Eternal Performance Overview

The Eternals are a set of 10 farmable characters that are often some of the strongest characters in the game. While their value does fluctuate, they continue to be buffed back into relevance making them highly worth investing in. Let’s go over the current uses of the Eternals so you can best decide which one you should prioritize.

The process for recruiting Eternals is long, grindy, and complicated. Check out the wiki pages on how to recruit and upgrade them for more information.

First Recruitments

The eternals aren’t strong units out of the gate requiring significant investment to be useful. As a result, that can make picking your first Eternal difficult. So let’s go over a couple of them that you may find useful right away.

One of the common first suggestions is to get Tien. This is because she has a 5% boost to item drop rates. Since a lot of early content has you farming lots of materials, this small boost goes a long way to making things not take as long. It should be noted item drop rate boosts increases the likelihood a chest will drop if its not a 100% chance. It does not affect the contents of the chest. That said, early raids typically have their weapon drops in non guarenteed chests.

Threo is another strong early candidate thanks to her skill 3 Ground Zero Sacrifice 99% of caster’s current HP to deal plain damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~820,000).
Damage dealt is based on HP consumed.
Gain Shield (3000).
Level 95:
Also inflict Earth DEF Lowered (25%, Accuracy: ≥100%, 180s).
Damage cap increased to ~1,230,000.
Level 130:
Damage increased and damage cap increased to ~2,040,000.
When HP is below 25%: Also gain Tri-Slash (1T).
. It sacrifices 99% of her HP in exchange for a plain damage nuke to all enemies. The plain damage scales based on the HP consumed. This nuke is very effective at clearing a wave of trash enemies. With a ton of early farming being against waves of weak enemies, Ground Zero is a great way to quickly end those fights. Particularly, she is great for dealing with Arcarum. Since the nuke is plain damage, it can be used against all elements eliminating the need to worry about being on element.

Seofon and Eahta both are good for on element OTK situations. Seofon provides 50% CA damage to team making it more likely to reach cap. Eahta pairs well with Relic Buster as combining his 200% bar limit and his 100% bar gain with Limit Burst All allies gain Charge Bar, C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) based on number of Machine Cell.
(Consumes all Machine Cell.)
will let him CA twice in a turn.

Seox is the last major mention. Right away, he is pretty weak and not that noteworthy. But he quickly becomes the top tier of the eternals. His FLB adds a ton strong offensive upgrades and each transcendance pushes his value further. Six is an investment pick but the investment is more than worth it.

The Eternals

Rather than provide an explicit priority, I am choosing to go over the strengths of each Eternal instead. With the most recent rebalance, all of them have become at least pretty good if not amazing. Depending on your needs, interests, or upcoming UnFs, decide who you would like to invest in.

The discussions below will primary focus on the Eternals being at least FLB.

Anre (Uno)

ContentMin LevelRecommended Level
OTK (CA)100110
OTK (NA)150150

Anre is the defense eternal providing high teamwide defense while also dealing counters. Uno has a lot of different uses in different areas so let’s go one by one.

For CA based OTK, he is typically the stronger of the two Water eternal options for 0 button setups. This is thanks to the teamwide strength he provides at FLB. Taking him to 110 for the CA upgrade and increased cap up is recommended.

But for normal attack OTK, he will need to be 150. Once 150, he will have two counters when taking damage as well as autocasting his skill 1 Spiral Spear 1000% Water damage to a foe in Overdrive (Damage cap: ~1,160,000).
Inflict Mode Bar Cut.
Level 55:
Damage increased to 1100%
Level 85:
Damage cap increased to ~1,430,000.
upon being targeted. All together, this is a lot of potential reactive damage. The main drawback is needing to hit for the counters. UnF EX+ does a bunch of single hits that are likely to at least hit once, but aren’t always guarenteed. He does sub for the ally for the lowest HP which will increase the odds. If used against a boss with AoE attacks, which NM90 often is, he will always use his counters and nuke which makes him a lot better and more reliable for those situations.

When it comes to burst, Anre’s skill 2 Fleeting Spark Gain Substitute (1T) and Counters on Dodge (3 times, 3T).
Level 95:
Also gain Fleeting Spark (280%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T)
is a one turn assassin which pairs amazingly with Falsehood Opus mainhand burst setups. His drawback is that he has no form of TA up which means his TA would need to be compensated to use him. He is best used for 1T bursts like for NM95 or for M3 farming.

For both HL and FA, he has similar uses of offering tons of defensive utility. His skill 3 Arm the Bastion All allies gain 100% DMG Cut (1T) and 100% Fire Cut (1T).
Level 130:
All allies also gain Fire Switch (3T).
offers 1 turn of 100% dmg cut as well as fire switch to be able to tank any bad omen. Then his skill 3 offers 50% damage reduction for all elements as well as Rift’s Bendiction. This gives teamwide drain and a skill nuke on taking damage from all allies for lots of free damage. His CA also offers shield and drain as well as gaining healing and debuff removal from Radiance for more survivability. HL wise he quickly was used in Hexa solos to make them easier and safer. For FA, he’s a great option for Mugen as he let’s you mitigate a lot of the high damage in the raid easily.

Tweyen (Song)

ContentMin LevelRecommended Level
Burst100110 (130 for EMP)

Tweyen is the eternal with a focus on debuffs with dealing plenty of skill damage as well as flurry as strong add-ons.

Tweyen has utility for OTK for her teamwide 100/50% crit on CA helping everyone after her reach cap up. For most cases, this is pretty unneeded. But for 0B3C setups with her, it goes a long way in the unboosted grids. 110 transcendance improves her CA mod, gives her more cap, and also provides keen making it highly recommended for OTK purposes.

Starting at 85, Tweyen’s skill 1 Merculight Gain Other Self 1 (1 times) and ATK Up (3T).
Level 55:
Buff increased to ATK Up (50%, Multiplier: Perpetuity, 3T).
Level 85:
Also gain Skill DMG Cap Boosted (30%, 3T).
provides 2 turns of 3 hit flurry, 20% bonus damage, and 30% skill cap. This makes her a geniunely pretty good burst unit. There are definitely stronger characters, but none as available as her. She also gets a level 90 passive that raises her Ultrasight stacks for every 20 hits of damage she deals. They provide 3% bonus damage (30% max) and deal a skill nuke after normal attacks based on the current stacks for a max of 5 hits. The 10% cap up from 110 transcendance is recommended. Using a blue paper to get her to 130 is also pretty solid as it gives her 3k supp (30k max) per debuff.

When it comes to FA, her Ultrasight stacks will build fast making her deals lots of skill damage each turn.. She also offers plenty of debuffs via her skill 2 and her skill 3. Her skill 3 Clincher Big Light damage to a foe based on number of foe’s debuffs (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Level 95:
Now hits all foes.
Damage cap increased to ~1,200,000.
Level 130:
When Bring the Thunder (Transcend) is consumed:
Also inflict Pinpoint Prey (10% DEF Down / 20% of damage dealt Damage cap: 10,000, Accuracy: 200%).
is a hard hitting nuke that resets on CA. After CA it inflicts paralyzed but its very rare for a boss to not be immune to it. Older raids like BHL lack this immunity which does make her very strong for FAing BHL during slow periods. Most of her transcendance levels add more damage or debuffs until 150. At 120 she gets 3% dodge rate (30% max) per debuff on the enemy. This ties into her added 150 passive where she deals skill damage, delays and dispels upon dodging. This adds a lot to her FA strength and is highly recommended as an investment for more buff heavy bosses like the ones in UnF.

Threo (Sarasa)

ContentMin LevelRecommended Level
OTK 100150

Sarasa is an enmity focused attacker with strong passive buffs for her normal attacks.

Starting at level 90, she gains 300k normal supp on the third hit of her normal attacks as well as on TAs dealing a skill nuke that inflicts 25% local ATK and DEF down. Starting at level 120, whenever she’s at low HP, which is easy with her skill 3 Ground Zero Sacrifice 99% of caster’s current HP to deal plain damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~820,000).
Damage dealt is based on HP consumed.
Gain Shield (3000).
Level 95:
Also inflict Earth DEF Lowered (25%, Accuracy: ≥100%, 180s).
Damage cap increased to ~1,230,000.
Level 130:
Damage increased and damage cap increased to ~2,040,000.
When HP is below 25%: Also gain Tri-Slash (1T).
taking 99% of her HP, she has GTA as well as 30% bonus damage.

For OTK, she is one of the stronger characters right now thanks to her level 90 passive. Particularly, the DEF down added can help those behind her hit cap. Since the buff is granted at 90, you can use then. However, the additional 15% cap up and 10% normal amp from getting her to 150 goes a long long way. Her primary drawback however is a lack of TA without pressing a skill.

Similar for burst, she’s a great 0b slot for the same reasons. On top of that, she’s the only dual weapon proficiency eternal packing Sword prof along with Axe prof. This makes her a prime candidate for Glorybringer’s skill Mastery’s Edge Sabre- and katana-specialty allies gain Double Strike (1T).
(Consumes 15 Energized (icon)Energy.)
. For longer bursts, namely for UnF, It is recommended having her at least 130. Here, her skill 3 upgrades to grant her triple strike when used at red HP. This will require pressing her skill 3 twice usually via Qilin. While that definitely limits its overall usage, it is quite powerful and can often find its place in UnF.

Her high normal attack damage output is also the reason she is strong for FA. She really doesn’t offer much other than damage but she does that damage well enough for that to not matter much. You’ll want her at least 120 for FA for her passive to give her GTA and bonus damage for consistent damage output from her. Despite being an enmity attacker, Sarasa is quite survivable. She starts with 3x Undying making her able to survive 3 lethal hits without worry. In addition, she gains shield from using her skill 3. It starts at 3k and ups to 15k at 130. She also has drain on her skill 1 to heal her up a bit. Then all the way at 150, she gains debuff immunity, dispel cancel, and will cap water damage at 3,333 per hit. This is why she is recommended at 150 as that goes a long way to surviving longer.

There are two main things of her kit not dicussed so far. The first is that she has two forms each with their own sets of skills. She starts in Axe form and switches to Sword form and back via her CA. Sword form is the stronger form thanks to the skill 2 packing instant attack with a 1 hit assassin. For burst, it tends to not be worth swapping between the two as the payoff isn’t worth the setup. For FA, it is faster to keep CAs off for the lower animation time. If you have CAs on, at 130, her skill 2 resets so when you enter sword mode you get the instant attack + assassin right away. Likewise her skill 4 Three-Tiger’s Blessing Gain C.A. Instant Standby, Autoignition (3T), and Tiger’s Blessing (280% ATK Up, 100% C.A. DMG Cap Up, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T). (Can’t recast.) gives her 4 turns of auto ignition rapidly swapping between modes. But for the stated reasons above, you won’t don’t that in most cases. Her skill 4 does also have a reset on all her skills which is a lot more useful, particularly to reset Ground Zero. At 150, the cooldown lowers when she is in the red which is basically free.

Feower (Quatre)

ContentMin LevelRecommended Level

Feower deals lot of debuffs and skill damage. He can see use in FA and HL so let’s go over what he can offer.

His skill 1 Gammadion Cross 2-hit, 300% Water damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~313,000 per hit).
Inflict one Feower#Gammadion Cross|random debuff.
Level 55:
Effect enhanced.
Level 85:
Now inflicts two Feower#Gammadion Cross|random debuffs.
deals a 4 hit nuke that inflicts ATK down, DEF down, as well as two random debuffs. At 150, this can be cast twice for up to 8 debuffs. His second skill Carnage 4-hit Water damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~155,000 per hit).
Inflict Gravity (Accuracy: 100%) on all foes.
Level 75:
Damage increased.
Level 95:
Number of hits increased to 6.
Also removes 1 buff on all foes.
is another 4 hit nuke that inflicts gravity and dispels. The skill 2 resets on enemy special to let you quickly dispel any buff they may have gained. With his skill 4 Four-Sky’s Sorrow Gain Holy Haste 4 (100%). End cooldown for Feower’s damage skills.
(Can’t recast.)
, the cooldowns of both these skills end immediately and then reset at the end of the turn for three turns. Additonally, each skill will also dispel allowing Feower to quickly strip a buff heavy boss. This skill 4 could be timed in later Nightmare fights to quickly remove the buff stacks gained at 50%.

His CA is also strong inflicting delay, then granting 35%/35% partywide DATA at FLB, and providing 10% partywide echoes at transcendence.

Last to cover is his skill 3 Avirati Extend the duration of all allies’ buffs by 1 turn. (Excludes 1-turn buffs.)
Level 130:
All allies also gain two random buffs.
which offers a unique utlity of extending buff durations by a turn (excluding 1 turn buffs). Using this to extend strong damage amps or defense skills can go a long way in a fight. At 130 he also provides 2 random buffs from it.

In general. Feower has a lot of potential but is also hindered by Water having way too many heavy hitters. This results in him being not being used much. But that said, if you lack the stronger options, he is pretty excellent.

Fif (Funf)

ContentMin LevelRecommended Level
OTK 100110
CA Burst100150

Fif is the eternal with a focus on healing but she also provides some strong teambuffs CA buffs as well as useful debuffs.

Starting from level 90, Fif becomes usable as a OTK character. She starts the battle with her unique buff Magic Torrent which provides, among other things, 50% perp ATK, 50% TA, and 20% bonus damage.

Now for moving onto CA teams, she provides very strong stackable buffs at the end of turn based on her remaining HP. They are 10% Light ATK Up (50% max), 20% CA damage (100% max), 5% CA cap (25% max), 5% damage cap (25% max), and 10% charge bar gain up (50% max). These have very strong offensive steroids and help with looping CAs. She also provides 10% bar to party if you use any of her skills to help top up any time you couldn’t loop. Her Magic Torrent buff from skill 3 Reincarnation Grant an ally Magic Torrent (50% HP Revive / 20% ATK / 20% DEF / 15% DA / 5% TA, Multiplier: Perpetuity, 15T). provides 10% uplifted to an ally to assist with looping even more. With the buff lasting 15 turns on 10 turn cooldown and the cooldown being reduced by 3 per CA, its easy to have it on multiple allies. Her CA is also very strong as it dispels, delays, and inflicts 30% dark ATK down, 100% DA down, and 20% TA down.

Going to HL content, her skills are very strong for survival. Her skill 1 Sunshine Restore 200 + 20% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 3000).
All allies gain Refresh (300 HP, 3T).
Level 55:
Effect enhanced.
Level 95:
Healing cap increased to 4000.
Refresh (300 HP, 3T) upgraded to Revitalize (500 HP or 10% charge bar, 3T).
All allies also gain Strength (20% when HP is 50% or above, 10% when at 1 HP, 3T).
is a giant heal. Her skill 2 Blessing of Light Remove all debuffs from all allies.
Level 85:
All allies also gain Debuff Resistance Boosted (100%, 3T).
Level 130:
All allies also gain Dispel Cancel (1 times).
clears all debuffs and grants 3 turns of 100% debuff resistance up. In addition at 130, it adds 5 turn debuff cut to quickly kill unremovable debuffs as well as dispel cancel. At 130, she offers teamwide immunity to Zombified and Cursed which HL content loves to abuse. If this wasn’t enough healing, her skill 4 Five-Soul’s Charity Revive all allies with full HP.
All non-revived allies gain Lethal Attack Dodged (Can’t be removed) (1 times).
(Can’t recast.)
is a full heal, revives fallen allies, and grants undying. At 150 this becomes a recastable 10 turn cooldown full heal which is incredibly powerful especially for solos. Its highly recommended to take her to 150 for HL content use especially if you want to do solos.

FA wise she is a lot more restricted to being the CA buffer due to all green skills. However, her 150 passive gives her the ability to auto cast her green skills. Whenever an ally is red HP, he skill 1 will cast automatically. And her skill 2 has a chance to be cast based on the number of debuffs of main allies. Like before, it you just need her as an CA buffer 100 is fine. But if you want to take her against more annoying fights like NM250, 150 is a big help.

Seox (Six)

ContentMin LevelRecommended Level
OTK 100150

Seox is the eternal with a focus on Cygames loving him the most.

One of the big strengths of Seox is his Heavenly Howl stacks. These stacks grant him 35% perpetuity ATK (210% max), 15% TA (90%) max, and 3% damage cap (18% max). He starts with three of them for 105% ATK, 45% TA, and 9% cap. If you upgrade him to 130, he starts with all 6 stacks. He also gains 5% dodge rate (30%) max at rank 120.

On top of this, starting at 95, he deals a 6 hit nuke on enemy special for free damage for OTK or burst. At 150 there is an additional nuke on dodging. This is pretty unreliable for OTK or UnF burst strats without relying on his CA but does lead to good extra damage outside those tight cases. His radiance which is highly recommended gives him 1 hit 30% bonus damage at battle start, 6% NA cap, and 10% skill cap for even more damage. If you need any convincing of his strength, watch this OTK of him.

Then for continue onto burst, his skill 1 Gate of Sin Gain Adversity (20%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Level 95:
Buff increased to Adversity (30%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
Also gain Bonus Dark DMG (60%, 3t).
is also very good if more damage is needed. At FLB, it provides 60% damage amp and 60% echo for two turns to further increase Seox’s damage output. For both OTK and Burst, Six is useable at FLB, but taking him all the way to 150 is highly recommended to maximize his damage output.

FA wise, these buffs and reactive nukes make him a super strong offensive option. His stacks are easy to maintain thanks to the dodge all and mirror image on his CA as well his CA raising the stacks by 2 after transcendance. He has a dispel and accuracy lowered on his Gate of Demons 600% Dark damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~700,000).
Inflict Petrified 3 (Accuracy: 100%, 3t).
Level 90:
Also inflict Accuracy Lowered 3 (Accuracy: 100%, 3t).
which can help with team survivability. And his skill 2 Thunderflash Gain Full Hostility (1t) and Counter on Dodge (500%, 3 times, 1t).
Level 85:
Counter upgraded to Counters on Dodge/DMG (500%, 6 times, 3t).
Level 130:
When Heavenly Howl lvl is 6: Also gain Double Strike (Can’t be removed) (1T).
is effectively a sub with 6 counters. After 130 at max stacks it gives him a turn of double strike for even more damage output. And last but not least his skill 4 provides 4 turns of dodge all and double strike for both high damage and survivability.

HL wise, while he’s not meta right now, his damage output makes him a very strong slot in general. He’s great for hit counts when needed, his double strike access is great for TA omens, and he can sub any non AoE trigger by using his skill 2 along with the dodge all from his CA. He often finds his way back into HL setups and even if not in the top teams now, still can see use.

Seofon (Siete)

ContentMin LevelRecommended Level
OTK 80110

Seofon is Wind’s CA eternal with a particular focus in V2 content. He does need quite a bit of investment to be useful

He has strong use as a CA based OTK unit. At the start, his passive grants wind allies 50% CA damage. In addition, he gives partywide ATK up so those after him can hit harder. FLB is really where he begins to shine as it adds 10% passive CA cap up. CA cap up is rare in Wind until Rank 200 making sources of it super valuable. Its recommended to take him to at least 110 for the increased CA damage as well as 15% party cap up on CA. You could take him all the way to 150 for the unworldly CA and 100k supp, but with the high investment and CA OTK not being ideal, I wouldn’t suggest it just for OTK.

For use as an HL unit, Seofon needs to 150 for his 150 passive. It makes Fated Chains automatically cancel any cancellable omen. This is a powerful tool for HL content to easily handle any omen or for a get out of jail free card of many sticky situations. His skill 2 Infinito Creare 10-hit, 100%-150% Wind damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~61,000 per hit).
Level 95:
Also gain Charge Boost (30%).
Level 130:
Damage cap increased to ~250,000 per hit.
Also gain Fated Chain Bar (30%).
adds 30% Fated Chain bar to help bring it back as fast as possible. Additionally, his skill 3 Cuore di Leone All allies gain C.A. Instant Standby.
Lower Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl by 3.
(Requires Swordshine (Multiplier: Perpetuity) lvl 3 or higher.)
grants both instant charge and 1 turn unchallenged. This can either help with CA looping or tanking omens depending on what is needed. Siete’s passive stacks are easy to build and maintain thanks to Siete gaining unchallenged on CA. At max stacks, it provides 50% perpetuity ATK, 100%/100% DATA, and 30% special cap. Beyond the damage increase, the TA up is incredily useful for TA omens.

Seofon as an HL unit doesn’t see use in top setups as he doesn’t offer much other than the ability to cancel omens. But for beginners as its a big help. Additionally, when new V2 HL raids drop in the future, the omen cancelling will be great for the early runs as its an easy way to deal with unknown or unsolved omens.

Eahta (Okto)

ContentMin LevelRecommended Level
OTK 80120

Eahta] is Earth’s CA eternal packing a 200% bar limit and a 100% increase in CA gain.

OTK wise, you can use him pretty much right away for Relic Buster setups. With the 100% charge from limit burst combined with Okto’s 100% CA gain increase, you can easily cause him to double CA. If using him for 0B CA setups, getting him to at least 120 is good as you get the first CA upgrade and a 50% boost to chain burst cap.

For both FA and HL, he serves the same role of being a strong CA attacker. His skill 1 Open Spirit Gain ATK Up (50%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T) and Critical Up (30%, 3T).
(Consumes 10% of charge bar.)
Level 85:
Buff increased to Critical Up (100%, 3T).
Charge bar cost removed.
Also gain Arda Frava (3T).
Level 130:
Also gain C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (Special) (30%, 3T).
at FLB in particular offers boosts to CA damage and CA damage cap based on the number of CAs he does that turn. At 130 this also adds 30% special cap up. This is his main CA steroid and should be up whenever possible. His 130 domains lowers the cooldown of his skill 1 and 3 on CA which makes it easy to maintain 100% uptime on it. He also packs a standard EMP that provides 10% bar to allies other than Eahta on chainburst to help them loop as well. His skill 2 Purgatory Transfer charge bar evenly to all other allies.
(Consumes 30% of charge bar.)
also removes 30% charge from himself and gives 10% bar to the other allies if you need help to loop. With his 100% bar gain, he will definitely make it for any loss from this.

His skill 4 Eight-Life’s Pilgrimage Gain Charge Boost (100%) and Eight-Life’s Pilgrimage (20%).
(Can’t recast.)
is an instant full 200% bar when you need it while also providing a permament 20% charge per turn after. And with the rebal, it also gives him 3 turns of CA reactivation and 20% special cap up.

For both HL and harder FAs, it is advised to push for 150 for the 100% debuff resistance and dispel cancel. Both will reduce a lot of worries when mashing turns.

HL wise his main drawback is, outside solos, the top setups tend to not use CA teams. But they are still good for those without the top stuff. And with the mentioned solos, he is quite strong as Dark Rapture Zero clears.

Niyon (Nio)

ContentMin LevelRecommended Level
OTK 100150

Niyon is a strong teamwide buffer and debuffer both with strong active buffs and passive buffs.

When it comes to burst setups, you’ll want her to be level 130 for this purpose for the skill 3 Defendu Raise all foes’ Tuning (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
All allies gain Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Level 85:
All allies also gain Shield (2000, 3T).
Level 130:
Buff increased to Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Shield endurance increased to Shield (3000, 3T).
All allies also gain Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t) and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
upgrade that adds keen, 10% damage amp, and 100/30% crit. Along the way of getting her to 130, you’ll get her 120 upgrade to her skill 1 Ninna Nanna Inflict Comatose 6 (Accuracy: 75%, 4-6 turns) on all foes. that adds defense down as well as her 120 passive for 10% perp and 10% TA. That said, its highly recommended for her level 150 passive as well both for the additional 10% cap up as well as perma dispel cancel for the team.

These skill 3 buffs along with the ATK, MA, and DEF buffs from her skill 2 and her level 120 passive also make her very good as an FA buffer. In addition to those, her skill 1 inflicts a debuff that dispels 1 buff at the end of each turn with 100% uptime. Even at level 100, I think she is worth considering as an FA option for this reason alone. But realistically you should get her to at least 130 if not 150.

She is also solid useful as an OTK option. The passive buffs she gets at 120 and 150 go a long along way to improving teamwide damage output whether is be CA or NA OTK. Additionally, her CA deals a skill nuke.

Her skill 4 Nine-Realm’s Security All allies gain TA Up (100%, 4T) and Bonus Wind DMG (50%, 4T).
(Can’t recast.)
is also very good as it provides 4 turns of TA and 50% bonus damage as well as inflicting a debuff that reduces elemental damage to 0. Due to the initial lockout, this will typically be limited to FA usage. However, it is very strong for HL content like for bypassing Hexa’s 40% trigger while also gaining the TA needed to cancel the Pearl after. Right now, Wind leans heavily on CA teams, but if it changes in the future she would be likely to return.

Tien (Esser)

ContentMin LevelRecommended Level

Tien’s primary focuses are her bounty and skill damage.

When it comes to FA, Esser’s primary use is as a bounty bot. Her skill 1 Intense Bullet 450% Fire damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Raise Bounty lvl by 2.
Level 55:
Now raises Bounty lvl by 3.
Level 130:
Now deals 10-hit, 150% Fire damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~65,000 per hit).
Now raises Bounty lvl by 3 on all foes.
Also inflict Tien#Intense Bullet|a random debuff on all foes.
applies bounty 3 times. At first transcendance, she resets her skill 1 on CA. And then taking her all the way to 150, her skill 1 can just be cast twice in a turn for more damage and more bounty. With her 100% success rate for bounty, they will all land making maxing overbounty very easy. Her skill 1 becomes a 10 hit nuke at level 130 and skill 3 is another 10 hit skill nuke for some high skill damage output. Her GTA, bonus damage, and assassin are all quite nice, but aren’t strong enough to outdo other characters. So it really is in situations you need the bounty you use her.

She can also be used in HL if you lack the stronger characters. You will want her at least 110 for HL use so that she can reset her skill 1 on CA. Ideally, she would be at least 130 for the additional hit counts. The skill 1 contributes to hit counts, skill presses, skill damage, and debuffs. With it reseting on CA, this means it should almost always be off cooldown when needed. Her skill 3 can be used to cancel TA or hit count omens. And last but not least, her skill 2 can push damage if needed or be used for the debuffs for debuff omens. Having her all the way to 150 helps a lot to be able to recast her skill 1 for more hits or debuffs.

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