Last Updated November 19th, 2024
Every 1-2 months, there will be a Surprise Special Draw Set which goes on sale for 3000 yen. With it, you can select almost any permanent character or summon. Here, we will go over characters that are worthwhile getting.
High Priority
Characters that are a strong recommendation to get.
Ragazzo is an excellent short term burst character packing GTA and auto nukes as well dispels, double strike, and 100k supp on his skills. He is also particurly useful because he deals lots of damage for two turns before dying and swapping in someone else. This is an easy way to bring in an Evoker in FA without needing Yatima to call death or to bringing an off element sacc. Instead you have a character that deals a lot of damage very quickly and leaving once his job is done.
Medium Priority
Characters that fill some strong niches.
Elmott (SSR) is a good OTK and FA character thanks to him autocasting his skill 1 Searing Scorcher 700% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).Inflict Burned (5000, 180s) and remove 1 buff.(When Elmott has 10 or more buffs: Activates twice.) on enemy special. WIth 10 buffs, this becomes a very hard hitting 2 hit nuke that double dispels. This makes him both great for pushing tons of damage in OTK as well as quickly shredding buffs in any buff heavy fight.
Icarus is a character that wants to be swapped in order to quickly reach 5 crests. Once he does, he’ll have passive 30% normal ATK, 100% DEF, GDA, 10k supp, and 20% normal amp and can use his skill 3 Primal Sword Deimos
Gain Primal Sword Deimos (3T).
(Can only be used when Icarus has 5 Hellfire Crest.)
which gives him 3 turns of double strike and 90% bonus damage. Last UnF, he was apart of the fastest NM200 setups due to the great synergy it that has with Alan. Additionally, he is a great FA swap in from Ragazzo if you happen to not have Alan or Fraux FLB.
Clarisse’s FLB has turned her into an excellent support for full auto Manadiver setups thanks to her strong skill damage buffs for MC as well as additional skill damage she brings. She also good debuffs, frequent delays, and a dispel that upgrades to double dispel when her stacks are maxed. Her main drawback is 5 dispels need to be cast before she’s becomes a strong slot. Thus she is best used for longer fights and paired with someone like Ragazzo or Fraux who can provide quick dispels.
Low Priority
Good characters that may be replacements for stronger characters or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.
Agielba is an excellent multi turn sub tank that is great for FA against hard hitting bosses. In particular, he is strong for Siete FA or for dealing with Ewiyar’s 40% trigger.
Satyr is a very strong tank providing some with frequent substitutes, teamwide heals and debuff duration cut, and teamwide dodge all. Generally she is overkill but is great for weaker teams challenging harder fights.
Athena is the classic defensive character for Fire providing a wide array of basically any defensive tool you need. Her personal damage is low now a days but gets much better after her stacks build and she can start dealing skill damage at the end of every turn. Generally she is phased out now a days by stronger characters, but for a perm she still offers a lot of tools for any hard hitting fight.
I am legally obligated to mention Anna where ever possible even if she is very very low priority.
Anna (SSR) comes with fire’s only one turn assassin. Despite this, she doesn’t offer much offensively due to the lack of personal attack mods, echoes, TA, or other forms of cap break.
She also provides 1% skill cap per Singed stack making her a solid backline option for Percy or Wilnas setups. In addition, if something goes wrong in a longer burst, she can quickly do large damage thanks to the Singed stacks already being built up from Percy and Wilnas.
High Priority
Characters that are a strong recommendation to get.
Zeta (Water)
Zeta (Water) is an outdated attacker that still brings a lot of value thanks to her guarenteed TA and 10% echoes on ally TA. Those echoes stack with basically everything in water making her an excellent 0B buffer. And her skills offer some solid damage output if you need to push a bit more.
Her best use now a days is as the best OTK unit in Water. For CA setups she offers an Unworldly CA with a skill nuke after it. She does have reduced charge gain so you will need to keep that in mind to make sure she can reach 100% by time she CAs. For normal attack setups, the prementioned TA and passive echoes makes her invaluable.
Erika is a must have in long form Water burst setups thanks to synergy with existing Relic Buster and Soldier. Particularly, she provides another round of normal attacks from a targeted ally, in this case MC, which is great for making the most of damage turns. She can also provide 100/20 crit, keen, and 15% amp for more damage output.
I was debating putting her in High or Medium since she is mostly restricted to Mugen or NM150/NM200 but for that she is very important.
Medium Priority
Characters that fill some strong niches.
Anne is an amazing teamwide defensive buffer with her skill 1 Anti-Collision Spell
All allies gain DEF Up (100%, 3T) and Armored (30%, 3T).
(All allies gain DEF Boosted (Stackable) (10% per Spirit lvl upon cast (75% Max)) based on Spirit (Anne) (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl.)
Level 90:
All allies also gain 40% Fire Cut (1T).
providing 100% DEF up, 70/30 armored, and stackable DEF up for 3T as well as a 1T fire cut. This also casts on her CA which also dispels and provides teamwide dispel cancel. The main drawback to her CA is she can only use at 200% bar, but much of her kit makes it easier to reach that either through bar gain or instant attacks. All around she’s a great option for FA that sees use in Mugen and NM200.
Gwynne pairs a 1-4 turn assassin with spammable instant normal attacks for a high damage per turn potential. On top of that, she also has access to double strike. Last year she was pretty widespread among NM150 burst setups thanks to her spammable damage and likely she will still be useful again especially if you lack the stronger, limited characters.
She is also a solid OTK unit offering GTA and 50% bonus damage at 0 buttons.
Low Priority
Good characters that may be replacements for stronger characters or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.
Macula Marius
Macula Marius’s recent rebalance offered her a much needed glow up. While she does need time to fully build Glaciate on the enemy, once that is up she deals tons of skill damage and useful debuffs on the enemy. She also provides a bunch of healing via her skill 2 and CA. Her passive provides 2% (10% max) skill cap per crest even from backline which is another solid plus.
Yngwie, specifically in his Style Yngwie (Legend of Bravado and Revelry), can deal a lot of skill damage per turn with two red skills, a skill reset, and instant recast and on top of that he frequently gets his skills back. This makes him great for pushing lots of damage per turn. The main drawback is that he’s on the slower side, but is a great FA option for filling out weaker character rosters.
One major thing to note is that his Style is locked behind his event Full Metal Man VII: The Last Mission. Since this has not be rerun since 2022 nor was added to side stories, if you didn’t do it before, then Yngwie is not worth using.
Yodarha (SSR) is a great FA damage dealer particularly thanks to his Triple Shrouds. They are consumed by normal attacks and CA and are restored every 4 turns or via his skill 3. On those 4th turns, he also gains a one hit assassin. While he has shrouds, he has GTA, 30% perp attack, and 40% increased dodge rate which can activate his on dodge passive for a plain damage instance and buff removal. He also carries double strike, delay on CA, and sub + dodge all for a well arounded mix of damage and utlity.
Juliet (Water) is notable for her 20% teamwide bonus damage that ends after being hit twice. The bonus damage is Skill Side C which stacks with almost everything with the main exception being Summer Siegfried. As a result, for echo stacking setups for Relic Buster and Soldier she can be useful to provide more bonus damage.
High Priority
Characters that are a strong recommendation to get.
Olivia is currently the strongest attacker in Earth (minus MC) and will be used across UnF for both manual and Full Auto play.
One of her main sources of damage output is her passive skill. When she has at least 12 buffs, she will deal 2 hit flurry as well as 50k supp. The main drawback to this is it will typically lock you into using Chain of Temptation to easily reach the 12 buffs outside of FA. On top of that, she has a strong set of buffs she gives herself and to the ally next to her as well as having a free instant attack for a lot more damage.
The other big feature for GW is her skill 1 Darker than Dusk . As seen with her Grand version last GW, her Twilight Terror boss will stop enemy special attacks for two turns which will greatly improve survivability and can also make FA setups faster.
Arulumaya is a hard content and FA character that is excellent from NM200 to Hexa and Lucilius Zero. She packs some teamwide strong buffs including 100/50 DATA, 30% echoes, and 20% cap up as well as excellent defensive tools like veil and debuff duration cut. The most notable defensive buff is an 70% damage reduction to team when the enemy is at full diamonds.
Medium Priority
Characters that fill some strong niches.
Sabrina is one of the top 0B attackers in Earth and the best attacker for OTK. She gains 100% TA and 20% echo before attacking if she’s at full HP and also deals a large single hit skill nuke after normal ATKs that inflicts 25% ATK and DEF down making for an easier time for anyone after her. The TA and echo only applies after hitting the attack button so she will not gain those for tag only setups which is important to keep in mind.
Satyr (Earth) is another excellent support character thanks to packing a lot of everything. Heals, dispels, debuff duration cut, tanking and strong stackable CA cap ups. Generally she works best in CA setups which are slow compared to others but she is still plenty usable without.
Low Priority
Good characters that may be replacements for stronger characters or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.
Skull and Balurga
Skull and Balurga serve double duty as a great CA OTK character and an attacker burst setups. Their greater strength now a days is for their OTK abilities dealing skill damage both on CA and on enemy CA making them the BIS for CA setups. For other burst setups, they are one of several one turn assassin characters. While they are the weakest of the options and generally phased out by the harder hitter perms listed above, they are still a solid option all around.
Adam has a pretty solid teamwide passive offering 30% perp ATK and 20%/10% DATA. As a result, he is an good 0 button support character for OTK or shorter bursts great especially when you need your team to reach 100% TA.
Medium Priority
Characters that fill some strong niches.
Noire is an excellent enmity normal attacker. Her passive which grants GTA, 50% bonus damage, 2 hit flurry on her second hit of a normal attack, and 3 hit flurry on her third hit of a normal attack when the enemy is at 50% or less HP or her skill 1 is up. Her skill 1 Edge of Depravity also inflicts a variant of Terror on the enemy preventing special attacks for 2 turns. Unique enmity to party based on how low her HP is. This is basically free with how much Wind leans into enmity already. She’s great for OTK and has strong FA and burst potential. While she does have great UnF potential, she saw limited use last UnF due to the nature of the setups.
She also comes with Incomplete Polarsector which replaces Destiny Knuckles as the BIS damage slot for enmity grids.
Petra (SSR) is an all around amazing FA character providing some handy defense tools like 2 hit mirror image and 1 time dodge all, solid teamwide buffs, and strong CA and skill damage output. She’s best used for extended fights such as being great for Siegfried and likely to be very strong for NM200 and NM250 next UnF.
Ultimate Friday
Ultimate Friday is an excellent FA character held back by her restriction of only being worth using on Fridays. On enemy specials, she deals a large 14 hit nuke that also double dispels. This particularly makes her an excellent option for Siegfried, a critical part of the fastest setups, and the higher Nightmare fights. She is also very strong as an OTK character.
Low Priority
Good characters that may be replacements for stronger characters or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.
Mirin (SSR)
Mirin (SSR) the other main suptixable option for Kengo mashing. The two big aspects to her kit is her Samurai Power stacks which raise on 4 chains and increase CA damage by 30% (90%) max, 20% CA by cap (60% max), and adds 100k (300k) CA supp for all wind allies. Her other major great feature is an 8 hit reactive skill damage nuke on enemy special attack that dispels. That also makes her a great option for OTK. Additionally on CA, she deals a 4 hit nuke which is great for OTK and for more damage from Kengo mashing.
Last Wind UnF, she was BIS for the fastest NM250 setups. Outside UnF, her uses are more limited. One place she does have use is as an option for Rising Force setups in HL raids.
Yodarha (Wind) finds a place in Spartan bursts due to his 1 turn on assassin on his skill 1 Trice Blade
Consume 1 Triple Shroud (Wind) to gain Trice Blade (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(When at 100% charge bar: Also gain Double Strike (1T). Consumes 100% of charge bar.)
. While he overall isn’t the best option, he’s a great sub if you are missing the stronger characters or have a weaker grid that needs the extra output from another assassin.
Elea is a great CA character thanks to being able to deal an 8 hit CA nuke as well 100k supp to all wind allies. She needs to be in the third slot for this so don’t forget. This makes her all around a great option for both CA OTK setups and CA bursts in general. She is also a niche option for SUBHL Kengo for Wind.
Richard (SSR)
Richard (SSR) is a weird RNG buffer that will bet his Chips stacks every turn to try to gain more. As a result, his performance can heavily depend on how lucky you can be to raise his stacks high. But that said, he has very powerful buffs attached to his stacks. His Chips grants the team 10% MA, 10% bonus damage, and 5k supp per chip or 100% MA, 100% bonus damage, and 50k supp at max. Additionally at max, he grants the team 2 hit flurry as well. Thus his potential if very high, but his slow frequent skill uses and reliance on RNG hurt his overall potential.
Medium Priority
Characters that fill some strong niches.
Ferry (SSR) provides a lot of good value from four turns of 100% TA and 30% echoes as well as a teamwide passive stam mod. She also will nuke after her TAs. She finds strong usage in NM95 level of bursts or for Celeste Ater farming due to her strong button.
Low Priority
Good characters that may be replacements for stronger characters or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.
You is a strong OTK light character due to her starting with 100% charge bar. With her passive CA damage mods, she can easily hit high CA damage output. With the recent changes to UnF Extreme+ as well as NM95 dropping, her value has dropped a bunch, but she is still a strong option in general.
Utsusemi is an all around solid character. For burst she provides team echoes, onslaught, and has an assassin as well as GTA and nukes after autos against foes in break. She’s also good for FA with her skill 1 S1 becoming stronger with each cast as well as dispelling on autos against foes in break or with her onslaught up.
Dorothy and Claudia
Dorothy and Claudia see use in Relic Buster or Soldier setups for any element that uses them thanks to her skill 2 Maximum Service
Grant the Main Character ATK Up (50%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), DA Up (60%, 3T), and Bonus Light DMG (50%, 3T).
Level 75:
Effect enhanced.
granting MC 50% light bonus damage as well as 50% ATK up. This bonus damage is MC Side A which there is very few instances of and as a result it is very unlikely it won’t stack with anything else. So for those heavy MC damage setups it is a good boost.
Volenna (SSR) is a solid burst buffer being able to provide GTA and echoes to the team for two turns. Last UnF she saw usage in NM90 farming both for that buff as well as her passive which grants 50/25 DATA and 10% passive bonus damage when someone has Shield. This was done with a weapon like Mittron’s Gauntlet which grants it at battle start.
Zooey is a great FA option for players thanks to her skill 3 The Last Wish
1000% Light damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~1,600,000).
All Light allies gain Sign of Zooey (5% of max HP Healing cap: 1000 / 100% ATK Up / 100% DEF Up, Multiplier: Normal, 5T).
being a strong defense and attack mod as well as providing healing. She can also mitigate damage through dodging if the boss isn’t AOE.
High Priority
Characters that are a strong recommendation to get.
Bowman is an great burst character packing GTA, skill damage after normals, and skill damage after enemy special. He one of the best zero button attackers in Dark making him fit in well with both OTK and Dark burst strategies. He is best geared towards shorter bursts compared to some of his peers, but is very good for them.
Medium Priority
Characters that fill some strong niches
Tyra! Tyra Tyra! Tyra!
Tyra is a solid burst option and FA character. She does require pressing her skill 3 The Evolution , but with that she gains GTA and 2 hit flurry. Additionally, on enemy special she autocasts her skill 1 Tyranno Roar which will dispel one buff. She also has some other strong buffs she could get, though it is RNG and can be a bit, but not overly, inconsistent.
Low Priority
Good characters that may be replacements for stronger characters or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.
Kou is a great tank and teamwide healer. He is a hostility tank that reduces all damage he takes by 80%. If the boss does single target attacks, he will be a top tier way to mitigate damage. The unfortunate flipside to it is if the boss does AoE attacks his value is greatly diminished.
Summons are also a very strong choice for suptix. Either for filling out your roster of summons or for saving sunstones for uncap. Your main options are:
Optimus Summons
The Optimus summons are the aura summons for Optimus grids and as a result they are required for them. While you don’t need your own to run a grid for most cases, it makes it easier to find friends with the summons you need and you have more flexibility in general. Additionally, the transcendance for them gives them a useful sub aura as well that is good to have even for Omega grids.
Six Dragon Summons
The Six Dragon series are another Optimus series this time offering a 10-40% boost to Optimus skills via their sub aura. Thus, if you are running an Optimus grid these are a no brainer. Additionally, their calls provide 100k supp to all allies for a turn which is good for pushing more damage in burst setups.
Bonus Damage Summons
The last major category are summons that provide teamwide bonus damage. These will almost always see use in burst setups for the extra damage from the bonus damage. These are the major ones for each element. Of them, there are two main categories.
Five of them are from the same unnamed series. The ones listed each provide 20-30% bonus damage and 40/20 – 60/40 DATA for one turn on call. Additionally, they have a sub aura that grants 15-25% HP to characters of the specific element.
The last one is Wind’s Demonbream. The reasoning for this is two fold. First, the Wind summon of the prior series Owlcat. actually functions different from the rest. Instead of teamwide buffs, it provides bonus damage to two chararacters and DATA to two others for two turns. This ends up being pretty awkward even with the better duration. Especially when compared to Demonbream which provides 20% bonus damage and jammed to party for a total 3 turns. Additionally, it consumes 25% HP which further pushes the party into enmity. Since Enmity is the main playstyle of wind, it pairs extremely well. As a result, Demonbream is the no brainer choice for echo summon for Wind.