Hexachromatic Hierarch (Dark)

This page covers Dark setups for Hexachromatic Hierach.

Hexachromatic Hierarch Pages










  • JP Name: 天元たる六色の理 or 天元
  • HP: 6,000,000,000
  • CT: 2
  • Defense: ??



When considering characters to bring for HL raids, you want to pick characters that match the various demands of the raid. This particularly means having the tools neccesary to cancel the various omens of the raid. Below are what various characters offer to counter Hexa’s various omens or general usefulness. When picking replacements, consider what the character you are replacing does and if you can meet the various demands with the replacement.

2m Damage Instances

The 2m damage instance omens are the highest priority omens to cancel. When replacing a character, make sure above all else you can still clear them.

Ilsa (Yukata)Skill 2 = 1
OrologiaSkill 2 = 1
Passive with Mysticus Candor = 1 per MC normal attack
FedielCA reactivation = 2
NierTargetable CA reactivation = 2

40% Cross

Character methods to cross Iridis Liberatio.

ReiSkill 3 reduces incoming elemental damage to 0

TA Omen

Characters with TA up for party or self to help either cancel 4 TA omens or hit count omens.

Fediel30% TA to party via Field
Ilsa (Yukata)GTA + multistrike based on number of ally deaths
ReiSkill 1 double strike can be applied to character with 100% TA or GTA

Hit Counts

Characters that add additional hits to setups via multi hit skills, auto activating skills, or bonus damage.

Ilsa (Yukata)GTA + 3 hit flurry + teamwide bonus damage
Provides 18 hits just from self
FedielSkill 2 = 6
Normal attack nuke = 6
ReiDouble strike to another ally
Can be placed on ally that deals most hits
NierSkill 4 = 6 hits after normal attacks
Added to MC after death
Halluel and MalluelSkill 1 or 2 = 4
CA buff causes both to activate for 8
Skill 3 = 8


Characters that inflict debuffs to help deal with the 10 debuff cancel requirements in the Lu Woh/Fediel phase and the final 15% percent.

FedielSkill 2 = 3
Normal attacks = 3
Halluel and MalluelSkill 1 or 2 = 2
CA buff causes both to activate for 4
ReiCA = 5
LichSkill 2 = 4
Ilsa (Yukata)Skill 2 = 2
OrologiaSkill 2 = 1
Passive with Mysticus Candor = 1 per MC normal attack


Dispel skills to counts towards the 3 dispel omens between 40-15%.

Halluel and Malluel1 per debuff (5 max)
OrologiaSkill 2 = 1
Passive with Mysticus Candor = 1 per MC normal attack


Characters who provide bar to the team to help maintain CA loops.

Fediel100% DEF up
Skill 1 = 10k shield and buff that ends on taking damage twice that grants debuff and dispel immunity




  • Yamato makes things easier thanks to its ability to lower cancel requirements.
  • Does not require a summon to cross 40%.
  • Hit count omens are easy thanks to the bonus damage from the Progression Opus key.


  • Vulnerable to debuffs in the Light/Dark phase if Fediel’s shield isn’t up.
  • Respectable but not amazing damage output.
  • Difficulty with TA omens unless grid provides enough TA.


Halluel and Malluel
Celeste Omega
Wedges of the Sky
Katana of Renunciation
Abyss Spine
Abyss Spine
Abyss Spine
Celeste Grace Ater
Celeste Grace Ater
Celeste Grace Ater
Covenant-Ruin Fist
Pain of Death
Forsaken Agastia
Ultima Claw
Vynateya Militis
Vynateya Militis
Halluel and Malluel
Celeste Omega
Wedges of the Sky
Katana of Renunciation
Abyss Spine
Abyss Spine
Abyss Spine
Celeste Grace Ater
Celeste Grace Ater
Celeste Grace Ater
Covenant-Ruin Fist
Pain of Death
Forsaken Agastia
Ultima Claw
Vynateya Militis
Vynateya Militis
Halluel and Malluel
Grand Order
Katana of Repudiation
Eternal Signature
Eternal Signature
Eternal Signature
Causality Driver
Causality Driver
Covenant-Ruin Fist
Pain and Suffering
Pain and Suffering
Skeletal Eclipse
Ultima Claw
Pain of Death
Festering of Mournful Obsequies



General Notes

  • Priority is to get Rei to frontline before 40% in order to be able to use her skill 3 Cold Stare Take control of all foes, inflicting Cold Stare 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) on all foes. to safely cross.
    • Otherwise will be reliant on crossing an Alexiel.
  • Save CAs for 90/70/50 and 5 CA omens.
  • Stay below 13 dragon energy. Higher than that will make moving below 40% difficult
  • Keep Rei’s skill 1 on MC unless required elsewhere for an omen cancel.

Vermillion & Emerald

  • Try to limit movement if possible during this phase as multiple 5 CA omens can prove troublesome.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGUse summons and skills as needed.
Vermillion Claw, Emerald Beak2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits

Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Full Chain
Add summon call if not confident.

12 hits
Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Beelzebub or another summon

Full Chain


Yamato 3-hit Elemental damage to a foe (4000% total / Damage cap: ~6,000,000 total (1st hit: ~1,500,000
2nd hit: ~2,000,000
3rd hit: ~2,500,000)).
Cancel all cancelable Omens.
(Can only be used when Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl is 8 or higher and a cancelable Omen is active. Can’t be recast.)

15 hits
Yamato 3-hit Elemental damage to a foe (4000% total / Damage cap: ~6,000,000 total (1st hit: ~1,500,000
2nd hit: ~2,000,000
3rd hit: ~2,500,000)).
Cancel all cancelable Omens.
(Can only be used when Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl is 8 or higher and a cancelable Omen is active. Can’t be recast.)


Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Full Chain
Vivid Fire36 hitsCA with progression opus for added bonus damage.

If Nier in,
Hit skill nukes.

If Rei,
Rei S1 Take control of another Dark ally, granting them Double Strike (Can’t be removed).
(Ends on recast.)

Exhaustive CollapseCA 5 timesFull Chain

Azure & Gold

Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGUse summons and skills as needed.
Azure Eddy, Gold Rockfal2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits

Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Full Chain
Add summon call if not confident.

12 hits
Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Beelzebub or another summon

Full Chain


Yamato 3-hit Elemental damage to a foe (4000% total / Damage cap: ~6,000,000 total (1st hit: ~1,500,000
2nd hit: ~2,000,000
3rd hit: ~2,500,000)).
Cancel all cancelable Omens.
(Can only be used when Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl is 8 or higher and a cancelable Omen is active. Can’t be recast.)

15 hits
Yamato 3-hit Elemental damage to a foe (4000% total / Damage cap: ~6,000,000 total (1st hit: ~1,500,000
2nd hit: ~2,000,000
3rd hit: ~2,500,000)).
Cancel all cancelable Omens.
(Can only be used when Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl is 8 or higher and a cancelable Omen is active. Can’t be recast.)


Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Full Chain
Fatal Attractor4 TAsIf grid has 70% TA

and attack


Universal ParoxysmFated Chain

White & Black

  • Phase for Dark to break its shield. Getting started on dealing 20M CA damage as soon as possible.
  • Generally vulnerable to debuffs during this phase unless Fediel’s shield is up. Use pots before getting zombified as neccesary and ask for clarities when needed.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGUse summons and skills as needed.
White Flare, Black Hex2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits

Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Full Chain
Add summon call if not confident.

12 hits
Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Beelzebub or another summon

Full Chain


Yamato 3-hit Elemental damage to a foe (4000% total / Damage cap: ~6,000,000 total (1st hit: ~1,500,000
2nd hit: ~2,000,000
3rd hit: ~2,500,000)).
Cancel all cancelable Omens.
(Can only be used when Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl is 8 or higher and a cancelable Omen is active. Can’t be recast.)

15 hits
Yamato 3-hit Elemental damage to a foe (4000% total / Damage cap: ~6,000,000 total (1st hit: ~1,500,000
2nd hit: ~2,000,000
3rd hit: ~2,500,000)).
Cancel all cancelable Omens.
(Can only be used when Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl is 8 or higher and a cancelable Omen is active. Can’t be recast.)


Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Full Chain
Myribolt RefractionUse 5 skillsSelf explanatory.

Save skill presses for this. Maintain Fediel shield as much as possible
Necrotic StormLand 10 debuffsHalluel and Malluel S2 4-hit, 150% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~148,000 per hit).Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed / Local) (10% (30% Max), Accuracy: 100%) and Special Attack DMG Lowered (Stackable) (6% (30% Max), Accuracy: 100%).
Rei S1 Take control of another Dark ally, granting them Double Strike (Can’t be removed).
(Ends on recast.)

Hexachromatic Hierarch

  • Remember to wait to attack into 40% until everyone is ready. This is done in pubs with a sticker.
  • Additionally after the trials are cleared, wait til all pearls are down before continuing.
  • After every five six presses, you will take 20k plain damage and be inflicted with skill sealed so keep an eye on the Haloed Catalysis level to not be caught off guard.
  • Rei’s skill 3 can be used to negate damage and her skill 4 can be used to turn skip through debuffs.
Iridis LiberatioRei S3 Take control of all foes, inflicting Cold Stare 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) on all foes.

Wait til everyone is uses an OK sticker to attack.

If someone trips Pearls early, wait to cast Rei 3 until 3 pearls are removed so that Auroral Curtain and its debuff resistance is removed.
Sky Dragons’ Trial18 TAs or 18 CAs
Mash til cleared.

Wait til all pearls are cleared to proceed.

Lucentum Cladem40 hitsCA with progression opus adds bonus damage.

Rei S1 Take control of another Dark ally, granting them Double Strike (Can’t be removed).
(Ends on recast.)

Add skill nukes as needed.
Atrophi Impetus25,000,000 DMG

Use summons, CAs, or skills if needed.
Causticae LacerationesDispel 3 timesBeelzebub


Halluel and Malluel S3 8-hit Plain damage to a foe based on 10% of foe’s current HP (Damage cap: 222,222 per hit).
Remove buffs based on number of foe’s debuffs (Max: 5).Inflict Everbane (20% / 1% of Max HP, Accuracy: g).

Final Phase

  • Haloed Catalysis still activates after every six skill presses. You can tacticully force this to occur on any given turn to give you the full six skills available for the following turn. It is important to keep in mind if you have enough skills available for the following turn to cancel the omen and if you will need to trip the skill sealed a turn early.
Ruptus ArdorFated Chain
Ruptus Torrens20,000,000 CA DMGBahamut
Full Chain

Force Haloed Catalysis skill sealed if not enough buttons for next cancel.
Rupta Tellus20,000,000 Skill DMGRei S1 Take control of another Dark ally, granting them Double Strike (Can’t be removed).
(Ends on recast.)

Add skill nukes. til in range of clearing with double MC attack + Fediel.
Rupta TempestasLand 10 debuffsBeelzebub or
Celeste Omega
Rei S1 Take control of another Dark ally, granting them Double Strike (Can’t be removed).
(Ends on recast.)
Rei CA + Fediel attack will clear it.
Ruptus Splendor2,000,000 DMG or more in one hit 10 timesBeelzebub or
another summon.
Yamato 800% Elemental damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~730,000).
Reduce an Omen’s cancel requirements by 20% of the maximum value.
Raise Yashiori (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 1.
(Can only be used while a cancelable Omen is active.)
Level 30:
Omen cancel reduction increases to 30% of the maximum value.

Full Chain
Ruptus TenebraFated Chain




  • High damage output.
  • 2m omen is easy to deal with thanks to the assassin and 50% bonus damage on MC.
  • Can cancel the 3 dispel omen without relying on Beelzebub.


  • Requires 100 GM for Excalibur and an invested Hades grid.
  • CA lockout.


Triple Zero
Grand Order
Excalibur (Dark)
Katana of Repudiation
Causality Driver
Causality Driver
Eternal Signature
Eternal Signature
Eternal Signature
Pain and Suffering
Pain and Suffering
Pain of Death
Ultima Sword
Worldscathing Leon
Festering of Mournful Obsequies



General Notes

  • For this setup to work, MC will need to deal at least 4m damage assassins.
    • This is so both the base damage and 50% bonus damage from Excalibur (Dark) count as 2m instances.
  • Setup works for either Orologia or Ilsa (Yukata).
  • Keep Rei’s skill 1 on MC unless needed elsewhere for an omen cancel.

Vermillion & Emerald

Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Vermillion Claw, Emerald Beak2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits
Wait on Turn 3 until 90% is crossed.
Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
on Turn 3 as well as all of Ilsa (Yukata)’s buttons if using her.

Then on Turn 4:

12 hits
Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
on the turn before. Also can use Nier S3 Grant a Dark ally C.A. Reactivation (1 time / Unremovable) (1 times).
(Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 1.)
instead since she will die soon anyways.


Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
turn of and use Triple Zero.

15 hits
Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
on the turn before.
Add another 2m+ damage summon call.


Triple Zero (second cast only)
Vivid Fire36 hits
Fediel S2 6-hit, 150% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~105,000 per hit).
Inflict Dark Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Double Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s), and Triple Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(When Malice of Despair is in effect:
Auto-activates upon normal attacks.)

Exhaustive CollapseCA 5 timesWith Nier Alive:
Full Chain

Use Nier S3 S3 Grant a Dark ally C.A. Reactivation (1 time / Unremovable) (1 times).
(Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 1.)
on someone other than fediel if someone can’t CA.

Chrysaor Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)

Full Chain

Azure & Gold

Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
Azure Eddy, Gold Rockfal2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits
Wait on Turn 3 until 90% is crossed.
Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
on Turn 3 as well as all of Ilsa (Yukata)’s buttons if using her.

Then on Turn 4:

12 hits
Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
on the turn before. Also can use Nier S3 Grant a Dark ally C.A. Reactivation (1 time / Unremovable) (1 times).
(Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 1.)
instead since she will die soon anyways.


Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
turn of and use Triple Zero.

15 hits
Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
on the turn before.
Add another 2m+ damage summon call.


Triple Zero (second cast only)
Fatal Attractor4 TAs
Universal ParoxysmFated Chain

White & Black

  • Phase for Dark to break its shield. Getting started on dealing 20M CA damage as soon as possible.
Atrox Clamor20,000,000 DMGCA and use summons as needed.
White Flare, Black Hex2,000,000 DMG in one hit 9/12/15 times9 hits
Wait on Turn 3 until 90% is crossed.
Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
on Turn 3 as well as all of Ilsa (Yukata)’s buttons if using her.

Then on Turn 4:

12 hits
Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
on the turn before. Also can use Nier S3 Grant a Dark ally C.A. Reactivation (1 time / Unremovable) (1 times).
(Love’s Redemption 13 lowers by 1.)
instead since she will die soon anyways.


Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
turn of and use Triple Zero.

15 hits
Dual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
on the turn before.
Add another 2m+ damage summon call.


Triple Zero (second cast only)
Myribolt RefractionUse 5 skillsSelf explanitory.
Necrotic StormLand 10 debuffsFediel S2 6-hit, 150% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~105,000 per hit).
Inflict Dark Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Double Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s), and Triple Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(When Malice of Despair is in effect:
Auto-activates upon normal attacks.)
= 3
Ilsa (Yukata) S2 Dark damage to all foes.
Inflict ATK Lowered 5 (25%, 5-7T) and DEF Lowered 5 (25%, 5-7T).
(Boost to specs based on number of Diuturna.)
= 2
Orologia S2 = 1
= 1
Rei CA = 5
Hades = 3
Beelzebub = 3

Hexachromatic Hierarch

  • Remember to wait to attack into 40% until everyone is ready. This is done in pubs with a sticker.
  • Additionally after the trials are cleared, wait til all pearls are down before continuing.
  • After every six skill presses, you will take 20k plain damage and be inflicted with skill sealed so keep an eye on the Haloed Catalysis level to not be caught off guard.
  • If dispel omen is first and you are running Ilsa (Yukata), you will be unable to significantly move during this phase due to limited ways to cancel the omen.
Iridis LiberatioRei S3 Take control of all foes, inflicting Cold Stare 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) on all foes.

Wait til everyone is uses an OK sticker to attack.

If someone trips Pearls early, wait to cast Rei 3 until 3 pearls are removed so that Auroral Curtain and its debuff resistance is removed.
Sky Dragons’ Trial18 TAs or 18 CAs
If using Ilsa (Yukata), use her S3 S3 Increase number of times caster does an attack this turn based on number of Diuturna (Max: Quadruple Strike (1T)). .
If using Orologia, use their S3 S3 => .
Mash til cleared.

Wait til all pearls are cleared to proceed.

Lucentum Cladem40 hits

Ilsa setup does not need to turn CAs off unless Ilsa has CA.
Atrophi Impetus25,000,000 DMG

Use summons or skills if needed.
Causticae LacerationesDispel 3 timesBeelzebub or
Triple Zero (Paradise Lost)

If using Orologia, can also use their S2 S2 for one dispel and two from MC via Logia’s passive as long as their S1 is up and MC has double strike.

Final Phase

  • Haloed Catalysis still activates after every six skill presses. You can tacticully force this to occur on any given turn to give you the full six skills available for the following turn. It is important to keep in mind if you have enough skills available for the following turn to cancel the omen and if you will need to trip the skill sealed a turn early.
Ruptus ArdorFated Chain
Ruptus Torrens20,000,000 CA DMGChrysaor Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)

Full Chain

Force Haloed Catalysis skill sealed if not enough buttons for next cancel.
Rupta Tellus20,000,000 Skill DMGCan’t cancel without using most resources. Easy workout is to the following.

Rei S3 Take control of all foes, inflicting Cold Stare 1 (Accuracy: g, 1T) on all foes. S4 Progress battle turn by 5 at end of turn.
(Activates only when caster is a main ally. Can’t recast.)
Rupta TempestasLand 10 debuffsFediel S2 6-hit, 150% Dark damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~105,000 per hit).
Inflict Dark Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Double Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s), and Triple Attack Rate Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(When Malice of Despair is in effect:
Auto-activates upon normal attacks.)
= 3
Ilsa (Yukata) S2 Dark damage to all foes.
Inflict ATK Lowered 5 (25%, 5-7T) and DEF Lowered 5 (25%, 5-7T).
(Boost to specs based on number of Diuturna.)
= 2
Orologia S2 = 1
= 1
Rei CA = 5
Hades = 3
Beelzebub = 3
Ruptus Splendor2,000,000 DMG or more in one hit 10 timesDual Arts Gain C.A. Reactivation (2T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
or Blade Swap Gain Blade Swap (Old) (1T) and C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (1T).
(Can only be used when an auxiliary weapon is equipped.)
and CA on the turn before.
If turn of, add 2m+ damage summon calls or skills.
Ruptus TenebraFated Chain

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