Anniversary Special Draw Set 2025

Once a year during anniversary there is a 3000 yen Special Surprise Ticket that let’s you select any seasonal character released before the current year. I’ll cover some of the available choices. I will stick to seasonal choices as any Grand character can be sparked once a month making the seasonal choices of higher value.

If you are planning on picking a summer or yukata character, wait until free draws are over as these characters will be on rate up during the free draw period.

Last Year’s Best

First let’s cover the highest priority characters released last year. These two made the most substaintial impact in the last year and are very important to have around.

Wamdus (Holiday)

Wamdus (Holiday) is the current best 0B damage dealer slot in Fire’s burst and OTK setups. She has a passive that gives her 2 hit flurry as well as autocasting her skill 2 Paralyzing Sparkle on TAs for a 6 hit nukes. Her main claim to fame however is her skill 1 Innocence Fairy which gives her 20% normal amp, GTA, and 4 hit flurry for one turn. If she starts the battle at 60k HP, she gains her skill 1 buff automatically. This high burst output also makes her great for shorter FAs excelling well for Ewiyar and likely NM150.

Raziel (Summer)

Raziel (Summer) is Earth’s strongest buffer thanks to both strong teamwide buffs and being a decent attacker as well. Basically, she has two sets of stacks. Rubrum is gained based on the total number of red skills on the frontline at battle start as well as one per every three red skills pressed. At max stacks, she gains 20% bonus damage and autocasts her skill 1 Book of Beating Heat, Page 78 on normal attacks. This is particuarly helpful for buff heavy bosses for an easy dispel. Flavium is gained based on the total number of yellow skills on the frontline at battle start as well as one per every three yellow skills pressed. When maxed, she deals 3 hit flurry and her skill 2 Book of Sunlight, Page 19 also gains a massive 100k supp for one turn. When both stacks are maxed, she can use her skill 3 Book of Awakening, Page 999 once for a free teamwide auto attack with 30% echo and 3 hit flurry for a massive damage turn. While it can only be used once, the impact of it will greatly speed up battles.

For shorter bursts or OTK, you aim to start with 10 yellow skills so that she has the flurry. Though sometimes you’ll see 10 red skills for OTK instead. Her skill 2 Book of Sunlight, Page 19 provides 50% Earth ATK, 50% TA, 20% echoes, and 100k supp for a very strong teamwide boost.

For FA, she can take a while to ramp up, but gaining the flurry and dispel on normal attacks causes her to be quite useful especially against buff heavy bosses. This of course is on top of her normal buffs with the TA up going a long way for consisent damage.

And for longer burst, you will need to play around with frontline units to make it so you can reach both her stacks as fast as possible, but once her skill 3 can be used it is insanely strong. The jankiness of building up the stacks however are her main limiter and is the most likely thing to kill her from faster setups in the future.

Galleon (Summer)

Galleon (Summer) is wind’s MC simp unit and she’s pretty good at that. Her skill 1 Adoring Kiss grants MC 1 hit assassin, 1 hit 100% echo, 30% ATK up, 100% TA up, and 30% normal amp. In addition to the strong MC buffs, she herself starts with a buff that gives her 100% TA, 60% normal amp, and 50% bonus damage. Thus, she is both great for buffing and for dealing damage.

Her battle start buff makes her one of the 0B characters for OTK or Burst. And if you need to add one button to your OTK, her skill 1 is by far the strongest option available. Likewise, burst setups that use MC as a damage dealer like Sumaibito setups will make great use of it. FA wise she’s great for fights like Siegfried or many fights in general with CAs on. However, she does fall off for harder Nightmare fights due to her lack of utlity for those fights.

Horus (Summer)

Horus (Summer) is one of the strongest CA damage dealers and HL characters for light. Her unique buff Eye of Wadjet is granted at battle start, on 4 chain, or Fated Chain. With the right team, it is very unlikely to ever lose the buff. When activate, she CAs twice. Her CA auto casts her skill 1 Hukm Al-Sama' which activates twice with Eye of Wadjet per CA. So in total its 2 CAs, 6 hits that can cross 2m damage each, and 16 debuffs per turn. These can easily meet the Omen cancel requirements for many HL raids as well as being a ton of damage for everywhere else. If this wasn’t enough, she also provides 1k heals and 10% bar to party with Eye of Wadjet up. And her skill 3 Saqr Al-Himayah provides instant charge to all party members while increasing the Fated Chain by 100%.

She’s used in Hexa, Dark Rapture Zero, the solos for both of them, Agastia, and very very likely NM250 as well.

Cidala (Valentine)

Cidala (Valentine) is the best 0B slot in Dark. She starts with a 3 turn buff that gives her 50k supp and 2 hit flurry as well as auto activating her skill Mission Chocolate on normal attacks for a 2 hit nuke and dispel. She’s high priority for OTK and bursting. Her main drawback is lacking 100% TA without using any buttons so grids will be need to adjusted for that. If needed, her skill 1 provides 50% TA to party.


High Priority

Characters and summons that are a strong recommendation to get.

Wamdus (Holiday)

Wamdus (Holiday) is the current best 0B damage dealer slot in Fire’s burst and OTK setups. She has a passive that gives her 2 hit flurry as well as autocasting her skill 2 Paralyzing Sparkle on TAs for a 6 hit nukes. Her main claim to fame however is her skill 1 Innocence Fairy which gives her 20% normal amp, GTA, and 4 hit flurry for one turn. If she starts the battle at 60k HP, she gains her skill 1 buff automatically. This high burst output also makes her great for shorter FAs excelling well for Ewiyar and likely NM150.

Medium Priority

Characters and summons that fill some strong niches.

Noa (Holiday)

Noa (Holiday) is a hard content character particularly being one of the best for Hexachromatic Hierarch. He provides up to 100% defense, 100% debuff resistance, 1k refresh, and 20% reduced damage to the team. The drawback of this is he has to use his skill 2 Familia Feliz / Familia Jubilosa a second time for the full effect and at a 12 turn cooldown it is slow even with coodown reduction on CA. For Hexa, qilin is often used as a support summon with him so the skill 2 can be recast right away. Also once built up, he can provide 1 turn unchallanged, 100% bar, 50% CA damage and 10% CA cap to team.

Beyond his HL use, his defensive utility will likely make him a very strong option for NM250 once Fire UnF rolls around again.

Aglovale (Yukata)

Aglovale (Yukata) is a skill damage based FA unit. Both his skill 1 and skill 2 are hard hitting nukes which then can be reset by his skill 3 or CA. Additionally on normal attacks, he autocasts his skill 1 Schicke Schneeflocken . He uses crests to both reduce his skill 3 cooldown as well as activating an additional nuke at 5 crests. He is great for Seofon and will likely be a strong contender in UnF as well.

Cerberus (Summer)

Cerberus (Summer) is the best echo summon available for fire for NM100 and up due to it providing 3 turns of 20% echo. The Sub Aura is generally ignorable as is the HP cut from the call but the echoes more than make up for it for those very invested in fire or don’t want to deal with S.Belial bonus damage RNG.

Low Priority

Good characters and summons that may be replacements for stronger ones or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.

Silva (Yukata)

Silva (Yukata) is Fire’s main CA support unit. Her skill 1 Silent Aim Gain Silent Aim (5T). prevents her from normal attacking but in exchange provides 15% bar and stackable CA specs to party at end of turn. In addition to that, she grants the ally after her double strike on CA with the buff. Combine this with her getting instant charge whenever she doesn’t attack this double strike can be every other turn at worst.

Presently, she also has use in GOHL thanks to both her unworldly CA as well as her DMG taken amplified debuff on CA to make those after her hit harder. She will very likely be good for NM250 as well if the CA route wins out.

Nezha (Yukata)

Nezha (Yukata)’s primary use is being a strong 0B attacker for burst or OTK. He autocasts his skill 1 Flashfire Gale 400% Fire and 600% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: Fire ~405,000; Wind ~635,000).
Gain Charge Bar (30%).
on normal attacks. With two other primal allies in party, he gains GTA as well as 20% perp ATK for ease of use. While lower priorty than Wamdus or Zeta for many cases, he’s still a great option overall especially for OTK.

Then for HL content, Nezha is a strong option especially for solos. He can deal multiple 2m nukes with his first two skills and they come back very quick thanks to the skill CD cut on CA. His skill 2 in particular deals 3 debuffs which is very useful for debuff omens. And he also has perma CA reactivation as well as two bonus damage sources once his skill 3 is up.

Vira (Valentine)

Vira (Valentine) is a great sub all tank geared towards hard content. She has a 3/7 uptime on her sub all and coverts damage to wind and caps it to 5k on top of the defense bonuses it provides. Every time she CAs she resets her skill 1 Cage of Light 500% Fire damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~630,000).Inflict Delay (Accuracy: 100%) and Divine Jail (Accuracy: 90%, 1T). which both delays and prevents charge diamonds from filling. The latter tends to miss on harder raids but it is helpful when it lands.

She presently can see use in Hexa and Lucilius Zero for budget setups.

Medusa (Summer)

Medusa (Summer) is an excellent FA support character providing both strong teamwide defensive tools as well as frequent dispels thanks to her passive which casts skill damage and a dispel when she doesn’t take damage. Her main downside is her slow ramp up time needing to avoid damage for five turns in order to gain that end of turn nuke. But for longer FAs its a non issue. Generally now her dispel utility she’s replaced by Grand Zeta but still overall a solid option for longer FA sessions.


Medium Priority

Characters and summons that fill some strong niches.

Tefnut (Summer)

Tefnut (Summer) is a great unit for Hexa or for longer FA setups seeing lots of use for NM250 last UnF. Her skill 3 Istiraahah prevents her from normal attacking but activates her skill 1 Tefeng Sayf at the end of turn for a 5 nuke, dispel, and 10% charge to party. In addition to that, she grants the ally after her double strike with 30% bonuis damage on CA with the buff. Combine this with her getting instant charge whenever she doesn’t attack this double strike will at least be every other turn. Whenever she doesn’t take damage, she provides GTA, 10% cap, and 50k supp to party as well as raising her Saraab levels. Those levels provide 4% ATK, 20% DA, 5% TA, 4% dodge rate, and 4% charge gain up per level for a max of 5 levels. Her CA also inflicts a delay + two other debuffs to make clearing debuff omens easier.

Helel ben Shalem (Summer)

Helel ben Shalem (Summer) provides lots of strong tools for hard content with her CA providing both dispel and delay, having spammable stackable debufffs, lowering cooldowns, and being the bearer of Can’t Act for the element. While many setups have moved away for her, she’s still excellent for what she provides and can still be pretty useful. The Can’t Act also winds up being pretty use for NM150 FA even for normal attack setups as preventing the enemy special can save a lot of trouble.

Catura (Holiday)

Catura (Holiday) provides four turns of double strike to herself and MC. With how much water leans into burst setups with high MC damage, this carries a lot of impact. She usually winds up being quite important for Soldier setups in UnF so she’s a great pickup for those who are missing her.

Lucio (Summer)

Lucio (Summer) is burst character who has remained relevant since his release. This is not only due to both providing 20% echoes to team and 90% echo to one ally, but also the GTA he provides to one person being highly valuable for both Exo Antaeus and Hraesvelgr setups. The rise of Manadiver setups makes him a lot less valuable than before, but he’s still an excellent buffer worth considering.

Low Priority

Good characters and summons that may be replacements for stronger ones or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.

Cassius (Valentine)

Cassius (Valentine) is skill damage attacker capable of firing off multiple nukes in a row. His main usage is the dispel on his skill 1 Mirage Sign 8-hit, 100% Water damage to random foes (Damage cap: ~67,500 per hit).
Remove 1 buff from all foes.
that resets on enemy special. For the buff heavy NM200 fights he is one of the better dispel options available in FA.

Vikala (Halloween)

Vikala (Halloween) is a skill damage support character providing up to 30% stackable skill cap as well 50k skill supp when her field is up. She also provides a boinus 3 hit skill damage and healing after every three skill presses. She’s all around great for FA setups with a skill damage focus or for Hexa teams.

Nier (Yukata)

Nier (Yukata) is a strong OTK unit dealing a 6 hit skill nuke at the end of turn. She also sees use in some Dark Rapture Zero solos.

Kolulu (Summer)

Kolulu (Summer) is strong backliner for Manadiver setups. She provides 4k supp (20k max) per crest on water allies.


High Priority

Characters and summons that are a strong recommendation to get.

Raziel (Summer)

Raziel (Summer) is Earth’s strongest buffer thanks to both strong teamwide buffs and being a decent attacker as well. Basically, she has two sets of stacks. Rubrum is gained based on the total number of red skills on the frontline at battle start as well as one per every three red skills pressed. At max stacks, she gains 20% bonus damage and autocasts her skill 1 Book of Beating Heat, Page 78 on normal attacks. This is particuarly helpful for buff heavy bosses for an easy dispel. Flavium is gained based on the total number of yellow skills on the frontline at battle start as well as one per every three yellow skills pressed. When maxed, she deals 3 hit flurry and her skill 2 Book of Sunlight, Page 19 also gains a massive 100k supp for one turn. When both stacks are maxed, she can use her skill 3 Book of Awakening, Page 999 once for a free teamwide auto attack with 30% echo and 3 hit flurry for a massive damage turn. While it can only be used once, the impact of it will greatly speed up battles.

For shorter bursts or OTK, you aim to start with 10 yellow skills so that she has the flurry. Though sometimes you’ll see 10 red skills for OTK instead. Her skill 2 Book of Sunlight, Page 19 provides 50% Earth ATK, 50% TA, 20% echoes, and 100k supp for a very strong teamwide boost.

For FA, she can take a while to ramp up, but gaining the flurry and dispel on normal attacks causes her to be quite useful especially against buff heavy bosses. This of course is on top of her normal buffs with the TA up going a long way for consisent damage.

And for longer burst, you will need to play around with frontline units to make it so you can reach both her stacks as fast as possible, but once her skill 3 can be used it is insanely strong. The jankiness of building up the stacks however are her main limiter and is the most likely thing to kill her from faster setups in the future.

Medium Priority

Characters and summons that fill some strong niches.

Narmaya (Holiday)

Narmaya (Holiday) was for a long time Earth’s strongest attacker pairing a massive two turn 80% echo with a one turn assassin and all sub. Despite being a damage dealer released 5 years ago, she still finds her way into Earth burst setups and UnF thanks to the strength of that buff combo. Additionally, for Glorybringer setups, she gains the double strike from Mastery’s Edge Sabre- and katana-specialty allies gain Double Strike (1T).
(Consumes 15 Energized (icon)Energy.)
raising her value more as Hrunting reigns presently.

Mandrake (Summer)

Mandrake (Summer) grants 30% strength to earth allies at battle start. This adds a lot for burst setups making it a great way to push additional damage. The call also delivers 7 debuffs at FLB making it a great for cancelling annoying debuff count omens like in Diaspora. Mandrake has generally seen a reduction of priority due to other sub auras providing attack boosts like the transcenances of Yggy and Titan. But it is still the strongest and the two buffs it provides is great for Sumaibito setups.

Pholia (Yukata)

Pholia (Yukata) is an excellent short term burst characters thanks to her ability to provide teamwide GTA, teamwide one hit assassin, and a debuff to prevent enemy special attacks all on one button. She saw use last UnF for NM150 as well as one of the easier OTK and EX+ setups. Additionally, she uses use for Nekomancer bursts for things like Wamdus, Leviathan Mare, or event farming.

Dante (Halloween)

Dante (Halloween) is the Earth enjoyer’s character with his main use being the 10% echoes to all ally TAs he provides. The echo will stack with most other sources except for Melleau. This lead to him great for OTK and NM90 last run as well as being used for NM150 Berserker mash setups.

He is also quite solid for Diaspora. Normally, his stacks would be difficult to built up. However since Diaspora does not attack while repair mode is up he easily reaches max stacks and can deal great damage with his skill 1 Shadow Cats .

Low Priority

Good characters and summons that may be replacements for stronger ones or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.

Monika (Valentine)

Monika (Valentine) is a Earth’s main CA battery. She provides 30% battery and 20% charge bar gain up on her skill Wind of Love's Spark All allies gain Charge Bar (30%) and Charge Bar Gain Boosted (20%, 3T).
(When Monika has 12 or more buffs: All allies also gain C.A. DMG Boosted (1 time) (80%) and C.A. DMG Cap Boosted (1 time) (20%).)
. This resets every time she CAs which will be every turn in the right team setup. She does offer some passive buffs and dodge tank potential, but her primary reason for existing is that battery. Next UnF, she will be great for NM250 as they usually lean CA heavy for manual or FA.

Helel ben Shalem (Holiday)

Helel ben Shalem (Holiday) is a CA focused hard content character with strong usage in Lucilius Zero. After two CAs, all her debuff skills activate twice as well as her CA. This makes her excellent for dispels. Her skill 3 Langelaan Field is a two turn full hostility with 99% reflect. During these turns she can’t normal attack, but that plays into her passive that gives her 100% charge when she doesn’t attack and coverts her CA to unworldly. She will also activate her skill Doro Legion after for another dispel chance.

Vikala (Summer)

Vikala (Summer) provides teamwide double both via her skill 2 Yintopian Bounty Other Earth allies gain Double Strike (1T).
Self-inflict C.A. Sealed (Can’t be removed) (3T).
and her CA. She is great for OTK or NM90. She also sees usage in Diaspora thanks to Caim’s ability to let her use her teamwide double strike twice.

Anthuria (Yukata)

Anthuria (Holiday) provides MC with 4 turns of double strike. With Hrunting, she doesn’t have much use. But outside that, having four turns of double strike is an incredibly strong utility to have access to. Moreso, this buff is not limited to an Earth MC. This makes her an excellent off element sacc for long form burst setups like Relic Buster or Soldier for NM200 or SUBHL.


High Priority

Characters and summons that are a strong recommendation to get.

Vania (Yukata)

Vania (Yukata) is another attacker supporter hybrid. For the support side she has 20% echoes, 15% cap up, 50% TA, and 100% debuff resistance for five turns. The skill also provides which ties into her passive that casts at the end of the turn her skill 1 Reaping Wings 800% Wind damage to a foe (Damage cap: ~820,000).
Remove 1 buff.
Inflict Delay (Drain) (Accuracy: 200%). If successful, gain ATK Sharply Boosted (50%, 1 times, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
to both dispel and delay the foe and gain a 1 hit assassin on successful delay. This results in her being able to have 6 turns of one hit assassin in a row. She also carries Wind’s Can’t Attack skill which is excellent for nullifying triggers in annoying Nightmare fights.

All around she’s one of the best burst characters and FA characters wind has available.

Galleon (Summer)

Galleon (Summer) is wind’s MC simp unit and she’s pretty good at that. Her skill 1 Adoring Kiss grants MC 1 hit assassin, 1 hit 100% echo, 30% ATK up, 100% TA up, and 30% normal amp. In addition to the strong MC buffs, she herself starts with a buff that gives her 100% TA, 60% normal amp, and 50% bonus damage. Thus, she is both great for buffing and for dealing damage.

Her battle start buff makes her one of the 0B characters for OTK or Burst. And if you need to add one button to your OTK, her skill 1 is by far the strongest option available. Likewise, burst setups that use MC as a damage dealer like Sumaibito setups will make great use of it. FA wise she’s great for fights like Siegfried or many fights in general with CAs on. However, she does fall off for harder Nightmare fights due to her lack of utlity for those fights.

Korwa (Summer)

Korwa (Summer) is the older queen of burst along with Narmaya. The release of Vampy as well as Spartan FLB has reduced her usage in burst setups but she’s still a very strong option thanks to her having a targetable double strike and 50% cap up on her skill 1 Ligne d’Ete Grant a Wind ally Coquetterie (50% Wind ATK Up / 80% DA / 30% TA), Double Strike (1T), and DMG Cap Boosted (50%, 1T).
(Consumes 3 Fil (Summer).)
. With both Rhomphaia setups and Sumaibito setups gaining value, its likely she will return to her throne. Overall, her skill 1 is just hard to replace the utility of and always has the potential to return. Also, her skill 2 Soie Elegante Grant a Wind ally Magnifique (100% DEF Up / 30% reduced DMG taken / 100% Debuff Resistance Up).
(Consumes 3 Fil (Summer).)
is an excellent source of defense for hard content.

Medium Priority

Characters and summons that fill some strong niches.

Lich (Halloween)

Lich (Halloween) is one of the strongest wind skill damage characters. Her skill 3 Cursed 'n' Spooky Gain Play Undead (5T). makes her unable to attack but inexchage it autocasts her skill 1 Haunting Specter 6-hit, 100% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~135,000 per hit).
Remove 1 buff.Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s) and DEF Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), Accuracy: 100%, 180s).
(Hit number increases based on caster’s number of debuffs upon cast [Max: 10 hits].)
at the end of turn for a 6-10 hit nuke. She provides both frequest dispels and delays making her great for a fight like Siegfried that asks for both. She’s a great FA character in general thanks to those and her debuffs. Additionally, Berserker mashing for last UnF was very fast and used her for her nukes and her lack of attacking for lower lockout.

Anila (Summer)

Anila (Summer) is a buffer for burst setups that is used primarily for her 10% passive echo to all ally TAs. As a result, she’s used a lot when cutting buttons from setups since she can provide a lot without doing anything. Her main downside is not having any passive TA buffs but that can be remedied with Tiamat (Summer).

She also has targetable 30% superior element bonus damage as well. Beyond its ability to push a bit more damage on Wind bursts, the skill actually works off element and the echo stacks with almost everything. In particular, last Water UnF had her as a very strong character for NM200 bursting in order to push out even more damage with Hraesvelgr.

Grimnir (Valentine)

Grimnir (Valentine) is a very strong 0B attacker for OTK and NM95 bursts thanks to his split autos pairing well with supplemental damage. He is also great for FA setups especially against any V2 boss that requires skill damage to cancel omens due to him using a damage skill every turn.

Tiamat (Summer)

[[[|s|tiamat-summer|’s]]] sub aura grants 1T of GTA to all team members. She is incredibly strong for EX+, NM90, and 1T bursts as you are free to use any character without worry of TA from other sources.

Rose Queen (Summer)

[[[|s|rose-queen-summer|’s]]] is one of two major bonus damage summons in Wind. It provides 20% bonus damage, 20k supp, and 20% unique attack on call for two turns. Between this and Demonbream, Rose Queen takes the edge in Stamina setups. With the rise in Sumaibito and Rhomphaia teams in Wind, Rose Queen will likely see plenty of use in future UnFs.

Low Priority

Good characters and summons that may be replacements for stronger ones or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.

Shion (Summer)

The main draw of Shion (Summer) is her autocasting her skill Fuji's Slash 500% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Remove 1 buff.
Inflict ATK Lowered (Stackable) (10% (40% Max), 180s).
(When caster’s charge bar is 50% or higher: Activates twice.)
on enemy special which is both great for pushing damage in OTK and the dispel (or double dispel when she has 50% charge) being great against buff heavy bosses. In particular, she is one of the best characters for FAing Siegfried in order to quickly strip the frequent and obnoxious buffs it gets.

Aliza (Summer)

Aliza (Summer) is a strong character for wind skill mash teams thanks to her frequent counter damage and ability to tank through triggers. She’s sees use in manual setups for Siegfried.

Sandalphon (Valentine)

Sandalphon (Valentine) packs a delay on CA as well as resets his skill 1. His skill 1 The Misery 500% Wind damage to all foes (Damage cap: ~635,000).
Remove 1 buff.
Inflict Gravity (180s).
(500% Bonus Wind damage based on foes’ total max charge diamonds [Damage cap: ~635,000 per hit / Max: 8 hits].)
is a large nuke against an enemy with a lot of charge diamonds and also packs a dispel. He is a strong FA candidate for Siegfried as Siegfried needs both delays and dispels to easily Full Auto.

Vane (Halloween)

Vane (Halloween) provides 50% def up to all wind allies from backline.


High Priority

Characters and summons that are a strong recommendation to get.

Mugen (Halloween)

Mugen (Halloween) is a very high anni tix priority for burst as well as being strong for shorter to mid length FA setups like for NM150 and Fediel. He has incredibly strong teamwide buffs on Song of Sweetmeats All Light allies gain Light ATK Up (30%, 5T), Critical Hit Rate Boosted (20%, 5T), DMG Cap Boosted (15%, 5T), and DMG Amplified (20%, 5T).(Inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (90% Max)) on target allies.) . Nehan’s skill 3 Nirvana All other Light allies gain Double Strike (1t).
(Inflict Max HP Lowered (Stackable / Can’t be removed) (30% (90% Max)) on target allies.)
also synergizes great with him thanks to Mugen providing teamwide bonus damage based on the amount of Max HP down inflicted. The bonus damage doesn’t stack with Falsehood but is much greater freeing you to pick other keys.

Additionally, he gained higher value with the release of Efes] thanks to the 100% crit he provides activating the crit amp. But on that same front, the release of Mars (Summer) offers the same utility but at 0 button presses making it generally better. This does cause Mugen to be at risk of being replaced. However, with his strong buffs and his large teamwide bonus damage, he will still be very strong and unlikely to be gone without something really crazy dropping.

Horus (Summer)

Horus (Summer) is one of the strongest CA damage dealers and HL characters for light. Her unique buff Eye of Wadjet is granted at battle start, on 4 chain, or Fated Chain. With the right team, it is very unlikely to ever lose the buff. When activate, she CAs twice. Her CA auto casts her skill 1 Hukm Al-Sama' which activates twice with Eye of Wadjet per CA. So in total its 2 CAs, 6 hits that can cross 2m damage each, and 16 debuffs per turn. These can easily meet the Omen cancel requirements for many HL raids as well as being a ton of damage for everywhere else. If this wasn’t enough, she also provides 1k heals and 10% bar to party with Eye of Wadjet up. And her skill 3 Saqr Al-Himayah provides instant charge to all party members while increasing the Fated Chain by 100%.

She’s used in Hexa, Dark Rapture Zero, the solos for both of them, Agastia, and very very likely NM250 as well.

Florence (Halloween)

Florence (Halloween)’s skill 1 Maschera Grant a Light ally Maschera (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(Consumes 40% of that ally’s max HP.)
is a targetable turn wide assassin. This is typically given to MC and paired with instant attack effects from Relic Buster or Soldier for many assassin powered normal attacks in a turn. While she is generally less used than Mugen, she is harder to replace due to having a utlity cygames probably won’t even give another character again.

Medium-High Priority

Characters and summons that can be Medium or High depending on your investment into the element.

Mars (Summer)

Mars (Summer) is one of the strongest summons for light for two seperate highly important reasons. Her sub aura provides 100/20% crit up. This is invaluable for Zeus grids as it let’s you use Efes without a crit grid and without button presses. Her priority does drop some for Omega since the crit is less crucial. As for the call, it is the only multi turn bonus damage summon in Light that doesn’t require it being a support or main summon which will make it great for UnF burst setups. On top of the bonus damage, she also provides 50k normal supp for even more damage output.

Medium Priority

Characters and summons that fill some strong niches.

Zooey (Holiday)

Zooey (Holiday) is one of four major light kengo battery spots. She provides 20% battery, 10k stackable supp (50k max), and 10% stackable ATK (50k max) every turn the difference in main allies’ remaining HP percentages is 30% or below. This makes it super easy to maintain full chains with most characters being able to CA every turn with her. Her skill 2 Uniformise balances everyones HP as well as heals and clears the debuff. Balancing does not count as a heal so it will bypass things like zombified. Her skill 3 Hidden Wish on second cast provides 50% CA damage, 30% CA cap, 300k CA supp, and an additional nuke on CA.

Compared to the other batteries, she is middle of the pack for damage output but more than makes up for it with added utility and being able to maintain CA loops without worry. As a result, she has made the Light solo for Dark Rapture Zero a lot easier and is generally the go to for many players in DRZ in general.

Seruel (Summer)

Seruel (Summer) is one of the four main charge battery boosters excellent for CA focused comps in Agastia, Hexa, and Dark Rapture Zero. He provides 10% bar on CA to party as well autocasting his skill 1 Seruel (Summer) every three turns for 20% bar to party. Every four casts, his skill 1 will provide 100% bar instead. He also provides up to 50% stackable CA cap as well as dispel cancel and veil.

Of the three battery options, Seruel typically provides the highest damage output at the cost of loopability and utility.

Illnott (Holiday)

Illnott (Holiday) is FA oriented skill damage character. In her case, she does skill nukes every time someone uses normal attack after pressing a red skill. The more skills pressed, the higher her passive stacks, and the more hits the nuke does. She’s strong for the Nightmare fights in UnF but also in most other standard FAs like Fediel.

Mahira (Holiday)

Mahira (Holiday) is an skill damage oriented support. Mahira inflicts a debuff that, for every 12,240,000 light skill damage dealt, will deal a 1,224,000 damage plain nuke and dispel. This debuff does not need Mahira around so its common to see her used for it and then sacced off. For FA setups, she’s still worth keeping around since her skills are harder hitting nukes and inflict many helpful debuffs and delays.

Narmaya (Yukata)

Narmaya (Yukata) serves two main uses. For OTK, she has two 8 hit skill nukes she can cast. One is a reactive nuke which works great for normal attack setups or CA setups. The other requires at least a two chain and will activate end of turn. Then for Kengo setups, she’s one of best backline option as she deals a plain nuke and provides MC 10% bar to help with CA loops.

Ladiva (Valentine)

Ladiva (Valentine) is another excellent backline unit for Light Kengo setups. On 4 chain, she provides a buff worth 30% normal ATK, 30% DEF, 30% DA, and 15% TA. While she’s not neccessary for Hexa or DRZ, she is very much someone you would want if you plan to solo DRZ.

Low Priority

Good characters and summons that may be replacements for stronger ones or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.

Ragazzo (Summer)

Ragazzo (Summer) is one of the best OTK characters for light thanks to both casting his skill 1 on normal attacks and his skill 2 on enemy special attack. Outside OTK, he is also a strong FA attacker. His Calorie stacks give him ATK, DEF, TA, damage cap, and normal amp based on their level for a max of 10. Then at 10 itself he gains perma double strike and his skill 2 adds a double dispel for a double dispel on enemy specials. Calorie stacks raise on using his first two skills or CA. Worst case scenario, ignoring getting paralyzed, his stacks will max on turn 6. This does make him better for longer fights.

Cucouroux (Summer)

Cucouroux (Summer) is an OTK focused unit. She provides 10% bonus damage on ally crits. This one unfortunately doesn’t stack with Falsehood but in turn can be used to slot a key other than Falsehood into setups. In addition, she deals a skill nuke end of turn based on the amount of normal attack crits dealt for a max of 5 hits.

Sturm (Summer)

Sturm (Summer) is an strong OTK unit packing an 8 hit reactive nuke. She is typically the best reactive nuke option thanks to having 30% perp ATK, GDA, and 50% TA as well as having 30k skill supp via her EMP.

Yurius (Summer)

Yurius (Summer) is another FA character that is a strong NM200 contender. He provides stackables every turn with at 10% charge, healing, debuff clear, a double dispel, and plenty of skill damage. He is also great for OTK if you are able to run a party that can inflict 5 debuffs in a turn for his passive skill nuke.

Aglovale (Valentine)

Aglovale (Valentine) provides a lot of skill damage as well as solid teamwide buffs. While he is slow compared to other options, he’s great for hard content or FA to push out lots of skill damage in a turn for either hit count omens or damage ones.

Rosamia (Yukata)

is listed for her weapon Official’s Jitte which is the BIS mainhand for Light Chrysaor setups. It deals a large CA nuke based on crests and provides 10% bar to party when MC has 5 crests at the end of turn. Additionally, it has a crit component to help with reaching 100% crit for Efes.


High Priority

Characters and summons that are a strong recommendation to get.

Ilsa (Yukata)

Ilsa (Yukata) packs both strong normal attacks thanks to her split autos pairing well with supplemental damage as well as her strong teamwide buffs including 100/20 crit, 15% cap, and 20% echoes. For longer bursts, her skill 3 Diva Satanica Increase number of times caster does an attack this turn based on number of Diuturna (Max: Quadruple Strike (1T)). gains higher value. Every time an ally dies her skills reset and she gains a stack that increases that skill 3 from double strike to tri strike to quad strike.

She is one of dark’s top characters for burst and a great damage source in FA too.

Cidala (Valentine)

Cidala (Valentine) is the best 0B slot in Dark. She starts with a 3 turn buff that gives her 50k supp and 2 hit flurry as well as auto activating her skill Mission Chocolate on normal attacks for a 2 hit nuke and dispel. She’s high priority for OTK and bursting. Her main drawback is lacking 100% TA without using any buttons so grids will be need to adjusted for that. If needed, her skill 1 provides 50% TA to party.

Medium Priority

Characters and summons that fill some strong niches.

Sleepyhead (Summer)

Sleepyhead (Summer) provides 100%/50% armored and veil as a sub aura to dark characters. This greatly improves dark’s survivability in burst setups particuarly against harder hitting raids like Cosmos or NM200. The Veil is also crucial for Akasha bursting to be able to avoid the instant kill at 55%.

Magus (Summer)

Magus (Summer) is one of Dark’s strongest FA specific units. Her skill 1 Malefice Demolio is a 6 hit nuke with dispel that auto activates end of turn when the enemy has 10 debuffs. With her 3rd skill debuff, the end of turn goes up to a massive 12 hit nuke basically every turn. Her skill 2 inflicts 4 debuffs and her skill 3 inflicts one. On top of this, she resets her first two skills on CA. She is particularly adept for FAing Cosmos but can be used in most places. She is likely going to be one of the FA character this upcoming UnF people will be gapped by.

Satyr (Halloween)

Satyr (Halloween) is a tank and skill support. She inflicts a debuff called Trick Doll that deals 1.5m plain damage and a dispel every 15M skill damage dealt. She needs to be frontline for this. Like other Satyr variants, she has a sub all with 80% light damage lowered and a heal + 2 turn debuff duration cut that auto casts on enemy special attack. On top of that, she brings in stackable skill damage and skill cap and a passive that increases ATK, DEF, DA, TA, and heal specs for each turn passed.

In summary, she’s great for FA and will likely be a strong option for NM200 next UnF. She also has plenty of used in Marial Mastery Trial as she is a great option to deal with the plain damage omens.

Low Priority

Good characters and summons that may be replacements for stronger ones or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.

Hekate (Summer)

Hekate (Summer) is a skill damage spammer and buffer with a heavy emphasis on crest mechanics. She has 6 debuffs between her first two skills, a 6 hit nuke and a nuke that can over 2m damage instance. Those skills get their cooldowns reduced on CA. Hekate has her Rapture stacks which are rased on getting a crest from MC. At 5, she provides a unique buff for increased skill specs and more importantly reducing the skill cooldown of red skills by 1 turn. Depending on what red skills are available, this can be incredibly strong to bring those skills back as soon as possible. Hekate both serves as a strong FA unit on crest teams and a potential HL unit.

Magisa (Summer)

Magisa (Summer) is a skill nuke presser. She is capable of pushing a lot of skill damage and hit counts in a turn thanks to two strong nukes and the ability to reset her skills. She mostly sees use either in FA or as an option for Lucilius Zero for the same reasons as V.Aglovale though she lacks the ability to easily hit 2m skill damage instances.

Non-Elemental Summons

Seasonal summons are also another option.

High Priority

Summons that are a strong recommendation to get.

Belial (Summer)

Belial (Summer) is a great summon in many ways and has no elemental dependency either.

The first are the counters help push a bit more damage out in burst setups and particurly OTK. The call is also provides a random selection of powerful buffs. The best of these is the 3 turns of 15% echoes as many elements lack multi turn echo summons and this is one of the only potential ways to get it.

He is additionally a core summon for wind due to the supplemental damage debuff from the sub aura activating Katzelia’s reverse passive ATK up.

Medium Priority

Summons that fill some strong niches.

Beelzebub (Summer)

Beelzebub (Summer) is naked. Enough said.

Bub’s sub aura grants MC a buff that treats their damage as superior element so they can crit off element and a 2m plain damage nuke end of turn. The nuke is generally the more useful one both being strong for OTK as well as providing consistent free damage for burst setups.

The call itself is pretty useful as it inflicts a debuff that will inflict 2m plain damage and dispel on enemy special. It can only be used which is a pretty disappointing drawback, but for FA setups like Street King or for HL solos it is a good way to get some extra dispels in there.

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