Unite and Fight (Light) 2025

Light Unite and Fight 2025









How to Farm

GW consists of 7 rounds.

The first two are colloquially refered to as meat farming. For most players, this round consists of farming out Extreme or Extreme+ to get host mats for the raids of Finals. In the first round, Preliminaries, all honor is counted to both crew and individual honors. In the second, Interlude, honors only count towards individuals. Farming preliminaries is a lot more important for this reason where interlude can often be skipped unless ranking. NM90 is also available these days. They will typically be the go to route for farming Celestial weapons as they are the fastest node that drops them and the rates at all Nightmare fights are about the same.

The bulk of GW is the four rounds of Finals. In this stage, teams go head to head to see who can get more honors during the round period. These rounds introduce Nightmare raids which uses the meat farmed during the previous rounds. Day 1 introduces NM95 and NM100, Day 2 brings NM150 and Day 3 provides the final fights of NM200 and NM250. While the best players will aim for the highest level every day, the general rule for all players is to farm whatever stage nets you the most honors per hour. So for example, if your best NM200 takes more than 3.25 times longer than NM150, it would be better to run NM150. The other main meta concern of this round is meat usage. It is helpful to both set meat usage goals and limits for each round so that you can both meet your individual goals as well as retain meat for the later rounds with a much higher honors/meat ratio.

The final round is Final Rally, a rematch against the GW boss with your whole crew. The fight is generally not notable in terms of diffculty and can easily be FA’d or refresh spammed.

Notable Changes This Year

In the last year, there hasn’t been too many changes are present for light. The biggest change is lies in summons.

Mars (Summer) is one of the strongest light specific summons for two seperate highly important reasons. Her sub aura provides 100/20% crit up. This is invaluable for Zeus grids as it let’s you use Efes without a crit grid and without button presses. Then for the call, it is the only multi turn bonus damage summon in Light which will make is great for UnF burst setups. But then on top of the bonus damage, she also provides 50k normal supp for even more damage output.

Orologia is an incredibly strong Burst summon that turns the MC’s first skill into one called . It deals a large 11 hit nuke and grants MC 20% ATK, 30% DEF, 100% DA, 50% TA, 10% cap up, 10% damage amp, and debuff success rate up. Its excellent for any setups that heavily focus on MC damage of which there are many many of in light. In addition, the 11 hit nuke can be boosted enough to deal 35m allowing for an extremely low lockout OTK.

Ragazzo (Summer) is one of the best OTK characters for light thanks to both casting his skill 1 on normal attacks and his skill 2 on enemy CA. Outside OTK, he is also a strong FA attacker. His Calorie stacks give him ATK, DEF, TA, damage cap, and normal amp based on their level for a max of 10. Then at 10 itself he gains perma double strike and his skill 2 adds a double dispel for a double dispel on enemy specials. Calorie stacks raise on using his first two skills or CA. Worst case scenario, ignoring getting paralyzed, his stacks will max on turn 6. This does make him better for longer fights.



This first section will cover weapons that are equally useful for Omega and Optimus.


1 Harp of Everlore★★★★★
1 Sword of Renunciation★★★★★
1 Sword of Repudiation★★★★★Only required for Zeus
1 Ultima Staff★★★★★
1 Ultima Sword★★★★★
1 Ultima Gun★★★★★
1 Altruism-Soul Staff★★★★★
1 Gateway-Star Sword★★★★★
1 Twinpain-Wolf Gun★★★★★
Worldvexing Angelos★★★★★
Worldscathing Leon★★★★★
2 ATK Concordia Mk IIs★★★★☆
1 Norden Labrys★★★☆☆
Royal Deliverance★★★☆☆
1 Radiance of Insightful Rebirth★★★☆☆
1 Draconic Blade★★★☆☆
1 SPC Symmetria Mk II★★★☆☆★★★☆☆ – Zeus
★★☆☆☆ – Omega
1 Exo Aristarchus★★★☆☆
1 Shooting of The Star★★☆☆☆

The most basic thing you should have leveled is your opus as that will be your mainstay for all grids. Level 200 is the baseline due to gaining the incredibly important 3rd skill slot. 230 is the most important transcendance level as it adds boostable damage amp to the opus. 250 is not hard required but is a good upgrade and the difference could make or break a tight setup.

When it comes to Ultima weapons, the most useful ones will be Ultima Staff, Ultima Gun, and Ultima Sword. The first pairs with Manadiver setups. Gun and Sword are generally interchangable depending on what you are doing. Gun has an edge of use in Soldier setups and both pair with Cosmos for NM250.

Moving onto celestial weapons, Altruism-Soul Staff, Twinpain-Wolf Gun, and Gateway-Star Sword will be the main choices for the same reason as the Ultimas. It would also help to get or leave a Gun/Sword at 3* for Soldier/RB bursts to make it easier to sacc off characters.

Next up, for World weapons, you’ll want the typical main two of Worldscathing Leon and Worldvexing Angelos as both can match well with Light teams.

As for the NWF weapon Shooting of The Star, it won’t really be used. It does provide 20% bonus damage to team with the Divinity buff from star call, but it doesn’t stack with Falsehood or Mugen. Both of those are generally preferable.

Draconic Blade and its upgrade Radiance of Insightful Rebirth will both be great defensive investments for FA especially if you wish to tackle the higher NM fights or have weaker characters in general.

Concordia Mk II are strong mod slots thanks to the ATK 20 awakening and provide 5% normal cap. They are quite good for burst setups especially for RB or Soldier setups.

Symmetria Mk II provides small tempering and garrison which makes it pretty good in the hands of a Zeus grid. The SPC copy is in the section for both however cuz the SPC awakening makes it a pretty good slot for skill teams even for Omega especially since Omega lacks any skill supp weapons of their own.

Exo Aristarchus is a farmable melee mainhand that isn’t an Ultima so its one of the better Lucha/Sumai mainhands for many people. The ATK awakening provides 15% skill cap and it also provides 10k stackable skill supp (50k max) on using an MC red skill. So its also pretty good for any monk setup.

The Viking CCW Norden Labrys is also a strong investment for OTK. This is thanks to its 3rd skill casting Banahogg 2-hit superior Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~370,000 per hit).
Inflict DEF Lowered (25%, 180s).
If main or auxiliary weapon is a sabre: Boost to number of hits (2 times).
If main or auxiliary weapon is an axe: Also inflict status DEF Down (25%, 180s).
to activate at the end of a turn where 40 or more hits dealt. Banahogg is a very large skill damage nuke making it a lot easier to pull of an OTK.

Royal Deliverance is another strong CCW investment for 100% uptime on 100% debuff resistance and dispel cancel as well as dispelling on CA. This will make NM250 a ton easier if you lack the important characters that can dispel or prevent debuffs.

Gold Moon

0-1 Excalibur (Light)★★★★☆

Excalibur (Light) provides 50% bonus damage to MC on CA. This is used in Relic Buster bursts to stack additional bonus damage on MC. In the prior years, it was used for the fastest NM200 clears and baring major character releases will likely be the same. The main competition right now for it is NM250 clears. With NM200 and NM250 being on the same day and Light having an insanely powerful CA team, its quite likely NM250 CA bursting can outdo NM200 setups. But either way its still quite good for what it does.


To start, let us cover the weapons needed for Luminiera grids.


4 Luminiera Bolt Credo★★★★★4 required for Extremity
2 Luminiera Saber Credo★★★★★
2-3 Pillar of Flame★★★★☆
3 Luminiera Sword Omega★★★★☆
2 Luminiera Lance Credo★★★★☆

Like most other elements at this point, the core of Omega grids is its M3 exalto weapon. In this case, that would be Luminiera Bolt Credo. Four of these will cover all your needs from OTK to burst to FA. 4 is also needed for Super Lucilius Keys for burst setups.

Luminiera Saber Credo is also great as it provides big TA and small MA. This makes it great for either cutting a button from burst setups or making everyone TA in an OTK.

Pillar of Flame are effective raw mod slots thanks to providing both big crit and medium stam. 2 are used for double Lumi setups where 3 is for single Lumi ones.

Luminiera Sword Omega are still good mod slots and provide HP for FA setups. 3 is probably overkill now a days but M1 weapons are easy enough to get anyways.

And last but not least is Luminiera Lance Credo. This is a hard defensive weapon providing medium HP, medium heal cap, and medium garrison. It is an excellent for FA for the higher levels. 1 should handle most things but getting a 2nd to be safe is reccomended.

Good to Have

1-3 Harsiesis★★★☆☆1-2 with 1 Harmonia
0 with 2
2 DEF Harakhte★★★☆☆Can do 1 ATK 1 DEF too
1 Heliogabalus Militis★★★☆☆
2 ATK Harakhte★☆☆☆☆Only if CA based OTK

Harsiesis and their supp will be decent slots but are replaced easily by stronger weapons. You could use about 3 of them for OTK if you lack Harmonia . If you already have two Harmonia you won’t need it.

Harakhte and Heliogabalus Militis are for CA based OTK and for CA setups for NM250. DEF harakhtes are prefered for NM250 while ATK are preferred for OTK. If you won’t use them for OTK, you can skip the the ATK ones.

Premium Upgrades

1-2 Harmonias★★★★★

For premium upgrade options, Harmonia is your highest priority thanks to the unconditional 50k supp.. They are an excellent boost and its a highly reccomended to get one.


Zeus grids will likely be mostly stable until UnF. Most likely, they will recieve a new mainhand Grand which won’t fundamnetally change grids.


3 Efess★★★★★2 is fine
2 Harmonias★★★★★
2 Imperious Fury★★★★☆
1-2 MA Eden★★★★☆
1 Gambanteinn★★★★☆

Efes is Lights’s exalto weapon and provides damage amp on critical hits. This amp is quite potent thanks to its ability to stack with other amp sources. The main drawback is the need to crit to activate. Thankfully, light has two non grid ways to reach 100% crit. The sub aura from Mars (Summer) provides 100% crit at 0 button presses. The other way is via Mugen (Halloween)’s skill 2 Song of Sweetmeats All Light allies gain Light ATK Up (30%, 5T), Critical Hit Rate Boosted (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and DMG Amplified (20%, 5T).(Inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (90% Max)) on target allies.) . For extended setups, you will need to run a crit grid for them.

Imperious Fury is Light’s Vitality weapon providing ATK, DEF, and Special Cap based on HP. The additional cap up helps for burst but only for boosted setups. Since its based on HP, any unboosted setups will ditch them. For FA, the DEF and HP are both pretty good. Generally, this is the weakest and most vulnerable slot in Light grids, but its still used widely enough now to suggest getting two.

Edens and Gambanteinns both fall under the category of strong raw damage slots combined with multi attack up. Its common to see two edens or one of each in burst or OTK grids to both help reach cap and get to 100% TA on characters without button presses.

Good to Have

1-2 Ivory Arks★★★☆☆
2 Radiant Rinnes★★★☆☆
1-2 Diaitesia★★★☆☆
0-1 Official’s Jitte★★☆☆☆
1-2 DEF Symmetria★★☆☆☆

Ivory Ark is the main crit weapon for Light that isn’t the exalto. Being a big crit weapon it can easily cap up the crit from Efes. Ivory Ark will typically only be slotted for FA setups as burst setups have other ways to reach 100% crit and the second mod being small HP and debuff resistance makes it better for FA. Its also a pretty good manadiver mainhand as it provides 10% partywide bonus damage on CA.

Radiant Rinnes are Zeus’s boostable skill cap and skill supp weapon. It is all around excellent thanks to the large amounts of skill damage light deals. EX+, FA, and NM250 all make use of it.

Diaitesia is a CA focused weapon which boosts CA damage by 10%, CA cap by 6% and special CA cap by 2% per harp in grid for up to five harps. Since both Harmonias and Rinnes are harps, its pretty easy to get this up there. Since it also provides medium HP, this will likely be slotted in for NM250 setups.

Official’s Jitte is an excellent mainahand for Chrysaor setups. It provides crests to the teams an will deal a 1-6 hit skill nuke based on the number of crests. At 5 crests, all allies will gain 10% bar at the end of turn to help with CA looping. On top of this, it also provides 15% CA cap and medium crit to help reach 100% crit for Efes.

Gold Moon

0-1 Ameno Habakiri (Light)★★★★☆
0-1 Golden Fists of Ura★★★☆☆
0-1 Futsunomitama★★☆☆☆

Ameno Habakiri (Light) is all around an excellent choice for Light as it provides both the much needed crit for Efes while also providing TA which is good in general from OTK to burst to FA. With the free Superlative tickets recently, chances are this will make an appearance in a lot of Zeus grids as it is quite an efficient slot.

Golden Fists of Ura is an all around excellent weapon that often finds itself in some of the fastest setups. It provides 30% normal amp to the team along with Big ATK and Big TA. It also gives the MC full force counter and deals an extra nuke on countering. The amp stacks with both the amp from Opus and from Efes. It will particularly be great for EX+ and NM90-NM150.

Futsunomitama is often called the premium ivory ark due to it having a similar CA of 15% teamwide bonus damage along with reducing red skill cooldowns by 1 and raising Thunderstruck by 2. When using the first slot skill, it deals a 4 hit skill nuke that also raises Thunderstruck by 2 and provides 3 turns of 30k skill supp to team. Once Thunderstruck reaches level 5, it deals a 4 hit skill nuke on normals. It is one of the best Manadiver mainhands due to all the extra damage instances it provides but needs time to ramp up which limits its overall use. It also is one of the easier ways to Orologia OTK as Transcendent Blue 11-hit Elemental damage to a foe (2600% total / Damage cap: ~4,000,000 total). MC gains Power of the Boundary triggers the 4 hit skill damage.



See more information on the Light Character burst section.

Full Auto

See more information on the Light Character full auto section.


See more information on the Light Character OTK section.


Characters with useful backline passives.

Ain Soph Aur
450% (Massive) Earth damage to a foe.
Gain Blessed. (Next Ecliptica activates twice.)
Ethereal Prison
500% Earth damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Inflict Elemental Friction 5 (Accuracy: 200%, 5T) and Prison of War 2 (Accuracy: 90%, 2T).
600% Earth damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Steal one of the tetra-elements.
(Inflict Fire ATK Lowered (30%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Water ATK Lowered (30%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Earth ATK Lowered (30%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), or Wind ATK Lowered (30%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s) on a foe.
Gain Fire ATK Boosted (Can’t be removed) (30%), Water ATK Boosted (Can’t be removed) (30%), Earth ATK Boosted (Can’t be removed) (30%), or Wind ATK Boosted (Can’t be removed) (30%) based on the stolen element.)
The Vice
Remove all buffs from all other allies and foes.
Gain Instant Charge, C.A. DMG Boosted (Can’t be removed) (150%, 1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Can’t be removed) (90%, 1T).
Four Primarchs’ Wings
30% Bonus DMG effect of each stolen element.
Buffs can’t be removed once Sandalphon has all the tetra-elements.
This is What I Live For
Can’t restore HP.
Takes 10% max HP damage every turn (Damage cap: 1000).
boost to critical hit rate (100), 20% boost to damage cap, 250% boost to DEF, and guaranteed double attacks.
Converts some types of turn-based damage to HP recovery.
  • 20% boost to Light Omega and Optimus weapon skills.
Use Areas: UnF
Parhelion Prayer
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
All allies gain Light ATK Up (20%, 2.5T) and 20% Dark Cut (2.5T).
All Light allies gain Shield (5000), Mirror Image (1 times), and Armored (50%, 3T).
Illuminate the field with sunlight.
(Iliofaneia (Multiplier: Unique, 8T) to the Field Effect|field.)
Ilios Fotizo
All Light allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Light) (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and Bonus Light DMG (20%, 5T).
Sun’s Divine Protection
10% Dark damage reduction to Light allies.
All Light allies start battle with Veil.
(Takes effect even when Zahlhamelina is a sub ally.)
Vivid Sunshine
Supplement Light allies’ critical hit damage (Damage cap: 3000).
  • Veil and 10% dark damage reduction.
Howitzer Fist
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.
Gain Divinity (Summon) (Guaranteed TA / 20% DMG Taken Boosted, 3.5T).
17-hit, 40% Light damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~53,000 per hit (~900,000 total)).
Gain Hostility Boosted (Stackable/Can’t be removed) (10 Max: 30) and Iron Fist.
Gain Substituted (All-Ally) (1T) and Counters on DMG (400%-500%, 3 times, 1T).
I’ll Bet My Soul
Gain Impregnable Fortress (40%-120%, 5T).
(Will be knocked out when effect ends.)
(Effect duration extends upon being targeted by a Light ally’s healing skill or buff skill.)
Pray upon the Star
35% hit to charge bar gain.
Amplify (Seraphic multiplier) one-foe attack damage by 10%. (Effect increases based on Iron Fist lvl [Max: 3].)
The Star Reversed
When Sub Ally: Cap Dark damage taken by Light allies at 10,000 per hit.
  • Caps incoming dark damage to 10k per hit.
  • At FLB, adds stackable 2% (10% max) to allies when they take damage.
Nobita’s All-Out Attack
450% (Massive) Light damage to a foe.1-turn cut to gadgets’ cooldowns.
Unturned Stone Cap
Gain Unturned Stone Cap (2T) and Guaranteed TA (2T).
Bounce Back Cape
Gain Bounce Back Cape (1T).(And counter with a blast from the Air Cannon after a dodge!)
Air Cannon
800% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~800,000).Gain Charge Boost (20%).
Aim Carefully!
Gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (50%, 3T).
Attacks won’t miss.
Fastest Draw In the Skies
When Sub Ally: Light damage to a foe upon Light chain burst activation.(Boost to damage specs based on number of chains.)
  • Skill nuke on chain burst with damage depending on the number of chains.
Zeruch Shot
Massive Light damage to a foe. (50% boost to C.A. damage and 20% boost to C.A. damage cap against foes with Weak Point (3,000 per debuff Damage cap: 30,000).)
Gain Charge Boost (20%).
Invisible Hawk
Gain Into Hiding (5T), Critical Up (75%, 5T), C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (40%, 5T), and Uplift (20%, 5T).
Self-inflict DEF Down (50%, 5T).
Inflict ATK Down 3 (30%, 3T), DEF Down 3 (30%, 3T), and Weak Point 3 (3,000 per debuff Damage cap: 30,000, 3T) on a foe.
Blind Spot
Switch out with a sub ally.
(Provide Backup Fire (3T) to the ally.)
3% boost to Light characters’ critical hit damage cap.
Bullet Burst
When Sub Ally: 300% bonus Light damage to a foe upon the chain burst Ascension (Damage cap: ~580,000).
  • Skill nuke on 4 chain that is larger than Nobita’s 4 chain nuke.


A list of summons that will see use this GW.

Universal Summons

Belial★★★★★50k free supplemental damage. Will almost always be slotted.
Beelzebub★★★★★Top tier main summon thanks to both its MC buffs and essential call for most burst setups.
Yatima★★★★☆Sub aura let’s you call two summons in a turn. Especially important for Earth that relies a lot on summons for buffs.
Triple Zero★★★★☆Provides 10% damage amp as main summon. Call deals a lot of damage and provides instant charge to MC which great for Spartan setups or OTK.
Wedges of the Sky★★★★☆20% boost to Omega weapon skills.
Halluel and Malluel★★★☆☆
Belial (Summer)★★★☆☆Everyone starts with 1 hit counter for free damage.
Beelzebub (Summer)★★★☆☆2m plain damage at end of turn for 3 turns.

Light Specific

Luminiera Omega★★★★★Core Aura Summon for Omega. 210 sub aura is great for Omega and Optimus.
Zeus★★★★★Core Aura Summon for Optimus. 210/230 sub aura is great for Omega and Optimus.
Metatron★★★★★5-15% damage cap sub aura.
Mars (Summer)★★★★★Sub Aura provides 100/20% crit.
Call is 3T of 20% echo and 50k supp.
Artemis★★★★☆1 turn echo summon. Works at 0* for most setups but 3* may be required for optimal setups.
Lu Woh★★★★☆20-40% boost to Optimus weapon skills. Call also provides 50k teamwide supp.


Huanglong★★★★★30% bar to party on battle start when main or support summon.
Heimdallr★★☆☆☆Can be used at FLB for Manadiver OTK setups


Another thing to farm for are the various Manatura that might see use.

The main three are from left to right the Leviathan Mino, the Ouroboros Mino, and the Dark Rapture Simulacrum. There are the primary three for most uses with Manadiver. All three use the same mechanic of dealing skill damage on normal attacks when MC has at least 1 crest at the cost of 30% charge bar.

Leviathan is the most basic and easiest to obtain especially since it can be traded for. It deals a 6 hit skill damage instance. And it also inflicts a debuff called Submerged with is used by the support passive to give MC 10% bonus damage.

Ouroboros is a very strong upgrade thanks to its 6 hit nuke hitting harder and support passive that provides 30k teamwide supplemental damage with an additional 5k supp per crest. The main drawback is the way to obtain it is from the Alchemy Lab where it costs a hefty 30k points. This cost is pretty significant for anyone who hasn’t extensively bar farmed before.

Lastly, the Dark Rapture Simulacrum is a side grade to the Ouroboros one. It deals a single large skill damage instance that also inflicts amplified damage taken. And its support passive provides MC with 30% perp ATK, 25/25 DATA, 10% cap, and +10 hostlity to MC at the cost of 10% HP per turn. In many cases for burst setups, this can slightly edge out over Ouroboros, but for any FA setup that lasts a significant number of turns, the HP cost can often prove to much.

Unlike the others, the Agastia Simulacrum is a very specialized one focus on setups where the MC will charge attack. The support passive grants the MC 9% (90% max) CA damage, and 3% (30%) max CA cap per buff on MC. And when MC has 12 or more buffs, it deals a massive 10 hit skill damage nuke that can easily deal over 9m damage in OTK setups. Combine this from the skill damage it inflicts on attack for over 10m additional damage after CA. Outside OTK, it is unlikely to see use this UnF. But is way more likely to be useful in Water UnF.

Example Grids

Here are a few examples of weapon configurations for this year.



First up will be an example of burst grids. This in particular is for Relic Buster which uses Florence (Halloween)’s targetable one turn assassin to deal large amounts of damage with Blitz Raid Instantly perform a normal attack without using up a turn.
(Consumes 1 Machine Cell.)

For this, the primary focus is to increase the damage output on MC as much as possible. Assassin best benefits from having high amounts of cap up which thankfully is provided by the Bolts. Worldscathing Leon’s required gun and katana proficiency only affects the MC for these setups but that’s all you need. The remaining slots can be replaced depending on the requirements.

For Single Lumi setups, the best slots are Pillar of Flames. With 3 Bolts and 170% Lumi they reach 99% crit. With Wedges of the Sky slotted it hits the full 100%.

If desiring to reduce buttons, the TA provided from Luminiera Saber Credo is highly valuable with two getting you a large way there with even a single Lumi.

Sword of Renunciation
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Pillar of Flame
Pillar of Flame
Pillar of Flame
Worldscathing Leon
Gateway-Star Sword
Ultima Sword
Sword of Renunciation
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Saber Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Saber Credo
Worldscathing Leon
Gateway-Star Sword
Ultima Sword

Another stronger burst variant are soldier setups. Grid wise its mostly the same but Concordia Mk II is slotted for the normal cap as the damage spread isn’t as centered on MC so its usually better than the World weapon.

Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Pillar of Flame
Pillar of Flame
Pillar of Flame
Concordia Mk II
Sword of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Saber Credo
Luminiera Saber Credo
Sword of Renunciation
Concordia Mk II
Concordia Mk II
Ultima Sword

Full Auto

Now for an FA setup. Manadiver is a typical choice for MC class thanks to the damage output from both nukes after MC autos and teamwide echoes it provides. Depending on the raid, you can use either Pillar of Flames or Luminiera Sword Omegas. With double 170 Lumi and Bolts, you can cap crit with just two Pillars. Because of that, they provide a high amount of damage mod to grid space. Lumi swords on the other hand provide more HP for when you need it.

As for mainhand, Concordia Mk II and Altruism-Soul Staff are typically the best slots. Other options include Ultima Staff (Light), Gambanteinn, or Sephira Emerald Staff.

The third Opus key can be Stamina or Extremity depending on what is available.

Concordia Mk II
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Sword Omega
Luminiera Sword Omega
Luminiera Saber Credo
Altruism-Soul Staff
Sword of Renunciation
Ultima Staff
Altruism-Soul Staff
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Pillar of Flame
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Pillar of Flame
Luminiera Saber Credo
Sword of Renunciation
Ultima Staff



First an example of a standard light RB burst. Efes and Harmonia form the core components of the setup. The middle row can be flexed depending on the situation. The main thing to note with this setup is while the grid lacks 100% crit to activate Efes’s third skill, Mugen (Halloween) provides 100% crit which also activates them.

Sword of Repudiation
Imperious Fury
Imperious Fury
Worldscathing Leon
Ultima Sword

And then an example with the 150 GM weapon Golden Fists of Ura. This one runs lucha and drops the World harp for the fist.

Golden Fists of Ura
Imperious Fury
Imperious Fury
Sword of Repudiation
Ultima Claw

Full Auto

Now for a full auto example. Unlike before, we need achieve 100% via grid components for Efes to activate which is where Ivory Arks come in. Light FA presently contains a lot of skill damage dealers. Thus to make the most of them Radiant Rinnes are slotted. If new character releases make normal attack focused FA better than skill damage, these will be the grid pieces swapped out either for Efes or Furies.

Ivory Ark
Ivory Ark
Radiant Rinne
Radiant Rinne
Imperious Fury
Sword of Repudiation
Ultima Staff

Past Years

UnF pages for prior years.

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