Hexachromatic Hierarch (Wind)

This page covers Wind setups for Hexachromatic Hierach.

Hexachromatic Hierarch Pages










  • JP Name: 天元たる六色の理 or 天元
  • HP: 6,000,000,000
  • CT: 2
  • Defense: ??



When considering characters to bring for HL raids, you want to pick characters that match the various demands of the raid. This particularly means having the tools neccesary to cancel the various omens. This section goes over what various characters offer to counter Hexa’s omens. When picking replacements, consider what the character you are replacing does and if the replacement can fill the same roles or if those roles can be met by other means.

2m Damage Instances

The 2m damage instance omens are the highest priority omens to cancel. When replacing a character, make sure above all else you can still clear them.

KatzeliaSkill 4 buff activation = 1
Can be procced multiple times in a turn via summon calls or with full chains.
CaturaCA reactivation for MC and self = 4 hits
Charlotta (Grand)CA reactivation after turn 10 = 2 hits
KaguyaCA reactivation when Heavenly Winds ally CAs = 2 hits

Special Omen Canceling

Characters who can cancel any omen aka the special section for Siete.

SeofonAt 150, gains the ability to cancel any cancelable omen on .

40% Cross

Character methods to cross Iridis Liberatio.

Charlotta (Grand)Teamwide 1 turn Unchallenged
KatzeliaTargetable sub all


Characters with TA up for party or self to help either cancel 4 TA omens or hit count omens.

Katzelia20% partywide TA up
Niyon10% partywide TA up
Skill 2 = 20% partywide TA up
Mirin (SSR)GTA for self when at or over 100% charge bar.
50% TA up for self with Mircales of Moonlight buff
Seofon100% TA up for self with 3 swordshine stacks

Hit Counts

Characters that add additional hits to setups via multi hit skills, auto activating skills, or bonus damage.

KaguyaTargetable 2 hit split normal attacks.
Bonus Damage on CA to targeted ally.
SeofonSkill 2 = 10 hits
CaturaSkill 2 = 12-24 hits
Charlotta (Grand)Skill 3 = 10 x 2 hits
CA = 2 x 2 hits

x2 depends on if turn 10 or later
Mirin (SSR)Skill 1 = 8 hits
Skill 2 = 4 hits
CA (100%) = 5 hits
CA (200%) = 15 hits
EleaSkill 1 = 4 hits
CA = 5 hits


Characters that inflict debuffs to help deal with the 10 debuff cancel requirements in the Lu Woh/Fediel phase and the final 15% percent.

EleaSkill 1 = 3
CA = 3
NiyonSkill 1 = 2
Skill 3 = 1
CA = 3
CaturaSkill 2 = 1
Charlotta (Grand)Skill 3 = 2 x 2
Eustace (Summer)CA = 2


Dispel skills to counts towards the 3 dispel omens between 40-15%.

Charlotta (Grand)Skill 3 = 1 x 2

CA Battery

Characters who provide bar to the team to help maintain CA loops.

Catura100% + CA reactivation to herself and MC
CharlottaSkill 2 = 15% x 2
KatzeliaCA = 15%
Skill 2 = 30%
Elea10% end of turn


Characters with defensive utility to make sure you are kept alive or safe from debuffs.

Kaguya50-100% DEF up. 50-100% Debuff Resistance up.
Charlotta50% DEF up. 50% Debuff Resistance up.
NiyonSkill 2 = 30% DEF
Passive = 30% DEF


Useful backline passives. Characters like Tikoh that provide a Blue Potion are also an option.

EstarriolaProvides various buffs on chainburst. At FLB provides up to 4 buffs at 4 CAs.

Buffs are:

20% ATK Up
25/10 DATA
20% Bonus Damage
20% Charge Car
65/20 Armored.

Kengo (Charlotta)



  • Can clear everything comfortably once setup.
  • Easiest Light/Dark start.
  • Stable damage going into all phases of the raid
  • Does not require a summon to comfortably cross Iridis Liberatio at 40%


  • Takes 10 turns before one can comfortably for cycle CA
  • Clicky
  • Slow


Charlotta (Grand)
Halluel and Malluel
Tiamat Omega
Unsigned Kaneshige (Wind)
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Gateway-Star Sword
Ewiyar’s Beak
Ewiyar’s Beak
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Melody of Judgement
Charlotta (Grand)
Grand Order
Unsigned Kaneshige (Wind)
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade Mk II
Sette di Spade Mk II
Gateway-Star Sword
Ewiyar’s Beak
Ewiyar’s Beak
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Prayer of Grand Gales
Charlotta (Grand)
Halluel and Malluel
Triple Zero
Unsigned Kaneshige (Wind)
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Gateway-Star Sword
Claíomh Solais Díon
Claíomh Solais Díon
Spear of Repudiation
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Prayer of Grand Gales


Additional References

General Notes

  • Apply Kaguya’s skill 1 Heavenly Winds Grant another Wind ally Heavenly Winds.
    (Can’t recast.)
    to MC at battle start.
  • Move as quick as possible at the start including guarding if needed to hit turn 10 for Charlotta (Grand)’s passive.
    • Essential for doing well so Charlotta can provide more battery to team.
  • Additionally, this helps get Kaguya’s skill 2 Blessings of the Moonlight / Miracles of the Moonlight Blessings of the Moonlight:
    All Wind allies gain DEF Up (50%, 5T), Debuff Res. Up (50%, 5T), and Refresh (10% of max HP Healing cap: 1000, 5T).
    (Skill changes to Miracles of the Moonlight upon casting.)
    Miracles of the Moonlight:
    All Wind allies gain Miracles of the Moonlight.
    (Can’t recast.)
    back off cooldown for its strong second cast.
  • Guarding any non Jinx omen you can’t clear is safe to do if needed. Just keep in mind it will raise dragon energy.

Vermillion & Emerald

  • Generally safe phase to mash through especially to get Chalotta and Kaguya ready.
  • Will need to use skills to clear Vivid Fire if Kaguya’s Miracles of the Moonlight isn’t up or MC doesn’t have the bonus damage from her CA.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Vermillion Claw, Emerald Beak2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times
Vivid Fire36 hits
Kengo Gain Tri-Slash (1T).
(Consumes 40% of charge bar.)

Kaguya’s CA bonus damage
Charlotta (Grand) S3 10-hit, 80% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~48,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.
(From 2nd cast onward:
Also inflict Accuracy Lowered 3 (50%, 3T).
From 3rd cast onward:
Also inflict Delay.)

Seofon S2 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
Level 95:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
Level 130:
Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
Exhaustive CollapseCA 5 times

Azure & Gold

  • Phase for Wind to break its shield. Getting started on dealing 20M CA damage as soon as possible.
  • Fatal Attractor occurs after 50M CA damage meaning you will run into it quickly. This needs 4 TAs to cancel.
    • Diiffcult to pull off without the second cast of Kaguya’s Blessings of the Moonlight / Miracles of the Moonlight Blessings of the Moonlight:
      All Wind allies gain DEF Up (50%, 5T), Debuff Res. Up (50%, 5T), and Refresh (10% of max HP Healing cap: 1000, 5T).
      (Skill changes to Miracles of the Moonlight upon casting.)
      Miracles of the Moonlight:
      All Wind allies gain Miracles of the Moonlight.
      (Can’t recast.)
    • Once up, between that, MA ultima, Bubs sub aura, and Settes 4 TA is reliable.
  • Another concern here is Universal Paroxysm which occurs after 50M skill damage has been dealt. Watch your skill damage to not push this omen close to the Phase 50% trigger.
    • 6 chain and Seofon’s Infinito Creare 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
      Level 95:
      Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
      Level 130:
      Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
      Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
      is enough to get two Fated Chains back to back if it winds up too close to 50%.
    • Guard this if no way get Fated Chain back before 50%. Not worth risking getting a Jinx trying to limit the Dragon Energy stacks.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Azure Eddy, Gold Rockfal2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times
Fatal Attractor4 TAsIf Kaguya’s Miracles of the Moonlight isn’t up or unsure about teamwide TA:

Gain Tri-Slash (1T).
(Consumes 40% of charge bar.)


Universal ParoxysmFated Chain

White & Black

  • Safe phase to take turns as quick as possible.
    • The more turns you take the faster you can get Kaguya’s Blessings of the Moonlight / Miracles of the Moonlight Blessings of the Moonlight:
      All Wind allies gain DEF Up (50%, 5T), Debuff Res. Up (50%, 5T), and Refresh (10% of max HP Healing cap: 1000, 5T).
      (Skill changes to Miracles of the Moonlight upon casting.)
      Miracles of the Moonlight:
      All Wind allies gain Miracles of the Moonlight.
      (Can’t recast.)
      off cooldown. This is the best phase to mash for it.
  • Slotting Clarity Remove 1 debuff from all parties. will help your teammates this phase with the debuffs.
  • Main concern here is Necrotic Storm which occurs after 50M skill damage has been dealt. Watch your skill damage to not push this omen close to the Phase 50% trigger.
    • 6 chain and Seofon’s Infinito Creare 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
      Level 95:
      Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
      Level 130:
      Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
      Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
      is enough to get two Fated Chains back to back if it winds up too close to 50%.
    • Guard this if no way get Fated Chain back before 50%. Not worth risking getting a Jinx trying to limit the Dragon Energy stacks
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
White Flare, Black Hex2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times
Myribolt RefractionUse 5 skillsPress skills as needed.
Charlotta (Grand) will have four button presses from her red skills after turn 10.
Necrotic StormLand 10 debuffs

Hexachromatic Hierarch

  • Have Charlotta (Grand)’s skill 1 Frieden Shilt All Wind allies gain Unchallenged (1T).
    (When cast from 10th turn onward:
    All Wind allies also gain Drain (Can’t be removed) (Healing cap: 10% of max HP, 4T).)
    off cooldown by the start.
    • If you don’t, use qilin to get it off cooldown or cross an ally Alexiel.
  • Remember to wait to attack into 40% until everyone is ready. This is done in pubs with a sticker.
  • Additionally after the trials are cleared, wait til all pearls are down before continuing.
  • After every six skill presses, you will take 20k plain damage and be inflicted with skill sealed so keep an eye on the Haloed Catalysis level to not be caught off guard.
  • Use and cross Lucifer to keep yourself and teammates alive.
  • Consider holding at around 20% if your Fated chain isn’t ready and CA into 15 to recover it.
    • Since Fated Chain is needed to cancel many omens, you won’t want to risk having it down for the Fated Chain omen.
Iridis LiberatioCharlotta (Grand) Frieden Shilt All Wind allies gain Unchallenged (1T).
(When cast from 10th turn onward:
All Wind allies also gain Drain (Can’t be removed) (Healing cap: 10% of max HP, 4T).)

or cross Godsworn Alexiel

Wait til everyone is uses an OK sticker to attack.
Sky Dragons’ Trial18 TAs or 18 CAsMash CAs and use Charlotta (Grand)’s Noble Moon 800% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~500,000).
Extend all allies’ Noble Order (Multiplier: Perpetuity) by 2 turns.
(From 2nd cast onward:
All allies also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (10% (100% Max)) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (5% (50% Max)).
From 3rd cast onward:
All allies also gain Charge Bar (15%).)
til cleared.

Wait til all pearls are cleared to proceed.

Lucentum Cladem40 hits
Atrophi Impetus25,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed
Causticae LacerationesDispel 3 timesBeelzebub or

Final Phase

  • Having Charlotta (Grand)’s Frieden Shilt All Wind allies gain Unchallenged (1T).
    (When cast from 10th turn onward:
    All Wind allies also gain Drain (Can’t be removed) (Healing cap: 10% of max HP, 4T).)
    off cooldown at the start is ideal to get two free turns from the initial cast and using Qilin to reset and recast it.
  • CA as frequestly as possible including using Seofon’s Seven-Star’s Brilliance All allies gain C.A. Instant Standby, C.A. DMG Boosted (150%, 1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (90%, 1T). (Can’t recast.) as needed to get your fated chain back to help cancel the Omens.
  • Haloed Catalysis still activates after every six skill presses. It is important to keep in mind if you have enough skills available for the following turn to cancel the omen If not, you can tactically force the skill sealed to occur a turn early to give yourself the full six skills available for the next.
Ruptus ArdorFated Chain
Ruptus Torrens20,000,000 CA DMGCA

Force Haloed Catalysis skill sealed
Rupta Tellus20,000,000 Skill DMGKengo Gain Tri-Slash (1T).
(Consumes 40% of charge bar.)
800% Elemental DMG to a foe (Damage cap: 730,000).
Gain Carom Blade (3T).

Charlotta (Grand) S2 800% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~500,000).
Extend all allies’ Noble Order (Multiplier: Perpetuity) by 2 turns.
(From 2nd cast onward:
All allies also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (10% (100% Max)) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (5% (50% Max)).
From 3rd cast onward:
All allies also gain Charge Bar (15%).)
S2 800% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~500,000).
Extend all allies’ Noble Order (Multiplier: Perpetuity) by 2 turns.
(From 2nd cast onward:
All allies also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (10% (100% Max)) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (5% (50% Max)).
From 3rd cast onward:
All allies also gain Charge Bar (15%).)
S3 10-hit, 80% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~48,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.
(From 2nd cast onward:
Also inflict Accuracy Lowered 3 (50%, 3T).
From 3rd cast onward:
Also inflict Delay.)
S3 10-hit, 80% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~48,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.
(From 2nd cast onward:
Also inflict Accuracy Lowered 3 (50%, 3T).
From 3rd cast onward:
Also inflict Delay.)

Kaguya S3 3-hit, 400% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000 per hit).
Inflict Lightning Rebuke 1. (Boost to Lightning Rebuke effect specs upon each cast [Max: Lvl 3].)

Seofon S2 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
Level 95:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
Level 130:
Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
Rupta TempestasLand 10 debuffsCharlotta (Grand)
Frieden Shilt All Wind allies gain Unchallenged (1T).
(When cast from 10th turn onward:
All Wind allies also gain Drain (Can’t be removed) (Healing cap: 10% of max HP, 4T).)
Ruptus Splendor2,000,000 DMG or more in one hit 10 timesCAs +
Beelzebub or other big summons
Ruptus TenebraFated Chain

Kengo (Catura)



  • Less clicky than the Charlotta setup.
  • Higher damage output.


  • Will need to use or cross a summon to deal with 40%.
  • Light/dark will be more challenging if its first.


Godsworn Alexiel
Tiamat Omega
Unsigned Kaneshige (Wind)
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Gateway-Star Sword
Ewiyar’s Beak
Ewiyar’s Beak
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Melody of Judgement
Godsworn Alexiel
Grand Order
Unsigned Kaneshige (Wind)
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade Mk II
Sette di Spade Mk II
Gateway-Star Sword
Ewiyar’s Beak
Ewiyar’s Beak
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Prayer of Grand Gales
Godsworn Alexiel
Grand Order
Unsigned Kaneshige (Wind)
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Ewiyar’s Beak
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Ewiyar’s Beak
Claíomh Solais Díon
Claíomh Solais Díon
Spear of Repudiation
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Prayer of Grand Gales



General Notes

  • Apply Kaguya’s skill 1 Heavenly Winds Grant another Wind ally Heavenly Winds.
    (Can’t recast.)
    to MC at battle start.

Vermillion & Emerald

  • Generally safe phase to mash through.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Vermillion Claw, Emerald Beak2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times
Vivid Fire36 hits
Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
S3 Consume 60% of charge bar to shift into High Gear.
(Consumes 60% of charge bar every turn.
Ends if not enough charge bar or upon recast.)
Exhaustive CollapseCA 5 times

Azure & Gold

  • Phase for Wind to break its shield. Getting started on dealing 20M CA damage as soon as possible.
  • Fatal Attractor occurs after 50M CA damage meaning you will run into it quickly. This needs 4 TAs to cancel.
    • Diiffcult to pull off without the second cast of Kaguya’s Blessings of the Moonlight / Miracles of the Moonlight Blessings of the Moonlight:
      All Wind allies gain DEF Up (50%, 5T), Debuff Res. Up (50%, 5T), and Refresh (10% of max HP Healing cap: 1000, 5T).
      (Skill changes to Miracles of the Moonlight upon casting.)
      Miracles of the Moonlight:
      All Wind allies gain Miracles of the Moonlight.
      (Can’t recast.)
    • Once up, between that, MA ultima, Bubs sub aura, and Settes 4 TA is reliable.
  • Another concern here is Universal Paroxysm which occurs after 50M skill damage has been dealt. Watch your skill damage to not push this omen close to the Phase 50% trigger.
    • Avoid using Catura’s skill 2 S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
      Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
      (Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
      as it will push you into 50M skill damage too quickly.
    • Catura’s Cowlick Lift Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
      Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
      (From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
      From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
      and Seofon’s Infinito Creare 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
      Level 95:
      Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
      Level 130:
      Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
      Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
      is enough to get two Fated Chains back to back if it winds up too close to 50%.
    • Guard this if no way get Fated Chain back before 50%. Not worth risking getting a Jinx trying to limit the Dragon Energy stacks.
  • Use Seofon’s skill 3 Cuore di Leone All allies gain C.A. Instant Standby.
    Lower Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 3.
    (Requires Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl 3 or higher.)
    if needed to reduce Catura’s skill 1 cooldown.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Azure Eddy, Gold Rockfal2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times
Fatal Attractor4 TAs ALL or if Kaguya’s Miracles of the Moonlight isn’t up.
Otherwise turn off CAs and attack.
Universal ParoxysmFated Chain

White & Black

  • Phase can prove easy or hard depending on if it is first.
    • If its first, be careful using Catura skill 1 Cowlick Lift Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
      Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
      (From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
      From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
      while zombified. If things get too bad, stop on getting a Full Chain and wait for the Phase 50% trigger.
    • If Kaguya’s Miracles of the Moonlight are up, this is an easy phase that is safe to mash through.
  • Slotting Clarity Remove 1 debuff from all parties. will help yourself and teammates this phase with the debuffs.
  • Main concern here is Necrotic Storm which occurs after 50M skill damage has been dealt. Watch your skill damage to not push this omen close to the Phase 50% trigger.
    • 6 chain and Seofon’s Infinito Creare 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
      Level 95:
      Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
      Level 130:
      Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
      Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
      is enough to get two Fated Chains back to back if it winds up too close to 50%.
    • Guard this if no way get Fated Chain back before 50%. Not worth risking getting a Jinx trying to limit the Dragon Energy stacks
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
White Flare, Black Hex2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times
Myribolt RefractionUse 5 skillsPress skills as needed.
Necrotic StormLand 10 debuffs

Hexachromatic Hierarch

  • Will need to summon or cross Godsworn Alexiel or Satoru Gojo.
    • Alternatively, can cross a Zeus and guard.
  • Remember to wait to attack into 40% until everyone is ready. This is done in pubs with a sticker.
  • Additionally after the trials are cleared, wait til all pearls are down before continuing.
  • After every six skill presses, you will take 20k plain damage and be inflicted with skill sealed so keep an eye on the Haloed Catalysis level to not be caught off guard.
  • Use and cross Lucifer to keep yourself and teammates alive.
  • Consider holding at around 20% if your Fated chain isn’t ready and CA into 15 to recover it.
    • Since Fated Chain is needed to cancel many omens, you won’t want to risk having it down for the Fated Chain omen.
Iridis LiberatioGodsworn Alexiel or Satoru Gojo or cross Alex.

Wait til everyone is uses an OK sticker to attack.
Sky Dragons’ Trial18 TAs or 18 CAsMash CAs til cleared.

Wait til all pearls are cleared to proceed.

Lucentum Cladem40 hitsCatura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
S3 Consume 60% of charge bar to shift into High Gear.
(Consumes 60% of charge bar every turn.
Ends if not enough charge bar or upon recast.)

Kengo Gain Tri-Slash (1T).
(Consumes 40% of charge bar.)

Atrophi Impetus25,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed
Causticae LacerationesDispel 3 timesBeelzebub or

Final Phase

  • CA as frequestly as possible including using Seofon’s Seven-Star’s Brilliance All allies gain C.A. Instant Standby, C.A. DMG Boosted (150%, 1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (90%, 1T). (Can’t recast.) as needed to get your fated chain back to help cancel the Omens.
  • Haloed Catalysis still activates after every six skill presses. It is important to keep in mind if you have enough skills available for the following turn to cancel the omen If not, you can tactically force the skill sealed to occur a turn early to give yourself the full six skills available for the next.
Ruptus ArdorFated Chain
Ruptus Torrens20,000,000 CA DMGCA
Rupta Tellus20,000,000 Skill DMGKengo Gain Tri-Slash (1T).
(Consumes 40% of charge bar.)
800% Elemental DMG to a foe (Damage cap: 730,000).
Gain Carom Blade (3T).

Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)

Kaguya S3 3-hit, 400% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000 per hit).
Inflict Lightning Rebuke 1. (Boost to Lightning Rebuke effect specs upon each cast [Max: Lvl 3].)

Force Haloed Catalysis skill sealed
Rupta TempestasLand 10 debuffs
Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)

Seofon S2 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
Level 95:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
Level 130:
Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
Ruptus Splendor2,000,000 DMG or more in one hit 10 times
Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)

Seofon S2 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
Level 95:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
Level 130:
Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).


Beelzebub + CAs + another big summon
Ruptus TenebraFated Chain

Kengo (Katzelia)



  • Highest damage output of the Kengo setups.
  • Highest stablity comp thanks to effectively perma Earth switch and First Movement: Bide Gain Refrain of Biding (100% DEF Up / 50% DA / 20% TA).
    Ends on recast.
    (Consumes 30% of other allies’ charge bars every turn.)
    Level 55:
    Effect enhanced.
  • Katzelia swap in provides a a solid amount of battery to party.
  • Wide Open from Katze’s skill 4 makes it easier to deal 2m damage instances.
  • Jinxes do not require Fated Chain to clear.


  • Requires unlocking Katzelia’s skill 4 Final Movement: Ascension .
  • 5 skills omen cancel requires attentive play.
  • Requires using Fated Chains more tactically and less mindlessly.


Halluel and Malluel
Tiamat Omega
Unsigned Kaneshige (Wind)
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Gateway-Star Sword
Ewiyar’s Beak
Ewiyar’s Beak
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Melody of Judgement
Halluel and Malluel
Grand Order
Unsigned Kaneshige (Wind)
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade Mk II
Sette di Spade Mk II
Gateway-Star Sword
Ewiyar’s Beak
Ewiyar’s Beak
Spear of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Prayer of Grand Gales
Halluel and Malluel
Grand Order
Unsigned Kaneshige (Wind)
Claíomh Solais Díon
Claíomh Solais Díon
Vortex of the Void
Sky Ace
Sky Ace
Kaguya’s Folding Fan
Spada di Vento Mk II
Spada di Vento Mk II
Spear of Repudiation
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Prayer of Grand Gales



General Notes

  • Apply Katzelia’s skill 1 First Movement: Bide Gain Refrain of Biding (100% DEF Up / 50% DA / 20% TA).
    Ends on recast.
    (Consumes 30% of other allies’ charge bars every turn.)
    Level 55:
    Effect enhanced.
    turn 1 and keep it up.
  • Setup can be done without Seofon 150.

Vermillion & Emerald

  • Generally safe phase to mash through.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Vermillion Claw, Emerald Beak2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times6 chain
Vivid Fire36 hits
Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
S3 Consume 60% of charge bar to shift into High Gear.
(Consumes 60% of charge bar every turn.
Ends if not enough charge bar or upon recast.)
Exhaustive CollapseCA 5 times

Azure & Gold

  • Phase for Wind to break its shield. Getting started on dealing 20M CA damage as soon as possible.
  • Fatal Attractor occurs after 50M CA damage meaning you will run into it quickly. This needs 4 TAs to cancel.
    • 20% from Katzelia’s skill 1 First Movement: Bide Gain Refrain of Biding (100% DEF Up / 50% DA / 20% TA).
      Ends on recast.
      (Consumes 30% of other allies’ charge bars every turn.)
      Level 55:
      Effect enhanced.
      . GTA from Catura’s skill 3 Bovine Buddy Consume 60% of charge bar to shift into High Gear.
      (Consumes 60% of charge bar every turn.
      Ends if not enough charge bar or upon recast.)
      . Seofon has TA passive from Swordshine stacks up to GTA.
    • With grid TA maxed at 75%, there is 95% base TA on party making it very reliable.
  • Another concern here is Universal Paroxysm which occurs after 50M skill damage has been dealt. Watch your skill damage to not push this omen close to the Phase 50% trigger.
    • Avoid using Catura’s skill 2 S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
      Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
      (Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
      as it will push you into 50M skill damage too quickly.
    • Catura’s Cowlick Lift Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
      Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
      (From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
      From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
      and Seofon’s Infinito Creare 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
      Level 95:
      Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
      Level 130:
      Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
      Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
      is enough to get two Fated Chains back to back if it winds up too close to 50%.
    • Guard this if no way get Fated Chain back before 50%. Not worth risking getting a Jinx trying to limit the Dragon Energy stacks.
  • Use Seofon’s skill 3 Cuore di Leone All allies gain C.A. Instant Standby.
    Lower Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 3.
    (Requires Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl 3 or higher.)
    if needed to reduce Catura’s skill 1 cooldown.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Azure Eddy, Gold Rockfal2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times6 chain
Fatal Attractor4 TAs
Catura S3 Consume 60% of charge bar to shift into High Gear.
(Consumes 60% of charge bar every turn.
Ends if not enough charge bar or upon recast.)

Universal ParoxysmFated Chain

White & Black

  • Very vulnerable to debuffs during this phase. Otherwise won’t take much damage.
    • If its first, be careful using Catura skill 1 Cowlick Lift Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
      Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
      (From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
      From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
      while zombified. If things get too bad, stop on getting a Full Chain and wait for the Phase 50% trigger.
    • Slotting Clarity Remove 1 debuff from all parties. will help yourself and teammates this phase with the debuffs.
  • Main concern here is Necrotic Storm which occurs after 50M skill damage has been dealt. Watch your skill damage to not push this omen close to the Phase 50% trigger.
    • 6 chain and Seofon’s Infinito Creare 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
      Level 95:
      Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
      Level 130:
      Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
      Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
      is enough to get two Fated Chains back to back if it winds up too close to 50%.
    • Guard this if no way get Fated Chain back before 50%. Not worth risking getting a Jinx trying to limit the Dragon Energy stacks
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
White Flare, Black Hex2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times6 chain
Myribolt RefractionUse 5 skillsPress skills as needed.
Necrotic StormLand 10 debuffs

Hexachromatic Hierarch

  • Will need to summon or cross Godsworn Alexiel or Satoru Gojo.
    • Another option if you can avoid having high stacks is bring Into Thin Air Gain Dodge All (1T). and use that and Katzelia’s skill 3 Third Movement: Guard Grant another Wind ally Refrain of the Guardian (200% DEF Up, 1T).
      (Consumes 30% of caster’s charge bar.)
      • 3k plain per stack. So 5 stacks means 60k on MC (3k * 5 stacks * 4 characters)
  • Remember to wait to attack into 40% until everyone is ready. This is done in pubs with a sticker.
  • Additionally after the trials are cleared, wait til all pearls are down before continuing.
  • After every six skill presses, you will take 20k plain damage and be inflicted with skill sealed so keep an eye on the Haloed Catalysis level to not be caught off guard.
  • Use and cross Lucifer to keep yourself and teammates alive.
  • Consider holding at around 20% if your Fated chain isn’t ready and CA into 15 to recover it.
    • Since Fated Chain is needed to cancel many omens, you won’t want to risk having it down for the Fated Chain omen.
Iridis LiberatioGodsworn Alexiel or Satoru Gojo or cross Alex.

Wait til everyone is uses an OK sticker to attack.
Sky Dragons’ Trial18 TAs or 18 CAsMash CAs til cleared.

Wait til all pearls are cleared to proceed.

Lucentum Cladem40 hitsCatura
Kengo Gain Tri-Slash (1T).
(Consumes 40% of charge bar.)


Atrophi Impetus25,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed
Causticae LacerationesDispel 3 timesBeelzebub


Final Phase

  • CA as frequestly as possible including using Seofon’s Seven-Star’s Brilliance All allies gain C.A. Instant Standby, C.A. DMG Boosted (150%, 1T), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (90%, 1T). (Can’t recast.) as needed to get your fated chain back to help cancel the Omens.
  • Haloed Catalysis still activates after every six skill presses. It is important to keep in mind if you have enough skills available for the following turn to cancel the omen If not, you can tactically force the skill sealed to occur a turn early to give yourself the full six skills available for the next.
Ruptus ArdorFated Chain
Ruptus Torrens20,000,000 CA DMGFull Chain

Force Haloed Catalysis skill sealed.
Rupta Tellus20,000,000 Skill DMGTeamwide CA
Kengo Gain Tri-Slash (1T).
(Consumes 40% of charge bar.)
800% Elemental DMG to a foe (Damage cap: 730,000).
Gain Carom Blade (3T).

Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
Rupta TempestasLand 10 debuffs
Seofon S2 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
Level 95:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
Level 130:
Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).

Seofon S2 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
Level 95:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
Level 130:
Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
Ruptus Splendor2,000,000 DMG or more in one hit 10 times


CAs + Summons
Ruptus TenebraFated Chain


Katzelia S3 Grant another Wind ally Refrain of the Guardian (200% DEF Up, 1T).
(Consumes 30% of caster’s charge bar.)
=> any character to die




  • Second highest damage output for wind in Hexa.
  • Ultra safe and does not require Triple Zero.
  • Can be played on a budget grid.
  • TA omen is very easy thanks to Katzelia S1, Settes, and Dual Xiphos.


  • 5 skills is very annoying to deal with.
  • Requires a summon to cross through 40%.
  • Cannot clear 3 dispels without bubs call.


Godsworn Alexiel
Grand Order
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Gateway-Star Sword
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Spear of Renunciation
Sette di Spade
Sette di Spade
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Melody of Judgement
Godsworn Alexiel
Grand Order
Sette di Spade Mk II
Sette di Spade Mk II
Gateway-Star Sword
Sette di Spade Mk II
Sette di Spade Mk II
Spear of Renunciation
Sette di Spade Mk II
Sette di Spade Mk II
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Prayer of Grand Gales
Godsworn Alexiel
Triple Zero
Grand Order
Sky Ace
Claíomh Solais Díon
Claíomh Solais Díon
Vortex of the Void
Kaguya’s Folding Fan
Kaguya’s Folding Fan
Spear of Repudiation
Spada di Vento Mk II
Spada di Vento Mk II
Ultima Sword
Theater of Temperance
Prayer of Grand Gales



General Notes

  • Apply Katzelia’s skill 1 First Movement: Bide Gain Refrain of Biding (100% DEF Up / 50% DA / 20% TA).
    Ends on recast.
    (Consumes 30% of other allies’ charge bars every turn.)
    Level 55:
    Effect enhanced.
    turn 1 and keep it up.
  • Apply Kaguya’s skill 1 Heavenly Winds Grant another Wind ally Heavenly Winds.
    (Can’t recast.)
    to MC at battle start.

Vermillion & Emerald

  • Generally safe phase to mash through.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Vermillion Claw, Emerald Beak2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

12 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

15 hits
Beelzebub or
Triple Zero or
Zephyrus (if one person has 100% bar)

Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain
Vivid Fire36 hitsBetween Bonus damage from Kaguya’s Heavenly Winds buff and Esta backline along with double strike from MC CA’s, it is pretty easy.

Typically can do
Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)

If things are lining up poorly with the bonus damage or double strike, can do

Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
S3 Consume 60% of charge bar to shift into High Gear.
(Consumes 60% of charge bar every turn.
Ends if not enough charge bar or upon recast.)

Exhaustive CollapseCA 5 timesSelf explanatory

Azure & Gold

  • Phase for Wind to break its shield. Getting started on dealing 20M CA damage as soon as possible.
  • Fatal Attractor occurs after 50M CA damage meaning you will run into it quickly. This needs 4 TAs to cancel.
    • 20% from Katzelia’s skill 1 First Movement: Bide Gain Refrain of Biding (100% DEF Up / 50% DA / 20% TA).
      Ends on recast.
      (Consumes 30% of other allies’ charge bars every turn.)
      Level 55:
      Effect enhanced.
      . GTA from Catura’s skill 3 Bovine Buddy Consume 60% of charge bar to shift into High Gear.
      (Consumes 60% of charge bar every turn.
      Ends if not enough charge bar or upon recast.)
    • With grid TA maxed at 75%, there is 95% base TA on party making it very reliable.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Azure Eddy, Gold Rockfal2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

12 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

15 hits
Beelzebub or
Triple Zero or
Zephyrus (if one person has 100% bar)

Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain
Fatal Attractor4 TAsRequires TA from grid and Katze S1 (20%) and Kaguya S2 second cast (50% self) to fully reach.

either Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
the turn before for GTA and double strike.

Catura S3 Consume 60% of charge bar to shift into High Gear.
(Consumes 60% of charge bar every turn.
Ends if not enough charge bar or upon recast.)

Universal ParoxysmFated Chain

White & Black

  • Debuffs from phase can be annoying if first.
    • Once Kaguya’s Miracles of the Moonlight buff is up, debuffs are no longer a concern.
    • If its first, be careful using Catura skill 1 Cowlick Lift Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
      Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
      (From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
      From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
      while zombified. If things get too bad, stop on getting a Full Chain and wait for the Phase 50% trigger.
  • Main concern here is Myribolt Refraction which occurs after 50M CA damage. You will run into this a lot and the variances of skill resets can make it difficult to cancel multiple times in a row.
    • Generally best to not move much except to clear the jinx if you don’t want to gain a lot of dragon energy.
    • Katzelia’s skill 1 can be double cast to help if needed.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
White Flare, Black Hex2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

12 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

15 hits
Beelzebub or
Triple Zero or
Zephyrus (if one person has 100% bar)

Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain
Myribolt RefractionUse 5 skillsPress skills as needed.
Necrotic StormLand 10 debuffs

Hexachromatic Hierarch

  • Will need to summon or cross Godsworn Alexiel or Satoru Gojo.
    • Another option if you can avoid having high stacks is bring Into Thin Air Gain Dodge All (1T). and use that and Katzelia’s skill 3 Third Movement: Guard Grant another Wind ally Refrain of the Guardian (200% DEF Up, 1T).
      (Consumes 30% of caster’s charge bar.)
      • 3k plain per stack. So 5 stacks means 60k on MC (3k * 5 stacks * 4 characters)
  • Remember to wait to attack into 40% until everyone is ready. This is done in pubs with a sticker.
  • Additionally after the trials are cleared, wait til all pearls are down before continuing.
  • After every six skill presses, you will take 20k plain damage and be inflicted with skill sealed so keep an eye on the Haloed Catalysis level to not be caught off guard.
  • If running into Causticae Lacerationes multiple times in a row, it is best to build your Fated Chain and hold til 15%. Since 3 dispels in hard for this comp, you don’t want to lose your FC right before 15%.
Iridis LiberatioGodsworn Alexiel or Satoru Gojo or cross Alex.

Wait til everyone is uses an OK sticker to attack.
Sky Dragons’ Trial18 TAs or 18 CAsMash TAs or CAs til cleared.

If going TA route, try to use Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
along with an MC CA the turn before to have more TAs immediately available.

Wait til all pearls are cleared to proceed.

Lucentum Cladem40 hitsBetween Bonus damage from Kaguya’s Heavenly Winds buff and Esta backline along with double strike from MC CA’s, it is pretty easy.

Typically can do
Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)

If things are lining up poorly with the bonus damage or double strike, can do

Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
S3 Consume 60% of charge bar to shift into High Gear.
(Consumes 60% of charge bar every turn.
Ends if not enough charge bar or upon recast.)

Atrophi Impetus25,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed
Causticae LacerationesDispel 3 timesBeelzebub



Final Phase

  • Haloed Catalysis still activates after every six skill presses. It is important to keep in mind if you have enough skills available for the following turn to cancel the omen If not, you can tactically force the skill sealed to occur a turn early to give yourself the full six skills available for the next.
Ruptus ArdorFated Chain
Ruptus Torrens20,000,000 CA DMGCatura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

Force Haloed Catalysis skill sealed.
Rupta Tellus20,000,000 Skill DMGPress available red skills. Use Qilin if needed
Rupta TempestasLand 10 debuffsTriple Zero (2nd call only)

Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Kaguya S3 3-hit, 400% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000 per hit).
Inflict Lightning Rebuke 1. (Boost to Lightning Rebuke effect specs upon each cast [Max: Lvl 3].)

Beelzebub or Zephyrus
Ruptus Splendor2,000,000 DMG or more in one hit 10 timesPush all the damage you can.

Can stall a bit longer by doing the following:

Katzelia S3 Grant another Wind ally Refrain of the Guardian (200% DEF Up, 1T).
(Consumes 30% of caster’s charge bar.)
=> Kaguya
Ruptus TenebraFated Chain

Rising Force



  • Highest damage setup for Wind.
  • Most omens are trival to deal with.


  • Need a solid understanding of Katzelia’s skill 4 activation to make sure you hit enough 2m instances.
  • Requires a summon to cross through 40%.


Rising Force
Mirin (SSR)
Triple Zero
Godsworn Alexiel
Daur da Blao
Claíomh Solais Díon
Claíomh Solais Díon
Vortex of the Void
Sky Ace
Sky Ace
Fantasia-Realm Harp
Galleon Float
Galleon Float
Spear of Repudiation
Ultima Harp
Worldbreaking Tauros
Prayer of Grand Gales



General Notes

  • Apply Katzelia’s skill 1 First Movement: Bide Gain Refrain of Biding (100% DEF Up / 50% DA / 20% TA).
    Ends on recast.
    (Consumes 30% of other allies’ charge bars every turn.)
    Level 55:
    Effect enhanced.
    turn 1 and keep it up.

Vermillion & Emerald

  • Generally safe phase to mash through.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Vermillion Claw, Emerald Beak2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

12 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

15 hits
Beelzebub or
Triple Zero or
Zephyrus (if one person has 100% bar)

Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain
Vivid Fire36 hitsCatura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)

Full Chain
Exhaustive CollapseCA 5 timesFull Chain. Will need either 200% bar or CA reactivation on MC.

Azure & Gold

  • Phase for Wind to break its shield. Getting started on dealing 20M CA damage as soon as possible.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Azure Eddy, Gold Rockfal2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

12 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

15 hits
Beelzebub or
Triple Zero or
Zephyrus (if one person has 100% bar)

Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain
Fatal Attractor4 TAsDepends on grid and characters.

Katzelia S1 Gain Refrain of Biding (100% DEF Up / 50% DA / 20% TA).
Ends on recast.
(Consumes 30% of other allies’ charge bars every turn.)
Level 55:
Effect enhanced.
= 20%
Rising Force Form a band with Harp-specialty main allies to amp up stats.
(All Harp-specialty main allies gain Everlasting Bonds.
[Boost to specs based on number of Harp-specialty allies.
Can’t cast if there are no other Harp-specialty main allies.
Can’t recast.])
= 50% to MC and Katze
(75% to both and Nio if using her)

Mirin (SSR) has GTA at 100% bar if using her.

If enough TA on everyone,

S3 Consume 60% of charge bar to shift into High Gear.
(Consumes 60% of charge bar every turn.
Ends if not enough charge bar or upon recast.)


Universal ParoxysmFated Chain

White & Black

  • Very vulnerable to debuffs during this phase since there is no way to prevent the debuffs from it.
    • If its first, be careful using Catura skill 1 Cowlick Lift Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
      Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
      (From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
      From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
      while zombified. Stop if you need to.
    • Slotting Clarity Remove 1 debuff from all parties. will help yourself and teammates this phase with the debuffs.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
White Flare, Black Hex2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

12 hits
Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain

15 hits
Beelzebub or
Triple Zero or
Zephyrus (if one person has 100% bar)

Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain
Myribolt RefractionUse 5 skillsPress skills as needed.
Necrotic StormLand 10 debuffsDepends on characters. If unable to reach 10 debuffs, Guard.

For Mirin strat:
Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)

Full Chain

Otherwise calculate via:

Beelzebub = 3

Elea CA = 3
Elea S1 4-hit, 150% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~148,000 per hit).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s).
When in Chivalrous Blade mode: Activates twice.
When in Inspiring Justice mode: Also inflict Delay.
= 3
Niyon CA = 3
Niyon S1 Inflict Comatose 6 (Accuracy: 75%, 4-6 turns) on all foes. = 2
Niyon S3 Raise all foes’ Tuning (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
All allies gain Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Level 85:
All allies also gain Shield (2000, 3T).
Level 130:
Buff increased to Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Shield endurance increased to Shield (3000, 3T).
All allies also gain Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t) and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
= 1
Eustace (Summer) CA = 2

Katzelia S4 = 1 per activation (4 max from CAs alone)
Catura CA = 1 per
Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
= 1

Hexachromatic Hierarch

  • Will need to summon or cross Godsworn Alexiel or Satoru Gojo or use Grimnir and guard.
  • Remember to wait to attack into 40% until everyone is ready. This is done in pubs with a sticker.
  • Additionally after the trials are cleared, wait til all pearls are down before continuing.
  • After every six skill presses, you will take 20k plain damage and be inflicted with skill sealed so keep an eye on the Haloed Catalysis level to not be caught off guard.
Iridis LiberatioGodsworn Alexiel or Grimnir + guard or cross Alex.

Wait til everyone is uses an OK sticker to attack.
Sky Dragons’ Trial18 TAs or 18 CAsMash CAs til cleared. Use Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
as needed to speed things up.

Wait til all pearls are cleared to proceed.

Lucentum Cladem40 hitsCatura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
= 24 at max
Rising Force 8 per CA
Katzelia CA = 1
Catura CA = 2
Other Character CA = 1
= 36 total

Need 4 extra hits either from CA from the other character, Katze skill 4 (2-4 hits), or from pressing red skills or summons.

In short:

Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)

Additonal red skills if needed
Full Chain
Atrophi Impetus25,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed
Causticae LacerationesDispel 3 timesBeelzebub


Catura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)


Rising Force 6-hit, 100% elemental damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~135,000 per hit) and remove 1 buff.
(When MC has 10 or more buffs:
Auto-activates upon charge attacks.)

Rising Force CA

Final Phase

  • Haloed Catalysis still activates after every six skill presses. It is important to keep in mind if you have enough skills available for the following turn to cancel the omen If not, you can tactically force the skill sealed to occur a turn early to give yourself the full six skills available for the next.
Ruptus ArdorFated Chain
Ruptus Torrens20,000,000 CA DMGFull Chain

Force Haloed Catalysis skill sealed if needed.
Rupta Tellus20,000,000 Skill DMGCatura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)

Rising Force CA

Force Haloed Catalysis skill sealed if needed.
Rupta TempestasLand 10 debuffsDepends on characters. If unable to reach 10 debuffs, Guard.

For Mirin strat:
Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)

Full Chain

Otherwise calculate via:

Beelzebub = 3

Elea CA = 3
Elea S1 4-hit, 150% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~148,000 per hit).
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (30% Max), 180s).
When in Chivalrous Blade mode: Activates twice.
When in Inspiring Justice mode: Also inflict Delay.
= 3
Niyon CA = 3
Niyon S1 Inflict Comatose 6 (Accuracy: 75%, 4-6 turns) on all foes. = 2
Niyon S3 Raise all foes’ Tuning (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
All allies gain Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Level 85:
All allies also gain Shield (2000, 3T).
Level 130:
Buff increased to Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Shield endurance increased to Shield (3000, 3T).
All allies also gain Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t) and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
= 1
Eustace (Summer) CA = 2

Katzelia S4 = 1 per activation (4 max from CAs alone)
Catura CA = 1 per
Catura S2 12-hit, 100% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~80,000 per hit).
Inflict Blamboozled 4 (1% of foe’s max HP, Accuracy: 120%, 4T) on all foes.
(Number of hits and Blamboozled effect specs increased upon each cast [Max: 5 times].)
= 1
Ruptus Splendor2,000,000 DMG or more in one hit 10 timesCatura S1 Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)

Full Chain
Ruptus TenebraFated Chain

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