Earth Unite and Fight 2024

Earth Unite and Fight 2024









How to Farm

GW consists of 7 rounds.

The first two are colloquially refered to as meat farming. For most players, this round consists of farming out Extreme or Extreme+ to get host mats for the raids of Finals. In the first round, Preliminaries, all honor is counted to both crew and individual honors. In the second, Interlude, honors only count towards individuals. Farming preliminaries is a lot more important for this reason where interlude can often be skipped unless ranking. NM90 is also available these days. They will typically be the go to route for farming Celestial weapons as they are the fastest node that drops them and the rates at all Nightmare fights are about the same.

The bulk of GW is the four rounds of Finals. In this stage, teams go head to head to see who can get more honors during the round period. These rounds introduce Nightmare raids which uses the meat farmed during the previous rounds. Day 1 introduces NM95 and NM100, Day 2 brings NM150 and Day 3 provides the final fights of NM200 and NM250. While the best players will aim for the highest level every day, the general rule for all players is to farm whatever stage nets you the most honors per hour. So for example, if your best NM200 takes more than 3.25 times longer than NM150, it would be better to run NM150. The other main meta concern of this round is meat usage. It is helpful to both set meat usage goals and limits for each round so that you can both meet your individual goals as well as retain meat for the later rounds with a much higher honors/meat ratio.

The final round is Final Rally, a rematch against the GW boss with your whole crew. The fight is generally not notable in terms of diffculty and can easily be FA’d or refresh spammed.

UnF Changes

Unite and Fight will be having several major changes this year. Let’s talk about the two biggest ones below.

HP Changes

Extreme, Extreme+, and NM90 all will recieve both increases to their HP and their drops.

Extreme20m~1.3x meat increase
Extreme+35m~2.0x meat increase
NM9050mCelestial drop rate boosted

This will have two major affects on meat farming.

The first is that it will slow down clear speeds. However with the double drop increase, this should result in a faster meat farm for those who can easily clear it. As long as whatever clear you do is no more than twice as slow as it took at the prior HP, then you should see an improvement of meat gathering speed.

The other major is that due to the 11M increase in EX+ HP, this will make it harder for many players to clear EX+ easily. The change for EX attempts to replace the old EX+ being easier to clear with 4M less HP and its supposed to have a similar drop rate to it. So hopefully if it on par this results in a faster meat rate for those who can’t quite get a good EX+ down.

Ultimately, we will need to see what this is like in action. Especially with the numbers on the table, I think this will be a positive change that allows for faster meat farming of advanced players and easier meat farming for weaker ones

Schedule Changes

The other major UnF change is the introduction of a new fight and a change in schedule.

RoundRaids Unlocks
PrelimsEX, EX+, NM90
Round 1NM95, NM100
Round 2NM150
Round 3NM200, NM250
Round 4

With NM100 moved onto Day 1, this will immediately take priority over NM95. NM100 has 2.9 times more honors than NM95 so as long as your clears aren’t 2.9 times slower, its a no brainer to move to NM100. As a result, GBF Guide will not provide NM95 for this UnF unless there is demand for it.

Day 3 brings with it Nightmare 250. Presently, the only thing known about the raid is that it requires 100 NM200 clears to unlock. Let’s take a look at past Nightmare fights to try to get an idea of what we could expect.


With NM100 -> NM150 and NM150 -> NM200 they took two different approaches to increasing the difficulty of the fight.

For the former, they kept the HP the same but raised the defense significantly. This results in less damage dealt on the same grid thus resulting in slower strategies to reach the same damage output. However the new strats weren’t significantly slower at the time and the gap closes further with power creep. So for here the modest 1.5x honors increase more than made up for the defense increase.

With the later, they kept the defense the same and doubled the HP. If they were to double the HP again, we would be looking at 1.154B total. With a total that high, it would like require mashing many turns to clear whether on Hrunting or Kengo. Mashing is slower than burst strats and it will need an honors adjustment accordingly. When NM200 dropped, it provided lower honors. Originally, it was only a 2.5x increase over NM150 and the honors gain was worse on NM200 mashing over NM150 bursts. They had to buff it to be the current 3.25x honors gain to more competitive. Of course now NM200 can be bursted. So if NM250 was to go this route, it would likely need 40m honors per clear to be worth it.

Which route they will go remains to be seen. They could even increase both. Hopefully whichever they do, the increase of honors will be worth the increase in challenge.

Notable Earth Changes This Year

Like with the prior UnF, the biggest change presently is for Yggdrasil grids. The new farmable weapons include Omega Earth’s exalto weapon Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos, a boostable Glory weapon Yggdrasil Bark Bracer Arbos, and hard content focused weapon in Yggdrasil Dewdrop Harp Arbos. All three are quite good with the Exalto obviously being the strongest but the latter two would be helpful for FA setups especially for the harder fights.

With the MKII upgrade, Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II has cemented its spot as the best mod slot in Earth. Many setups will use 3 of them with some even using more. With the daggers and the M3 upgrade, Yggdrasil is presently a bit stronger that Titan.

Titan hasn’t recieved any specific upgrades yet instead taking advantage of general new weapons and the MKII boost. Like the last few UnF, this is very likely to change before September rolls around with the release of an Exalto weapon. Like prior releases. Getting 2-3 will be a priority if you want to remain Titan and Titan will pull ahead of Yggy again.

When it comes to characters, there are four notable releases I want to cover.

Olivia is currently the strongest attacker in Earth (minus MC) and will be used across UnF for both manual and Full Auto play. One of her main sources of damage output is her passive skill. When she has at least 12 buffs, she will deal 2 hit flurry as well as 50k supp. The main drawback to this is it will typically lock you into using Chain of Temptation to easily reach the 12 buffs outside of FA. The other big feature for GW is her skill 1 Darker than Dusk . As seen with her Grand version last GW, her Twilight Terror boss will stop enemy special attacks for two turns which will greatly improve survivability and can also make FA setups faster.

Raziel (Summer) is a loaded but weird buffer with much of her kit focusing around her two stacks. Rubrum starts at the number of red skills you have onthe frontline raises on every three red skill presses. Flavum does the same for yellow. Of these, Flavum is stronger thanks to it being maxed giving Raziel flurry as well as adding a 100k supp to her already strong buffs on her skill 2 Book of Sunlight, Page 19 . Those are 50% earth ATK, 50% TA, and 20% bonus damage to party. For longer bursts, you can build towards maxing both stacks to use her skill 2 Book of Awakening, Page 999 . This is a teamwide instant attack that also grants 100% TA, 1 time 30% bonus damage, and 1 hit 3 hit flurry to the party. This is incredibly strong if you can pull it off, but with the restrictions of needing to max both stacks, it can be quite limiting. That said she is still likely to be part of the fastest clears for NM200 and NM250. On top of that, she is also very good for FA thanks to those boths and having a dispel on her skill 1 which will auto cast on normal attacks when her Rubrum stacks are maxed.

Sabrina is one of the top 0B attackers in Earth. She gains 100% TA and 20% echo before attacking if she’s at full HP and also deals a large single hit skill nuke after normal ATKs that inflicts 25% ATK and DEF down making for an easier time for anyone after her. The TA and echo only applies after hitting the attack button so she will not gain those for tag only setups which is important to keep in mind.

Dante (Halloween)] is another excellent 0B character this time with a lean towards support thanks to his passive giving 10% bonus damage to any ally that TAs. His main drawback is the lack of passive TA so you will need to make sure he can reach that by rings, awakenings, and grid. He is apart of the best EX+ and NM90 teams though won’t see use beyond that.

Both Yggdrasil Omega and Titan recieved transcendances. The most important change is the increase of their main aura to 170%. This leads to a good boost to both elements, particularly Yggdrasil which had a lower boost than Titan before. They also both gain sub auras that add a bit more ATK and DEF or HP which can help push a bit more damage in setups.

The other main summon release was Triple Zero. This grants 10% damage amp to party when main summon making it a great option for any setup where you don’t require a more substaintial main summon like Bubs. Particularly, it is quite helpful for OTK for that reason.



Weapons that are equally useful for Omega and Optimus.


1 Gauntlet of Proudearth★★★★★
1 Harp of Renunciation★★★★★
1 Harp of Repudiation★★★★★Only required for Titan
1 Binds of The Hanged Man★★★★★Rated 5* due to being required for Caim FLB
1 Ultima Blade★★★★☆
1 Ultima Sword★★★★☆
1 Ultima Axe★★★★☆
1 Worldscathing Leon★★★★☆
1 Worldvexing Angelos★★★★☆
1 Gateway-Star Sword★★★★☆
1 Covenant-Ruin Fist★★★★☆
1 Collapse of The Tower★★★☆☆
1 Baihu Claw Malus★★★☆☆Generally phased out but good if you lack the better cap up sources.
1 Worldbreaking Tauros★★☆☆☆FA usage

Gold Moon

0-1 Hrunting★★★★☆


Weapons for Omega grids.


3 Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos★★★★★
3 ATK Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II★★★★★
1 ATK Fang of the Dragonslayer★★★★☆
1 SPC Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II★★★★☆
1 Ancient Perseus★★★★☆
1 Nibelung Horn★★★★☆
2 Ished★★★★☆
4 ATK Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II★★★☆☆
1 ATK Claw of the Dragonslayer Mk II★★★☆☆
0-1 DEF Claw of the Dragonslayer★★★☆☆For FA
1 Yggdrasil Dewdrop Harp Arbos★★★☆☆For FA
1-2 Galleon’s Jaw★★★☆☆For CA based OTK or Kengo setups
2-5 Sette di Spade★★★☆☆For CA OTK setups
1-2 Yggdrasil Bark Bracer Arbos★★★☆☆For CA based OTK or Kengo setups
1-2 Solomon’s Axe Militis★★★☆☆
0-1 Draconic Bow★★★☆☆For NM200/NM250 FA
0-1 Bounty of Gracious Earth★★★☆☆For NM200/NM250 FA
1 ATK Exo Kshathra★★★☆☆Good OTK mainhand
1 Nibelung Klinge★★☆☆☆
1 Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Omega★★☆☆☆
0-1 Tatjenen★☆☆☆☆Solid FA mainhand
1 ATK Exo Ashavan★☆☆☆☆Potential but unlikely FA mainhan
0-1 DEF Exo Kshathra★☆☆☆☆FA HP filler
0-1 DEF Exo Ashavan★☆☆☆☆FA HP filler
1 SPC Daggerpeak★☆☆☆☆

Premium Upgrades

1-2 Pillardriver★★★★★
1 Landslide Scepter★★★☆☆Doesn’t require being barred.


Weapons for Optimus grids.

2 Pillardriver★★★★★
3 ATK Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II★★★★★
2 ★★★★☆Limited to NM100/150
3 Landslide Scepter★★★★☆Mostly for FA. Unlikely to see more than one used in Burst grids.
1 MA Ichigo Hitofuri★★★★☆
1 SPC Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II★★★★☆
1 Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos★★★★☆
3 ★★★☆☆For non Hrunting NM100/150
1 Mirror-Blade Shard★★★☆☆
1 ATK Claw of the Dragonslayer Mk II★★★☆☆
1 Aertire★★☆☆☆5* to get due to coming with Raziel.
1-2 World Ender★★☆☆☆Only for skill damage FA setups
4 ATK Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II★★☆☆☆
2 ATK Claw of the Dragonslayer Mk II★☆☆☆☆



See more information on the Earth Character burst section.

Full Auto

See more information on the Earth Character burst section.


Earth Crash III
Uriel Piledriver
  • 20% boost to Omega and Optimus weapon skills.
Golden Dawn
450% (Massive) Earth damage to a foe.
Caim’s third skill resets to Blank Face.
End cooldown for Blank Face.
Golden Twilight
500% (Massive) Earth damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~2,020,000).
Caim’s third skill resets to Blank Face.
End cooldown for Blank Face.Randomly raise one of Spade (Multiplier: Perpetuity), Heart, Diamond, or Club rank by 1 for all Earth allies.
Double Deal
All Earth allies gain Double Deal (1 times).
(Can’t recast.)
Beginning of Joker / End of Joker
Beginning of Joker: Copy an ally’s skill.
(Skill changes to End of Joker upon casting.)
End of Joker: All Earth allies gain ATK Up (30%, Multiplier: Normal, 3T), DEF Up (30%, 3T), TA Up (20%, 3T), Revitalize (500 HP or 10% charge bar, 3T), Shield (2000, 3T), DMG Cap Boosted (10%, 3T), Uplift (15%, 3T), Hype (1-4 stacks, 3T), and Veil.
(Skill changes to Beginning of Joker upon casting.)
Blank Face
Skill effect changes based on the type of skill that is first used by a main ally.
Secret Hands
Skill effect changes based on the card selected.
(Can only be used after The Fool Upright activates.)
Spade Trick
Attack without using up a turn.
Raise caster’s Spade (Multiplier: Perpetuity) Rank by 1 (Max: 4).
Heart Trick
Restore 20% of all allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2000).
Raise caster’s Heart Rank by 1 (Max: 4).
Diamond Trick
All allies gain Charge Boost (15%).
Raise caster’s Diamond Rank by 1 (Max: 4).
Club Trick
Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%), ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s), and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) on all foes.
Raise caster’s Club Rank by 1 (Max: 4).
Wild Card
Subject to all specialty weapon-, style-, and race (Officially called “type” in-game)-related Weapon Skills|weapon skills.
The Hanged Man’s Charity
When an Earth ally has 12 or more buffs at end of turn:Remove 1 debuff from that ally.
  • 20% perp ATK, 50% DEF, and 10% boost to damage cap when all weapons in the grid are different.
  • Required backline for Caim grids. Unused in backline for non Caim.
  • FLB adds 20k supp to backline passive.
Use Areas: FA
L’Ouverture de la Douleur
450% (Massive) Earth damage to a foe.
500% Bonus Earth damage (Damage cap: ~630,000).
Destructive Urges
300% Earth damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~400,000).
Gain Destructive Urges (Guaranteed TA / 30% Bonus Earth DMG
50% Bonus Earth DMG, 1T).
(Also gain 1 Magic Crest.)
Level 55:
Destructive Urges (Guaranteed TA / 50% Bonus Earth DMG, 1T) Bonus Earth DMG effect increased to 50%.
900% Earth damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~1,120,000).
3-turn cut to Earth allies’ skill cooldown.
(Consumes 5 Magic Crest.)
Level 75:
Damage increased to 1000%
Renegade Firebrand
All Earth allies gain Thunderbolt of Disaster (10% ATK Up / 10% Skill accuracy, Multiplier: Unique).
(Consumes 10 Magic Crest.)
Partition d’Air
Callous Fist
Earth damage to all foes every 3 turns.
(Boost to specs upon each activation [Max: 3]. Gain 1 Magic Crest [Max: 10].)
The Tower Reversed
When Sub Ally: Earth allies gain Skill DMG Cap Boosted (Stackable / Old / Can’t be removed) (6% (30% Max)) upon casting a skill (Max: 5).
  • 6% (30%) stackable skill cap to an ally on skill press.
  • Domain adds 3% (15%) stackable ATK and DEF.
    • This investment is highly worth it.
  • FLB adds 10k (50k) stackable skill supp.
Type: BUFF
Use Areas: BURST, OTK
Bloomin’ Five Flowers
Restore Earth allies’ HP (Healing cap: 2500) and remove 1 debuff.
Extend Earth allies’ Hype by 2 turns.
Diva Devotion II
Gain Performance and Shield (4000).
(Performance effect ends upon taking damage.)
Colorful Cheer
All allies gain DA Up (30%, 3T), TA Up (15%, 3T), and Hype (3T).
When Diantha’s Hype is at 4:
Buffs increased to DA Up (35%, 3T) and TA Up (35%, 3T).
All allies also gain DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3T).
Find Your Star
Diantha#Find Your Star|All Earth allies gain one random buff.
(Number of buffs gained increases based on Diantha’s Hype lvl.)
Ballet of the Blossoms
Bonus Earth DMG effect to all allies based on their Hype lvl.
Never Ending Fantasy
5% boost to Earth MC’s damage cap.
(Takes effect even when Diantha is a sub ally.)
  • 5% boost to MC damage cap.
  • Does not stack with Caim or Beelzebub.
Use Areas: 0B04 AND ABOVE
Zeruch Shot
450% (Massive) Earth damage to a foe and remove 1 buff.
Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%).
Vacationing Eagle
Gain Instant Charge, C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (30%), and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (10%).
(Self-inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (100% Max)).)
Sunny Glare
Inflict ATK Down (25%, Accuracy: 100%, 180s), Blinded (Accuracy: 100%, 180s), and Accuracy Lowered 2 (Accuracy: 100%, 2T) on a foe.
Volley Assist
Switch positions with a sub ally.
(When switching with an Earth ally: Provide Backup Fire (Summer) (20% ATK Up, 50% C.A. DMG Up, 20% C.A. DMG Cap Up, 50% DEF Down, Multiplier: Unique) to the ally.)
Sandy Sniper
50% hit to DEF, 50% boost to C.A. damage, 30% boost to C.A. damage cap, less likely to be attacked, and 10% Uplift effect.
Ocean Bullet
When Sub Ally: 300% Bonus Earth damage to a foe upon the chain burst Diastrofism (Damage cap: ~600,000).
  • Skill nuke on 4 chain.
Type: BUFF
Use Areas: BURST, OTK
Ox in Dreamland
Thinking… of you…
(Nothing happens.)
Snooze Button
Snooze…(Nothing happens.)
Napping on Cloud Nine
Mm… Moohoohoo…(Nothing happens.)
More than a Dreamer
Can’t attack. (Too sleepy.)10% boost to Earth allies’ charge bar gain.
Hopeless Romantic’s Dream
When Sub Ally: 5% boost to Earth allies’ triple attack rate.
  • 5% boost to TA.
  • Moo.


A list of summons that will see use this GW.

Universal Summons

Belial★★★★★50k free supplemental damage. Will almost always be slotted.
Beelzebub★★★★★Top tier main summon thanks to both its MC buffs and essential call for most burst setups.
Yatima★★★★☆Sub aura let’s you call two summons in a turn. Especially important for Earth that relies a lot on summons for buffs.
Triple Zero★★★★☆Provides 10% damage amp as main summon. Call deals a lot of damage and provides instant charge to MC which can be good for OTK or Lumberjack setups.
Halluel and Malluel★★☆☆☆

Earth Specific

Yggdrasil Omega★★★★★Core Aura Summon for Omega. 210 sub aura is great for Omega and Optimus.
Titan★★★★★Core Aura Summon for Omega. 210/230 sub aura is great for Omega and Optimus.
Uriel★★★★★5-15% damage cap sub aura. Call provides a strong ATK buff as well as 30% charge for setups with Illnott (Summer).
Mammoth★★★★☆1 turn echo summon. Works at 0* for most setups but 3* may be required for optimal setups.
Galleon★★★★☆20-40% boost to Optimus weapon skills. Call also provides 50k teamwide supp.
Mandrake (Summer)★★★★☆Provides 3 turns of stamina at battle start. Strongest than the Aura summons for raw damage sub aura.


Huanglong★★★★★30% bar to party on battle start when main or support summon.
Beelzebub (Summer)★★☆☆☆2m plain damage at end of turn. Great for OTK
Dogu★☆☆☆☆Can be used at FLB for Manadiver OTK setups. Very low priority.

Example Grids

Here are a few examples of weapon configurations for this year.


When it comes to burst, both Caim and non Caim grids can see usage. Depending on the burst type, each can see its own usage.

First up is the Caim example. This will be for a Luchador burst which is great for making the most of the many one turn assassins in earth. Here we can only adopt one Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos due to Caim restrictions. But it does make a great improvement for both the additional boost as well as providing 6% cap up. The setup ideally makes use of Uriel’s weapon Pillardriver but if you lack access to the gacha weapon, you could either use Ultima Claw (Earth) or Baihu Claw Malus.

As for a setup without Caim, you would stack ATK Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II for the raw damage output. In my testing, the Caim setup was stronger primarly thanks to the extra cap up from the Caim passive.

Harp of Renunciation
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Nibelung Horn
Nibelung Horn
Gateway-Star Sword
Gauntlet of Proudearth

For Titan, we fill up first the grid with the Core Titan weapons of Pillardriver and Bloodwrought Coral for all the cap up, supplmental damage, and damage amp they provide. Next, we will use a Celestial for more cap up. The one you choose will be character dependant. Lastly, we will fill out the final space with the strong damage mod of Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II to be able to make the most of the assassin boosted normal attacks.

Bloodwrought Coral
Bloodwrought Coral
Bloodwrought Coral
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Covenant-Ruin Fist
Harp of Repudiation
Ultima Sword

Last up is using the 150 GM weapon Hrunting. Here, we can use either Glorybringer or Berserker without any grid change. The main thing to note here is that with Hrunting, Fangs are even high value thanks to their ability to automatically trigger Hrunting’s bonus damage passive for every party member at the end of every turn.

Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Gateway-Star Sword
Worldscathing Leon
Harp of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Landslide Scepter
Gateway-Star Sword
Harp of Renunciation
Ultima Sword
Bloodwrought Coral
Bloodwrought Coral
Worldscathing Leon
Gateway-Star Sword
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Harp of Repudiation
Ultima Sword

Full Auto

First up is an example of a Monk setup. Monk is a great option for Earth for FA thanks to the high amounts of skill damage and ability to work with the Chain of Falsehood. Here you want to focus on getting skill damage up which is why we run a Worldbreaking Tauros and two Claw of the Dragonslayers: one MKI and one MKII. For FA, slotting in Yggdrasil Dewdrop Harp Arbos is a good idea for the garrison as well as the boostable TA making more consisent damage output.

This will still use a Caim grid. The big reason for this is the passive defense is too strong to give up for any extended FA.

Kanabo (Earth)
Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Dewdrop Harp Arbos
Gateway-Star Sword
Claw of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Claw of the Dragonslayer
Worldbreaking Tauros
Harp of Renunciation
Ultima Claw

With Optimus, we use World Enders in order to push the skill damage further. Another option is Worldbreaking Tauros if your skill damage dealers fall neatly under its restrictions.

Bloodwrought Coral
Bloodwrought Coral
Ichigo Hitofuri
Fang of the Dragonslayer Mk II
Covenant-Ruin Fist
Harp of Repudiation
Ultima Claw

If we want to use the 150 GM weapon Hrunting we would instead shift to a focus on Normal Attack damage. Like before we would still run most of the similar weapons. But now we would want to run some more supplemental focused weapons like Ished and Pillardriver as well as normal amp and cap up like Worldvexing Angelos. Also very very important to any Hrunting setup, you will want one Fang of the Dragonslayer as the passive HP loss triggers the free bonus damage passive from Hrunting for free partywide echoes.

Yggdrasil Crystal Blade Arbos
Yggdrasil Dewdrop Harp Arbos
Gateway-Star Sword
Worldvexing Angelos
Fang of the Dragonslayer
Harp of Renunciation
Ultima Claw
Landslide Scepter
Landslide Scepter
Landslide Scepter
Bloodwrought Coral
Bloodwrought Coral
World Ender
Bounty of Gracious Earth
Harp of Repudiation
Ultima Sword

Past Years

UnF pages for prior years.


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