- Aliases: Venerable Paragon, MMT
- JP Name: 武極の試練 or ヴェネラブル・グリントナイトと
- HP: 2.5B
- Defense: ???
- Blue Chest: 5m honors
General Strategy
Paragon is weak to both Light and Dark characters. Characters of elements that differ from MC will be knocked out so you can not mix the two.
At battle start, Paragon gains a buff which greatly reduces incoming normal attack damage. As a result, setups will need to lean towards skill or CA damage. Skill mashing will generally be faster thanks to the reduced lockout. Starting at 100%, every 20% the boss will change stances. The two stances will change his buffs from either increases his damage output or lowering his damage intake. These omens are generally ignorable except for the 60% and 20% stance change. At these two spots, the boss’s HP can’t be lowered until the stance change omen is taken. Since you are unable to do damage until then, just guard the omen itself.
As for the full diamond omens, it will rotate between three of them.
- 1.5m plain – Paralyze team for one turn.
- 5 CAs – Removes all buffs.
- 40 hits – TA up and Split normal attacks.
The worst of these will be the 1.5m plain damage cancel omen. This both pairs a restrictive cancel with a pretty punshing teamwide paralyze if you fail. The most reliable dispel source is Satyr (Halloween) thanks to her Trick doll debuff. Every 15m skill damage, the boss will take 1.5m plain damage. So with her, save any large skill damage nukes for this omen and it should be easy to cancel it unless it occurs too many times in a row. Mahira (Holiday)
carries a similar debuff but with the lower 1,224,000 plain damage means it would need to be activated twice. In the worst case, this would be 24,480,000 skill damage needed for the double activation. The other main way to cancel this using either a summon like Beelzebub
or a skill like Halluel and Malluel’s
skill 3 Stella Repentina
8-hit Plain damage to a foe based on 10% of foe’s current HP (Damage cap: 222,222 per hit).
Remove buffs based on number of foe’s debuffs (Max: 5).Inflict Everbane (20% / 1% of Max HP, Accuracy: g).
. The main downside to these are their required cooldowns making one vulnerable to repeat omens.
Another one is 5 CAs. Cancel wise it is self explanatory. If you wish to cancel it, save your CAs for this and have at least one 200% CA or a reactivation. The major punishment for this removing all buffs from your party. If you have dispel cancel like from Fediel or have enough non dispellable buffs it doesn’t matter, you can simply tank it instead.
The last one is 40 hits. Use echoes, skill damage auto casts, skill presses, and whatever other hit counts you have to clear it. Turn off CAs unless your CA has enough skill hits with it to hit 40 total. This will be a very team specific cancel.
These are the most notable drops from this raid. Any unlisted weapons are safe to fodder.
Coming later
Blue Chest Setups
Blue chests are awarded based on the amount of honors achieved in a raid maxing out at 99% chance at a raid specific amount of honors: 5m in the case of Mastery Trial raids. They typically contain the most desirable drops in a raid such as the weapon drops. When farming a raid, this is the chest you want to aim for. The typical strategy is to deal the blue chest amount and then moving onto the next raid. Below is a list of strategies on how to effectively and quickly achieve blue chests.
Coming later



Coming later
Ura Illnott 
Ura Mahira 

Book Setups
No Book Setups
Character Replacements
- Can replace Satyr with Halluel and Malluel
- Run Orologia frontline and Halmal backline in that case.
- Can replace Orologia with Magus (Summer)
or Lich
Fediel Manadiver

Other Raids
Links to the other raids.
Raid Pages
One response to “Martial Mastery Trial”
The Manadiver Hades set up has 4 Skeletal Eclipse when it should be 2 Skeletal Eclipse/2 Causality Driver.