
This page goes over Omega Wind grids and weapons. They are called Tiamat after the farmable Wind aura summon Tiamat Omega. Additionally, they are often referred to as Magna after the JP name for them.

Wind Pages











Early Game (Magna 1)

In the early game, building for Omega grids follows the general format of 5-6 magna mods, 1-2 normal mods, 2-3 EX mods, and 1 seraphic. Below are a list of available weapons for these mod types.

Magna (5-6 per grid)

Weapons who skills are Omega mod. These skills are boosted by Tiamat Omega. They typically can be identied by either an Ω in english or M in Japanese.

Copies: 4-6
Source: TIAMAT
Cyclonic Destruction
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Inflict ATK Down.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Increased to ATK Down.
Stormwyrm’s Might
Medium boost to wind allies’ ATK
Stormwyrm’s Enmity
Small boost to wind allies’ ATK based on how low HP is
  • Medium magna ATK and small magna enmity
  • BiS magna weapon for M1 grids.
  • The combo of attack and enmity overtakes the damage of Tiamat fists at ~85% HP which is very common during M1.
  • Given free for story progress and during anniversary.
Copies: 1-3
Source: TIAMAT
Cyclonic Destruction
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Inflict ATK Down.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Increased to ATK Down.
Stormwyrm’s Might II
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK
  • Large magna attack.
  • Alternative to Tiamat gun especially if you aren’t dropping HP like for burst setups.
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Peridot Shot
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All allies gain Refresh (Healing cap: 600).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to Refresh (10% of max HP Healing cap: 800, 3.5T) (Healing cap: 800).
Additional effect at 5★:
Also inflict Wind Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s) to a foe.
Stormwyrm's Might III
Big boost to wind allies' ATK
Stormwyrm's Progression II
Medium boost to wind allies' wind ATK based on number of turns passed
  • Large magna attack and medium progression make this a good slot for your 6th magna mode.
  • Good for longer battles as progression gains in strength with more turns passed.
  • Uncap can be slow until Rank 120 but is doable. However at 120 it is a lot quicker.
Copies: 1
Source: NEZHA
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Inflict DEF Lowered.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Stormwyrm’s Betrayal
Boost to wind allies’ ATK for first 8 turns of battle
Stormwyrm’s Tyranny
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK / 10% cut to wind allies’ max HP
  • Large magna attack as well as betrayal for a bonus large attack with for 8 turns.
  • Alternative 6th magna slot geared towards fights. that last less than ten turns.
  • You can buy 2/month in the Prestige Pendant shop.
  • The showdown is relatively easy to farm .
  • Comes in handy in burst grids later on.

Normal (1-2 per grid)

Weapons with skills that are normal mod. These skills typically boosted by Zephyrus but some like the Bahamut weapons can’t be boosted. Normal skills don’t have any special icons to indicate them.

Copies: 1
Massive dark DMG to a foe (Gain DA Up.)
Human Animus Dominion
Boost to Humans’ ATK.
  • Extremely strong normal mod that continues to get stronger with upgrades.
  • A free copy can be obtained from the What Makes the Sky Blue sidestory.
  • Choice of Bahamut weapon depends on your characters. Most players typically get Bahamut dagger first due to the large amount of Humans and Erunes.
  • Typically the only normal mod in M1 grids.
Copies: 1
Eastern Guardian Charge
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Gain DA Up.)
Ventosus’s Might
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK
  • Additional normal mod.
  • Don’t need to rush Malus cipher until later since you are probably not capping in the first place.
  • Fairly easy to uncap with the materials dropping commonly.
  • Locked to Rise of the Beasts.

EX (2-3 per grid)

Weapons with skills that are EX mod. EX skills can not be boosted at all. These skills can be identified with an EX on them.

Copies: 1
Impact Spitfire
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Gain DA Up and TA Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also gain Bonus Wind DMG.
Additional effect at 5★:
DA Up, TA Up, and Bonus Wind DMG now affects all allies.
Big boost to Wind allies’ ATK
Yes, My Lord!
When main weapon: Wind allies gain 30% boost to Skill DMG and 10% boost to Skill DMG Cap.
  • One of Wind’s best early-game Mainhands and EX Modifiers.
  • Can be easily obtained from Shadowverse: Duelist of Eternity sidestory.
  • Provides 30% skill damage and 10% skill-cap.
  • Received a ULB that adds 15% echo and 15/15 DATA team on ougi making it highly valuable for weaker teams.
  • Has a good amount of use in OTK and FA as mainhand for Relic Buster.
Copies: 1
Silver Bolt
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Slight chance for 1-turn cut to MC’s skill cooldowns.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Forest Blessing
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK
Forest Dweller’s Insight
When main weapon: All allies gain ATK Boosted (Stackable) (1T) when MC uses a skill (Max: 5).
  • Side Story EX option.
  • Can be easily obtained from Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion – The Blue Reckoning.
  • Not worth using as a mainhand.
Copies: 1
Astra Horizon
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Remove 1 buff.)
Horseman’s Supremacy
Massive boost to wind allies’ ATK
  • Large EX source as well as bonuses from AX skills.
  • Upgrade option to side story weapons.
  • Maintains a useful MH even into late game due to the dispel and later double dispel on ougi.
Copies: 1
Southern Dipper
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All allies gain Charge Bar Sped Up.)
Horseman’s Supremacy
Massive boost to wind allies’ ATK
  • Large EX source as well as bonuses from AX skills.
  • Upgrade option to side story weapons.
  • Ougi is ignorable.

Seraphic (1 per grid)

Seraphic skills amplify all damage fighting on element and are always must slots in that case. They can’t be boosted and have no special indicator.

Copies: 1
Iudicium Windstorm
Big Wind damage to a foe.All allies gain Wind ATK Up (3.5T).
Raphael’s Blessing
Amplify Wind allies’ damage against Earth foes by 10%.
  • 10% seraphic mod that boosts all wind damage by 10% when fighting on element.
  • SSR upgrade is rank gated so upgrading can be put on the backburner until then.

Example Grids

Below is a an example grid for most content. Here we have two EX weapons in the form of Xenos, a Normal in form of the Baha, and 6 Omega weapons that can be any mix of Bolts, Gaunlets, and up to one Nalakuvara. Ideally, you want to lean towards Bolts for any extended battle and Gaunlets for something that ends very quick.

Tiamat Bolt Omega
Tiamat Bolt Omega
Tiamat Bolt Omega
Tiamat Gauntlet Omega
Tiamat Gauntlet Omega
Ancient Nalakuvara
Xeno Conviction Flashspear
Ring of Raphael (SR)
Dagger of Bahamut Nova

Some gacha weapons can prove useful in magna grids. For wind this takes the form of Piercing Galewing. Don’t worry about barring it. It is good at 0* and won’t recieve a major boost from barring them in M1 grids.

Tiamat Bolt Omega
Tiamat Bolt Omega
Tiamat Bolt Omega
Tiamat Gauntlet Omega
Tiamat Gauntlet Omega
Ancient Nalakuvara
Piercing Galewing
Ring of Raphael (SR)
Dagger of Bahamut Nova

Magna 2

Moving into mid game, many new weapons become available resulting in many grid changes. At this stage, the concept of a general grid becomes dead with many specialized grids taking their place. This section will cover content between Rank 120 and 175.

New Weapons

List of the notable new weapons during these ranks.

Copies: 2-4
Flash Ruination
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Gain Mirror Image.)
Stormwyrm’s Stamina
Medium boost to wind allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
Stormwyrm’s Verity II
Big boost to wind allies’ critical hit rate
  • Medium stamina and big crit.
  • Core weapon to magna crit.
    • Most grids will use 2 of these with a spoon for 100% crit.
    • Burst grids will use up to four.
Copies: 1-3
Unbridled Windbloom
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Gain Dodge Rate Boosted (Stackable).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Stormwyrm’s Majesty
Small boost to wind allies’ ATK and max HP
Stormwyrm’s Restraint
Medium boost to wind allies’ double attack rate and critical hit rate
  • Small ATK, small HP, medium crit, and medium DA.
  • Also known as Spoon.
  • Best HP option for M2 as it pairs with the Harp with 100% crit.
  • The need for multiple copies has been reduced with Schrodingers and Claíomh Solais Díons.
Copies: 2-3 ATK, 1 DEF
Source: RA
Mawjat Mariqa
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Chance to inflict Delay.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to 100% chance to inflict Delay.
Tranquility’s Persistence
Supplement wind allies’ DMG based on how high their HP is
Whirlwind’s Progression
Medium boost to wind allies’ wind ATK based on number of turns passed
  • 30k stamina supplemental to all hits.
  • Very useful for stamina based auto and skill damage teams.
  • Used a lot in Bursting, FA, OTK.
  • Wind’s first farmable Delay on ougi weapon, making it extremely useful for Belial solos.
  • The extra progression, despite being Primal-boosted, is still nice to have and can replace the need for Peridot Crossbow
Copies: 3 ATK 0-1 SPC
Source: RA
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Inflict Wind Resistance Lowered.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflicts Debuff Resistance Lowered.
Tranquility’s Fortitude
Supplement wind allies’ DMG based on how low HP is
Preemptive Gale Blade
Boost to wind allies’ ATK for first 8 turns of battle
  • Enmity based supplemental weapon
  • Provides Preemptive skill, stacking with Ancient Nalakuvara.
  • Became a lot more valuable with the rise of Spartan comps.
  • An upgrade MH over the Tia Fist for lucha.
Copies: 1
Stormwyrm’s Majesty III
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation
A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel
A symbol of evolution’s holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
  • Big magna ATK and HPcap up of choice at FLB, and third skill of many powerful options at ULB.
  • At FLB it is a solid slot for the free cap of choice, but due to the large quartz cost it should be lower priority until the rest of your grid is done.
  • Once ULB it will be a must slot in every grid.
  • Skill 2 is almost always skill cap.
  • Skill 3 will typically be Stamina to start.
  • For bursting it will normally be Echo key and to a rarer extent Freyr.
Copies: 2
Source: EWIYAR
Zephyr Blade
400% Wind damage to a foe. (All allies gain Skill DMG Boosted and Skill DMG Cap Boosted.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Damage increased to 450%. (Also deal 300% bonus Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000).)
Gale’s Might
Massive boost to wind allies’ ATK
Emerald Covenant
Supplement Wind allies’ skill damage.
  • Unconditional 100k skill damage supplemental. Stacks up to 200k.
  • Core weapon to Wind skill damage comps.
  • Additionally, a big normal mod to slot if you need one.

Example Grids

First grid I’ll cover is a basic FA setup. Here the main component is the crit weapon Last Storm Harp. With double 4* Tiamat, three of them are required to reach 100% Crit. Spring’s Whisperings is an HP slot that can be subbed out if you don’t have HP issues.

The second example is one that assumes rank 150. Most notable, with rank 150 you can 5* Tiamat which then let’s you reach 100% crit with two harps and one Coruscant Crozier. We’ll also take this change to slot in two Ewiyar’s Beaks as they are very strong skill supp weapons.

Peridot Crossbow
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Spring’s Whisperings
Dagger of Bahamut Coda
Spear of Renunciation
Ring of Raphael (SSR)
Peridot Crossbow
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Coruscant Crozier
Spear of Renunciation
Ewiyar’s Beak
Ewiyar’s Beak
Ring of Raphael (SSR)

One main weakness of wind at this point is it severly lacks a strong CA setup. Below is an example for Relic Buster bursting using its skill Limit Burst All allies gain Charge Bar, C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) based on number of Machine Cell.
(Consumes all Machine Cell.)
. As you can see there really isn’t much opportunity to increase CA damage or cap. Instead, we will need to reply of skill damage dealers and skill CA to make up for the loss of CA damage.

Tiamat Gauntlet Omega
Tiamat Gauntlet Omega
Ancient Nalakuvara
Qinglong Spear Malus
Daur da Blao
Daur da Blao
Dagger of Bahamut Coda
Spear of Renunciation
Ring of Raphael (SSR)

An alternative burst method is Luchador which will focus more on normal attacks. Before having a 5* opus, normal attacks will hit pretty weak. But wind’s M2 crit does have a higher raw damage that makes having good normal attacks a lot more managable. Here, four harps are slotted as you will typical be running this single sided. They won’t fully reach 100% crit unless you find a transcended Tiamat, but it is close enough to work fine.

Abu Simbel
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Ancient Nalakuvara
Spear of Renunciation
Ring of Raphael (SSR)

Last let’s discuss adopting the Grand weapon Piercing Galewing. If you have a Galewing, you can slot it in any of the prior setups even at 0*. This would replace a Mandjet as they serve similar function. Below is an example of doing so in the initial FA setup.

Peridot Crossbow
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Piercing Galewing
Spring’s Whisperings
Dagger of Bahamut Coda
Spear of Renunciation
Ring of Raphael (SSR)

Magna 3 to Late Game

Magna 3 introduces a lot of new strong weapons that provides a much needed boost to farmable setups. Additionally, this will go through the weapons introduced at Rank 200 which is the highest level requirement in the game presently.

New Weapons

List of the notable new weapons during these ranks.

Copies: 3-5
Procella Populans
Massive wind DMG to a foe / Hit to ATK / Chance of Delay effect
Additional effect at 4★:
Omega Exalto Aeros
20% boost to Stormwyrm’s weapon skills
Stormwyrm’s Might II
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK
Storm’s Vivification
Boost to ATK and DMG cap based on how many weapons with Stormwyrm’s weapon skills are equipped
  • Core weapon for M3.
  • 20% boost to Omega weapon skills and 2% EX and 1% cap up per weapon with an Omega skill slotted.
  • Very easy to reach 20% cap up with them.
  • 3-4 copies will cover general uise. 5 is for usage with Super Lucilius keys.
Copies: 2
Inexorabilis Calamitas
Massive wind DMG to a foe / Hit to ATK / Boost to all allies’ DMG cap
Additional effect at 4★:
Stormwyrm’s Bloodshed III
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK / Take DMG worth 20% of max HP at battle start
Stormwyrm’s Might
Medium boost to wind allies’ ATK
  • Bloodshed takes 20% HP at battle start pushing you further into enmity territory.
  • Pairs great with the current dominance of Spartan comps in wind.
  • Can replace a Destiny Knuckle in primal grids.
Copies: 2
Falx Perfurens
Massive wind DMG to a foe / Hit to ATK / Boost to all allies’ skill DMG
Additional effect at 4★:
Stormwyrm’s Tempering III
Big boost to wind allies’ skill DMG cap / Big supplemental boost to skill DMG
Stormwyrm’s Garrison
Small boost to wind allies’ DEF based on how low HP is
  • Skill Supplemental, Skill Cap, and Garrision in one weapon.
  • May be useful for hard content setups but the lack of attack mods hurts its general viability.
Copies: 2-3 ATK MKII, 2-3 DEF, 1-2 SPC
Source: SIETE
Lama dell’Accoglienza
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All allies gain ATK Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
MC also gains Unchallenged (1 times, 2.5T).
Sword’s Wrath
Boost to ATK, max HP, and multiattack rate based on how many sabres are equipped
Sword’s Charge
Boost to C.A. DMG, C.A. DMG cap, and special C.A. DMG cap based on how many sabres are equipped
  • Sword wraith and charge as well as awakenings makes it a great slot for Hard Content and CA setups in general.
  • Reccomended to start with two defense awakening to assist with hard content.

Example Grids

First up will be an example of a burst grid. This in particular is for Spartan which uses the Falsehood chain on the Dark Opus to provide teamwide double strike. In addition, its ultimate mastery skill Molon Labe All allies gain Bonus DMG (20%, 3T), Jammed (30%-90%, 8T), Lethal Attack Dodged (1 times), and Shielded (3000).
(Consumes 40% of each ally’s current HP.)
both provides teamwide echoes and push the team further into enmity.

This setup notably uses Tiamat Arc Aura for the bloodshed to cut 20% HP per copy. This is then paired with a strong enmity mod in Tiamat Bolt Omega and strong enemity supp weapons in Abu Simbels. With this setup also capping cap up thanks to the Tiamat Bolt Aura as well as the HP levels causing the Simbels to provide 50k supp each, the Simbels actually wind up being stronger that even the premium option of Piercing Galewing.

But at the same time, not strong enough to be better than Gales completely. You can pair the gales with Twinfall-Sky Blade to make up for the raw damage loss. This results in Gales still being able to edge out a bit.

Spear of Renunciation
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Omega
Tiamat Bolt Omega
Altruism-Soul Staff
Abu Simbel
Abu Simbel
Ultima Blade
Spear of Renunciation
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Omega
Tiamat Bolt Omega
Twinfall-Sky Blade
Piercing Galewing
Piercing Galewing
Ultima Blade

Now for an FA setup. Manadiver is a typical choice for MC class thanks to the damage output from both nukes after MC autos and teamwide echoes it provides. With double 170 Tiamat and Bolts, you can cap crit with just two Harps or two spoons and one harp. Because of that, they provide a high amount of damage mod to grid space. If you happen to have a Piercing Galewing, run that as a mainhand instead.

In the Galleon example, we instead hard focus on skill damage in order to cancel the Galleon raid’s 5M skill damage omen. As a result, we drop the general cap up from the Bolts for more skill damage. I personally found the mix of Ewiyar’s Beak, Tiamat Edge Aura, and Worldstorming Aetos to be the strongest.

Coruscant Crozier
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Last Storm Harp
Coruscant Crozier
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Staff
Piercing Galewing
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Gateway-Star Sword
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Ewiyar’s Beak
Piercing Galewing
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Staff
Coruscant Crozier
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Tiamat Edge Aura
Ewiyar’s Beak
Worldstorming Aetos
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Staff

Now for an end game raid setup. The one below in particular is a Kengo for Dark Rapture Zero.

Here, we slot in Sette di Spades for both the CA cap as well as the large amount of defense. They also provide a lot of MA to help clearing the omens that require TAs in both Faa and Hexa. You can replace the ATK ones with additional defense if more HP is required.

Either Ewiyar’s Beak or Tiamat Edge Aura work for skill supp slots, but the later does offer a lot more survivability.

Unsigned Kaneshige (Wind)
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Gateway-Star Sword
Tiamat Edge Aura
Tiamat Edge Aura
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Worldforging Moros
Prayer of Grand Gales


These are the notable weapons for Tiamat setups. They are categorized by what they are used for to make replacing easier to understand.

Universal Grid Pieces

List of the grid pieces that exist in almost every grid.

Copies: 1
Stormwyrm’s Majesty III
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK and max HP
Guiding Revelation
A symbol of apocalyptic corruption. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
Guiding Gospel
A symbol of evolution’s holy outcome. Empowered by a chosen pendulum.
  • Big magna ATK and HPcap up of choice at FLB, and third skill of many powerful options at ULB.
  • At FLB it is a solid slot for the free cap of choice, but due to the large quartz cost it should be lower priority until the rest of your grid is done.
  • Once ULB it will be a must slot in every grid.
  • Skill 2 is almost always skill cap.
  • Skill 3 will typically be Stamina to start.
  • For bursting it will normally be Echo key and to a rarer extent Freyr.
Copies: 1
Roaming Gale
Massive Wind damage to a foe.
All allies gain Wind ATK Boosted (20%, 3.5t) and Earth DMG Lowered (20%, 3.5t).
Raphael’s Blessing III
Amplify Wind allies’ damage against Earth foes by 23%.
Wind’s Majesty
Small boost to wind allies’ ATK and max HP
  • 20-23% seraphic mod that boosts all wind damage by when fighting on element.
  • Core to on element raids.
  • Upgrade from SSR can be delayed while upgrading other grid pieces, but with 3% additional seraphic mod and the weapon almost never leaving your grid it’s important to upgrade it.

Damage Mods

Weapons used for as a source of raw damage.

Copies: 2-4
Flash Ruination
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Gain Mirror Image.)
Stormwyrm’s Stamina
Medium boost to wind allies’ ATK based on how high HP is
Stormwyrm’s Verity II
Big boost to wind allies’ critical hit rate
  • Medium stamina and big crit.
  • Core weapon to magna crit.
    • Most grids will use 2 of these with a spoon for 100% crit.
    • Burst grids will use up to four.
Copies: 1-3
Unbridled Windbloom
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Gain Dodge Rate Boosted (Stackable).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Stormwyrm’s Majesty
Small boost to wind allies’ ATK and max HP
Stormwyrm’s Restraint
Medium boost to wind allies’ double attack rate and critical hit rate
  • Small ATK, small HP, medium crit, and medium DA.
  • Also known as Spoon.
  • Best HP option for M2 as it pairs with the Harp with 100% crit.
  • The need for multiple copies has been reduced with Schrodingers and Claíomh Solais Díons.
Copies: 2
Inexorabilis Calamitas
Massive wind DMG to a foe / Hit to ATK / Boost to all allies’ DMG cap
Additional effect at 4★:
Stormwyrm’s Bloodshed III
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK / Take DMG worth 20% of max HP at battle start
Stormwyrm’s Might
Medium boost to wind allies’ ATK
  • Bloodshed takes 20% HP at battle start pushing you further into enmity territory.
  • Pairs great with the current dominance of Spartan comps in wind.
  • Can replace a Destiny Knuckle in primal grids.
Copies: 3
Cyclonic Destruction
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Inflict ATK Down.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Increased to ATK Down.
Stormwyrm’s Might
Medium boost to wind allies’ ATK
Stormwyrm’s Enmity
Small boost to wind allies’ ATK based on how low HP is
  • Strong enmity weapon.
  • Spartan setups revive the usage of Tiamat bolts and generally make them an excellent option all around.
Copies: 1
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Inflict DEF Lowered.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Stormwyrm’s Betrayal
Boost to wind allies’ ATK for first 8 turns of battle
Stormwyrm’s Tyranny
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK / 10% cut to wind allies’ max HP
  • Large attack and betrayal makes this a super strong mod for burst setups.
Copies: 1
Cyclonic Destruction
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Inflict ATK Down.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Increased to ATK Down.
Stormwyrm’s Might II
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK
  • Big magna slot that can be useful in lucha burst setups.
  • Alternative MH for lucha.
Copies: 1
Peridot Shot
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All allies gain Refresh (Healing cap: 600).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to Refresh (10% of max HP Healing cap: 800, 3.5T) (Healing cap: 800).
Additional effect at 5★:
Also inflict Wind Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s) to a foe.
Stormwyrm's Might III
Big boost to wind allies' ATK
Stormwyrm's Progression II
Medium boost to wind allies' wind ATK based on number of turns passed
  • Progression makes this a good slot for longer battles and FA.
  • With Mandjets also having progression it has a more limited usage now than before.

Cap Break

Weapons that break cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 3-5
Procella Populans
Massive wind DMG to a foe / Hit to ATK / Chance of Delay effect
Additional effect at 4★:
Omega Exalto Aeros
20% boost to Stormwyrm’s weapon skills
Stormwyrm’s Might II
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK
Storm’s Vivification
Boost to ATK and DMG cap based on how many weapons with Stormwyrm’s weapon skills are equipped
  • Core weapon for M3.
  • 20% boost to Omega weapon skills and 2% EX and 1% cap up per weapon with an Omega skill slotted.
  • Very easy to reach 20% cap up with them.
  • 3-4 copies will cover general uise. 5 is for usage with Super Lucilius keys.
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Eastern Guardian Charge
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Gain DA Up.)
Ventosus’s Might
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK
Essence of the East
Boost to Wind allies’ damage cap.
  • Big II Normal mod and 10% cap up.
  • Easiest source of cap up to obtain and the largest single source of it.
Copies: 1
Verdict Sphere
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All allies gain Conquest Anthem. (Converts “Boost to DEF” effects to “Boost to ATK” [Cap: 100%].))
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Armored.
Additional effect at 5★:
Conquest Anthem and Armored’s duration increased to Half Turns|4.5 turns.
Emperor-Judgement’s Awakening
When main weapon: Massive boost to Wind allies’ ATK (Modifier: EX).
Wind allies take 1% DMG (Based on max HP) every turn.
30% Earth DMG reduction.
Sephira Maxi-Wind
20% boost to Wind allies’ DMG Cap in Arcarum.
Wind’s Majesty
Small boost to wind allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Needs FLB to be useful.
  • At FLB:
    • A strong grid slot thanks to its mix of normal majesty and massive EX.
    • Generally limited in usage outside of Extra grids.
  • At ULB:
    • An all around great slot thanks to both its mix of mads and the additional 5% cap up.
    • Good option for many normal grids.
  • Provides a strong 30% earth damage reduction which is great for both FA and GW burst strategies. 
Copies: 1
Unworldly Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,550,000). (MC can’t attack next turn.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to Bonus Wind DMG (1 time).
Additional effect at 5★:
Effect increased to Bonus Wind DMG (1 time).
Hermit-Temperance’s Accord
When main weapon: Massive boost to Wind allies’ ATK (Modifier: EX).
At end of turn: Wind allies who didn’t attack gain ATK Sharply Boosted (100%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
Sephira Maxi-Wind
20% boost to Wind allies’ DMG Cap in Arcarum.
Wind’s Majesty
Small boost to wind allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Needs FLB to be useful.
  • At FLB:
    • A strong grid slot thanks to its mix of normal majesty and massive EX.
    • Generally limited in usage outside of Extra grids.
  • At ULB:
    • An all around great slot thanks to both its mix of mads and the additional 5% cap up.
    • Good option for many normal grids.
  • Has a strong place in V2 due to the assassin buff for not attacking, making this weapon great for SUBHL and Siegfried.
Copies: 2-3 ATK, 1 DEF
Source: RA
Mawjat Mariqa
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Chance to inflict Delay.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Effect increased to 100% chance to inflict Delay.
Tranquility’s Persistence
Supplement wind allies’ DMG based on how high their HP is
Whirlwind’s Progression
Medium boost to wind allies’ wind ATK based on number of turns passed
  • 30k stamina supplemental to all hits.
  • Very useful for stamina based auto and skill damage teams.
  • Used a lot in Bursting, FA, OTK.
  • Wind’s first farmable Delay on ougi weapon, making it extremely useful for Belial solos.
  • The extra progression, despite being Primal-boosted, is still nice to have and can replace the need for Peridot Crossbow
Copies: 3 ATK 0-1 SPC
Source: RA
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Inflict Wind Resistance Lowered.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also inflicts Debuff Resistance Lowered.
Tranquility’s Fortitude
Supplement wind allies’ DMG based on how low HP is
Preemptive Gale Blade
Boost to wind allies’ ATK for first 8 turns of battle
  • Enmity based supplemental weapon
  • Provides Preemptive skill, stacking with Ancient Nalakuvara.
  • Became a lot more valuable with the rise of Spartan comps.
  • An upgrade MH over the Tia Fist for lucha.

Normal Cap

Weapons that break normal cap either via cap up or echoes.

Copies: 1
Source: SHOP
Golden Thorns
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All Wind allies gain Critical Hit Rate Boosted (Wind).)
Additional effect at 4★:
All Wind allies also gain Wind ATK Up.
Verdant Sovereign
Unworldly boost to Wind allies’ ATK.
Astral Echo
When main weapon: Boost to Wind allies’ one-foe attack damage cap based on their number of buffs.
  • The biggest source of EX mod. Astral can be the only source of grid EX if slotted.
  • 10% additional auto cap with 10 buffs.
  • Slowly being phased out thanks to various other weapons also providing EX as well as Ultima ULB.

Charge Attack Cap

Weapons that break Charge Attack cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 2-3 ATK MKII, 2-3 DEF, 1-2 SPC
Source: SIETE
Lama dell’Accoglienza
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All allies gain ATK Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
MC also gains Unchallenged (1 times, 2.5T).
Sword’s Wrath
Boost to ATK, max HP, and multiattack rate based on how many sabres are equipped
Sword’s Charge
Boost to C.A. DMG, C.A. DMG cap, and special C.A. DMG cap based on how many sabres are equipped
  • Sword wraith and charge as well as awakenings makes it a great slot for Hard Content and CA setups in general.
  • Reccomended to start with two defense awakening to assist with hard content.

Skill Cap

Weapons that break skill cap either via cap up or supplemental.

Copies: 2
Falx Perfurens
Massive wind DMG to a foe / Hit to ATK / Boost to all allies’ skill DMG
Additional effect at 4★:
Stormwyrm’s Tempering III
Big boost to wind allies’ skill DMG cap / Big supplemental boost to skill DMG
Stormwyrm’s Garrison
Small boost to wind allies’ DEF based on how low HP is
  • Skill Supplemental, Skill Cap, and Garrision in one weapon.
  • May be useful for hard content setups but the lack of attack mods hurts its general viability.
Copies: 2
Source: EWIYAR
Zephyr Blade
400% Wind damage to a foe. (All allies gain Skill DMG Boosted and Skill DMG Cap Boosted.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Damage increased to 450%. (Also deal 300% bonus Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000).)
Gale’s Might
Massive boost to wind allies’ ATK
Emerald Covenant
Supplement Wind allies’ skill damage.
  • Unconditional 100k skill damage supplemental. Stacks up to 200k.
  • Core weapon to Wind skill damage comps.
  • Additionally, a big normal mod to slot if you need one.
Copies: 2 SPC
Massive Wind damage to a foe. (300% Bonus Wind damage (Damage cap: 600,000).)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Charge Bar.
Armed Gale
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK
Jade Arts
Boost to wind allies’ skill DMG cap
  • Provides a huge 20% skill damage cap which can be pushed further with special awakening.
  • Great for skill damage teams.


Weapons that provide HP. Generally HP is provided by spoon or settes, but these are other options if lacking either.

Copies: 2-3 ATK MKII, 2-3 DEF, 1-2 SPC
Source: SIETE
Lama dell’Accoglienza
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All allies gain ATK Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
MC also gains Unchallenged (1 times, 2.5T).
Sword’s Wrath
Boost to ATK, max HP, and multiattack rate based on how many sabres are equipped
Sword’s Charge
Boost to C.A. DMG, C.A. DMG cap, and special C.A. DMG cap based on how many sabres are equipped
  • Sword wraith and charge as well as awakenings makes it a great slot for Hard Content and CA setups in general.
  • Reccomended to start with two defense awakening to assist with hard content.
Copies: 2
Falx Perfurens
Massive wind DMG to a foe / Hit to ATK / Boost to all allies’ skill DMG
Additional effect at 4★:
Stormwyrm’s Tempering III
Big boost to wind allies’ skill DMG cap / Big supplemental boost to skill DMG
Stormwyrm’s Garrison
Small boost to wind allies’ DEF based on how low HP is
  • Skill Supplemental, Skill Cap, and Garrision in one weapon.
  • May be useful for hard content setups but the lack of attack mods hurts its general viability.
Copies: 1-3
Unbridled Windbloom
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Gain Dodge Rate Boosted (Stackable).)
Additional effect at 4★:
Stormwyrm’s Majesty
Small boost to wind allies’ ATK and max HP
Stormwyrm’s Restraint
Medium boost to wind allies’ double attack rate and critical hit rate
  • Small ATK, small HP, medium crit, and medium DA.
  • Also known as Spoon.
  • Best HP option for M2 as it pairs with the Harp with 100% crit.
  • The need for multiple copies has been reduced with Schrodingers and Claíomh Solais Díons.
Copies: 1
Source: SHOP
Cyclone Cage
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All allies gain Shield.)
Additional effect at 5★:
Also remove 1 debuff from all allies.
Ewiyar’s Gale
<span class="tooltip" >Boost to Wind allies’ ATK<span class="tooltiptext" style="">0.1% per turn per skill level (Max: 25%)’"`UNIQ–ref-00000003-QINU`"’<span class="hr"></span>”’Modifier:”’ EX</span></span> based on number of turns passed.
Four Orbs’ Judgment
Emblem of the four orbs bent on destroying the singular pigment. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
Six Dragons’ Radiance
Emblem of the six colors in which the world is rendered. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
  • Alternative opus that trades the more offenseive skills of opus for defensive ones in particular the 30% wind damage reduction or 20% DEF.
  • Can’t be slotted with Opus which greatly kills it’s general usage but can still be useful for Revan tier raids or NM200 FAs.
Copies: 1
Tempest Cage ++
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All allies gain Shield.)
Ewiyar’s Gale
<span class="tooltip" >Boost to Wind allies’ ATK<span class="tooltiptext" style="">0.1% per turn per skill level (Max: 25%)’"`UNIQ–ref-00000003-QINU`"’<span class="hr"></span>”’Modifier:”’ EX</span></span> based on number of turns passed.
Six Pillars’ Judgment
Emblem of the six orbs bent on destroying the singular pigment. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
Six Dragons’ Radiance
Emblem of the six colors in which the world is rendered. Empowered by a chosen teluma.
  • Upgraded version of the Draconic Rod offering all the benefits of it while also allowing it to be slotted with opus and in extra slots.
  • Offers new skill 2 keys most notably one that provides 10% seraphic mod against null foes.
Copies: 1
Source: ROTB
Budding Orchestration
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All allies gain DA Up and TA Up.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Increased to DA Up and TA Up.
Stormwyrm’s Might
Medium boost to wind allies’ ATK
Stormwyrm’s Heroism II
Medium boost to wind allies’ max HP and double attack rate
  • Decent HP option when starting out but falls off for much better options very quickly.
Copies: 0-1
Cyclonic Destruction
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Inflict ATK Down.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Increased to ATK Down.
Stormwyrm’s Aegis II
Medium boost to wind allies’ max HP
  • Old school HP filter. Offers nothing but a lot of HP.
  • Only used as a last resort if nothing else but even then it’s not reccomended.


Weapons that are strong as mainhands.

Copies: 1 ATK. 1 SPC
Qaws Sagitta
Massive wind DMG to a foe (1-turn cut to MC’s debuff skill cooldowns.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Also gain Skill DMG Cap Boosted.
Horseman’s Supremacy
Massive boost to wind allies’ ATK
Elysian Windrider’s Sanctity
When main weapon (MC only): All allies gain Charge Bar (10%) upon a wind ally using a debuff skill
  • Strong ATK awakening for skill comps which makes it a solid mainhand but the second skill is generally ignorable.
  • Also a solid gridpiece as SPC awakening, but easily replaced by better options.
Copies: 1
Astra Horizon II
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Remove 1 buff.)
Additional effect at 5★:
Damage increased to 550%.
Now removes 2 buffs and can gain up to Charge Bar.
Horseman’s Supremacy
Massive boost to wind allies’ ATK
Conviction Arc
When main weapon (MC only): Gain Horseman’s Arc every turn (Stackable / Resets upon taking DMG)
  • Double dispel on ougi is handy for Sieg if you lack H.Lich.
Copies: 1
Southern Dipper Beta
Massive Wind damage to a foe.
All allies gain Charge Bar Sped Up.
1-turn cut to MC’s skill cooldowns.
Additional effect at 5★:
All allies also gain Charge Bar.
Horseman’s Supremacy
Massive boost to wind allies’ ATK
Conviction’s Double Star
When main weapon (MC only): All allies gain Guaranteed TA (1T) after a chain burst activation of 4 or more chains.
  • Teamwide TA on ougi is helpful in some magna lucha setups for GW.
Copies: 0-2 2PC
Gale Stream
Massive wind DMG to a foe (All allies gain Charge Boost.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain C.A. DMG Boosted and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted for Half Turns|0.5 turns.
Armed Gale
Big boost to wind allies’ ATK
Chain Force
Boost to chain burst DMG and chain burst DMG cap
  • Old king of OTK weapons but phased out for most players by modern standard.
  • Great weapon for Chrys ougi setups.
  • Provides extra chainburst cap.


Weapons that come from the Gacha.

Copies: 1
Shamed Be Whoever Bears Evil
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Gain Shielded and Unchallenged.)
Additional effect at 4★:
Shielded now affects all allies. (Also remove 1 debuff from all allies.)
Jade Valuables
When 15 or more weapon skill types are active: Wind allies gain ATK, DEF, and DMG cap.
Wind’s Majesty
Small boost to wind allies’ ATK and max HP
  • Wind’s Resonator weapon, it provides a boost to EX ATK, DEF, and 7% cap up if the skill conditions are met. 
  • The condition looks a bit complicated but easily achievable with a proper grid.
    • Weapon condition takes into account the Weapon Skills your character has – look at the SKILL 21
Copies: 1-2
Source: FLASH
Quilling Dust Devil
Massive wind DMG to a foe (Gain Dodge All 1.)
Additional effect at 4★:
All allies also gain Charge Bar.
Tranquility’s Pact
Supplement wind allies’ DMG
Dagger Voltage II
Boost to ATK based on how many daggers are equipped.
Tranquility’s Quintessence
Boost to wind allies’ DMG cap
  • 50k (100lk max) unconditional supp and 7% cap makes this a must slot for almost everywhere if you get it.
  • FLB is highly important due to the cap up being locked to it.

2 responses to “Tiamat”

  1. What about the new Tiamat weapons and premium grids for other purposes and with more than one Ewiyar dagger?