on element.
  • SSR upgrade is rank gated so upgrading can be put on the backburner until then.

Example Grids

General Purpose

Standard general usage grid for most content. Pieces can be swapped out for others of the same mod type.

Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega
Ancient Perseus
Xeno Judgement Lyre
Gauntlet of Uriel (SR)
Dagger of Bahamut Nova


Some gacha weapons can prove useful in magna grids. Don’t worry about barring them. These ones are all good at 0* and won’t recieve a major boost from barring them in M1 grids..

Copies: 1-2
Terra Strike
Massive earth DMG to a foe / Delay effect
Additional effect at 4★:
Ridge’s Pact
Supplement earth allies’ DMG
Gauntlet Voltage II
Boost to ATK based on how many melee weapons are equipped.
Ridge’s Quintessence
Boost to earth allies’ DMG cap
  • Uriel’s unlock weapon.
  • 50k unconditional supplemental damage to all hits makes this an easy slot to all grids.
  • Cap up from FLB is not important at this stage due to the difficulty of hitting cap in M1.
Copies: 1-3
Source: FLASH
Earth’s Furor
Unworldly Earth damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,550,000). (MC can’t attack next turn.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Bonus Earth DMG (1 time).
Amber Resonator
When 3 or more of the same weapon are equipped: Boost to Earth allies’ ATK, DEF, and DMG cap.
Earth’s Majesty
Small boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Galleon’s unlock weapon.
  • Boosts EX attack, defense, and damage cap when four or more of the same weapon types are equipped.
  • Is an amazing weapon for your EX slot if you have it since you will have 3 Yggdrasil blades slotted already.
  • Don’t worry about barring it. At 0* it is still a great slot.

Omega 2

Moving into mid game, many new weapons become available resulting in many grid changes. At this stage, the concept of a general grid becomes dead with many specialized grids taking their place.

For Earth there are two main grids at this stage. The first is the standard M2 grid which is a critical setup similar to Wind. The second type are Caim grids which require revolve around a specific farmable evoker named Caim. Caim grids are stronger but take more investment to get standard due to requiring Arcarum.

New Weapons

List of the notable new weapons during these ranks.

Copies: 1
Massive Earth damage to a foe. (All allies gain DEF Up.)
Lifetree’s Stamina
Medium boost to earth allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
Lifetree’s Verity II
Big boost to earth allies’ critical hit rate
  • Medium stamina and Big crit.
  • Excellent for M2 Omega grids due raw strength of crit damage.
  • Caim grids will sometimes use 1 for the stamina mod.
    • Crit component is generally ignored since there is no way to hit 100% crit in Yggy Caim.
Copies: 1
Scattering Foliage
Massive Earth damage to a foe. / All allies gain Armored (20%, 2.5T).
Additional effect at 4★:
Buff increased to Armored (30%, 2.5T).
Lifetree’s Might
Medium boost to earth allies’ ATK
Lifetree’s Restraint
Small boost to earth allies’ double attack rate and critical hit rate
  • Rounds out the crit for two axes in double Yggy setups.
  • Counters DA loss from Medusa harp.
Copies: 1-3 ATK
Source: BENNU
Massive earth DMG to a foe (Slight chance to remove 1 buff.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to 100% chance to remove 1 buff.
Ridge’s Persistence
Supplement earth allies’ DMG based on how high their HP is
Amber Arts
Boost to earth allies’ skill DMG cap
  • The best source of supplemental damage for earth currently.
  • 30k supp at full HP.
  • Additionally provides 15% skill cap.
Copies: 1 ATK, 1 HP
Source: BENNU
Massive Earth damage to a foe. (All allies gain DA Up and TA Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to DA Up and TA Up. (All allies also gain Bonus Earth DMG.)
Ridge’s Fortitude
Supplement earth allies’ DMG based on how low HP is
Ridge’s Surge
Boost to earth allies’ multiattack rate based on how low their HP is
  • 10-60k enmity supplemental and up to 25% enmity MA.
  • Used namely as a mainhand for Diaspora manadiver strats.
  • 10% echo and 35/35 DATA on ougi.
Copies: 1-3
Canyon Cannon
400% Earth damage to a foe. (Gain Charge Boost.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Damage increased to 450%. (All allies also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (Stackable) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable).)
Landslide’s Mystery
Massive boost to earth allies’ C.A. DMG
Gold Covenant
#Gold Covenant|Supplement Earth allies’ C.A. DMG.
  • Earth’s ougi supplemental weapon.
  • Adds 400k supp to ougis.
  • Pretty much always used for any ougi setups
Copies: 1
Source: SHOP
Lifetree’s Majesty III
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation
A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel
A symbol of evolution’s holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
  • Big magna ATK and HPcap up of choice at FLB, and third skill of many powerful options at ULB.
  • At FLB it is a solid slot for the free cap of choice, but due to the large quartz cost it should be lower priority until the rest of your grid is done.
  • Once ULB it will be a must slot in every grid.
  • Skill 2 is almost always skill cap.
  • Skill 3 will typically be Stamina to start.
  • For bursting it will normally be Freyr or Echo key.
  • For ougi setups it will be Glory key.
Copies: 1
Uriel Bomber
Massive Earth damage to a foe.
All allies gain Earth ATK Boosted (20%, 3.5t) and Water DMG Lowered (20%, 3.5t).
Uriel’s Blessing III
Amplify Earth allies’ damage against Water foes by 23%.
Earth’s Majesty
Small boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
  • 20-23% seraphic mod that boosts all Earth damage by when fighting on element.
  • Core to on element raids.
  • Upgrade from SSR can be delayed while upgrading other grid pieces, but with 3% additional seraphic mod and the weapon almost never leaving your grid it’s important to upgrade it.

Example Grids

Full Auto

Without Caim, Full Auto setups lean on Earth’s double sided crit setup of Nibelung Horns and an Autumn’s Transformation. The raw damage from it will allow for pretty consistent damage through fight though it will drop at lower HP. Ancient Perseus serves as a good HP slot in additional to the high attack it provides. Ished are also great options for their supplmental damage as well as skill cap. They can be dropped out for HP options for harder fights.

Caim drops Crit and instead focuses on slotting strong Omega mods. You can also fit in some skill cap up options like Ished or Daggerpeak,

Yggdrasil’s Bough
Nibelung Horn
Nibelung Horn
Autumn’s Transformation
Ancient Perseus
Dagger of Bahamut Coda
Harp of Renunciation
Gauntlet of Proudearth
Yggdrasil’s Bough
Nibelung Horn
Nibelung Klinge
Ancient Perseus
Zircon Edge
Dagger of Bahamut Coda
Harp of Renunciation
Gauntlet of Proudearth

CA Burst

For Charge Attack focused burst setups, your primary purpose will be to increase the output of your charge attacks. Galleon’s Jaw is your main weapon for this thanks to its 400k CA supp per copy. This caps at 1m CA supp so three copies is the most you’ll need but even 1 or 2 is a great boost. After that, focus on raw damage to make sure you hit the CA cap.

The last part to this will depend on characters. If you have CA characters that also deal skill damage on CA or end of turn, you will want to also focus on skill damage too. Your main conteders for this are Ished or Daggerpeak. You can use multiple copies of them as long as you don’t sacrifice your CA damage. Likewise with 1-2 skill damage characters, you will want skill cap on your Opus. Otherwise, replace these slots for more raw damage or general cap up like Baihu Claw Malus and use CA cap on your Opus.

Galleon’s Jaw
Galleon’s Jaw
Ancient Perseus
Galleon’s Jaw
Ancient Perseus
Axe of Bahamut Coda
Harp of Renunciation
Gauntlet of Uriel (SSR)

Lucha Burst

For a normal attack burst, you’ll want to aim towards increasing your raw damage as much as possible. Before getting a ULB Opus, it is hard to reach normal cap so prioritizing raw damage is very important.

Without Caim, this is best done by stacking Nibelung Horns to reach or get close to 100% crit. The extra slots can lean more towards supp weapons like Ished for setups without Assassin skills or for more raw damage and a Baihu Claw with Assassin. Assassin skills favor having a higher raw cap than supplmental damage.

Reaching cap is easier with Caim grids thanks to the 20% perp ATK from Caim. Grid wise you generally want to have as high of a raw attack as you can by leaning on a strong mix of Omega, Normal, and EX mods.

Gauntlet of Uriel (SSR)
Nibelung Horn
Nibelung Horn
Nibelung Horn
Nibelung Horn
Ancient Perseus
Axe of Bahamut Coda
Harp of Renunciation
Gauntlet of Uriel (SSR)
Nibelung Horn
Ancient Perseus
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega
Yggdrasil’s Bough
True Judgement Lyre
Baihu Claw Malus
Axe of Bahamut Coda
Harp of Renunciation

Omega 3 to Late Game

Omega 3 introduces a lot of new strong weapons that provides a much needed boost to farmable setups. Additionally, this will go through the weapons introduced at Rank 200 which is the highest level requirement in the game presently.

New Weapons

List of the notable new weapons during these ranks.

Copies: 3-5
Flores Lacerans
Massive earth DMG to a foe / Bonus earth DMG / Hit to multiattack rate
Additional effect at 4★:
Omega Exalto Terrae
20% boost to Lifetree’s weapon skills
Lifetree's Might III
Big boost to earth allies' ATK
Life's Vivification
Boost to ATK and DMG cap based on how many weapons with Lifetree's weapon skills are equipped
  • Core weapon for M3.
  • 20% boost to Omega weapon skills and 2% EX and 1% cap up per weapon with an Omega skill slotted.
  • Very easy to reach 20% cap up with them.
  • 3-4 copies will cover general uise. 5 is for usage with Super Lucilius keys.
Copies: 2
Impetus Hederae
Massive earth DMG to a foe / Bonus earth DMG / Strength effect to all allies
Additional effect at 4★:
Lifetree's Glory III
Big boost to earth allies' C.A. specs and chain burst specs
Lifetree's Restraint
Small boost to earth allies' double attack rate and critical hit rate
  • Big glory makes it a great slot for CA teams with 1-2 typically being slotted.
  • Offers more flexibility with Opus 3rd key for CA teams.
  • Small crit and DA is ignorable.
Copies: 2
Lux Patens
Massive earth DMG to a foe / Bonus earth DMG / Boost to all allies’ DEF (Stackable)
Additional effect at 4★:
Lifetree's Garrison II
Medium boost to earth allies' DEF based on how low HP is
Lifetree's Sapience II
Medium boost to earth allies' triple attack rate and healing cap
  • Hard Content focused weapo with Medium Garrison, Medium TA, and Medium healing cap.
  • TA boost is great for more consistent FA damage as well as making TA omens in HL content easier to cancel.
  • Healing cap and Garrison offers a lot of survivability.
Copies: 1 ATK MKI, 3-4 ATK MKII, 1-2 SPC MKII, 0-1 DEF MKI
Raserei Faenge
Massive earth DMG to a foe (All allies gain 15% Cut until end of turn.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Buff effect increased to 35% Cut.
Lifetree’s Insignia III
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK / Take <span class="tooltip" >5% damage<span class="tooltiptext" style="">Based on max HP.</span></span> every turn.
Earth’s Majesty
Small boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Mix of Omega and Optimus mods with awakenings makes it one of the raw damage slots available for Earth.
  • Pairs great with the 150 GM weapon Hrunting due to activating its second skill for the whole team for free bonus damage every turn.
  • 3-4 ATK sees use in Nekomancer setups and OTK.
  • Caim Grids can run one MKI and one MKII as they count as different weapons and they are ideal weapons to run together.
  • 1-2 SPC is good for burst setups for the cap up.
Copies: 1-2 ATK MKII, 1 DEF
Qual Faenge
Massive earth DMG to a foe / Big boost to earth allies’ DEF
Additional effect at 4★:
Amber Enforcement
Boost to Earth allies’ ATK and DEF (Activates when either Earth Omega or Earth Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above)
Striking Art: Earth
Boost to Earth allies’ skill DMG cap and normal attack DMG cap
  • Provides 5% normal cap and skill cap.
  • Limited use due to Fangs having more mod and World weapons providing more cap and amp.
  • DEF awakening is a solid HP source without the need to worry about DoT like with the Fangs.
    • Main downside is the lack of any ATK mods without 280% aura.

Example Grids


When it comes to burst, while both Caim and Non Caim grids can see use, typically Non Caim grids are more common. That said there are still cases you may find where Caim is better.

First up will be an example using Rising Force, Lumberjack, or any other Harp class. This setup uses the Falsehood opus CA to grant teamwide double strike to party. Before Rank 200, your primary grid piece will be Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos. After that, there is a fair amount of flex available. The Basic example below is double Yggy so we can run Nibelung Horn for 100% crit for more raw damage. And then we have Ished for supplmental damage and Gateway-Star Sword for the strong ATK mods and multi attack.

Moving into Rank 200 and the Advanced grid, we can gain access to the strongest mod slot available to Earth. Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk IIs can be heavily stacked and will outdo everything else in terms of raw damage. Taken to the extreme, the Premium grid stacks up to five as adding Pillardrivers serves the double duty of cap up and supp eliminating the need for Arbos swords.

Harp of Renunciation
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Nibelung Horn
Nibelung Horn
Gateway-Star Sword
Gauntlet of Proudearth
Harp of Renunciation
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Gateway-Star Sword
Ultima Blade
Harp of Renunciation
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Gateway-Star Sword
Ultima Blade

Now for another burst setup. Here we have Earth’s Nekomancer setup. This uses either Pholia (Yukata) or Shiva for their one hit team wide assassin. Since you want to maximize the assassin output, you will want high raw damage. Thus stacking a ton of ATK Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II’s will result in the highest damage output.

Landslide Scepter
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Worldvexing Angelos
Altruism-Soul Staff
Harp of Renunciation
Ultima Staff

As for Earth’s 150 GM weapon Hrunting, Omega grids can also make great usage of it. Similar to Lucha, you will want to stack lots of Fangs. The two main flex slot here is the Landslide Sceptor. Depending on character composition, this could be a World weapon instead, typically Worldscathing Leon to match the Katana proof of Glorybringer and Narmaya (Holiday).

Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Gateway-Star Sword
Solomon’s Axe Militis
Harp of Renunciation
Ultima Blade
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Landslide Scepter
Gateway-Star Sword
Harp of Renunciation
Ultima Sword

Full Auto

First up is an example of a Monk setup. Monk is a great option for Earth for FA thanks to the high amounts of skill damage and ability to work with the Chain of Falsehood. Here you want to focus on getting skill damage up which is why we run a Worldbreaking Tauros and two Claw of the Dragonslayers: one MKI and one MKII. For FA, slotting in Yggdrasil Dewdrop Harp Arbos is a good idea for the garrison as well as the boostable TA making more consisent damage output.

This will still use a Caim grid. The big reason for this is the passive defense is too strong to give up for any extended FA.

Kanabo (Earth)
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Dewdrop Harp Arbos
Gateway-Star Sword
Claw of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Claw of the Dragonslayer
Worldbreaking Tauros
Harp of Renunciation
Ultima Claw

If we want to use the 150 GM weapon Hrunting we would instead shift to a focus on Normal Attack damage. Like before we would still run of each new M3 weapon. But now we would want to run some more supplemental focused weapons like Ished and Pillardriver as well as normal amp and cap up like Worldvexing Angelos. Also very very important to any Hrunting setup, you will want one Fang of the Dragonslayer as the passive HP loss triggers the free bonus damage passive from Hrunting for free partywide echoes.

Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Dewdrop Harp Arbos
Gateway-Star Sword
Worldvexing Angelos
Fang of the Dragonslayer
Harp of Renunciation
Ultima Claw

Hard Content

Last up wll be one Hard Content example for Hexachromatic Hierarch. Here we make use of each of the new weapons. Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos serve as our best mod source and cap up source and the best thing to stack up for the gacha weapon Landslide Scepter’s requirement for three of the same weapon. Yggdrasil Dewdrop Harp Arbos is good for additional survivability and for the TA to help with the TA omens. Tribunal Lyre Militis is a good way to get some additional HP and Defense in before you get the Draconic Upgrade. After that it will be replaced by it. Claw of the Dragonslayer Mk II is also slotted for some additional cap break. If you are worried about HP, you can replace it with a Nibelung Klinge or a DEF Claw of the Dragonslayer instead. However Earth is generally pretty hard to kill in HL content.

Godsworn Edge
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Bark Bracer Arbos
Yggdrasil Dewdrop Harp Arbos
Landslide Scepter
Claw of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Gateway-Star Sword
Harp of Renunciation
Ultima Blade
Binds of The Hanged Man
Tribunal Lyre Militis


These are the notable weapons for Yggdrasil setups. They are categorized by what they are used for to make replacing easier to understand.

Universal Grid Pieces

List of the grid pieces that exist in almost every grid.

Use Areas:
Golden Dawn
450% (Massive) Earth damage to a foe.
Caim’s third skill resets to Blank Face.
End cooldown for Blank Face.
Golden Twilight
500% (Massive) Earth damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
Caim’s third skill resets to Blank Face.
End cooldown for Blank Face.Randomly raise one of Spade (Multiplier: Perpetuity), Heart, Diamond, or Club rank by 1 for all Earth allies.
Double Deal
All Earth allies gain Double Deal (1 times).
(Can’t recast.)
Beginning of Joker / End of Joker
Beginning of Joker: Copy an ally’s skill.
(Skill changes to End of Joker upon casting.)
End of Joker: All Earth allies gain ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), DEF Up (30%, 3T), TA Up (20%, 3T), Revitalize (500 HP or 10% charge bar, 3T), Shield (2000, 3T), DMG Cap Boosted (10%, 3T), Uplift (15%, 3T), Hype (1-4 stacks, 3T), and Veil.
(Skill changes to Beginning of Joker upon casting.)
Blank Face
Skill effect changes based on the type of skill that is first used by a main ally.
Secret Hands
Skill effect changes based on the card selected.
(Can only be used after The Fool Upright activates.)
Spade Trick
Attack without using up a turn.
Raise caster’s Spade (Multiplier: Perpetuity) Rank by 1 (Max: 4).
Heart Trick
Restore 20% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2000).
Raise caster’s Heart Rank by 1 (Max: 4).
Diamond Trick
All allies gain Charge Boost (15%).
Raise caster’s Diamond Rank by 1 (Max: 4).
Club Trick
Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%), ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s), and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) on all foes.
Raise caster’s Club Rank by 1 (Max: 4).
Wild Card
Subject to all specialty weapon-, style-, and race (Officially called “type” in-game)-related Weapon Skills|weapon skills.
The Hanged Man’s Charity
When an Earth ally has 12 or more buffs at end of turn:Remove 1 debuff from that ally.
  • Earth’s 11th weapon slot and near pernament backliner.
  • One of the most powerful backline passives providing 20% boost to Earth allies’ ATK, 50% boost to DEF, and 10% boost to damage cap when all weapons are different.
  • While the highlander requirement can be restrictive, the grids are fairly flexible and outperform M2 grids.
Copies: 1
Source: SHOP
Lifetree’s Majesty III
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation
A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel
A symbol of evolution’s holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
  • Big magna ATK and HPcap up of choice at FLB, and third skill of many powerful options at ULB.
  • At FLB it is a solid slot for the free cap of choice, but due to the large quartz cost it should be lower priority until the rest of your grid is done.
  • Once ULB it will be a must slot in every grid.
  • Skill 2 is almost always skill cap.
  • Skill 3 will typically be Stamina to start.
  • For bursting it will normally be Freyr or Echo key.
  • For ougi setups it will be Glory key.
Copies: 1
Uriel Bomber
Massive Earth damage to a foe.
All allies gain Earth ATK Boosted (20%, 3.5t) and Water DMG Lowered (20%, 3.5t).
Uriel’s Blessing III
Amplify Earth allies’ damage against Water foes by 23%.
Earth’s Majesty
Small boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
  • 20-23% seraphic mod that boosts all Earth damage by when fighting on element.
  • Core to on element raids.
  • Upgrade from SSR can be delayed while upgrading other grid pieces, but with 3% additional seraphic mod and the weapon almost never leaving your grid it’s important to upgrade it.

Damage Mods

Weapons used for as a source of raw damage.

Copies: 1 ATK MKI, 3-4 ATK MKII, 1-2 SPC MKII, 0-1 DEF MKI
Raserei Faenge
Massive earth DMG to a foe (All allies gain 15% Cut until end of turn.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Buff effect increased to 35% Cut.
Lifetree’s Insignia III
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK / Take <span class="tooltip" >5% damage<span class="tooltiptext" style="">Based on max HP.</span></span> every turn.
Earth’s Majesty
Small boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Mix of Omega and Optimus mods with awakenings makes it one of the raw damage slots available for Earth.
  • Pairs great with the 150 GM weapon Hrunting due to activating its second skill for the whole team for free bonus damage every turn.
  • 3-4 ATK sees use in Nekomancer setups and OTK.
  • Caim Grids can run one MKI and one MKII as they count as different weapons and they are ideal weapons to run together.
  • 1-2 SPC is good for burst setups for the cap up.
Copies: 3-5
Flores Lacerans
Massive earth DMG to a foe / Bonus earth DMG / Hit to multiattack rate
Additional effect at 4★:
Omega Exalto Terrae
20% boost to Lifetree’s weapon skills
Lifetree's Might III
Big boost to earth allies' ATK
Life's Vivification
Boost to ATK and DMG cap based on how many weapons with Lifetree's weapon skills are equipped
  • Core weapon for M3.
  • 20% boost to Omega weapon skills and 2% EX and 1% cap up per weapon with an Omega skill slotted.
  • Very easy to reach 20% cap up with them.
  • 3-4 copies will cover general uise. 5 is for usage with Super Lucilius keys.
Copies: 2
Massive earth DMG to a foe (Gain ATK Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Lifetree’s Majesty
Small boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
Lifetree’s Haunt
Medium boost to earth allies’ ATK / 10% hit to double attack rate
  • Medium ATK and small Majesty makes this a strong ATK mod and hp slot for all setups.
Copies: 1
Massive Earth damage to a foe. (All allies gain DEF Up.)
Lifetree’s Stamina
Medium boost to earth allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
Lifetree’s Verity II
Big boost to earth allies’ critical hit rate
  • Medium stamina and Big crit.
  • Excellent for M2 Omega grids due raw strength of crit damage.
  • Caim grids will sometimes use 1 for the stamina mod.
    • Crit component is generally ignored since there is no way to hit 100% crit in Yggy Caim.
Copies: 1
Scattering Foliage
Massive Earth damage to a foe. / All allies gain Armored (20%, 2.5T).
Additional effect at 4★:
Buff increased to Armored (30%, 2.5T).
Lifetree’s Might
Medium boost to earth allies’ ATK
Lifetree’s Restraint
Small boost to earth allies’ double attack rate and critical hit rate
  • Rounds out the crit for two axes in double Yggy setups.
  • Counters DA loss from Medusa harp.
Copies: 1
Zircon Stab
Massive earth DMG to a foe (Inflict Water ATK Lowered.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Lifetree’s Might II
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK
Lifetree’s Progression II
Medium boost to earth allies’ earth ATK based on number of turns passed
  • Progression makes this a good slot for longer battles and FA.
Copies: 1
Nether Veil
Big earth DMG to a foe (Bonus Fire damage.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Earth damage upgraded to massive.
Lifetree’s Might II
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK
  • Large source of magna mod.
  • Solid sword option for Viking setups.

General Cap

Weapons that break cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 3-5
Flores Lacerans
Massive earth DMG to a foe / Bonus earth DMG / Hit to multiattack rate
Additional effect at 4★:
Omega Exalto Terrae
20% boost to Lifetree’s weapon skills
Lifetree's Might III
Big boost to earth allies' ATK
Life's Vivification
Boost to ATK and DMG cap based on how many weapons with Lifetree's weapon skills are equipped
  • Core weapon for M3.
  • 20% boost to Omega weapon skills and 2% EX and 1% cap up per weapon with an Omega skill slotted.
  • Very easy to reach 20% cap up with them.
  • 3-4 copies will cover general uise. 5 is for usage with Super Lucilius keys.
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Western Guardian Charge
Massive earth DMG to a foe (Gain Mirror Image.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Buff increased to Mirror Image.
Terra’s Might
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK
Essence of the West
Boost to Earth allies’ damage cap.
  • Big II Normal mod and 10% cap up.
  • Easiest source of cap up to obtain and the largest single source of it.
Copies: 1
Callous Fist
Massive earth DMG to a foe (300% Bonus Earth damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~400,000).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Bonus Earth damage cap increased to ~700,000.
Magician-Tower’s Calamity
When main weapon: Massive boost to Earth allies’ ATK (Modifier: EX).
MC deals 300% Earth damage to all foes every 3 turns (Damage cap: ~400,000).
Sephira Maxi-Earth
20% boost to Earth allies’ DMG Cap in Arcarum.
Earth’s Majesty
Small boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Needs FLB to be useful.
  • At FLB:
    • A strong grid slot thanks to its mix of normal majesty and massive EX.
    • Generally limited in usage outside of Extra grids.
  • At ULB:
    • An all around great slot thanks to both its mix of mads and the additional 5% cap up.
    • Good option for many normal grids.
  • Unique skill is adds a bit of extra damage every three turns but a major gamechanger.
  • Central component to Caim Axe grids.
Copies: 1
Inverted Spine
Massive earth DMG to a foe ((240% boost to C.A. damage and 120% boost to C.A. damage cap when MC has 12 or more buffs [Damage cap: ~3,700,000].))
Additional effect at 4★:
Fool-Hanged Man’s Perseverance
When main weapon: Massive boost to Earth allies’ ATK (Modifier: EX). Restore 12% HP to Earth allies with 12 or more buffs at end of turn (Healing cap: 1200).
Sephira Maxi-Earth
20% boost to Earth allies’ DMG Cap in Arcarum.
Earth’s Majesty
Small boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Needs FLB to be useful.
  • At FLB:
    • A strong grid slot thanks to its mix of normal majesty and massive EX.
    • Generally limited in usage outside of Extra grids.
  • At ULB:
    • An all around great slot thanks to both its mix of mads and the additional 5% cap up.
    • Good option for many normal grids.
  • Passive heals 1.2k hp to allies that have at least 12 buffs which makes it helpful for hard content.
Copies: 1-3 ATK
Source: BENNU
Massive earth DMG to a foe (Slight chance to remove 1 buff.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to 100% chance to remove 1 buff.
Ridge’s Persistence
Supplement earth allies’ DMG based on how high their HP is
Amber Arts
Boost to earth allies’ skill DMG cap
  • The best source of supplemental damage for earth currently.
  • 30k supp at full HP.
  • Additionally provides 15% skill cap.
Copies: 1 ATK, 1 HP
Source: BENNU
Massive Earth damage to a foe. (All allies gain DA Up and TA Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to DA Up and TA Up. (All allies also gain Bonus Earth DMG.)
Ridge’s Fortitude
Supplement earth allies’ DMG based on how low HP is
Ridge’s Surge
Boost to earth allies’ multiattack rate based on how low their HP is
  • 10-60k enmity supplemental and up to 25% enmity MA.
  • Used namely as a mainhand for Diaspora manadiver strats.
  • 10% echo and 35/35 DATA on ougi.

CA Cap

Weapons that break Charge Attack cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 1-3
Canyon Cannon
400% Earth damage to a foe. (Gain Charge Boost.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Damage increased to 450%. (All allies also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (Stackable) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable).)
Landslide’s Mystery
Massive boost to earth allies’ C.A. DMG
Gold Covenant
#Gold Covenant|Supplement Earth allies’ C.A. DMG.
  • Earth’s ougi supplemental weapon.
  • Adds 400k supp to ougis.
  • Pretty much always used for any ougi setups
Copies: 2
Impetus Hederae
Massive earth DMG to a foe / Bonus earth DMG / Strength effect to all allies
Additional effect at 4★:
Lifetree's Glory III
Big boost to earth allies' C.A. specs and chain burst specs
Lifetree's Restraint
Small boost to earth allies' double attack rate and critical hit rate
  • Big glory makes it a great slot for CA teams with 1-2 typically being slotted.
  • Offers more flexibility with Opus 3rd key for CA teams.
  • Small crit and DA is ignorable.

Skill Cap

Weapons that break skill cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 1-2 ATK MKII, 1 DEF
Qual Faenge
Massive earth DMG to a foe / Big boost to earth allies’ DEF
Additional effect at 4★:
Amber Enforcement
Boost to Earth allies’ ATK and DEF (Activates when either Earth Omega or Earth Optimus weapon skills have a boost of 280% or above)
Striking Art: Earth
Boost to Earth allies’ skill DMG cap and normal attack DMG cap
  • Provides 5% normal cap and skill cap.
  • Limited use due to Fangs having more mod and World weapons providing more cap and amp.
  • DEF awakening is a solid HP source without the need to worry about DoT like with the Fangs.
    • Main downside is the lack of any ATK mods without 280% aura.
Copies: 1
Source: SHOP
Axis Garden
Massive earth DMG to a foe (All allies gain Shield.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Strength.
Evergreen Sovereign
Unworldly boost to Earth allies’ ATK.
Astral Arts
When main weapon: Boost to Earth allies’ skill damage cap based on their number of buffs.
  • The biggest source of EX mod. Astral can be the only source of grid EX if slotted.
  • 50% additional skill cap with 5 buffs.
  • Slowly being phased out thanks to various other weapons also providing EX as well as Ultima ULB.
Copies: 2
Skean Ascent
500% Earth damage to a foe (5-hit, 60% Bonus Earth damage (Damage cap: ~120,000 per hit).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflict Earth DEF Lowered.
Armed Grounds
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK
Amber Arts
Boost to earth allies’ skill DMG cap
  • Provides a large 15% skill damage.
  • Good for skill damage teams.
  • 5-hit nuke and 15% earth defense down on CA makes it a great mainhand for ougi otk.
  • Will receive ULB and awakenings in the future to make it a pretty solid slot.


Weapons that provide HP. Generally HP is provided by spoon or settes, but these are other options if lacking either.

Copies: 2
Lux Patens
Massive earth DMG to a foe / Bonus earth DMG / Boost to all allies’ DEF (Stackable)
Additional effect at 4★:
Lifetree's Garrison II
Medium boost to earth allies' DEF based on how low HP is
Lifetree's Sapience II
Medium boost to earth allies' triple attack rate and healing cap
  • Hard Content focused weapo with Medium Garrison, Medium TA, and Medium healing cap.
  • TA boost is great for more consistent FA damage as well as making TA omens in HL content easier to cancel.
  • Healing cap and Garrison offers a lot of survivability.
Copies: 1
Massive Earth damage to a foe. (All allies gain DEF Up.)
Lifetree’s Might II
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK
Lifetree’s Truce
Small boost to earth allies’ max HP / Slight chance to dodge and counter (Small DMG)
  • Very good HP weapon thanks to having an big attack mod as well.
  • Worse overall than an Ancient Perseus but pairs great with it for Caim grids.
Copies: 0-1
Nether Veil
Big earth DMG to a foe (Bonus Fire damage.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Earth damage upgraded to massive.
Lifetree’s Might
Medium boost to earth allies’ ATK
Lifetree’s Aegis
Small boost to earth allies’ max HP
  • Another HP source.
  • Weaker but still finds use in hard content Caim grids.
Copies: 1
Source: SHOP
Hurtling Boulder
Massive earth DMG to a foe (All allies gain DA Up and TA Up.)
Additional effect at 5★:
All allies also gain Bonus Earth DMG.
Galleon’s Landslide
<span class="tooltip" >Boost to Earth allies’ ATK<span class="tooltiptext" style="">0.1% per turn per skill level (Max: 25%)’"`UNIQ–ref-00000003-QINU`"’<span class="hr"></span>”’Modifier:”’ EX</span></span> based on number of turns passed.
Four Orbs’ Judgment
Emblem of the four orbs bent on destroying the singular pigment. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
Six Dragons’ Radiance
Emblem of the six colors in which the world is rendered. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
  • Alternative opus that trades the more offenseive skills of opus for defensive ones in particular the 30% water damage reduction or 20% DEF.
  • Can’t be slotted with Opus which greatly kills it’s general usage but can still be useful for Revan tier raids or NM200 FAs.
  • Very strong ougi providing teamwide 20/20 DATA and 15% echoes.
Copies: 1
Hurtling Crag ++
Massive earth DMG to a foe (All allies gain DA Up, TA Up, Bonus Earth DMG, and Supplemental DMG.)
Galleon’s Landslide
<span class="tooltip" >Boost to Earth allies’ ATK<span class="tooltiptext" style="">0.1% per turn per skill level (Max: 25%)’"`UNIQ–ref-00000003-QINU`"’<span class="hr"></span>”’Modifier:”’ EX</span></span> based on number of turns passed.
Six Pillars’ Judgment
Emblem of the six orbs bent on destroying the singular pigment. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
Six Dragons’ Radiance
Emblem of the six colors in which the world is rendered. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
  • Upgraded version of the Draconic Bow offering all the benefits of it while also allowing it to be slotted with opus and in extra slots.
  • Offers new skill 2 keys most notably one that provides 10% seraphic mod against null foes.


Weapons that are strong as mainhands.

Copies: 1
Atas Ma’dani
Massive earth DMG to a foe (Remove 1 debuff from all allies.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflict Accuracy Lowered 1.
Adjudicator’s Supremacy
Massive boost to earth allies’ ATK
Empyrean Adjudicator’s Sanctity
When main weapon (MC only): 20% Bonus Earth DMG effect when not debuffed.
  • Powerful ATK awakening making it an excellent mainhand.
  • Excellent OTK weapon and Iatromantis MH.
Copies: 1
Sefrou Dakhma
450% Earth damage to a foe. (Restore 10% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 700).)
Additional effect at 5★:
Damage increased to 550%. (Healing cap increased to 2000.)
Adjudicator’s Supremacy
Massive boost to earth allies’ ATK
Adjudicator’s Doctrine
When main weapon (MC only): 55% boost to double attack rate and 30% boost to triple attack rate while Superstar|High Voltage is in effect.
  • Very big heals if required.
  • Decent EX option. Not used after gettting stronger options.
Copies: 1
450% Earth damage to a foe. (Gain Earth ATK Up.)
Additional effect at 5★:
Damage increased to 550%.
Buff increased to Earth ATK Up and now affects all allies.
Adjudicator’s Supremacy
Massive boost to earth allies’ ATK
Adjudicator’s Revelation
When main weapon (MC only): Gain Adjudicator’s Revelation (Stackable) upon taking damage.
  • Used to be a core weapon to off element hard content teams thanks to the water switch on ougi.
  • Generally replaced now due to Sandalphon’s elemental fritction and the strength of Kengo comps.


Gacha weapons that can also be used in Magna.

Copies: 1-2
Terra Strike
Massive earth DMG to a foe / Delay effect
Additional effect at 4★:
Ridge’s Pact
Supplement earth allies’ DMG
Gauntlet Voltage II
Boost to ATK based on how many melee weapons are equipped.
Ridge’s Quintessence
Boost to earth allies’ DMG cap
  • 50k (100lk max) unconditional supp, Axe Voltage II, and 7% cap.
  • FLB is highly important due to the cap up being locked to it.
Copies: 1 or 0
Source: FLASH
Earth’s Furor
Unworldly Earth damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,550,000). (MC can’t attack next turn.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Bonus Earth DMG (1 time).
Amber Resonator
When 3 or more of the same weapon are equipped: Boost to Earth allies’ ATK, DEF, and DMG cap.
Earth’s Majesty
Small boost to earth allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Boosts EX attack, defense, and damage cap when three or more of the same weapon are equipped.
  • Extremely potent weapon slot but can only be used in M2 Crit grids due to conflicting with Caim’s all unique weapons requirement.
    • Required three staves to outdo Caim grids.
  • Lower bar priority due to the FLB only adding Majesty and Caim being better for magna.

Gold Moon

Weapons that cost Gold Moons to acquire.

Copies: 1
Here at Last
Unworldly Earth damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,550,000). (All Earth allies gain Blood Sacrifice.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All Earth allies also gain DMG Mitigation.
Savage Mythology
When main weapon (MC only): Savage Mythology to MC at battle start.
Abandoned Role
When main weapon:
Reduce turn-based damage taken by earth allies by 50%.
Gain Bonus Earth DMG (1 time) (30%, 1T) upon taking turn-based damage.
Terra’s Enmity
Big boost to earth allies’ ATK based on how low HP is
  • Excellent weapon for Earth HL content, FA, and burst.
  • Perm double strike, 30% attack, and 250% defense up for MC.
  • Pairs amazingly with Sieg dagger to give party 30% echo every turn.
  • 1 turn assassin with glorybringer turns MC into a powerhouse for burst.