Omega Rebirth Grid Changes

This week saw the release of a new set weapons called the Omega Rebirth weapons or colloquially known as M3. These are a major upgrade for Omega grids with many seeing major changes and improvements.


Since light GW is first and is the one more people are concerned about, I’ll cover that one first.

The most important of these weapons is Luminiera Bolt Credo. The bolt is very notable thanks two skills. It has the Omega version of Exalto which provides a 20% to Luminiera weapon skills. The second is Vivifivation which is a new skill that boosts attack and dmg cap based on the number of weapons that have at least one Knightcode skill on it.

Typically one will aim for three of these. With three, it is very easy to reach the 20% max cap up. More advanced players will want to seek out five of them. The reasoning for this is that the keys from Dark Rapture Zero require 280% aura to activate. With a single max transcend Luminiera boost (170%), 5 bolts (100%) and backline Sandalphon (20%) this will reach the needed 280%.

The second weapon up is Luminiera Saber Credo. These are very strong TA weapons providing 20.79% TA with only the 170% boost from a single Lumi. Two of the katanas with three guns bumps it all the way to 50%. If you go double Lumi it reaches the 75% grid based TA cap. This results in them being excellent for both OTK and NM95 where being able to reach teamwide 100% TA without any button presses is highly valuable. More so that it also frees up the characters you can use. You’ll want to have two of them.

The last one is definitely the weakest but that doesn’t mean it is weak. Luminiera Lance Credo introduces garrison to magna light . This with the medium HP boost and healing cap increase makes is a very solid slot for harder fights. The main downside is that it lacks any damage mods, but if you are dead you can’t do damage in the first place. And this is a great tool if you really need to survive. This one you’ll only need 1-2 copies of.


For single sided setups, going for a crit setup seems to give the best results. With the 170% aura, crit can reach 99% with three spears. With Sandalphon this reaches 100%. For NM95 this is a very strong configuration that can outdamage other options.

Sword of Renunciation
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Pillar of Flame
Pillar of Flame
Pillar of Flame
Worldscathing Leon
Ultima Sword

If having to go unboosted, swords take over. This would be more common for NM150 and up when one has to run support Qilin.

True Purity Sunblade
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Sword Omega
Luminiera Sword Omega
Luminiera Sword Omega
Worldscathing Leon
Sword of Renunciation
Ultima Sword

And then even better for boosted and unboosted, harmonias can be slotted to solid gain. Since the cap up is already at its max, they only provide the supp damage and some EX. This makes them no longer as night and day as before, but this is not to say there isn’t a substantial difference with and without them.

Sword of Renunciation
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Worldscathing Leon
Luminiera Sword Omega
Gateway-Star Sword
Ultima Sword

With the new guns, Light soldier opens up for Luminiera. Here we’ll go over two directions for this.

The first is a NM95 setup. Here you can see the Saber Credos slotted. This is so we can achieve 100% TA on everyone without having to press Nehan’s skill 2. This does require some high TA rings and earrings. So without them, the Sabers and Gamba can be replaced for more Bolts or Swords.

Luminiera Bolt Credo
Fantasia-Realm Harp
Luminiera Saber Credo
Luminiera Saber Credo
Worldscathing Leon
Ultima Gun
Sword of Renunciation

Reference Video

Here is another video of a test with 5 Bolt Credos. This is to take up of the Extremity Faa Zero key. This doesn’t hit the NM150 HP threshhold (3%) but for a one turn from magna without Qilin it is impressive. But reminder this does require backline Sandy to pull off.

Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Worldscathing Leon
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Sword of Renunciation
Ultima Gun

Reference Video

Full Auto

Now onto FA. Here I’ll present three setups.

The first will be a more advanced standard setup. This setup made by ほしみやch is a manadiver setup for Fediel and Osiris. It runs double Luminiera for the Extremity key and to reach 100% crit from the Pillars. Going for crit in this case is a good idea because with the upgraded aura and bolts it provides a high amount of damage mod to grid space.

Concordia Mk II
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Fantasia-Realm Harp
Pillar of Flame
Pillar of Flame
Sword of Renunciation
Ultima Staff

Reference Video

And to remove some of the higher requirements of that setup, this is a more obtainable variant. The Sephira Staff is a very weak mainhand so if you have any other better weapon for Manadiver it would be ideal to run that instead.

Sephira Emerald Staff
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Pillar of Flame
Pillar of Flame
Sword of Renunciation
Luminiera Sword Omega
Ultima Staff

quwatoro created this grid in a stream for NM200. This uses a lot more defensive tools so its a large drop in damage, but provides a lot of survivability for what will likely be a hard hitting raid.

Ultima Staff (Light)
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Bolt Credo
Luminiera Lance Credo
Luminiera Sword Omega
Sword of Renunciation


Now onto the wind weapons.

Like before, the exalto weapon Tiamat Bolt Aura is the highest priority. It shares all the same skills as the light version and thus offers all the same benefits as it.

A close second is the Tiamat Arc Aura. This introduces a farmable bloodshed weapon to wind. And with wind leaning heavily into enmity play with current Spartan bursts this was much needed. With an additional 40% health loss from two, it is much easier to reach the required low HP. Since bloodshed caps at two weapons, you will only need 2 of these.

Tiamat Edge Aura is definitely the weakest weapon of the two new raids. While both garrision and tempering are both great new skills to add to wind, together without any damage mod hurts its overall usage a ton. Still, for skill damage teams for harder content they can still be a useful slot. It takes two of them to cap skill supp so grab two.


Since wind burst runs two assassin characters, the maximizing raw damage is very important. Galewings for example generally don’t offer much to this setup since all they only provide a small amount of EX and supplemental. The loss of raw damage is not worth it for wind. Additionally,at the HP levels Spartan operates, Abu Simbel provides 50k supp as well making it all around a better slot than a gale.

Spear of Renunciation
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Arc Aura
Tiamat Arc Aura
Tiamat Bolt Omega
Abu Simbel
Abu Simbel
Ultima Blade


As for FA setups, we’ll start with the new skill setup for Galleon. A single Edge, Beak, and the World Harp beats out the old combination of Daur da Blao’s and Beaks while also saving a grid slot.

Coruscant Crozier
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Tiamat Edge Aura
Ewiyar’s Beak
Worldstorming Aetos
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Staff

The second example will be one which focuses on normal attacks so for characters and fights with high normal attack focus this would be a better option. Crit would reach 100% with only two Harps in this example so if you have a Piercing Galewing you can run that as a mainhand instead and replace the second spoon for a harp. Just keep in mind the HP loss.

Coruscant Crozier
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Last Storm Harp
Coruscant Crozier
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Staff

And then for a more advanced version, this is a grid created by XevSM that adds in some more premium options.

Piercing Galewing
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Tiamat Bolt Aura
Last Storm Harp
Last Storm Harp
Claíomh Solais Díon
Prayer of Grand Gales
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Staff

Closing Notes

M3 has vastly outshined my expectations for it. The first wave of weapons are very strong and useful and honestly what both elements really wanted. Even the ‘dud’ weapons of the set are both still useful. Unless they decide to not give Exalto+Vivification weapons to all elements, M3 is shaping up to be a major improve to all Omega grids.

The new wave is Fire and Dark with a release date of May 2nd. After that is Water and Earth on June 6th.

5 responses to “Omega Rebirth Grid Changes”

  1. How would Indra’s Edge Militis compare to Abu Simbel in the spartan burst grid? Is the ex mod from bow voltage overall weaker than ATK awakening?

  2. Thanks for the great guides as always, they’ve been super helpful for me when it’s been a struggle keeping up with doing hard content, you’ve been a real lifesaver!
    any chance you have anything for light kengo? I’ve been seeing different builds used for some hard content and I’m really lost.

    • Just from a Faa persepective most Kengo stuff I’ve seen have looked like the following video. For Faa, having both a high TA rate that the sabers provide and survivability is very important. This is why not many CA specific cap breaks are used.

      For Agastia, you can basically either swap a row of swords for guns in the Luminiera example or a single sword and the celestial for bolts. Here you want to max up as much CA boosts as you can handle without dying so dropping the other cap up weapons wouldn’t be advised.

  3. So based on these first two releases, what do you think in terms of sand usage for uncapping Lucifer vs uncapping 5 of the magna summons?