TLDR for Kaguya’s Fans

This is a guest article with information provided by god of wind Tran. Thank you so much.

My TLDR of the new developments:

  • Fans are essentially the final nail in the coffin for double-sided Zeph setups. Not that they were really alive aside from being copium options or if you needed HP but had no Luci250, but this pretty much shuts the door on them forever.
  • Galewings get massively buffed by Fans being daggers, to the point that two Galewings are now mega core to Zeph grids as long as you also have Fans to go along with them
  • 3rd Clam gets dropped in non-Extra grids due to a lack of space; Fans are occupying real estate and damage amp is a gigantic boost to raw power that you don’t just get with cap up.
  • Majority of non-Clam, non-Galewing weapons lose almost all of their relevance the moment you have multiple Fans. The only weapons that really survive at the moment are Destiny Knuckles, Love Eternal, and to a lesser extent Spear of Assail.
  • At three Fans, you honestly just dump everything and run a pure Grand Weapon grid with 2 Clams, 2 Galewings, 3 Fans, and a flex weapon slot. You have so much raw power that Stamina and Enmity from the grid generally ceases to be a consideration.


Granblue grid building, team compositions, and analysis.