Wind Characters

This is a brief overview of notable wind characters. This does not include every usable wind character.

Wind Pages












Here is a quick overview of characters that are useful for Burst setups.



Characters who’s primary purpose on teams is to deal lots of damage.

Butterfly Effect: Dragonsbane
1250% (Unworldly) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
2-turn cut to Narmaya’s skill cooldowns.
Gain Double Strike (1.5T).
Effervescent Hibiscus
Gain Butterfly Effect (100%, 4T) and Piercing Sight (4T).
Isolated Idling
Gain Substituted (All-Ally) (1T), Counters on Dodge/DMG (250%, 5 times, 5T), and Repel (50%, 5 times, 5T).
Dance of Pink Petals
Gain Falling Mist (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T), Critical Up (20%, 3T), and Keen (5% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3T).
No Matter What It Takes
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks, amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 20%, guaranteed triple attacks, and buffs can’t be removed.
Draped in Butterflies
For Wind allies’ critical hits: 3% boost to damage cap and 10% Bonus Wind DMG effect.
  • Wind’s premier attacker. Used in every team except skill damage setups.
  • Works best with support units to amplify her high damage even further.
  • Lacks any good alternative to her high damage output.
Use Areas: Galleon, NM150
Edge of Depravity
Edge Stream
Abyssal Surge
  • Her passive which grants GTA, 50% bonus damage, 2 hit flurry on her second hit of a normal attack, and 3 hit flurry on her third hit of a normal attack when the enemy is at 50% or less HP or her skill 1 is up.
  • Her skill 1 Edge of Depravity also inflicts a variant of Terror on the enemy preventing special attacks for 2 turns.
  • Unique enmity to party based on how low her HP is.
    • This is basically free with how much Wind leans into enmity already
  • Additional damage can be output form her skill 3 Abyssal Surge which provides three turns of Jammed, 100/20 crit, Keen, 30% damage amp, and a two turns of double strike.
Bloody Festival
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
2-turn cut to Crimson Order’s cooldown.
Reaping Wings
800% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~820,000).
Remove 1 buff.
Inflict Delay (Drain) (Accuracy: 200%). If successful, gain ATK Sharply Boosted (50%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
Crimson Order
Fill 3 charge diamonds on a foe.
All Wind allies gain Drain (Healing cap: 1000, 5T), Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 5T), Bonus Wind DMG (20%, 5T), Triple Attack Rate Boosted (50%, 5T), and DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T).
Queen’s Decree
Gotta love me!
(Inflict Bloodkinning (Accuracy: Guaranteed, 1T), Double Attack Rate Lowered 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), Triple Attack Rate Lowered 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), and Accuracy Lowered 6 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.)
Queen’s Charge III
When a Wind ally drains a foe’s charge diamond with Delay (Drain):
Vania gains 1 Regal Drop (Max: 3).
Gain these effects in order based on number of Regal Drop:
Guaranteed triple attacks,
20% Bonus Wind DMG effect,
amplify (Multiplier: Seraphic) normal attack damage by 20%.
Pure Royal
Buffs can’t be removed.
Activate Reaping Wings at end of turn if Vania drained a foe’s HP.
  • All around amazing damage dealer and buffer for burst setups, FA, and NM200.
  • Crimson Order Fill 3 charge diamonds on a foe.
    All Wind allies gain Drain (Healing cap: 1000, 5T), Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 5T), Bonus Wind DMG (20%, 5T), Triple Attack Rate Boosted (50%, 5T), and DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T).
    offers a massive 5 turns of of 20% echoes, 15% cap up, 50% TA, and 100% debuff resistance.
  • Also has a drain that interacts with her passive to activate the delay and assassin on her skill 1 Reaping Wings 800% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~820,000).
    Remove 1 buff.
    Inflict Delay (Drain) (Accuracy: 200%). If successful, gain ATK Sharply Boosted (50%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
  • Main concern is making sure the enemy doesn’t special so her assassin can keep procing.
  • Her skill 3 Queen’s Decree Gotta love me!
    (Inflict Bloodkinning (Accuracy: Guaranteed, 1T), Double Attack Rate Lowered 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), Triple Attack Rate Lowered 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), and Accuracy Lowered 6 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.)
    is also great for avoiding triggers.
  • Is Vampy core? Yes!
Use Areas: NM90
Grace of the Radiant
All allies gain Shield (4000, 3.5T).
All Wind allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Wind) (30%, 3.5T) and Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3.5T).
Raise Grimnir’s Cyclone lvl by 2.
Dazzling Flair
6-hit, 150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~55,000 per hit).
Raise Cyclone lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Divine Tempest
20-hit, 150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict ATK Down 5 (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 5T), DA Down 5 (Accuracy: 200%, 5T), TA Down 5 (Accuracy: 200%, 5T), and Unbridled Storm 5 (Accuracy: 150%, 5T) on all foes.
(Consumes 7 Cyclone lvls.)
Holy Rays of Purgation
When the binds on my right arm are undone… The heavens will tremble! The earth will quake! Myriad evils shall be brought to righteous end!
(Holy Rays of Purgation to the Field Effect|field.)
(Consumes 10 Cyclone lvls.)
Nah, I’m Not Really into Valentine’s
35% hit to charge bar gain, guaranteed triple attacks, and normal attacks deal 3-hit damage to random foes.
I Lied, I Really Wanna Do Valentine’s!
Raise Cyclone lvl by 1 at end of turn when allies deal damage 30 or more times to the current target in 1 turn.
  • Great 0b attacker in general, synergises with supplemental damage pretty well because of split autos.
  • Saw usage in 3t BHL setups, lower lockout EX+ setups and NM90.
Swift Judgment
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
Gain Bonus Wind DMG (3.5T) based on number of Triple Shroud (Wind).
Trice Blade
Consume 1 Triple Shroud (Wind) to gain Trice Blade (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(When at 100% charge bar: Also gain Double Strike (1T). Consumes 100% of charge bar.)
Indistinct Divide
Gain Instant Charge, C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (50%), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (10%).
(Self-inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (100% Max)).)
Endless Acclivity
Gain 3 Triple Shroud (Wind). (Can only be used when Triple Shrouds are at 0.)
Three Acts, Eight Sequences
3 Triple Shroud (Wind) to Yodarha at battle start and every 4 turns (Max: 3).
One-foe attacks consume 1 to deal guaranteed triple attacks.
(When at 0: Can’t one-foe attack. 70% hit to DEF. Sharp hit to hostility.)
White Robes of a Resolute Vow
Boost to dodge rate when Yodarha has Bonus Wind DMG.
  • One turn assassin character that is a great option for 1 turn bursts.


Characters who provide strong buffs to the party.

Use Areas: NM150
Nebulosa Frojd
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
100% Bonus Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~200,000).
Inflict Charm (Accuracy: 75%, 180s) on all foes.
Vintergatan Svala
500% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
100% Bonus Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~200,000).
Inflict Charm (Accuracy: 75%, 180s) on all foes.
Extend the duration of Harmonics (30% ATK Up, Multiplier: Normal) and Sharping (20% DA Up, 20% TA Up, 3T) on all allies by 3 turns.
After Stage 1 Transcendence:
Stjarnornas Frid
550% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,300,000).
300% Bonus Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~200,000).Inflict Charm (25%, Accuracy: 75%, 180s), DA Down (100%, 180s), and TA Down (20%, 180s) on all foes.
Extend the duration of Harmonics (30% ATK Up, Multiplier: Normal) and Sharping (20% DA Up, 20% TA Up) on all allies by 3 turns.
Ninna Nanna
Inflict Comatose 6 (Accuracy: 75%, 4-6 turns) on all foes.
All allies gain DA Up (30%, 3T), ATK Up (20%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), and DEF Up (20%, 3T).
Level 75:
Buffs increased to DA Up (45%, 3T), ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), and DEF Up (30%, 3T)
Level 95:
All Wind allies also gain Harmonics (30% ATK Up, Multiplier: Normal, 3T) and Sharping (20% DA Up, 20% TA Up, 3T).
Raise all foes’ Tuning (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
All allies gain Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Level 85:
All allies also gain Shield (2000, 3T).
Level 130:
Buff increased to Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Shield endurance increased to Shield (3000, 3T).
All allies also gain Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t) and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Nine-Realm’s Security
All allies gain TA Up (100%, 4T) and Bonus Wind DMG (50%, 4T).
(Can’t recast.)
Mystic Musician
10% boost to all allies’ skill success rate.
Level 90:
Also reduces damage taken from foes with Tuning by 20% for all allies.
Bemusing Ballad
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) damage against Earth foes by 20%.
  • Not worth using before 130.
  • Strong teamwide attack, defense, and DATA buffs from her skills and passive, particularly her skill 3 Defendu Raise all foes’ Tuning (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
    All allies gain Critical Up (30%, 3t).
    Level 85:
    All allies also gain Shield (2000, 3T).
    Level 130:
    Buff increased to Critical Up (30%, 3t).
    Shield endurance increased to Shield (3000, 3T).
    All allies also gain Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t) and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
    which provides 100% crit, Keen, and damage amp.
  • 150 is highly worth it for both the passive 10% damage cap and having permanet dispel cancel.
  • Used namely for extended bursts.
  • Pet the Nio, I know you want to.
Blanche Fil
Restore 10% of Wind allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2500).
All Wind allies gain Bonus Wind DMG (10%, 5.5T).
Gain 3 Fil (Summer) and 1 Idea.
Ligne d’Ete
Grant a Wind ally Coquetterie (50% Wind ATK Up / 80% DA / 30% TA), Double Strike (1T), and DMG Cap Boosted (50%, 1T).
(Consumes 3 Fil (Summer).)
Soie Elegante
Grant a Wind ally Magnifique (100% DEF Up / 30% reduced DMG taken / 100% Debuff Resistance Up).
(Consumes 3 Fil (Summer).)
Croquis d’Ete
All Wind allies gain ATK Boosted (1 time) (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(Consumes 10 Fil (Summer).)
Spinner’s Thread
Gain 1 Fil (Summer) every turn (Max: 10).
(Starts battle with 6 Fil (Summer).)
Summer Debut
Boost to Wind allies’ C.A. specs based on number of Idea (Max: 3).
  • Amazing buffer for any offensive unit especially for Naru.
  • Ligne d’Ete Grant a Wind ally Coquetterie (50% Wind ATK Up / 80% DA / 30% TA), Double Strike (1T), and DMG Cap Boosted (50%, 1T).
    (Consumes 3 Fil (Summer).)
    provides both double strike and 50% cap up making the target of it deal an incredible amount of damage.
  • Fallen off in burst setups due to the rise of spartan comps, but still a very strong option.
Adoring Kiss
Bedrock Blast
Mother Earth's Favor
  • Has a passive that grands 100% TA, 60% normal amp, and 50% bonus damage as long as her unique buff is up.
    • Starts with buff for three turns.
  • Grants MC with her skill 1 Adoring Kiss 5 turns of 30% perp ATK, 100% TA, and 30% normal AMP, as well as 100% 1 hit bonus damage and 50% 1 hit assassin.
Use Areas: NM95, BHL
Flock to the Future
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
Gain Ram Rondo. (Next First Initiation affects all allies.)
End cooldown for First Initiation.
All of Creation
6-hit, 100% all-elemental damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~100,000 per hit (~600,000 total)).
Inflict all-elemental DEF Down (Fire DEF Lowered
Water DEF Lowered
Earth DEF Lowered
Wind DEF Lowered
Light DEF Lowered
Dark DEF Lowered).
First Initiation
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T) and Strength (20%-10%, 3T).
Puffy Summer Towers
Grant an ally Bonus Superior Elemental DMG (30%, 3T) and Dodge All 1 (1 times).
Sunny Summer Sheep-Shift
10% Bonus Wind DMG effect to Wind allies’ triple attacks.
All-Season Fashion
10% boost to ATK (Perpetuity modifier) for Wind allies without a debuff.
30% boost to DEF for debuffed Wind allies.
  • Passive 10% echo on triples gives her great synergy with GTA attackers and pairs especially well with S.Tiamat.
  • Puffy Summer Towers Grant an ally Bonus Superior Elemental DMG (30%, 3T) and Dodge All 1 (1 times). is strong for pushing a bit more damage out if needed.
  • Used a lot in OTK and 1-2T burst setups like for NM95.
Mach 3
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.Activate Wind Speed: 222 meows/s.
Appawlingly Adorable
Inflict Charmed (Can’t be removed) (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 5T) on all other Wind allies.Inflict Charmed 5 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 5T) on all foes.Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times).
Wind Speed: 222 meows/s
5-hit, 150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~155,000 per hit).1-turn cut to all foes’ buff durations.Gain Charge Boost (20%).
The Emerald’s Windfall
Gain The Emerald’s Windfall (Multiplier: Perpetuity).All other Wind allies gain Ewiyar (Grand)#The Emerald’s Windfall|a random buff.(Can’t be recast.)
All Your Praise Belongs to Me!
Immune to Charmed.Charmed doesn’t stop Wind allies’ attacks.For Wind allies with Charmed:30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity), 100% boost to DEF, 100% boost to double attack rate, 30% boost to triple attack rate, and 10% Bonus Wind DMG effect.
Limitless Emerald
Upon activating a Fated Chain:All allies gain Guaranteed TA (1 times) and Bonus Wind DMG (1 time) (30%).
  • Strong teamwide buffs in conjuction with her skill 1 Appawlingly Adorable Inflict Charmed (Can’t be removed) (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 5T) on all other Wind allies.Inflict Charmed 5 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 5T) on all foes.Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times). activating her passive to provide 30% perpetuity ATK, 100/30 DATA, and 10% bonus damage.
  • Great for extended bursts due to her skill 3 The Emerald’s Windfall Gain The Emerald’s Windfall (Multiplier: Perpetuity).All other Wind allies gain Ewiyar (Grand)#The Emerald’s Windfall|a random buff.(Can’t be recast.) buffs esppecially thanks to having teamwide double strike on turn 5 after using it.

Full Auto

Here is a quick overview of characters that are useful for Full Auto.


Stronger characters are listed higher.


Characters with a focus on high personal damage.

Butterfly Effect: Dragonsbane
1250% (Unworldly) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
2-turn cut to Narmaya’s skill cooldowns.
Gain Double Strike (1.5T).
Effervescent Hibiscus
Gain Butterfly Effect (100%, 4T) and Piercing Sight (4T).
Isolated Idling
Gain Substituted (All-Ally) (1T), Counters on Dodge/DMG (250%, 5 times, 5T), and Repel (50%, 5 times, 5T).
Dance of Pink Petals
Gain Falling Mist (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T), Critical Up (20%, 3T), and Keen (5% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3T).
No Matter What It Takes
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks, amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 20%, guaranteed triple attacks, and buffs can’t be removed.
Draped in Butterflies
For Wind allies’ critical hits: 3% boost to damage cap and 10% Bonus Wind DMG effect.
  • Wind’s premier attacker. Used in every team except skill damage setups.
  • Works best with support units to amplify her high damage even further.
  • Lacks any good alternative to her high damage output.
Adoring Kiss
Bedrock Blast
Mother Earth's Favor
  • Has a passive that grands 100% TA, 60% normal amp, and 50% bonus damage as long as her unique buff is up.
    • The buff is maintained by CAs.
    • When she doesn’t have the buff, she won’t normal attack and will gain instant charge at the end of turn.
  • Grants MC with her skill 1 Adoring Kiss 5 turns of 30% perp ATK, 100% TA, and 30% normal AMP, as well as 100% 1 hit bonus damage and 50% 1 hit assassin.
  • Strong teamwide defensive buffs including 100% DEF up, 100k dmg mitigation, and dispel cancel, as well as dispelling at the end of a turn when an ally doesn’t attack.
Use Areas: Galleon, NM150
Edge of Depravity
Edge Stream
Abyssal Surge
  • Her passive which grants GTA, 50% bonus damage, 2 hit flurry on her second hit of a normal attack, and 3 hit flurry on her third hit of a normal attack when the enemy is at 50% or less HP or her skill 1 is up.
  • Her skill 1 Edge of Depravity also inflicts a variant of Terror on the enemy preventing special attacks for 2 turns.
  • Unique enmity to party based on how low her HP is.
  • Also has great sustained damage output from her skill 3 Abyssal Surge which provides three turns of Jammed, 100/20 crit, Keen, 30% damage amp, and a two turns of double strike on a 6 turn cooldown.
Bloody Festival
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
2-turn cut to Crimson Order’s cooldown.
Reaping Wings
800% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~820,000).
Remove 1 buff.
Inflict Delay (Drain) (Accuracy: 200%). If successful, gain ATK Sharply Boosted (50%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
Crimson Order
Fill 3 charge diamonds on a foe.
All Wind allies gain Drain (Healing cap: 1000, 5T), Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 5T), Bonus Wind DMG (20%, 5T), Triple Attack Rate Boosted (50%, 5T), and DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T).
Queen’s Decree
Gotta love me!
(Inflict Bloodkinning (Accuracy: Guaranteed, 1T), Double Attack Rate Lowered 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), Triple Attack Rate Lowered 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), and Accuracy Lowered 6 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.)
Queen’s Charge III
When a Wind ally drains a foe’s charge diamond with Delay (Drain):
Vania gains 1 Regal Drop (Max: 3).
Gain these effects in order based on number of Regal Drop:
Guaranteed triple attacks,
20% Bonus Wind DMG effect,
amplify (Multiplier: Seraphic) normal attack damage by 20%.
Pure Royal
Buffs can’t be removed.
Activate Reaping Wings at end of turn if Vania drained a foe’s HP.
  • All around amazing damage dealer and buffer for FA.
  • Crimson Order Fill 3 charge diamonds on a foe.
    All Wind allies gain Drain (Healing cap: 1000, 5T), Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 5T), Bonus Wind DMG (20%, 5T), Triple Attack Rate Boosted (50%, 5T), and DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T).
    offers a massive 5 turns of of 20% echoes, 15% cap up, 50% TA, and 100% debuff resistance.
  • Also has a drain that interacts with her passive to activate the delay and assassin on her skill 1 Reaping Wings 800% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~820,000).
    Remove 1 buff.
    Inflict Delay (Drain) (Accuracy: 200%). If successful, gain ATK Sharply Boosted (50%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
  • Main concern is making sure the enemy doesn’t special so her assassin can keep procing.
  • Her skill 3 Queen’s Decree Gotta love me!
    (Inflict Bloodkinning (Accuracy: Guaranteed, 1T), Double Attack Rate Lowered 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), Triple Attack Rate Lowered 6 (100%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T), and Accuracy Lowered 6 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 6T) on all foes.)
    is also good for reducing the damage taken.
  • Is Vampy core? Yes!
Use Areas: NM150,NM200
Halloween Scream End
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.Gain Charge Boost (20%).1-turn cut to Lich’s skill cooldowns.
Haunting Specter
6-hit, 100% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~135,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(Hit number increases based on caster’s number of debuffs upon cast [Max: 10 hits].)
Razzing Corruption
Inflict Earth ATK Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), Wind DEF Down (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), Poisoned (22,222, Accuracy: 200%, 180s), and Putrefied (22,222, Accuracy: 200%, 180s) on all foes.
Inflict Earth ATK Lowered (10%, 5T), Wind DEF Down (10%, 5T), Poisoned (5% of max HP Damage cap: 500, 5T), and Putrefied (5% of max HP Damage cap: 500, 5T) on all allies.
Cursed ‘n’ Spooky
Gain Play Undead (5T).
Creepy Night
Wind allies gain these effects in order based on their number of debuffs:
Converts some types of turn-based damage to HP recovery,
20% boost to charge bar gain,
20% boost to ATK (Perpetuity modifier),
10% boost to damage cap.
Ghost Parade
At end of turn when Lich’s charge bar is 50% or higher:
Consume 30% of charge bar to deal 400% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%).
  • Wind’s best skill damage specialist. 
  • Lots of skill damage when her skill 3 Cursed ‘n’ Spooky Gain Play Undead (5T). is up. Weaker damage outside it.
  • Extra nuke and delay when her CB is 50% or higher.
Bury the Hatchet
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
Inflict DEF Lowered 2 (30%, 2.5T).
(Charge attack changes to Premium Night Forever on Fridays [JST].)
On Fridays (JST):
Premium Night Forever
1250% (Unworldly) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Inflict DEF Lowered 2 (30%, 2.5T).
Eliminate Work
7-hit, 50% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~93,000 per hit).
Inflict Wind Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s) on all foes.
(On Fridays [JST]:
Hit number doubles.
Also remove 2 buffs from all foes.)
Beyond the Fry
Gain Beyond the Fry (Multiplier: Perpetuity, 5T) and Charge Bar (30%).
(On Fridays [JST]: Affects all Wind allies.)
Fantastic Shedding
Fully restore caster’s HP.
Remove all debuffs.
(On Fridays [JST]: Affects all Wind allies.)
Life Ascension
Additional effects to Friday’s skills on Fridays (JST).
Invoke Holiday
Supplement Wind allies’ C.A. damage (Damage cap: 100,000).
When a foe uses a special attack: Activate Eliminate Work.
  • Only useful on Fridays (JST).
  • 14-hit nukes and 2 dispels whenever the enemy uses a special attack..
  • Very strong for Siegfried due to her autonukes and dispels pairing well with every omen being very unlikely to dispel in FA.
Use Areas: NM200, BENNU
Ruthless Tyrant
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
Activate Ajax.
Gain DMG Cap Boosted (30%, 2T).
(Additional effects upon each cast in this order: Guaranteed TA (2T), Drain (Healing cap: 1000, 2T), Bonus Wind DMG (20%, 2T), C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (80%) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (20%).)
Klastos Polis
5-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~120,000 per hit).
Inflict DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 90%, 180s) and Debuff Resistance Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 90%, 180s) on all foes.
Proskaleo Kydoimos
Remove 1 buff from a foe.
Inflict Wind DEF Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 85%, 3T).
Trampling Goddess
Goddess’s Ecstasy lvl rises by 1 upon being targeted by a foe (Max: 5).
Klastos Polis’s hit number increases by 1.
(Klastos Polis activates when targeted at lvl 5.)
Trampling Spear
When an ally removes a foe’s buff:
1000% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,160,000). Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%).
Gain Instant Charge.
  • Solid skill damage unit that provides an additional large nuke for every buff dispelled.
  • Requires ramp up to max her stacks which means attacked for 5 turns.
  • Best used for longer raids like Siegfried or NM200.
Use Areas: GALLEON
Sonic Celebration
500% (Massive; 1050% with More than Mere Speed included) Wind damage to a foe.
Raise Comet lvl by 1 (Max: 2).
Hull Breacher II
3-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~210,000 per hit).
Inflict DEF Down (15%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Wind DEF Down (20%, Accuracy: 90%, 180s), and Debuff Resistance Lowered (10%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Mirage Dive
Gain Other Self 1 (1 times).
Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
Nitro Boost
Gain Nitro Boost (5T).
(Consumes 2 Comet lvls.)
More than Mere Speed
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) Meteon’s one-foe attack damage by 50%.
110% boost to C.A. damage, 30% boost to C.A. damage cap, and 30% boost to dodge rate.
Upon one-foe attack: Gain Charge Bar (10%).
500% Bonus Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Nitro Limiter
Doesn’t deal multiattacks.
(When in Nitro Boost mode: Guaranteed triple attacks, boost to critical hit rate, boost to skill damage specs (Skill damage and skill damage cap), and debuff immunity)
  • Nuke after auto works well for cancelling skill damage omens.
Use Areas: NM95
Wheelie Nocturne
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times).
(When below 25% HP: Also remove 1 buff from a foe.)
Full Throttle
Sacrifice 80% of caster’s current HP to gain Unchallenged (2T) and Jammed (40%-120%, 8T).
(When below 25% HP: Also gain Undying (Can’t be removed) (1 times).)
King’s March
Gain DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T) and Bonus Wind DMG (20%, 3T).
(When below 25% HP: Affects all allies.)
It’s Showtime!
Fill 1 charge diamond on a foe. If successful, all allies gain Charge Bar (30%), C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (30%), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (10%).
Make Way for the Destiny Nocturnes
1-turn cut to skill cooldowns when a foe uses a special attack.
(If the foe uses a Stance Attack, also ends cooldown for King’s March.)
Let Me Show You Who’s King
When Sho is below 25% HP before attacking:
Guaranteed triple attacks, 20% Bonus Wind DMG effect, and all allies gain Charge Bar (10%) at end of turn.
  • Solid FA option thanks to having GTA with echo while red.
  • Decent teamwide buffer as well.
  • Dispel on ougi can be helpful against debuff heavy bosses.


Characters that provide strong buffs to the team.

Mach 3
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.Activate Wind Speed: 222 meows/s.
Appawlingly Adorable
Inflict Charmed (Can’t be removed) (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 5T) on all other Wind allies.Inflict Charmed 5 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 5T) on all foes.Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times).
Wind Speed: 222 meows/s
5-hit, 150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~155,000 per hit).1-turn cut to all foes’ buff durations.Gain Charge Boost (20%).
The Emerald’s Windfall
Gain The Emerald’s Windfall (Multiplier: Perpetuity).All other Wind allies gain Ewiyar (Grand)#The Emerald’s Windfall|a random buff.(Can’t be recast.)
All Your Praise Belongs to Me!
Immune to Charmed.Charmed doesn’t stop Wind allies’ attacks.For Wind allies with Charmed:30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity), 100% boost to DEF, 100% boost to double attack rate, 30% boost to triple attack rate, and 10% Bonus Wind DMG effect.
Limitless Emerald
Upon activating a Fated Chain:All allies gain Guaranteed TA (1 times) and Bonus Wind DMG (1 time) (30%).
  • Strong teamwide buffs in conjuction with her skill 1 Appawlingly Adorable Inflict Charmed (Can’t be removed) (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 5T) on all other Wind allies.Inflict Charmed 5 (30%, Accuracy: 200%, 5T) on all foes.Gain Dodge All 1 (1 times). activating her passive to provide 30% perpetuity ATK, 100/30 DATA, and 10% bonus damage.
  • Additional great random buffs on her skill 3 The Emerald’s Windfall Gain The Emerald’s Windfall (Multiplier: Perpetuity).All other Wind allies gain Ewiyar (Grand)#The Emerald’s Windfall|a random buff.(Can’t be recast.)  that help damage and survivability.
  • Cuts enemy buff durations on her skill 2 Wind Speed: 222 meows/s 5-hit, 150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~155,000 per hit).1-turn cut to all foes’ buff durations.Gain Charge Boost (20%). which auitocasts on her CA.
Use Areas: NM150
Nebulosa Frojd
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
100% Bonus Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~200,000).
Inflict Charm (Accuracy: 75%, 180s) on all foes.
Vintergatan Svala
500% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
100% Bonus Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~200,000).
Inflict Charm (Accuracy: 75%, 180s) on all foes.
Extend the duration of Harmonics (30% ATK Up, Multiplier: Normal) and Sharping (20% DA Up, 20% TA Up, 3T) on all allies by 3 turns.
After Stage 1 Transcendence:
Stjarnornas Frid
550% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,300,000).
300% Bonus Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~200,000).Inflict Charm (25%, Accuracy: 75%, 180s), DA Down (100%, 180s), and TA Down (20%, 180s) on all foes.
Extend the duration of Harmonics (30% ATK Up, Multiplier: Normal) and Sharping (20% DA Up, 20% TA Up) on all allies by 3 turns.
Ninna Nanna
Inflict Comatose 6 (Accuracy: 75%, 4-6 turns) on all foes.
All allies gain DA Up (30%, 3T), ATK Up (20%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), and DEF Up (20%, 3T).
Level 75:
Buffs increased to DA Up (45%, 3T), ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), and DEF Up (30%, 3T)
Level 95:
All Wind allies also gain Harmonics (30% ATK Up, Multiplier: Normal, 3T) and Sharping (20% DA Up, 20% TA Up, 3T).
Raise all foes’ Tuning (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
All allies gain Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Level 85:
All allies also gain Shield (2000, 3T).
Level 130:
Buff increased to Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Shield endurance increased to Shield (3000, 3T).
All allies also gain Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t) and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Nine-Realm’s Security
All allies gain TA Up (100%, 4T) and Bonus Wind DMG (50%, 4T).
(Can’t recast.)
Mystic Musician
10% boost to all allies’ skill success rate.
Level 90:
Also reduces damage taken from foes with Tuning by 20% for all allies.
Bemusing Ballad
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) damage against Earth foes by 20%.
  • Not worth using before 130.
  • Strong teamwide attack, defense, and DATA buffs from her skills and passive, particularly her skill 3 Defendu Raise all foes’ Tuning (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
    All allies gain Critical Up (30%, 3t).
    Level 85:
    All allies also gain Shield (2000, 3T).
    Level 130:
    Buff increased to Critical Up (30%, 3t).
    Shield endurance increased to Shield (3000, 3T).
    All allies also gain Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t) and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
    which provides 100% crit, Keen, and damage amp.
  • 150 is highly worth it for both the passive 10% damage cap and having permanet dispel cancel.
Ready to Bet
Thrilling Bet
Gaudy Shooting
  • RNG heavy character who’s effectively is highly dependant on how quick RNGesus let’s his Chips stacks rise.
  • His passive provides 10% (100% max) MA, 10% (100% max) bonus damage, and 5k (50k) supp to team per Chip and at 2 he provides2 hit flurry to team as well.


Characters that are great for reducing the amount of damage taken by the team.

Type: TANK
Use Areas: NM250, SIEGFRIED
Brave Destruction / Mighty Destruction
Wild Beat
Indomitable Conviction
  • All ally sub tank capable of mitigating a ton of damage for the team as well as surviving a long while thanks to having 3x Undying
  • With each stack of Undying that is consumed, he gains additional buffs.
    • After survivng lethal damage once, he deals 2 hit counters when damage.
    • After two times, he activates his skill 2 every turn for a free dispel.
      • And after 3 he gains 20% boost heal specs and can use his skill 3 Indomitable Conviction which is a full heal and debuff removal for self and upgrades his other skills adding DMG mitigation and undying to his skill 1 and healing to his skill 2.
  • His main downsides are even with starting with a 30% HP loss at the start, it can time for him to die 3 times to fully ramp up. Until then, his damage output isn’t great. This limits his usage to NM250 where both fights last long for him to ramp up and where his defensive nature and frequent dispels will both be valuable.
Use Areas: GW, BENNU
Coronet Flamekick
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
Activate Inextinguishable Guard.
Aquaring’s Aegis
Gain Veil, Dispel Cancel (1 times), and DMG Amplified (10%, 3T).
(When Heat Haze 1 lvl is 3: Affects all Wind allies.)
Inextinguishable Guard
All Wind allies gain DEF Up (100%, 3T), Armored (30%, 3T), and 40% Earth Cut (1T).
Rainshower Blossom
Gain Rainshower Blossom (3T).
Beach Blush
35% hit to charge bar gain, 300% full-force counter upon taking damage (2 hits), and 500% Wind damage to a foe upon countering (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Seconds, Please!
Raise Heat Haze lvl by 1 at end of turn after countering (Max: 3).
(Gain effects in order based on lvl:
30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity) and 100% boost to DEF,
deal multiattacks,
amplify normal attack damage by 20%.)
  • Counter based damage dealer that deals 2-4, depending on if her skill 3 is up, counters when hit with an additional skill damage instance for each counter.
  • Skill 2 Inextinguishable Guard All Wind allies gain DEF Up (100%, 3T), Armored (30%, 3T), and 40% Earth Cut (1T). offers 100 DEF and 70/30 Armored that also auto casts on CA for great uptime.
  • Stacks build up fast though not instantly meaning it will take her second cast of her skill 1 Aquaring’s Aegis Gain Veil, Dispel Cancel (1 times), and DMG Amplified (10%, 3T).
    (When Heat Haze 1 lvl is 3: Affects all Wind allies.)
    to get teamwide Veil, Dispel Cancel. and 10% damage amp.
Use Areas: GW, BENNU
Eternal Reverie
1250% (Unworldly) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,420,000).
All Wind allies gain ATK Boosted (1 time) (20%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1.5T).
(Consumes Hermit’s Awakening to activate.)
Realized Reverie
1300% (Unworldly) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Inflict a random debuff on all foes.
All Wind allies gain ATK Boosted (1 time) (20%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1.5T).
(Consumes Hermit’s Awakening to activate.)
Winds of Eternity
500% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~405,000) and remove 1 buff.
(Auto-activates at end of turn.
Forbidden chalices fill with magic. [Gain 1 Forbidden Chalices 1.])
Silent Dream
900% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,160,000).
Inflict Restrained 2 (Accuracy: 100%, 2T).
(Auto-activates when a foe uses a special attack.
Forbidden chalices fill with magic. [Gain 1 Forbidden Chalices 1.])
Echoes of Tragedy
500% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~405,000).
Restore 20% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1500).
(Auto-activates upon taking damage.
Forbidden chalices fill with magic. [Gain 1 Forbidden Chalices 1.])
Open Eyes
Gain Hermit’s Awakening.
After activating The Hermit Upright:
Auto-activates when charge bar is 100% at the start of a turn Estarriola doesn’t have Hermit’s Awakening.
Autonomous Tempering
Starts battle with Seclusion.
(When Forbidden Chalices fill with magic 9 times:
900% Wind damage to all foes [Damage cap: ~1,160,000].
Gain Hermit’s Awakening.
Consumes all Forbidden Chalices.)
Temperate Devotion
Gain Charge Bar (10%) upon auto-activation of caster’s damage skills.
Temperance Reversed
When Sub Ally: All Wind allies gain a random buff upon Wind chain burst.
Level 95:
Number of buffs increased based on number of chains.
  • 0 button auto nuker.
  • Always dispels at the end of each turn making him great for bosses with lots of buffs.
  • Heals when hit.
  • Inflicts Restrain debuff if special attacks go off.
  • Used for FA as well as skill setups.

Hard Content

Characters geared towards hard content.

Use Areas: SOLOS
Orbital Breeze
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
All allies gain Earth DMG Lowered (20%, 3.5T) and Earth Switch (3.5T).
First Movement: Bide
Gain Refrain of Biding (100% DEF Up / 50% DA / 20% TA).
Ends on recast.
(Consumes 30% of other allies’ charge bars every turn.)
Level 55:
Effect enhanced.
Second Movement: Overwhelm
All Wind allies gain Charge Boost (30%), C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (30%), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (15%).
Third Movement: Guard
Grant another Wind ally Refrain of the Guardian (200% DEF Up, 1T).
(Consumes 30% of caster’s charge bar.)
Final Movement: Ascension
Exiled Maestro
Wind allies restore HP upon consuming charge bar with skills and charge attacks.
Judgement Reversed
When Sub Ally:
Refresh 5% of Wind allies’ HP after each turn when not debuffed (Healing cap: 350).
30% boost to Wind allies’ ATK (Damage_Formula/Detailed_Damage_Formula#Perpetuity_boosts|Perpetuity modifier) when debuffed.
  • Requires FLB to be used in HL Content.
  • Excellent battery and defense provider for CA setups.
  • CA provides teamwide Earth switch and 20% earth damage lowered to greatly reduce damage in HL content as well as also providing 15% bar to party to keep the CA cycles going. Additionally, his CA also heals for 750 and removes 1 debuff.
  • His skill 1 Katzelia provides 100% DEF Up and 50%/20% DATA, 10% (50% max) stackable per turn, and 1k healing per turn for indefinite duration.
  • His swap in passive increases healing and provides 10% bar to party every turn to further make CA looping easier.
  • Can turn someone into a tank for a trigger via his skill 3 is generally optional but is a great way to output more damage per turn.
    • Kengo and Katzelia both provide charge bar which means a potential of up to 8 activations in a turn.
    • Since many characters on CA turns will be at 100% bar at the turn start or will fill aftter 1-2 Kengo CAs, this means it will likely activate at least twice on CA turns.
Use Areas: NM95
Moonbeam Blossom
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.1-turn cut to skill cooldowns.Bonus Wind DMG (1 time) (30%) to the ally with Heavenly Winds.
Heavenly Winds
Grant another Wind ally Heavenly Winds.
(Can’t recast.)
Blessings of the Moonlight / Miracles of the Moonlight
Blessings of the Moonlight:
All Wind allies gain DEF Up (50%, 5T), Debuff Res. Up (50%, 5T), and Refresh (10% of max HP Healing cap: 1000, 5T).
(Skill changes to Miracles of the Moonlight upon casting.)
Miracles of the Moonlight:
All Wind allies gain Miracles of the Moonlight.
(Can’t recast.)
Lightning Rebuke
3-hit, 400% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000 per hit).
Inflict Lightning Rebuke 1. (Boost to Lightning Rebuke effect specs upon each cast [Max: Lvl 3].)
Under the Moon’s Glow
When Kaguya has Miracles of the Moonlight:
20% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity), boost to multiattack rate, and 30% Bonus Wind DMG effect.
Lunar Fortune
When the ally with Heavenly Winds uses a charge attack:
Kaguya gains Charge Bar (20%) and C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
  • SUBHL solo character namely used for skill 1 Heavenly Winds Grant another Wind ally Heavenly Winds.
    (Can’t recast.)
  • Also useful for NM200 Kengo setups for FA.
Use Areas: SOLOS
Claíomh Solais Díon
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
700% Bonus Wind damage (Damage cap: ~1,160,000).
End cooldown for Charlotta’s damage skills.
Frieden Shilt
All Wind allies gain Unchallenged (1T).
(When cast from 10th turn onward:
All Wind allies also gain Drain (Can’t be removed) (Healing cap: 10% of max HP, 4T).)
Noble Moon
800% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~500,000).
Extend all allies’ Noble Order (Multiplier: Perpetuity) by 2 turns.
(From 2nd cast onward:
All allies also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (10% (100% Max)) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (5% (50% Max)).
From 3rd cast onward:
All allies also gain Charge Bar (15%).)
Oath of Lumiel
10-hit, 80% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~48,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.
(From 2nd cast onward:
Also inflict Accuracy Lowered 3 (50%, 3T).
From 3rd cast onward:
Also inflict Delay.)
Boundless Path of the Sword
If turn 10 or later:
Charge attack activates twice.
Can recast damage skills once each turn they are cast.
Enforcer of Justice
When Charlotta is a main ally at battle start:
40% boost to Wind allies’ charge bars.
All Wind allies gain Noble Order (Multiplier: Perpetuity, 5T).
  • Used for SUBHL, Belial solos and Lucilius FA.
  • Lots of CA and skill damage, but is very clicky which hurts any sort of setup that requires lots of speed.
Use Areas: SOLOS
Gilded Heaven Strike
500% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
3-turn cut to Catura’s skill cooldowns.
Cowlick Lift
Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
Blamboo Shots
12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
Bovine Buddy
Consume 60% of charge bar to shift into High Gear.
(Consumes 60% of charge bar every turn.
Ends if not enough charge bar or upon recast.)
Blissful Mooment
Queen of Oxen
20% boost to Catura and MC’s healing specs and 10% boost to their charge bar gain.
Milky Roll-Out
When in High Gear:
Guaranteed triple attacks, supplement damage (Max: 50,000), 50% Bonus Wind DMG effect, and 30% hit to DEF.
  • Great kengo support due to giving herself and MC 100% bar, buffing CB gain, and CA reactivation on her Skill 1 Cowlick Lift Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
    Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
    (From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
    From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
  • Skill 4 Blissful Mooment provides CA boosts to herself and MC while also giving stackable CA supp and debuff clears on CAs to other allies.
  • Blamboo Shots 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
    Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
    (Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
    takes a while to ramp up but hits hard when it does.
Use Areas: SOLOS
Diez Mil Espadas
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
All allies gain ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 2.5T).
Cien Mil Espadas
500% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
All allies gain ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 2.5T).
Seofon gains Unchallenged (1 times, 2.5T).
After Stage 1 Transcendence:
Espada Galaxia
550% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,300,000).
All allies gain ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 2.5T) and DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 2.5T).
Seofon gains Unchallenged (1 times, 2.5T).
Gain Instant Charge.
Raise Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1 (Max: 3).
Level 90:
Now raises Swordshine 1 (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 2 (Max: 5).
Also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (80%) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (20%).
Infinito Creare
10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
Level 95:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
Level 130:
Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
Cuore di Leone
All allies gain C.A. Instant Standby.
Lower Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 3.
(Requires Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl 3 or higher.)
Seven-Star’s Brilliance
All allies gain C.A. Instant Standby, C.A. DMG Boosted (150%, 1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (90%, 1T). (Can’t recast.)
Star Sword Sovereign
50% boost to Wind allies’ C.A. damage.
Boost to Seofon’s ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity) and multiattack rate based on Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl.
Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl rises every turn by 1 and lowers by 2 upon taking damage (Max: 3).
Level 90:
Also boosts Wind allies’ C.A. damage cap by 10%.
Now Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl rises every turn by 2 and lowers by 2 upon taking damage (Max: 5).
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) damage against Earth foes by 20%.
  • Provides solid CA support but the weakness of Wind Kengo overall vs other playstyles makes it not ideal to use him.
  • Mostly geared towards hard content solos especially thanks to his ability to cancel any cancellable omen with a Full Chain at 150.
  • Mostly used in solos for V2 content like SUBHL or Siegfried.


Here is a quick overview of characters that are useful for OTK. OTK includes any low button setup generally dealing 20m damage like Extreme+. In general, any character with skill nukes or large ougis not listed here can work.



Here are some of the noteworthy characters that can see equal use in both Charge Attack and Normal Attack focused setups.

Use Areas: ALL
Butterfly Effect: Dragonsbane
1250% (Unworldly) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
2-turn cut to Narmaya’s skill cooldowns.
Gain Double Strike (1.5T).
Effervescent Hibiscus
Gain Butterfly Effect (100%, 4T) and Piercing Sight (4T).
Isolated Idling
Gain Substituted (All-Ally) (1T), Counters on Dodge/DMG (250%, 5 times, 5T), and Repel (50%, 5 times, 5T).
Dance of Pink Petals
Gain Falling Mist (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T), Critical Up (20%, 3T), and Keen (5% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3T).
No Matter What It Takes
No charge bar gain upon normal attacks, amplify (Seraphic modifier) normal attack damage by 20%, guaranteed triple attacks, and buffs can’t be removed.
Draped in Butterflies
For Wind allies’ critical hits: 3% boost to damage cap and 10% Bonus Wind DMG effect.
  • Unworldly outi.
  • GTA with amplified autos.
  • Used in every setup except for the very top OTKs.
Use Areas: 0B1C AND ABOVE
Nebulosa Frojd
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
100% Bonus Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~200,000).
Inflict Charm (Accuracy: 75%, 180s) on all foes.
Vintergatan Svala
500% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
100% Bonus Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~200,000).
Inflict Charm (Accuracy: 75%, 180s) on all foes.
Extend the duration of Harmonics (30% ATK Up, Multiplier: Normal) and Sharping (20% DA Up, 20% TA Up, 3T) on all allies by 3 turns.
After Stage 1 Transcendence:
Stjarnornas Frid
550% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,300,000).
300% Bonus Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~200,000).Inflict Charm (25%, Accuracy: 75%, 180s), DA Down (100%, 180s), and TA Down (20%, 180s) on all foes.
Extend the duration of Harmonics (30% ATK Up, Multiplier: Normal) and Sharping (20% DA Up, 20% TA Up) on all allies by 3 turns.
Ninna Nanna
Inflict Comatose 6 (Accuracy: 75%, 4-6 turns) on all foes.
All allies gain DA Up (30%, 3T), ATK Up (20%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), and DEF Up (20%, 3T).
Level 75:
Buffs increased to DA Up (45%, 3T), ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), and DEF Up (30%, 3T)
Level 95:
All Wind allies also gain Harmonics (30% ATK Up, Multiplier: Normal, 3T) and Sharping (20% DA Up, 20% TA Up, 3T).
Raise all foes’ Tuning (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
All allies gain Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Level 85:
All allies also gain Shield (2000, 3T).
Level 130:
Buff increased to Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Shield endurance increased to Shield (3000, 3T).
All allies also gain Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t) and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Nine-Realm’s Security
All allies gain TA Up (100%, 4T) and Bonus Wind DMG (50%, 4T).
(Can’t recast.)
Mystic Musician
10% boost to all allies’ skill success rate.
Level 90:
Also reduces damage taken from foes with Tuning by 20% for all allies.
Bemusing Ballad
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) damage against Earth foes by 20%.
  • Eternal wonder for 100% charge with double Huanglong.
  • Nuke on her ougi.
  • Passive ATK, DATA, and cap is great for all setups.
  • Used for normal attack OTKs with Tiamat (Summer).
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Midsummer Wave
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
Gain Counters on Dodge (200%, 2 times, 1.5T).
(Shion (Summer)#Midsummer Wave|Bonus Wind damage based on number of katana-specialty allies [Max: 6 hits].)
Fuji’s Slash
500% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Remove 1 buff.
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s).
(When caster’s charge bar is 50% or higher: Activates twice.)
Hawk’s Ascent
All Wind allies gain Hawk’s Ascent (3-8T).
(Extend effect duration based on number of katana-specialty allies.)
One Mind
4-hit, 100% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~155,000 per hit).
Gain One Mind (1T).
(My One-Mind Reversal shall be on full display upon dodging!
[Activate Shion (Summer)#One Mind|One-Mind Reversal upon dodging.])
Bonsai Summer
Has a maximum charge bar limit of 200%.
Gain Charge Bar (20%) at end of turn if Shion didn’t take damage.
Waterborne Battojutsu
When a foe uses a special attack: Activate Fuji’s Slash.
Upon countering: 1-turn cut to Shion’s skill cooldowns.
  • Nuke on her ougi and enemy’s ougi.
  • Her nuke on ougi depends on how many Katana characters there are, which pairs well with Glorybringer and Naru.
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Eternal Reverie
1250% (Unworldly) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,420,000).
All Wind allies gain ATK Boosted (1 time) (20%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1.5T).
(Consumes Hermit’s Awakening to activate.)
Realized Reverie
1300% (Unworldly) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,900,000).
Inflict a random debuff on all foes.
All Wind allies gain ATK Boosted (1 time) (20%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1.5T).
(Consumes Hermit’s Awakening to activate.)
Winds of Eternity
500% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~405,000) and remove 1 buff.
(Auto-activates at end of turn.
Forbidden chalices fill with magic. [Gain 1 Forbidden Chalices 1.])
Silent Dream
900% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,160,000).
Inflict Restrained 2 (Accuracy: 100%, 2T).
(Auto-activates when a foe uses a special attack.
Forbidden chalices fill with magic. [Gain 1 Forbidden Chalices 1.])
Echoes of Tragedy
500% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~405,000).
Restore 20% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 1500).
(Auto-activates upon taking damage.
Forbidden chalices fill with magic. [Gain 1 Forbidden Chalices 1.])
Open Eyes
Gain Hermit’s Awakening.
After activating The Hermit Upright:
Auto-activates when charge bar is 100% at the start of a turn Estarriola doesn’t have Hermit’s Awakening.
Autonomous Tempering
Starts battle with Seclusion.
(When Forbidden Chalices fill with magic 9 times:
900% Wind damage to all foes [Damage cap: ~1,160,000].
Gain Hermit’s Awakening.
Consumes all Forbidden Chalices.)
Temperate Devotion
Gain Charge Bar (10%) upon auto-activation of caster’s damage skills.
Temperance Reversed
When Sub Ally: All Wind allies gain a random buff upon Wind chain burst.
Level 95:
Number of buffs increased based on number of chains.
  • Nuke on her ougi and enemy’s ougi.
  • Her nuke on ougi depends on how many Katana characters there are, which pairs well with Glorybringer and Naru.

Charge Attack

Here are some of the noteworthy characters for Charge Attack focused comps. This will not cover all the characters in the chart above and instead focus on those that offer more than a larger CA or a simple skill damage nuke.

Use Areas: 0B2B AND ABOVE
Diez Mil Espadas
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
All allies gain ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 2.5T).
Cien Mil Espadas
500% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
All allies gain ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 2.5T).
Seofon gains Unchallenged (1 times, 2.5T).
After Stage 1 Transcendence:
Espada Galaxia
550% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,300,000).
All allies gain ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 2.5T) and DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 2.5T).
Seofon gains Unchallenged (1 times, 2.5T).
Gain Instant Charge.
Raise Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1 (Max: 3).
Level 90:
Now raises Swordshine 1 (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 2 (Max: 5).
Also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (80%) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (20%).
Infinito Creare
10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
Level 95:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
Level 130:
Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
Cuore di Leone
All allies gain C.A. Instant Standby.
Lower Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 3.
(Requires Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl 3 or higher.)
Seven-Star’s Brilliance
All allies gain C.A. Instant Standby, C.A. DMG Boosted (150%, 1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (90%, 1T). (Can’t recast.)
Star Sword Sovereign
50% boost to Wind allies’ C.A. damage.
Boost to Seofon’s ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity) and multiattack rate based on Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl.
Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl rises every turn by 1 and lowers by 2 upon taking damage (Max: 3).
Level 90:
Also boosts Wind allies’ C.A. damage cap by 10%.
Now Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl rises every turn by 2 and lowers by 2 upon taking damage (Max: 5).
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) damage against Earth foes by 20%.
  • Best Eternal option for OTK.
  • Passive gives wind allies 50% boost to CA damage adding 10% cap at FLB.
  • Additionally at 150 adds 100k supp to all allies.
Use Areas: 0B2C AND ABOVE
Skyblade Cataclysm
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
Activate Heads Will Roll.
1-turn cut to Elea’s skill cooldowns.
Heads Will Roll
4-hit, 150% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~148,000 per hit).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s).
When in Chivalrous Blade mode: Activates twice.
When in Inspiring Justice mode: Also inflict Delay.
Spirited Pep Talk
All Wind allies gain Charge Bar (30%).
When in Chivalrous Blade mode:
All Wind allies also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (60%) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (15%).
When in Inspiring Justice mode:
All Wind allies also gain Charge Bar Gain Boosted (20%, 3T).
Pledge of Loyalty
Grant a Wind ally C.A. Reactivation (1 time).
Chivalrous Blade
When first or third ally:
Supplement Wind allies’ C.A. damage (Damage cap: 100,000).
Amplify (Seraphic modifier) Wind allies’ damage against Earth foes by 20%.
Inspiring Justice
When second or fourth ally:
All Wind allies gain Charge Bar (10%) at end of turn.
  • 100k ougi supp to all allies.
  • 8 hit skill nuke after ougi.
  • Requires being in slot 3.
Use Areas:
Claíomh Solais Díon
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
700% Bonus Wind damage (Damage cap: ~1,160,000).
End cooldown for Charlotta’s damage skills.
Frieden Shilt
All Wind allies gain Unchallenged (1T).
(When cast from 10th turn onward:
All Wind allies also gain Drain (Can’t be removed) (Healing cap: 10% of max HP, 4T).)
Noble Moon
800% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~500,000).
Extend all allies’ Noble Order (Multiplier: Perpetuity) by 2 turns.
(From 2nd cast onward:
All allies also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (10% (100% Max)) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (5% (50% Max)).
From 3rd cast onward:
All allies also gain Charge Bar (15%).)
Oath of Lumiel
10-hit, 80% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~48,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.
(From 2nd cast onward:
Also inflict Accuracy Lowered 3 (50%, 3T).
From 3rd cast onward:
Also inflict Delay.)
Boundless Path of the Sword
If turn 10 or later:
Charge attack activates twice.
Can recast damage skills once each turn they are cast.
Enforcer of Justice
When Charlotta is a main ally at battle start:
40% boost to Wind allies’ charge bars.
All Wind allies gain Noble Order (Multiplier: Perpetuity, 5T).
  • Large ougi nuke.
  • 40% CA charge to party which is great for both 0B4C and 0b2C.
Use Areas:
Oblivion of the Winds
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
All Wind allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Wind) (30%, 3.5T).
All allies gain Mirror Image (2 times).
Celestial Phenomenon
4-hit, 100% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~170,000 per hit).
Inflict Wind DEF Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 100%, 180S).Gain Instant Charge.
Elemental Breath
All allies gain Wind Attack UP (50%, 3T) and Keen (3T).
Empowered Winds
Breeze of Rest
20% boost to Wind ATK, 20% boost to double attack rate, and 10% boost to triple attack rate for allies with Mirror Image.Refresh effect to all allies (Healing cap: 150).
Perpetual Tailwind
When a foe uses a special attack:Activate Celestial Phenomenon. 2-turn cut to Illusion’s cooldown.
  • 4 hit reactive nuke.
Use Areas: 2B4C AND ABOVE
100% Charge Bar
350% Wind damage to a foe.
Inflict Wind DEF Lowered (10%, 180s).
200% Charge Bar
700% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~3,264,000).10-hit, 100% Bonus Wind damage (Damage cap: ~16,000 per hit).
Inflict Wind DEF Lowered (10%, 180s).
100% Charge Bar
Moonlight Blossoms
400% Wind damage to a foe.
Inflict Wind DEF Lowered (10%, 180s).
Gain Charge Bar (20%).
200% Charge Bar
Moonlight Blossoms
800% Wind damage to a foe.
10-hit, 100% Bonus Wind damage (Damage cap: ~16,000 per hit).
Inflict Wind DEF Lowered (10%, 180s).
Gain Charge Bar (20%).
4-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~110,000 per hit (~440,000 total)).
Level 90:
Gain Guaranteed TA (1T)
Phoenix Plume Stance
Gain Counters on Dodge (3 times, 3T) and DA Up (3T).
Level 65:
Effect enhanced.
Harmony Complete
Gain Charge Boost (100%).
Revolving Phoenix
Has a maximum charge bar limit of 200%, but 20% hit to DEF.
Level 80:
No longer reduces DEF.
When charge bar is 100% or higher before attacking: 30% boost to charge bar gain.
Dripping Water Hollows Stone
Samurai Power lvl rises with every attack, charge attack, and skill use.
(Max: 10. Ends upon taking damage.)
  • Strong nuke with her 200% ougi which makes her great for early game OTK.

Normal Attack

Here are some of the noteworthy characters for Normal Attack focused comps. This will not cover all the characters in the chart above and instead focus on those that offer more than just GTA.

Type: GTA, AMP
Use Areas: 0B0C
Adoring Kiss
Bedrock Blast
Mother Earth's Favor
  • Passive 100% TA, 60% normal amp, and 50% bonus damage.
  • Excellent 1B option since her skill 1 Adoring Kiss grants MC 30% perp ATK, 100% TA, 30% normal AMP, 100% 1 hit bonus damage, and 50% 1 hit assassin
Use Areas: 0B0C
Edge of Depravity
Edge Stream
Abyssal Surge
  • GTA, 50% bonus damage, 2 hit flurry on her second hit of a normal attack, and 3 hit flurry on her third hit of a normal attack when the enemy is at 50% or less HP
  • Best slot in the final position.
Use Areas: 0B0C
Grace of the Radiant
All allies gain Shield (4000, 3.5T).
All Wind allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Wind) (30%, 3.5T) and Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3.5T).
Raise Grimnir’s Cyclone lvl by 2.
Dazzling Flair
6-hit, 150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~55,000 per hit).
Raise Cyclone lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
Divine Tempest
20-hit, 150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict ATK Down 5 (25%, Accuracy: 200%, 5T), DA Down 5 (Accuracy: 200%, 5T), TA Down 5 (Accuracy: 200%, 5T), and Unbridled Storm 5 (Accuracy: 150%, 5T) on all foes.
(Consumes 7 Cyclone lvls.)
Holy Rays of Purgation
When the binds on my right arm are undone… The heavens will tremble! The earth will quake! Myriad evils shall be brought to righteous end!
(Holy Rays of Purgation to the Field Effect|field.)
(Consumes 10 Cyclone lvls.)
Nah, I’m Not Really into Valentine’s
35% hit to charge bar gain, guaranteed triple attacks, and normal attacks deal 3-hit damage to random foes.
I Lied, I Really Wanna Do Valentine’s!
Raise Cyclone lvl by 1 at end of turn when allies deal damage 30 or more times to the current target in 1 turn.
  • Best auto attacker thanks to GTA with split autos.
Use Areas: 0B0C
Coronet Flamekick
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
Activate Inextinguishable Guard.
Aquaring’s Aegis
Gain Veil, Dispel Cancel (1 times), and DMG Amplified (10%, 3T).
(When Heat Haze 1 lvl is 3: Affects all Wind allies.)
Inextinguishable Guard
All Wind allies gain DEF Up (100%, 3T), Armored (30%, 3T), and 40% Earth Cut (1T).
Rainshower Blossom
Gain Rainshower Blossom (3T).
Beach Blush
35% hit to charge bar gain, 300% full-force counter upon taking damage (2 hits), and 500% Wind damage to a foe upon countering (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Seconds, Please!
Raise Heat Haze lvl by 1 at end of turn after countering (Max: 3).
(Gain effects in order based on lvl:
30% boost to ATK (Multiplier: Perpetuity) and 100% boost to DEF,
deal multiattacks,
amplify normal attack damage by 20%.)
  • 2 hit full force counter with additional skill nuke.


Characters with useful backline passives.

Orbital Breeze
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
All allies gain Earth DMG Lowered (20%, 3.5T) and Earth Switch (3.5T).
First Movement: Bide
Gain Refrain of Biding (100% DEF Up / 50% DA / 20% TA).
Ends on recast.
(Consumes 30% of other allies’ charge bars every turn.)
Level 55:
Effect enhanced.
Second Movement: Overwhelm
All Wind allies gain Charge Boost (30%), C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (30%), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (15%).
Third Movement: Guard
Grant another Wind ally Refrain of the Guardian (200% DEF Up, 1T).
(Consumes 30% of caster’s charge bar.)
Final Movement: Ascension
Exiled Maestro
Wind allies restore HP upon consuming charge bar with skills and charge attacks.
Judgement Reversed
When Sub Ally:
Refresh 5% of Wind allies’ HP after each turn when not debuffed (Healing cap: 350).
30% boost to Wind allies’ ATK (Damage_Formula/Detailed_Damage_Formula#Perpetuity_boosts|Perpetuity modifier) when debuffed.
  • 30% free perpetuity attack.
    • Essential to burst setups thanks to Belial (Summer).
    • Also easy for FA with Ewiyar.
Sky-Rending Shot
Hail of Bolts
Azure Tornado
  • 10% boost to Omega weapon skills.
Flinkbein: Treat
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
Restore Vane’s HP (Healing cap: 2000).
End cooldown for Waechterriese.
Wolf Beat
400% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~600,000).
Inflict Earth ATK Lowered (15%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and Wind DEF Lowered (25%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
Gain Counters on Dodge/DMG (200%, 5 times, 3T).
Gain Ritterseele (5T).
Good-Natured Prankster
When Vane has Counter effect:
Guaranteed triple attacks and 30% Bonus Wind DMG effect.
Playful Pranks Only!
50% boost to Wind allies’ DEF.
(Takes effect even when Vane is a sub ally.)
  • Free 50% DEF from the backline.
Use Areas: FA, PETTING
Easy Collapse
450% (Massive) Wind damage to a foe.
1-turn cut to Ewiyar’s skill cooldowns.
Tep Em
(I’ll let you pet me just this once!)
(Grant Hype (3T) to a Wind ally who floofed Ewiyar.)
Erymda Em
(The great Ewiyar deserves your full attention!)
(All Wind allies gain Snuggle (Multiplier: Normal, 3T).)
Stuj Tel Em Pan
(Time for a nap!)
(Switch out with a sub ally. Grant the ally Hype (3T) for floofing Ewiyar.)
Outrageous Cat
Can’t attack.
Gain Charge Bar (30%) each turn.
The ally with the highest current HP substitutes for Ewiyar.
(At end of turn when Ewiyar didn’t take damage:
A random Wind ally can floof Ewiyar and gain Hype (3T).)
Life with a Kitty
20% boost to Wind allies’ dodge rate.
Upon a Wind ally dodging: Restore their own HP (Healing cap: 800) and remove 1 debuff.
(Activates even when Ewiyar is a sub ally.)
  • Sub ally dodge boost.
  • Allies heal + debuff clear on dodge.
  • Is super fluffy.
Type: VEIL
Use Areas: NM150
Ibormeith Solas
Massive Wind damage to a foe.
All allies gain Shield (2000, 2.5T).
Seruel gains Typhoon Crest 1.
Noble Blade
400% Wind damage to a foe.
Inflict ATK Down (20%, 180s), Earth ATK Lowered (10%, 180s), and Wind DEF Down (15%, 180s).
Glowing Alster
All allies gain Glowing Alster 2.
(Ends upon taking damage 2 times.)
Lucent Grace
All allies gain 70% Earth Cut (2T) and Typhoon Crest 1.
Allow Me to Escort You
10% boost to double attack rate and 5% boost to triple attack rate for all allies when Seruel is not debuffed.
Crownless Protector
Earth damage reduction to Wind allies based on their number of Typhoon Crest.
All Wind allies start battle with Veil.
(Takes effect even when Seruel is a sub ally.)
  • Back veil option is good for GW setups for those without Vampy.
Type: VEIL
Use Areas: NM150
Twinkle Magic
All friends gain Mirror Image (2 times).
Restore all friends’ HP (Healing cap: 3000) and remove 2 debuffs ♡
Soaring with Skyfarers
All friends gain Veil and Dispel Cancel (1 times) ♪
Let’s Do Our Best ♪
All friends gain ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), DEF Up (30%, 3T), and Guaranteed TA (1T) ♪
Sleepy Time
Gain Naptime (1T) ♪
(When nap ends:
Fully rested [Healing cap: 3000].
End all other skills’ cooldown.
Gain Instant Charge.)
Sky Realm Adventure ☆
Can’t normal attack and Into Hiding (Won’t be targeted by a foe’s one-ally attack if there is another ally available to target.) effect.
At end of turn: 50% chance to restore all friends’ HP (Healing cap: 1000) and remove 1 debuff ♡
We’ll Help Too ♪
30% boost C.A. damage and 5% boost to C.A. damage cap for Wind friends ☆
(Takes effect even when Cinnamoroll and Pompompurin is a sub ally ♪)
  • 30% CA damage and 5% CA cap is great for ougi OTK.

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