Wind UnF 2024 Preparation Guide

Next Unite and Fight is set for November 7th-14th and will be Wind advantage. Let’s go over once again what you should work on in the meantime.


To start, we’ll cover the weapons you should have available for this UnF.


This first section will cover weapons that are equally useful for Omega and Optimus.


1 Ring of Wandergale★★★★★
1 Spear of Renunciation★★★★★
1 Spear of Repudiation★★★★★Only required for Zephyrus
1 Ultima Blade★★★★★
1 Altruism-Soul Staff★★★★☆
1 Worldscathing Leon★★★★☆
1 Worldvexing Angelos★★★★☆
1 Ultima Staff★★★★☆
1 Ultima Spear★★★☆☆
1 Worldstorming Aetos★★★☆☆
1 Selfless-Rift Spear★★★☆☆
1 Melody of Judgement★★★☆☆
2-3 ATK, 3 DEF Sette di Spade★★★☆☆For NM250 FA. Upgrade ATK copies to MKII if possible.
1 Theater of Temperance★★☆☆☆
1 Draconic Rod★★☆☆☆
1 Prayer of Grand Gales★★☆☆☆
1 Qinglong Spear Malus★★☆☆☆Generally phased out but good if you lack the better cap up sources.
4-6 ATK Sette di Spade Mk II★☆☆☆☆Up to 6 can be used for OTK
0-1 Lupercalia★☆☆☆☆Very potent OTK mainhand.

Gold Moon

0-1 Rhomphaia★★★☆☆
0-1 Sky Piercer (Wind)★★☆☆☆

When it comes to Ultima weapons, the most useful above all is Ultima Blade due to it pairing with Wind’s main attacker Narmaya (Grand). After that, two of the more common picks would be Ultima Staff which is great for Manadiver FA and Ultima Spear which is for setups that use Rhomphaia.

Next up, for World weapons, you’ll want the typical main two of Worldscathing Leon and Worldvexing Angelos as both can match well with Wind teams. Another one to consider is Worldstorming Aetos for additional skill damage on skill damage teams. This one is lower priority than the others though.

When it comes to celestial weapons, Altruism-Soul Staff hits the most characters that Wind can use, especially for FA. The second most would be Selfless-Rift Spear especially if you are running Rhomphaia. This UnF will add the Celestial for Katana which will also be a great option since it matches Narmaya.

For the two NWF weapons, neither will be essential. That said, the stronger of the two is Melody of Judgement is great for FA purposes since it comes with 30% earth damage reduction. This is on par with the draconic weapon making prioritizing Draconic Rod and Prayer of Grand Gales a bit less important than it might normally be. That said, if you can, the upgraded Draconic will be the stronger choice for NM250. If you want to tackle NM250 FA, getting one or the other is highly advised.

As for Gold Moon weapons for Wind, there are two main ones to consider. The first is the Illustrious weapon Rhomphaia. Rhompaia gives the MC GTA and three hit split autos. If allies perform 40 hits in a turn, MC will also gain a one hit assassin although a pretty weak one at only 15% assassin mod. And the last major aspect to cover is its CA provides 15% bonus damage, 100/30 crit and keen to team. While the weapon does have a lot of nice aspects, it is also undertuned in general. But with enough support, it is incrediblely viable. Last year, the fastest setups all used it in big part thanks to Kaguya’s Folding Fans improving the damage output a lot. For this UnF, it is looking a lot stronger thanks to the release of Galleon (Summer). She provides a strong set of buffs to the MC to make the most of the strong potential buffs of Rhomphaia. While the weapon will not be hard required, it is looking very strong for the fastest setups again this year.

The other is Sky Piercer (Wind). With the recent release of Sumaibito, Skypiercer has found its place again especially since it has GTA which counteracts the Sumaibito TA down passive. If Sumaibito setups find a place this UnF, this will potentially be a great mainhand choice. Though I would wait before actually getting one.


Next up, let us cover the weapons needed for Tiamat grids.


3 Tiamat Bolt Aura★★★★★
2 Tiamat Arc Aura★★★★★
2 Tiamat Bolt Omega★★★★★
2 ATK Abu Simbel★★★★★
2-4 Last Storm Harp★★★★☆
1-2 Coruscant Crozier★★★★☆
1-3 ATK Mandjet★★★★☆
2 Ewiyar’s Beak★★★☆☆
2 Tiamat Edge Aura★★★☆☆
4 Tiamat Bolt Aura★★★☆☆
1 DEF Spada di Vento★★☆☆☆For FA

Premium Upgrades

1-2 Piercing Galewings★★★★☆
1 Claíomh Solais Díon★★☆☆☆Doesn’t require being barred.

Like most other elements at this point, the core of Omega grids are its M3 exalto weapon. In this case, that would be Tiamat Bolt Aura. Three of these will cover basically all your needs from burst to FA. A fourth and fifth can be used for Super Lucilius Keys for burst setups, but with the reliance on the Falsehood key and no alternative bonus damage source to replace it, it is unlikely those will be used. If skill mash setups return, they will likely run double aura boost further removing the need for too many Bolts.

After that, there are two main routes to go. The primary route for burst setups is an enmity configuration. For this, you will to make use of two Tiamat Arc Auras. These have the skill Bloodshed which takes 20% of HP off at battle start. This maxes at 40% with two. Combine this with the 40% HP loss from Spartan’s Molon Labe All allies gain Bonus DMG (20%, 3T), Jammed (30%-90%, 8T), Lethal Attack Dodged (1 times), and Shielded (3000).
(Consumes 40% of each ally’s current HP.)
and 25% loss from Demonbream and you are far into enmity. This makes Tiamat Bolt Omegas a strong mod slot thanks to its enmity. Additionally, the enmity supp weapon Abu Simbel will be your main supplemental source. At such low HP, it provides 50k supp per copy making it on par with Gales. And if the cap up isn’t needed from the Gales they are stronger overall due to providing greater attack mod thanks to ATK awakening.

The other route is stamina. This can be used for burst but is less likely to see such use. Its more common for FA teams. This is a Crit setup using the big crit weapon Last Storm Harp and the medium crit weapon Coruscant Crozier. Two harps will be enough for most needs with four being for single sided setups. Spoons carry an HP component and are excellent for providing HP when needed. As for supp damage, your main choices are the farmable Mandjet or if you can Piercing Galewings. Unlike with enmity, Gales are amazing slots for FA and you should slot them if you get them.

In addition to these two, a very common approach to Wind teams is to focus on skill damage. Both higher FA levels as well as NM200 relied heavily on skill damage. The most important weapons are Ewiyar’s Beak and Tiamat Edge Aura. The former is better for single sided or unboosted setups thanks to the flat 50k supp and large normal mod. The latter is better for longer FAs or double sided setups in general thanks tempering also providing boosted skill cap in addition to the supp and the garrison helping with survivability. Next is the flat skill cap weapon Daur da Blao. With special awakening, these provide 20% skill cap up per copy. They are generally better suited for OTK. That said, the weapon is also one of the best Rising Force mainhand options thanks to it dealing skill damage on CA and providing 10% bar to party.


Next up let’s cover what is needed for Zephyrus. While a Grand release is likely before UnF, we have no idea what kind of impact it might have. So things may or may not change much.

2 Piercing Galewings★★★★★
2 Claíomh Solais Díons★★★★★
2 Kaguya’s Folding Fans★★★★★
1 Destiny Knuckles★★★★★
1 ATK Vortex of the Void★★★★☆
1 SKILL Love Eternal★★★☆☆
2 Ewiyar’s Beak★★★☆☆
1-2 Galleon Float★★★☆☆
1 Destiny Knuckles★★☆☆☆
3 Kaguya’s Folding Fan★★☆☆☆★★★★★
with Rhomphaia
1 Evening Floral Shower★★☆☆☆
2 ATK Vortex of the Void★☆☆☆☆OTK only

The main Zeph burst grid is similar to Tiamat very rooted in enmity. For the most basic grid, 2 Piercing Galewings, 2 Kaguya’s Folding Fan. 2 Claíomh Solais Díons, and 1 Destiny Knuckles will cover the majority of potential cases. The first three provide their own sources of cap break: Gales with cap up and supp, fans with normal amp, and clams with special cap up. Meanwhile Destiny Knuckle will start you with 20% less HP and is your strongest damage mod source.

On the other end, Vortex of the Void is finally no longer a weapon worth making fun of. With the extra 40% might and 5% cap up from ATK awakening on top of the already existing Big Stam, its become a pretty good mod slot and cap up source. This is particularly true for any FA setups since it also has medium HP and debuff resistance.

As for skill weapons for FA or any potential skill mash setups for the higher up fights, there are a few to note. The farmable skill supp weapon Ewiyar’s Beak or the gacha tempering weapon Galleon Float will be your main sources of skill damage boost. Floats are stronger for double Zeph setups, but are a low priority bar overall unless you really maximize your potential damage or have the bars to spare. Then there is also a third skill supp source. Evening Floral Shower packs 100k skill supp with garrison making this the choice for when additional defense is needed. And last one to note is a skill awakened Love Eternal which provides 25% skill cap up while also having massive and medium ATK for a notable amount of mod.

The old grid mainstay Creepy Claws has generally fallen out of favor. But it is still worth bringing up thanks to it being a fist mainhand that had teamwide bonus damage on CA. This could find its way again as a mainhand option for Sumaibito setups. It is definitely not worth barring presently, but if such setups wind up taking over it would be good be ready to bar a copy.

Who to Farm?

Next up, we’ll go over the Eternals and Evokers for the element that you should consider farming for.


Niyon is not useful until she is level 130, but at that point she becomes an incredible buffer for Wind. Her main skill Defendu Raise all foes’ Tuning (Accuracy: g, 180s) lvl by 1 (Max: 10).
All allies gain Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Level 85:
All allies also gain Shield (2000, 3T).
Level 130:
Buff increased to Critical Up (30%, 3t).
Shield endurance increased to Shield (3000, 3T).
All allies also gain Keen (1% of foe’s max HP Damage cap: 50,000, 3t) and DMG Amplified (10%, Multiplier: Seraphic, 3t).
provides 100/30% crit, keen, and 10% DMG amp to party all of which are excellent. The critical hit boost in particular is valuable with Narmaya (Grand) who provides 3% party cap and 10% bonus damage to ally critical hits. She also provides multiple strong sources of partywide ATK up and TA up from both her skill 2 as well as from her Level 120 passive. She can also apply defense and attack down for even more benefit. While not hard required to use her, it is heavily reccomended to get her all to way to 150 since it adds 10% partywide cap up as well as teamwide dispel immunity to her passive. Both of which are highly valuable to burst and FA.

In terms of UnF usage, she will mostly see heavy use in longer burst setups as well as FA. For shorter bursts, typically there will be stronger low button options. But for the longer ones against harder fights, having access to the crit and the various ATK up sources do wonders for making sure you cap in addition to all her sources of cap break. As for FA, having a strong buffer with MA buffs that also debuffs and prevents dispels against typically dispel heavy bosses is great to have around.

Also, she’s cute.


Katzelia can serve two potential purposes this UnF.

The primary purpose is as a backline. He provides 30% perpetuity attack up from backline when debuffed. With either Belial (Summer) or Ewiyar (Grand), this is super easy to activate and can make a major difference in setups.

His other potential use will be for NM250. For this application, he will need to be FLB. While it won’t be the optimal setup, based on Earth’s NM250, it is likely CA setups for mashing or FA could see use again. If so, he will be the most desired slot for that. His skill 4 wouldn’t be required but it would increase your damage output significantly. So while I won’t say you need to FLB him, it has the potential to be helpful if you want to tackle NM250 in FA.


Estarriola is a character who is unable to attack normally for the most part and uses auto activating skill nukes instead. The most important of these is an auto nuke that activates at the end of every turn which dispels one buff. This makes him a particularly strong option for the higher Nightmare fights where the bosses will buff themselves a lot. The other two are a skill nuke that activates on enemy special attack that inflicts a debuff which won’t land and one that activates on taking damage which heals.

These nukes also make him an excellent OTK character. He is guarenteed two of the skill damages which deal as much or more than many other characters. Additionally since he won’t attack outside the skill nukes, he can help cut CA chains for CA setups.

As for FLB, the upgrades are generally minor and can be skipped for most instances. The main use of it is that he becomes a great backline for CA based setups due to his passive now granting random buffs to team based on the number of CA chains instead of just one. His skill 4 post rebalance is now pretty solid though I can’t say is still worth the sunstone investment. The skill let’s Esta now CA whenever his bar is 100% at turn start while also providing 20% (100% max) stackable CA damage, 10% (50% max) stackable CA cap, and 10k (50k max) stackable supp damage.


Seofon’s use this UnF will mostly be limited to CA based setups for OTK and NM90. For this, he has a strong passive that boost CA damage by 50% and adds 10% CA cap at FLB while also providing 30% ATK up to team on CA. His 110 transcendance is also a good upgrade thanks to further improving his CA damage and adding 15% cap up to party on his charge attack.

Beyond this point, his transcendance will not add much. His transcendance it mostly for V2 content which UnF isn’t. He does get 100k partywide CA supp added to his passives at 150, but given the resources for that it is not advised. That said, if you need a wind clear for Dark Rapture Zero, it is advised to get him to 150. At 150 he becomes the braindead answer to any V2 hard raid since fated chains with him in party will cancel any cancellable omen. But for UnF itself, 110 is about as far as you need to go.

What to Suptix?

In this section, we will go over the Special Suprise Draw Set that may occur before UnF to discuss any characters or summons that may be useful. Another option for Zeph players is get a grid piece like Destiny Knuckles instead.

Medium Priority Characters

Characters that fill some strong niches.


Petra (SSR) is an all around amazing FA character providing some handy defense tools like 2 hit mirror image and 1 time dodge all, solid teamwide buffs, and strong CA and skill damage output. She’s best used for extended fights such as being great for Siegfried and likely to be very strong for NM200 and NM250 next UnF.

Low Priority Characters

Good characters that may be replacements for stronger characters or fill too niche a niche that you could work around for not having them.


Yodarha (Wind) finds a place in Spartan bursts due to his 1 turn on assassin on his skill 1 Trice Blade Consume 1 Triple Shroud (Wind) to gain Trice Blade (50%, Multiplier: Assassin, 1T).
(When at 100% charge bar: Also gain Double Strike (1T). Consumes 100% of charge bar.)
. While he overall isn’t the best option, he’s a great sub if you are missing the stronger characters or have a weaker grid that needs the extra output from another assassin.


Elea is a great CA character thanks to being able to deal an 8 hit CA nuke as well 100k supp to all wind allies. She needs to be in the third slot for this so don’t forget. This makes her all around a great option for both CA OTK setups and CA bursts in general. If you lack stronger CA characters for NM250, she is a potential option as well.

Mirin (SSR)

UPDATED 9/15/2024

Mirin (SSR) the other main suptixable option for Kengo mashing. The two big aspects to her kit is her Samurai Power stacks which raise on 4 chains and increase CA damage by 30% (90%) max, 20% CA by cap (60% max), and adds 100k (300k) CA supp for all wind allies. Her other major great feature is an 8 hit reactive skill damage nuke on enemy special attack that dispels. That also makes her a great option for OTK. Additionally on CA, she deals a 4 hit nuke which is great for OTK and for more damage from Kengo mashing.

Richard (SSR)

Richard (SSR) is a weird RNG buffer that will bet his Chips stacks every turn to try to gain more. As a result, his performance can heavily depend on how lucky you can be to raise his stacks high. But that said, he has very powerful buffs attached to his stacks. His Chips grants the team 10% MA, 10% bonus damage, and 5k supp per chip or 100% MA, 100% bonus damage, and 50k supp at max. Additionally at max, he grants the team 2 hit flurry as well. Thus his potential if very high, but his slow frequent skill uses and reliance on RNG hurt his overall potential.

Ultimate Friday

Ultimate Friday is a character who’s usage is pretty much limited to Fridays. For this UnF, most of Preludes happens to lie on Friday. As a result, she is a top tier option for either EX+ or NM90 thanks to her 14 hit reactive skill damage. Since she is only useful for one day, I can’t say I reccomend getting her, but for that day, she is amazing.


As always, summons are always a great option. The usual suspects of the echo summon Demonbream, the 6 Dragon Optimus sub aura summon Ewiyar or the Optimus main summon Zephyrus] are all great to pick up if needed.

What to Spark?

For this section, we’ll go over characters found in either Flash Gala or Legend Festival. This won’t go over any 3% banners because I do not trust them.

Narmaya (Grand)

If you can only afford to spark one character for wind UnF and somehow don’t have her already, the answer is Narmaya (Grand). She is the primary attacker in wind especially but not limited to burst setups. She forms the core of every burst setup in wind. Her pairing of a one turn assassin with a four turn 100% bonus damage is very hard to beat and wind doesn’t have anyone who comes close. She also provides 3% damage cap and 10% bonus damage to all ally crits. This makes a crit buffer like Niyon a great pair with her. In addition, she has GTA and passive 20% normal attack amp.

For FA, she is still one of the strongest choices available. While not as dominant at the higher nightmare levels, she will defenitely be used up to NM150 FA and potentially NM200 as well for stronger players.

As well she is great for OTK either for her GTA with amplified normals or her unworldly CA. Her bonus damage passive can be achieved with critical grids here, though once you start wanting looking into Kaguya setups this becomes harder to achieve.

Ewiyar (Grand)

Ewiyar (Grand) is an alternative buffer to Niyon who has a 100% uptime skill that charms the team but doesn’t stop them from attacking. This activates her passive that provides 30% perpetuity ATK, 100% DEF, 100/30 DATA, and 10% bonus damge to everyone but her on the team. In addition, her skill 3 The Emerald’s Windfall Gain The Emerald’s Windfall (Multiplier: Perpetuity).All other Wind allies gain Ewiyar (Grand)#The Emerald’s Windfall|a random buff.(Can’t be recast.) gives her the buffs her passive provides everyone else as well as granting a strong random buff each turn to the team. The only one that is guarenteed is on the 5th activation of the skill, you will get teamwide double strike.

Last UnF, her role was for NM200 skill mash setups and for FA. For this UnF, she will still be great for both.

Also, she comes with Piercing Galewing which is Wind’s version of the unconditional 50k supp and 7% cap up weapon. It is both a core weapon for Zephyrus and an excellent option for some Tiamat setups as well. So sparking her for two copies of her weapon is also a very good reason to get her.


Kaguya’s primary purpose on here is for her weapon Kaguya’s Folding Fan being Wind’s exalto weapon and a core weapon for Zephyrus because of that. While one of the weaker Exaltos, it is still great for Zeph especially for making Gales stronger by also being a dagger.

Kaguya herself is not a character who will see use outside for CA setups for NM250. If those exist, she will be one of the stronger choices. There are two main aspects to her kit I will mention but don’t take it as the only useful parts of her kit as there is a lot to it.

The first is her skill 2 Blessings of the Moonlight / Miracles of the Moonlight Blessings of the Moonlight:
All Wind allies gain DEF Up (50%, 5T), Debuff Res. Up (50%, 5T), and Refresh (10% of max HP Healing cap: 1000, 5T).
(Skill changes to Miracles of the Moonlight upon casting.)
Miracles of the Moonlight:
All Wind allies gain Miracles of the Moonlight.
(Can’t recast.)
. This skill can only be cast twice. But on the second cast it provides as incredible strong permanent buff to the team that provides 100% DEF, 100% debuff resistance, 1k refresh, and 20% reduced damage taken. While the cooldown on the skill is a long 12 turns, this is reduced whenever she CAs making it take a lot less than that.

Which leads into the second thing I want to cover. She has a strong permanent buff she can apply to another ally. Typically this go to MC. With it, whenever the targeted ally CAs, she will gain 20% charge and CA reactivation. This helps her ability to cycle CAs, increases damage output, and also speeds up her skill down further making it even quicker to get her skill 2 off cooldown.


UPDATED 9/16/2024: Zodiac cycles man…

It was pointed out to me that due to the zodiac rerun cycles, Catura probably won’t return before UnF.

Similar to Kaguya, Catura is a CA focused character who will be very strong for CA mash setups. Her skill 1 Cowlick Lift Caster and MC gain Charge Boost (100%).
Restore caster and MC’s HP (Healing cap: 12021 (This already takes the 20% healing specs boost into account)).
(From 2nd cast onward: Also remove all debuffs from caster and MC.
From 3rd cast onward: Caster and MC also gain C.A. Reactivation (1 time).)
provides herself and MC 100% charge and CA reactivation as well as removing all debuffs. She also provides a lot of strong CA buffs to her and MC as well as some to the team. Additionally, her skill 4 Blissful Mooment makes it easier for Catura and MC to cycle CAs. In general, she will likely be the strongest character for CA teams for NM250 if it winds up that way.

She is also excellent for any CA setups for OTK and NM90 due to being able to easily provide 4 CAs from her and MC and potentially 5 with a 200 bar class like Rising Force. The main drawback is all the CA lockout from that.

Lich (Halloween)

UPDATED 9/16/2024: I forgot the Halloween recap banner…

Lich (Halloween) is a skill damage specialist launching a 6-10 hit nuke with dispel every turn while her skill Cursed ‘n’ Spooky Gain Play Undead (5T). is up. The main drawback is that she can’t normal attack. She also packs some handy debuffs including earth attack down and wind defense down as well as delays. In past UnFs, she was a great unit for skill spam teams and especially FA teams and being such a strong dispel bot will make her very useful again. This holds doubly true if you happen to have Galleon (Summer) who delivers an extra dispel whenever Lich has a turn she doesn’t attack.

Just remember if you spark her, do it on the Halloween recap legfest and not the 3%.

Upcoming Changes

As for changes in the upcoming months, there won’t be too many major things to expect but still enough to have some ripples in setups.

New Characters


Like prior UnFs, a new Grand is always possible. Raphael is a very likely candidate as Wind still doesn’t have its primarch passive yet. Weapon wise, we really don’t know what to expect. Wind has its Resonator, Pact, and Exalto weapons already so what it could be is anyone’s guess. Fire’s last Grand was a mainhand focused weapon which is a leading guess, but that weapon could have be a one off.

In addition to a potential Grand release, Halloween is coming soon and a wind Halloween character is also a strong potential.

Exo Rerun

Exo Sagittarius Crucible is likely to get a rerun before UnF starts. If it does, they will probably introduce a new weapon. The prior weapon, Exo Australis was a let down especially compared to the weapons that came after it. So hopefully this time there will be something a lot better.

New Manaturas

On September 17th, there will be new Manaturas added for Manadiver. Since Manadiver is such a strong class, these could be very good. Especially if they are making one drop from Dark Rapture Zero.


On October 23rd, there will be rebalances for Grimnir and Randall (SSR). While I wouldn’t hold out hope for either, both have potential to be something decent.

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