Orologia Grid Updates

Less a week until UnF. Sounds like the perfect time for another strong Grand release. Let’s cover the changes from it.

Causality Driver

Causality Driver is Dark’s Exalto weapon and probably the best of the Exalto weapons. Along with the 30% boost to Hades weapon, skills, it also packs boostable echoes via Deathstrike. This frees Dark from having to use the Chain of Falsehood for more impactful keys like Extremity. And the remaining skill provides small ATK and TA. Since several strong Dark characters lack GTA like Cidala (Valentine), this is highly valuable to help them reach 100% TA.

And lastly, the weapon is a Katana. With 3 CDs and Opus, the 4 of the same weapon type requirement for Eternal Signature is easily met. With only two, you will need to figure out another way of accessing that requirement. Typically this will be using an Ultima, typically axe, or a Celeste Zaghnal Omega to hit four axes between 2 PnS and Eresh.

If you want to run Casuality Driver for burst setups, you will want at least two of them. Chain of Falsehood provides 20% bonus damage versus only 15.3% from CD in a single Hades setup. This will result in a lower damage output. The main alternative key for breaking cap up normally would be Chain of Temptation. However, the cap up from it does not stack with Ilsa (Yukata)’s cap up meaning it only provides raw damage resulting in a reduction of total cap break overall.


First up, let’s go over how it changes Dark grids for BHL. Most notably, it let’s you run Extremity which is a big boost in damage output over other keys. The normal amp on it is a special amp that stacks with the amp from Eresh. For 3 CDs, the 280% requirement can be met with a single Hades (170% + 90% + 40% = 300%). With less than that, you will need double Hades to activate Extremity. That said, Double Hades Extremity is still worth running over 000 x Hades with Stamina key.

Both Causality Drivers and Fallen Swords are utlitized to reach 100% TA for Cidala and Six.

Cidala (Valentine)
Ilsa (Yukata)
Triple Zero
Belial (Summer)
Halluel and Malluel
Sleepyhead (Summer)
Causality Driver
Causality Driver
Causality Driver
Pain and Suffering
Pain and Suffering
Eternal Signature
Fallen Sword
Fallen Sword
Katana of Repudiation
Cidala (Valentine)
Ilsa (Yukata)
Belial (Summer)
Halluel and Malluel
Sleepyhead (Summer)
Pain and Suffering
Causality Driver
Fallen Sword
Pain and Suffering
Causality Driver
Fallen Sword
Eternal Signature
Katana of Repudiation
Celeste Zaghnal Omega


Next up will be the on element example. This works for both Akasha and NM95. In order to reach mins/kill the boss, this setup just hits attack twice. Similar to BHL, the setup focuses on reaching 100% TA via Grid.

Cidala (Valentine)
Ilsa (Yukata)
Triple Zero
Halluel and Malluel
Death (SSR)
Sleepyhead (Summer)
Causality Driver
Causality Driver
Causality Driver
Fallen Sword
Fallen Sword
Katana of Repudiation
Pain and Suffering
Pain and Suffering
Ultima Axe
Cidala (Valentine)
Ilsa (Yukata)
Halluel and Malluel
Death (SSR)
Sleepyhead (Summer)
Pain and Suffering
Causality Driver
Fallen Sword
Pain and Suffering
Causality Driver
Fallen Sword
Eternal Signature
Katana of Repudiation
Ultima Axe

The setup in action if you want to see it.


For later fights, grids will likely focus more on increasing cap up. TA will be provided by Death (SSR)’s call so there isn’t need to prioritize it. Also being able to use buffs as well as the defense down from killing Nier will make it easier to hit cap.

For the 2 CD example, at these higher levels you would likely not want to run double Hades. So in that case, you would not be able to run Extremity key. Instead, you would either want Stamina for more damage or Temptation for the veil and dispel cancel.

Causality Driver
Causality Driver
Causality Driver
Eternal Signature
Eternal Signature
Katana of Repudiation
Pain and Suffering
Pain and Suffering
Ultima Gun
Causality Driver
Causality Driver
Fallen Sword
Eternal Signature
Eternal Signature
Katana of Repudiation
Pain and Suffering
Pain and Suffering
Ultima Axe

Full Auto

As for FA, there is generally two types of grids you can look at. The former is for normal attack focused ones. These are similar to the prior grid examples and would be strong for NM95 and NM150.

For non Eresh setups or NM200, this will typically focus on skill damage. So for that, we use Skeletal Eclipse to boost it. As well, we need Eternal Signatures for the HP and DEF. After that, there is really two slots left. Causality Driver will fill one while Parazonium takes over for MH. It is a very strong MH thanks to the partywide MA and echoes. The value it brings via is CA outdoes the strength of a second Causality Driver.

Additionally, here we use Ultima Dagger in order to reach 4 of the same weapons as that is the easiest way meet that requirement.

Eternal Signature
Skeletal Eclipse
Pain and Suffering
Eternal Signature
Skeletal Eclipse
Pain and Suffering
Causality Driver
Katana of Repudiation
Ultima Dagger


Orologia is primarily an HL and FA character.

Orologia has a passive set of stacks known as Causal Intervention. They raise upon using buff skills for a max of four. Logia gains 50% ATK, GTA, 30% bonus damage on TA, and 20% dodge rate depending on their stacks. They also directly tie into Logia’s skill 1 Mysticus Candor . The skill one provides a strong set of unremovable buffs including 50% dark ATK, 100/20% crit, 10% damage amp, and 10% cap in order based on his Causal Intervention level as well as a 1 time Veil. Also while this buff is active, they will cast their skill 2 Nunc Distorqueo on normal attacks which is a large skill nuke that inflicts stackable ATK down and removes one buff. This will also be very strong for NM200 FA in order to easily remove enemy buffs.

Their third skill has two forms. Causa Temporis provides stackable ATK and DEF up while more importantly reducing skill cooldowns for all allies by one turn. This makes it easier to cycle through powerful skills. Additionally, this version of the skill auto activates every 5 turns once Logia’s stacks are maxed. Once those stacks are maxed, the skill itself transforms to Victoriae Calculus. This skill can only be cast once and offers the choice between three effects. The most notable of them is Sapiens Motus which ends the cooldown of a targeted ally’s skills and and allows them to instant recast those skills.

Last main feature to note with Orologia is that he will set everyone’s HP to full and remove all debuffs if anyone drops below 25%. This will only activate once. By setting HP to full, this avoid the problem of characters like Sandalphon who heal to full making them vulnerable to zombified instantly killing your party. Since setting your HP to full is not healing, it bypasses zombified.

Hard Content Examples

As stated before, Logia is great for Hard Content. Below are a few examples of using Logia in the existing Dark Yamato strats for Dark Rapture Zero.

There is also testing for using Manadiver in Faa Zero with him. While there is some testing to still do with it, it looks very promising and I would expect to see videos posted of it relatively soon.

UnF Theorycrafting

For Unite and Fight, they will be a great slot for NM200 full auto setups in big part thanks to the frequent dispels.

When it comes to burst, they will generally not be used but there already appears to be some high potential with them for NM200 setups. Below is an example of a setup for NM200 without Eresh. Since this is not done against the proper defense, consider it more an idea for brainstorming then an actual setup.

Below are two more examples of interesting brainstorming using Logia. Neither will probably see use, but do show off when their potential.

Should I Spark?

If you are a Hades player, absolutely. Causality Driver is an excellent weapon and you will want to have at least two copies of it so taking advantage of the current rate up is ideal.

For FA players who want an easy time this UnF, then its probably a good idea. They will likely be the top tier NM200 character this time around for the fastest setups.

For anyone else, you can wait to get them. I would definitely suggest going for them eventually for FA or Dark HL play. Especially if you are worried about what summer may bring, it will be okay to wait,

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